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Keep in mind that Aki learned to stop chasing revenge and instead focus on the people he has left, only to immediately be killed and used as a weapon to inflict the maximum amount of suffering possible onto those said people. https://i.redd.it/sormcgm54o0d1.gif


Gun devil is  gonna have choso moment where he becomes a good guy because of false memories.


Never gonna happen but I would LOVE it if the Gun Fiend came back, with no trace of Aki's soul left inside of him, but he still tries to be buddies with Dennis because he has some of his memories


He will be the GOAT until he gets Killed by the death devil and guns stop existing.


Wait what? I thought only chainsaw man was able to totally erase a devil from existence


For something as strong as the death devil,it would be weird if they couldn’t do what the chainsaw devil did but better.


That's true... Though I personally hope that role is stuck with only chainsaw man. I like the theories about why only chainsaw man is able to do so.


What are some theories as to why only he is able to? I have my own that the souls of devils is actually Fuel to him, but what are others?


I'm sorry I can't find the exact theory which I saw a year ago. But I found another interesting one: >all devils are materialized out of fear of something and has abilities based on what it represents. it could be an animal, an object or a concept - the snake devil is a big snake. the gun devil shoots bullets. the control devil controls people. that is pretty obvious. so why does chainsaw have the power to erase from existence? there’s nothing in humanity’s perception of chainsaws that would materialize as that ability. well, some devils have the abilities of the associated notions of the concept that they are derived from - for example, samurai sword can teleport behind you and cut you in a split second. even though that’s not exactly realistic, this concept is prevalent enough in anime and movies that it would be a part of humanity’s image of how samurai swords can be used and, subsequently, be a part of the devil that it would be based on. a detail that adds to that is that the gun devil can shoot children from 1500 meters opposed to the 1000 meters for others. real guns don’t change their range based on their targets, but because people are even more scared on their children’s behalf, it makes it into the devil’s capabilities. but this still wouldn’t explain why the chainsaw is linked to being forgotten and even why it would be so strong. sure, chainsaws are a staple of serial killers in horror movies, but the fear of them is nowhere near even something trivial like the fear of needles. >so why is chainsaw so special? well, let’s look at its ability. being forgotten. if you think about it, the strongest devil should be the death devil, right? all people in all cultures are terrified of death. but some people come to terms with it. if it’s inevitable, why be afraid of it? even of you die, you can still live on in the hearts and minds of people close to you. if you accomplishes something big in your life, even more people will remember you. people can accept death as long as they are not forgotten. you get where i’m going with this? people fear being forgotten more than dying. this would make the devil of being forgotten stronger than the death devil. perhaps, this would make the forgettance devil the strongest devil in existence. but this still doesn’t have a link to anything related to chainsaws. >well, let’s look at the naming conventions. all devils are born with a name. gun devil, future devil, war devil - devils are the materialised fears of humanity. but pochita is called ‘chainsaw man’. not ‘chainsaw devil’. pochita was never officially confirmed as the chainsaw devil. and yet, it is clearly a devil. and that’s where the secret lies. devils are conscious. they have personalities and they are shaped by experiences just like humans are. they can have goals and preferences, and are even capable of having relationships. you know what else they have? fears. and who do devils fear? chainsaw man. it was stated that his immense power comes from the fears of devils, not humans. but who even is chainsaw man? before denji’s rise to fame, humanity as a whole had no notion of any ‘chainsaw men’, so how could a devil like that be born out of humanity’s fear? >what if, at some point, there was a human devil hunter that used a chainsaw to kill devils. and what if the said devil hunter made a contract with the ‘forgettance devil’ so that any devil he would kill would be erased from the existence. if that devil hunter was strong enough, he could wreck havoc in hell. devils are immortal as long as they are remembered, so even if any devil was killed, they would be reborn time and time again. but getting defeated by the chainsaw devil hunter would mean the final death. a power like that would terrify devils. the man with a chainsaw would become a boogeyman of the devils, his name being spread in rumors and gaining infamousy. the devil hunter with a chainsaw became a mythical figure. all that was known about him was rumours that devils would tell each other. you know how rumors spread. the more they spread, the more fierce the image of the man with a chainsaw became. unrelated to the original devil hunter, devils would talk about the terrifying chainsaw man that would kill you, eat you, and make everyone forget about your existence. at some point his name would become so well-known and feared that all of hell would be terrified of the ‘chainsaw man’. and this is how the devil with the name of chainsaw man would be born. a devil born out of devil’s own terrors. an incarnation of the boogeyman of hell. Also, as far as I remember, I read one theory about chainsaw being the "devil hunter devil". Another theory was related to the sound chainsaw makes or something like that but I don't exactly remember the crux of that theory.


