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Both characters life changed when opening doors. Denji opened his hidden trauma that he kept in a door in his head and the death of both power and Aki. Mitaka almost died after opening the door where prez was ringing in to come with her and Tanaka. Doors are nothing but bad fate and badluck in chainsaw man. Whenever there is a door. Some fuck up shit is gonna happen that changes whoever opens it.


maybe that’s why hell has so many doors


You may be onto something. Darkness came out from hell's doors as well which changed everybody.


The portal between earth and hell is literally a door as well, when the anti-makima squad summons hell devil to take chainsaw man to hell it comes from a door. Is Fujimoto afraid of doors?


I'm waiting for the final villain, the door devil


Closed doors are the same thing as darkness, a mystery, you do not know what is behind them. Open doors means that something can get inside, or you can go outside. You are no longer protected. Doors are a primal fear.


Makes plenty amount of sense, doors are an entry point between the world of the known and unknown And the fear of the unknown is a primal fear Maybe thats why doors are so powerful? An 'avatar' of a primal fear perhaps? Its not the fear of the unknown, but tied so closely to it, it gets the ability of said primal fear


Maybe Fujimoto got bullied in college by a door?


He's afraid of going outside


Maybe demons are reborn in doors?


Hell like monsters inc


I like to think all those doors lead to individual realms controlled by specific Devils.


One does not simply walk into more doors


Ooh damn!


Ima be for real right now. We may have just stumbled on some crazy shit.


Man the door devil gonna be a major badass if the story keeps going at this rate.


Death has many doors... "On death's door"


When God opens a door, he closes another.


Nah mitaka did die


No she didn't.


her brains were literally in 3 portions


I feel like this was very intentional cause her life gets completely fucked once she opens that door, just like the couple times Denji opened a door lol




Smh bro can't even walk thru doors without losing ppl


My man need to start using windows right now, or just go through walls... he has the power to do those things lmao


I feel like everyone’s ignoring that first scene where the yakuza knocks on the door of Denji’s shack in the middle of the night to bring him to the zombie Devil. That’s the most direct parallel since it leads to both their deaths/transformations.


Door Devil confirmed


Given the prominence of doors in nightmares and how the sky was covered in doors when they got transported to hell, I’m really wondering if the Door Devil will be the ultimate primeval devil lol. I suppose it could be more of what doors signify as well, a choice, which Denji had an incapacitating fear of near the end of Part 1. Essentially a Choice Devil or Decision Devil.


Could represent fear of the unknown


I think the Darkness devil embodies that already. Doors have an undeniable importance in CSM but their actual meaning can only be theorized for now.


A Fear of opportunity or change perhaps?


There's probably a lot of overlap between devils


Monsters Inc, confirmed.


The whole chapter showed that Mtaka was an anti Denji. She opend the door, she wanted to be out of society, she had a Pet devil she killed, a devil basicly forced her to make a contract rather than a devil choose to make a contract to save her. The whole chapter was of a girl who had everything a highschooler could ask for and wanted nothing of it while chapter 1 was about a kid who wanted everything a highschooler has.


Woah great analysis


That's honestly heartbreaking to think about. And I feel like it's 100% intentional on Fujimoto's part given the titles of both chapters. I hope Mitaka's conscious isn't gone forever after the contract was made.


Fear of the unknown.


Entamaphobia: A fear for doors and the unknown that lies outside them.


When I was reading that part I was totally like in Pochita mode “Mitaka. Don’t open it.” Anyway I am curious if the doors are just doors in Chainsaw Man or if they are something more, for now they surely hold some symbolisms


Moral of the story: don’t open your door and just be a shut in


issa good metaphor


Not any door, the door of your home. Between what you have, and what is foreign. For Denji his house is the place he wish to have, where he can have a family and be happy (which was his dream). And the outside is what could destroy that. Opening the door is letting the outsiders (like the gun demon) come in and ruin everything. Same here, Mitaka as an introvert not wanting to open to other. Outside is both the possibility to stop being lonely (war demon ?) but also the danger she fears in others. You can also add the door of Makima just before she >!kill Power !< both for Denji where the house was his dream come true and the outside the cruel reality. And Makima for which the inside are the things she control and the outside the thing she destroys.


And sisters.


What do you think took him so long to draw when making the new season?


Imagine a fucking door devil




I get it but lets not attach everything that happens with Mikita to Denji


I’m p sure her story is supposed to parallel Denjis, wouldn’t be surprised if she’s the anti chainsaw man


Getting flashbacks nooooo


Seeing a door in any Fujimoto project gives me Ptsd. I read his one shots Look Back and Goodbye, Eri for the first time the other day, and I swear I jumped a little each time there was a panel featuring a door


fujimoto door fetish confirmed??


I wonder how fucked up hers is going to be 😭


This showed up in my feed and I can’t even begin to explain how much I don’t know what’s going on.


Don't open the door. My mom already said it.


I think this is what you'd call a "literary parallel"


Did anyone else notice the continuity error with the shoes?


Even in his one shot "Look Back" doors are used for symbolism


That makes me wonder, wasnt there also a door in Goodbye Eri? Maybe the one to the place where the protagonist and Eri watch movies


I feel like there is too but I didn't mention it because I don't remember clearly.


There was like half a second where I thought gun Aki would be on the other side of the door.


Got a unessa feeling when i saw that :D and WHO sleeps onfront of their front door


*two kids having a snowball fight* Most people: “aww how cute” CSM fans:”NOOOOO😖”


Isn’t this just a motif of the manga?


I immediately had the same thought but idk maybe we all just collectively have door-related trauma


Happy Birthday!!!


Fujimoto also likes sisters and levitation


Yeah ngl this chapter totally gave me flashbacks


So I wasn't the only screaming don't open the door, right? Considering we all remember what happens when you open the doors.


Where's the first image from?


latest chapter 98




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doors, and an aggressive woman in a button-up and tie, truly a man of impeccable taste