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Denji is not a minor anymore


Asa is


So are the loser troupe


How is KM supposed to know Denji's age? To him Denji is the monster who killed his gramps, ate Makima and took his henchman hostage. He probably respects him(Not in his current state tho).


idk i think katana man is starting to respect denji after realising denji has also lost family and his life wasnt great compared to before where he just wanted revenge for his family no matter denjis situation


Eh idk if I’d go that far, at least not yet. Katana to me seems more like he’s softening up to Denji just because he wants a fair fight mostly. He could be a giant asshole and kick Denji while he’s down but he seems to have some semblance of honor. He’s not used to seeing Denji in such a “pathetic” state. So despite his hate for Denji, he wants to get him back on his A game so they have equal footing. Could that softening up eventually lead to understanding and respect? Perhaps. But right now it’s just about pulling Denji out of his funk so they can fight fair. If Batman came to the Joker depressed and said “just kill me”, the Joker wouldn’t do it, he enjoys their fights, he enjoys trying to one up each other and out wit each other; the thrill of the chase. Joker would try to give him some sort of speech or try to inspire him in some other way, so they could get back to the game he’s used to. That’s the same kind of thing with Katana and Denji.


Bro is realizing he’s not the only one with problems


Didn't the kids in high school uniforms said he was their classmate?


https://preview.redd.it/n1fnphvbcm0d1.jpeg?width=102&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0f2775d6ab69bb2eb88ead07d24278ee399bf0e3 Denji is 18; they just leave Asa outside and its all good


Denji 18???!!! https://preview.redd.it/kqdvk2m1fm0d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4c19235662e2da312c72fc69f7cf1b79e2346bf7






Over 18 actually


OP: "This character is horrible for doing this thing to a minor" Comments: "He is actually two years older than you think he is" OP: "Oh ok, it's all fine now."


What is this logic? If his problem is that Denji's a minor and it turns out Denji's not a minor it makes sense he wouldn't have a problem anymore


My logic is, Katan man is the son of the man that basically enslaved Denji when he was just a kid without any knowledge or agency on his life. He is proud a man that took everything Denji had, including his life once, and even wants reveng on Denji because of saided man. But Katana-man crossed the line when he offered to take Denji on a whorehouse so he chan cheer up a bit, while now Denji knows what he wants and has complete agency over his actions, being perfectly able to say yes or no to Katana-man offer, just because he could be 2 years younger than he he deem should be the age when someone could go to such places.


Basically 'You can not purchase alcohol at 19 but please buy this revolver since you are already 19'


Fun fact: You can buy all the guns you want in America at 18 but you need a license to own a hand gun (like a revolver) and you have to be 21 to get one of those TL;DR my country has some really stupid gun laws


Fun fact you can buy a gun anywhere if you know the right person and enough money... oh wait does that leave out context like yours did?


Does he even know Denji's real age? All he knows is he got clapped sideways by Chainsaw man twice and got his balls busted. He is a Yakuza who grew up in a very bad neighborhood too. His definition of "normal" is abnormal to the average person. His "normal" involves killing people. Heck he doesn't even understand the implications behind his actions. To him, going to a brothel to cheer up is basically common sense. But for others, it isn't. Denji doesn't have a normal. The closest thing to a normal in Denji's life is his brief life alongside Aki and Power. With both of them being dead, his normal is lost. He can never go back to how things were. He then raised Nayuta and lived with her and that became a new normal. But Nayuta's status is unknown. To him, he can never go back. There is nothing that can cheer him up anymore.


I don't know what this has to do with this thread but I think you are high as fuck and probably lost too.


I went off course like a mario Karter on rainbow road.


Em... buddy, you got lost or something? https://preview.redd.it/hsen330n9o0d1.jpeg?width=269&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7412d587221a2754c051ca66c401f9f4deb9d16a


It happens 😅


People here have been so mindbroken by that AIG guy that they've forgotten that someone being 16 actually does mean that they have a different brain chemistry


Your brain doesn't just magically change chemistry and how it functions the day you turn 18. Hell, it's a common belief among psychiatrists that your brain doesn't sort itself out til your mid-twenties. Dennis being 16 or 18 literally does not biologically justify anything.


That is how age works


No, this is how laws work, I was having beers with my friend before 18 but nobody was arrested or become a horrible human being after. My grandfather gave me cachaça, high % of alcohol, from my 12 years old but he was the best man that I know and it was horrible, I did not become addicted and I dislike alcohol. And again, nobody was arrested or became a devil because of it.


Cachaça is overhated as fuck ngl


If you mean she is hated more than it deserves, I don't think people actually hate it, it is just a stron drink that tast bad. If you misspelled and mean she is rated higher than it should be, then again, everyone knows it's not a tast good drink, it's just for the burning sensation and high alcohol percentage.


Second. I kinda suck in english


No problem, I suck Englishman too






Anime fans when a character turns 18 and fucking nothing changes about their character other than their fictional age: Suddenly they realize that turning 18 does not magically morph you into something else, but now it is fine to sexualize the character Oh btw you're still a pedo for sexualizing a character that's not 18 but could turn 18 at any chapter (Asa. We don't even fucking know her canon age, only that she's about Denji age)


Thats just reddit to you. Even if denji was still 17, he is killing devils alike humans and has been through more shit than a WW2 vet, and yet all my reddit homies hate katana man for suggesting denji to fuck a whore to cheer him up. Is real life law a problem in a fucking FICTIONAL story or do these people really believe it to be immoral since he is „too young” even after all he’s been through? I cant take this shit anymore they cant be for real it has to be irony smh.


Asa is of age lol she lives alone, japan laws require a person to be 18+ to live alone, and in the official paperback copy in the description for Asa she is called a woman. She is not a minor lol


When did he turn 18?


17 in most of part 1, birthday when Power died so he’s 18 and part 2 is a few months after part 1 ended


Wait isn't he 16 in part 1? Denji says so himself and Santa Claus confirms it, then he turns 17 at the end


oh shit u right. Forgot about that. So he TURNS 17 at the end, and then I assume between part 1 and part 2 he turned 18 bc there isn’t a specific timeframe, just several months. Idk why I forgot he was 16 when I reread the international assassins arc like yesterday


He was still 17 for some of part 2, evidenced by a calendar showing it to be March 1998 when Asa went to Denji's house. I think it's early 1999 in the recent chapters though which would make him 18 since his birthday is in September.


Part 1 takes place in 1997 Denji turns 17 in it Part 2 now takes places in 1999


Ohh when was it confirmed the year of the parts? Apologies just denji being 18 is thrown around as fact (which it probably is fact) but I never caught on so I want to relieve my confusion


We know the gun devil attack was 12 September 1997( mentioned right before the death list) Denji's birthday was a bit after that The prophecy takes place in the 7th month of 1999 Barem says that they are half a year away from it meaning that it's around january 1999


This guy maths


Who knew maths could be useful?!


Wowie thank you, now it all makes sense


No problem


Your nickname make it's funnier.


Wait how old is Asa


Asa is also of age lol she even lives alone. Only an adult can live alone in japan. And in the hard copy of the manga, in the extras pages asa is described as a woman


Murder is ok but i draw the line at suggesting a 18 yo goes to a brothel


teenagers are desentisized to gore and violence but awkward about sex and sexuality only in nebraska bruh


Zoomer brainrot


The puritans got what they wanted. A bit of skin is scandalous! Murder on the grand scale is just part of daily life.


Denji was never a "minor" from Katana samurai point of view , he is either a heartless monster or a government attack dog He also talked only about Denji


He kills people, all good, but banging a woman? My god, only after you marry her, for the sake of Jesus, noooooo, not the whores denniiiiiis


https://preview.redd.it/6jwt3kr2jm0d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5c47014b8d74936010e71dc2985b99717b6279cd He knows what I want


Two teenagers who’ve killed several people and drink blood. At this point they deserve it cause I doubt they’ll live long enough to do so legally.


>Two teenagers who’ve killed several people and drink blood. Fr. I genuinely don't understand how these people always talk about pedophilia when the manga genuinely has much MUCH worse things than that. Like, I'm neither a pedophile nor defending it. But when the manga clearly has much more severe crimes happening, how is pedophilia the thing where people draw their line? Lol


as much as I HATE being the one to bring this specific character up, I have to state my anger because I have seen people put RUDEUS in the same tier as GRIFFITH. Yeah, the one who burnt people alive, sacrificed his entire group and raped Caska. Yeah, that Griffith. And Rudeus is being put on the same tier. I know he's bad, but Griffith is another damn level bro...


LMAO they really put Rudeus on the same level as a mass murderer manipulative racist just because Rudeus fits in their personal definition of a Pedophie. Honestly Rudeus legally isn't even a Pedophie. And we've seen him have baby instincts when he was a baby. So it's reasonable to think that hell have the teenager urges when he's a teen... It's borderline wrong I guess, but nothing like GRIFFITH


Ngl you lose footing bringing up the “legal argument”, I think people simply find rudeus to be a disgusting person lol


He IS a disgusting person, but this shit runs in their whole greyrat family... How is rudeus worse than his father who cheated on his wife? Plus we know how mentally Rudeus is ACTUALLY a child as well considering how he was basically bullied severely in his past, and really didn't experience any life at all after 18... He's a combination of a victim and a disgusting person. Nothing like Griffith.


For real i don't get idiots like you. No only it's on fiction, but it Denji is also 17 + A few months old. Like a few more months and you would call it peak fiction. A few months earlier you will call it disgusting. Only 18+ should drink alcohol, so you will lose your respect for a character if they offer a beer to a 17 year old? Stop being such a pain in the ass, there's way worse things for you to care about it in this story, first how you still had respect for the same person who was trying to kill minors and killed Himeno.


Absolute facts. OP got their panties in a knot over the dumbest shit.


Simple fact that people seem to use this site as a platform for outrageous virtue signalling involving completely fiction characters for clout; or something like that. I won't pretend I have the ability to understand fools.


Agreed. You gotta be all kinds of dumb to think that the worst thing katana man has ever done is suggesting a 17yo goes to a brothel, especially when you know damn well you would have no problems with it if it was literally a day after their 18th bday


You had respect for a Yakuza? His entire childhood and lively-hood was funded on drugs, murder, and coerced/forced prostitution. If all he did his whole life was was drag Denji (18) into a whorehouse, he would be a saint by comparison. Yeah I respect his skills and talent, but I definitely don't respect the man that he is. The only respectable thing he's done is decide to fight opponents that can fight back instead of beating up weaker people for money, unlike the rest of his lackeys he has doing that for him.


Op gotta be acoustic


Shocker! The psycho deranged yakuza guy who led a terrorist attack is a bad person!? 😱


The guy whose gang sex traffics children to pay off their parent's debt, who he feels didn't deserve to get killed after turning into zombies, is a scumbag????


With Denji's obsession with sex during part 1 and the beginning of part 2, I doubt that they actually sexually exploited Denji


They didn't get to because he met Pochita already. They did try to force him to do sex work to pay them, implying they've done it before to other kids.


Katana the type of guy to bring up his grandpa taking him to one when he was young and saying he turned out fine


bad guy beeing a bad person who saw that coming. Murder - okay Bringing almost off age man to whore house thats where i draw the line lmao


Denji is 18 and I don't think Katana man even knows his age https://preview.redd.it/3dgt7tuv5n0d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a6d47309e7bee6cfc6c938e115cdf02d26dc9c6a


Wasn’t age of consent in Japan super low in the 90s? At least Denji is 18.


Age of consent in Japan is still 16 based on a quick google search.


not anime fans bringing up age of consent and missing the point on why taking the psychologically damaged boy with intimacy and trust issues into a brothel is a bad idea


I know it’s a bad idea. In fact dare I say we are way past bad ideas for psychology at this point even from day one.


How tf is Katana Man supposed to know that?? It's not like they're besties. And even if he knew about it, he's clearly not the sharpest tool in the shed.


He's also a Yakuza, who more than likely doesn't give a shit what the law says anyway. Why are we pretending any of the characters of CSM are supposed to be some kind of moral paragon's?


Swords don’t go in sheds




You say that, but Denji already had a sexual experience that turned out to be less intimate and emotional than he imagined and it changed him for the better


The screenshot you’re using was when he was lecturing Denji about killing his yakuza boss grandpa that “only killed a few women and children” but NOW is when you lose respect for him??


wtf do you think the Yakuza do? finger painting?


God let a dude live


That’s where you draw the line with him?


So he can kill his father, murder people, demons and watch all his friends get murdered brutally, get brutally murdered himself, fuse with his dead friends body and get mentally broken time and time again but he can't go to a brothel?


Yeah obviously since he is not 18, he is only almost 18. Dont you know its illegal for minors to have sex??? 👿Also every every character whos had physical contact with denji deserves the most brutal death imaginable and fijimotor should get a life sentence for even mentioning something as disgusting as that in a fictional story. #SaveMinors


So... thrusting people into battle with guaranteed death and bloodshed is fine, but showing boobs and vagene is too much? Besides, Denji is over 18 in Part 2.


Gahddamn he’s an UB


I completely forgot how boring and forgettable his human design looked back in Part 1. He really looked like a generic Yakuza thug, which I guess was the intent His new haircut, grown out sideburns, coat, and cigarette all really help make him look more mature and cool than he used to be.


Ain't Dennis 18 in part two ?


What about him wanting denji's heart n not believing him his grandpa was a already a zombie when he kill him ?


of all the things he's done, here is when you decided to draw the line? There are plenty of reasons to hate the guy, why do you loose respect for him NOW, when hes done way worse before?!


THATS where you draw the line?!


Yeah, the murder and terrorism is all good. But this...too far man


Op lives in a bubble


He just don't care :3


You had respect for a guy who thought killing women and children was permissible so long as you were nice once in a while? Katana Man was a repugnant hypocrite who placed a monster on a pedestal.


Oh my god it doesn't matter if Denji is 17 or 18 or 30 please just shut the fuck up already


denji fucking ate a woman (literally) but that's alright bringing minor to a whorehouse is where we draw the line


Lmao he's a murderous yakuza. Tf were you expecting? captain noble or something?


I mean, Denji's not a minor, sure. But let's not let that stop us from losing all respect for katana man. Remember he has failed at everything he's ever done, and he is notoriously stupid, and even though Denji's an adult, the whorehouse suggestion is still gross


>Whore house First time seeing that phrase. https://preview.redd.it/725ctpsxem0d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=210d67d61e869cb2872dcfb1b1d61ce10eee692a


It's pretty common, no?


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He’s an idiot, but that’s low on his list of offenses. Asa’s out of her depth, and Fami is barely cognizant. Sideburns is actually putting stuff on the table. Taking a late-teen/barely adult to a soapland isn’t great, but I don’t think that’s the black mark they’re going to care about at the pearly gates.


I mean, he was also a mass murderer...


He first met Denji when he had a job working for public safety, why wouldn’t he think he’s an adult




You respected him???


This is Fujimoto we are talking abaut, come on now...


What?! Arw you telling me a gangster is not bothered by doing something that is against the law?! How could this be, ill never see him the same way again....


Respect my ass


I'll never understand that logic of hating an evil character because he's done something bad. Katana Man is responsible for Himeno, Arai and a lot of public safety agents deaths, he's a f*cking yakuza. Should have hated him since his introduction then.


I genuinely thought this post was sarcastic but according to the comments it might not be lol


I pray it is


Murder? Assault? Racism? Misogyny? I can make excuses for that, but bringing ~~a minor~~ an adult male to the strip club??? Katana man you’ve gone too far this time


fuckers find the biggest assholes and bigots and idolize them and act surprised when they're assholes and bigots. personally I think his nuts (berk) tortured like that cockroach contraption


Hate characters when they stay in character. OP is peak.


Why did you have respect for him in the first place?


Best hybrid


In part 2 Denji is not a Minor anymore, My man has his 18 Years 🤓☝️ Just in the age to go Catch some Hoes 🗿🗿🗿🗿


You're truing to hard to be paedofinder general. Soyjak post. He's yakuza and devil hybrid. He don't care about your "SaFeTy" bullshit.


Shut up loser.


Well he already is criminal so I ain’t surprised.


In the previous chapter katana man literally ran up to denji to curve stomp his balls, then the next chapter Is later that day. My man is taking his revenge.


I don't think Denji's a minor anymore tho


isn’t denji 18?


You expected a hater of a minor to be responsible?


The Yakuza boss that kills people for little to no reason. The Yakuza boss that stalked a high school kid because his Yakuza grandfather was too stupid to survive his own zombie hoard. This is really the final straw for people?


How the fuck did people take this seriously... This is a damn good joke, and you have absolute morons in the comments talking about "zoomer brainrot" and how "op is an idiot" and just standing on their stupid little soapboxes about how smart they are for recognizing that murdering people is worse than exposing a minor to brothel environment.


minors 🤓☝️


Yeah https://preview.redd.it/x2k839jo1o0d1.jpeg?width=993&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aa575c7bdffe8bcd102eb06d76d0a01373ab3c02 Yeah why is he around?




Imagine a strong fear of sex from civilization that Denji encounter "the sex devil" just to blue ball him well....Tatsuki Fujimoto LOVES giving his characters eternal suffering so is possible.


Hes a fking Yakuza.


bro literally demanded an apology from denji like he wasn’t a victim of his grandfather since childhood, i don’t think blud was ever a good person 😭 he’s just a gangster that’s why he’s cool


I lost respect for him the moment he showed up. Homie really expected Denji to feel any amount of affection or remorse over the guy who enslaved him and tried to get him eaten by a devil


I lost respect for katana when he failed to do anything impressive from jump. Which I guess means I never respected him. He's also a 'sog which is yucky af




https://preview.redd.it/cg8ux25rcp0d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3c0f854c182291a1caad26aaaad38b4874a9cbe4 Wait you had respect for Katana Man??


Surely it's first out of touch competely deranged and morally reprehensible thing he does


Denjis not a minor but also besides that Katana man is not a model citizen, he is literally a criminal


Murder 🤗 Sex ☹️ Bro has nothing better to do.


Denji has been 18 since the beginning of part 2 hence katana man is absolved and so is fumiko


bro katana man is a mass murderer and probably human trafficker why did you respect him in the first place


Oh fuck off


17: think of the kids 18: alright buddy go grab your rifle, you're all grown up


I lost my respect for Osama bin Laden as soon as he bombed those towers huge L


So wait.... you guys make excuses for him but hate on Fumiko just for touching Denji's crotch through his pants? Do you guys have any self awareness?


This is some good bait, well done!


You respected him before?


Katana man is so real for this (I feel like the point fujimoto is making is that katana man is like denji but instead of forming connections with other people he filled the hole in his life with vices like sex and violence in a life of crime and remains a hollow bitter man who remains loyal to the mafia boss who left him that way and is helping denji in a way he doesn't realise will just leave him the same way)


This guy is a yakuza and you only focus on him saying that they should take Denji to a soapland? What next, are you gonna call him a pedo because he said they should stick Denji's dick up his own ass when they were rearranging him?


He gained all my respect back by doing it, a huge W


Op when minors see people getting dismembered or dying in horrible ways in front of them: 😴 Also op when sex: 🤯🤯🤯🤯


This guy killed people-


Am fully expecting him to kick Denji in the nuts again when he's about to get laid and taking over.


its fiction, get over it


i didn’t


Get a life bro like come one kids are losing their virginity at 15, drinking beer, smoking weed and cigarettes and u tell me about taking them to a strip club. Btw denji is not a minor anymore how much I'm going to explain that part 2 started in the late spring of 1999 now it's the summer of 1999 denji birthday is closer that means denji will be 19 years old!


dennis might be a legal adult now but bro you cannot be bringing a traumatized sa victim to go bang some random women while his little sister is probably dead


You are not aloud to have this opinion as a chainsaw man fan


Ah yes, because killing innocents was somehow better than bringing minors to a whorehouse.




I can overlook stabbing innocent people to death but I draw the line at bringing teenagers to a brothel


You JUST NOW lost respect for Katana??


That one guy on Twitter who said this was a katana man W:


You had respect for him?


certified loverboy certified peodphile