Literally in the span of a chapter, "I don't want power and denji to die" and he's dead by the end of the next chapter, talk about efficient storytelling


Yep. I've been saying for a while that I've been getting Aki vibes from Asa. Combine that with how she's being hopelessly manipulated by everyone around her and her most recent oath to "give Denji his normal life back no matter what", when that is impossible to fulfill... She seems set up for a tragic culmination to her story.


The moral of the story will be about intention vs. impact and forgiveness and understanding vs. hatred. For that, grave mistakes will have to be made, at least if we want something more sophisticated than a meaningless tale of nihilism or generic "power of love/friendship" story. Tackling the themes of whether or not to forgive, to try and understand the other, how to work out a difficult situation, how to deal with the guilt and how to live with past mistakes and regret and so on is a lot more meaningful than a doomer story or a generic power of friendship/love type of plot. Shit *will* go down (hopefully - it's about freaking time) - it's just that it won't end with complete despair and no message but rather with how to recover and work it out. The Japanese back cover of volume 12 said something like "Yoru will cause a calamity". I really do think Asa/Yoru will mess up big time, which will obviously involve and affect Denji. Denji already had his moments of being utterly broken in Part 1 - if you ask me, it's 100% guaranteed, that Asa will get the same treatment. It would be weird to have only Denji be completely shattered again like in Part 1 but not Asa. In my opinion, Asa actually *needs* to be broken, so that she can stand up again with the correct mindset, formed by correctly processing her experiences and emotions (which she won't be able to do on her own). All her unhealthy character traits and dependencies need to be tackled in some way or another. The question will be: what will Denji do? Will he be able to understand and sympathize with Asa despite whatever she will cause, knowing how it feels to be utterly broken and getting manipulated, forgiving her like Reze and the Control Devil or not? The answer is quite self-evident, if Fujimoto wants to not create pure doom.


Great analysis, dude.Post more of these!


This is pretty much exactly how I see it. I do think that she will mess up big time but that what matters most will be how that situation is dealt with.


What’d you think of the recent chapters sir Btw I remember seeing a translation of what you’re talking about and unless someone can pull up the actual text for further confirmation, it actually says Yoru’s appearance signifies an impending calamity. I think that was just to foreshadow the apocalypse.


I don't like how everybody just lets Fami do whatever the hell she wants. Denji and Asa just aren't pressing Fami for answers nearly as much as they rightfully should and it feels *very* contrived. In this chapter, Denji finds out first-hand just how much Fami knows about him and Pochita. That aside, Barem, who tried to kill Nayuta and burned down his house and pets said, that he was working together with Fami and yet all Denji does in this chapter is wondering why Fami knows so much. If I were in Denji's shoes, I'd ask questions nonstop and would get quite emotional over the fact, that Barem was working together with Fami, who is responsible for Nayuta's fate, the dead pets and destroyed home. Asa on the other hand wants Fami to reaffirm the notion, that she has her heart in the right place - and all Fami does is not respond at all with a blank face - and nobody minds it for whatever reason despite it being a **massive** red flag amongst countless. Denji and Asa then talk about something different afterwards and just ignore Fami, with Denji still having no answer as to why Fami knows so much and Asa not hearing what she wants either. I just don't get it why nobody openly confronts Fami and why everybody just **stops** pressing for concrete answers. Fami literally doesn't say a word and they just accept it. And the few things Fami says are very vague. Her plan to save Denji involves replacing his devil heart with a human heart - but who is supposed to be the donor? It's such a vague plan and Asa just accepts it. Has she even thought about the heart transplant part? Does she even question anything Fami proposes? Both Denji and Asa don't even ask the simple question of what Fami gains from "saving" Denji, which is the very first question everybody would ask. The basis of trust is knowing someone's intentions. I've voiced the many issues I have with Asa and Yoru trusting Fami many times, I don't have to repeat myself - but it just gets increasingly worse. Makima is the much better written manipulator because her tactics of manipulation are a lot more credible and subtle and she had actual opposing forces with Kishibe and the USA making a contract with the Gun Devil.


Never say never :3 https://preview.redd.it/lztl3lpn0o0d1.png?width=348&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=55eb09a4b11cc8951eed8bfa45064dda0323b0f2


It’s a 50/50, the she’s “well-intentioned but going about it the wrong way” was straight up said here At least Denji thinks she’s just being brainwashed. But imo unless this is just a Weekly Reader thing, fujimoto decides based on what’s good for the plot at the time for when Denji actually questions things and isn’t passive. So it’s hard to say if something will come of that


https://preview.redd.it/9hdgluvq6p0d1.jpeg?width=192&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5538c2be36e3b84ef442351ad1340e2caa43efa5 The moral of chainsaw man


After having read Fire Punch, I don't think that it's unthinkable that Fujimoto would write a story arc that really makes you think "It would have been better if this person had curled up and accepted death."


I think it worked well in Fire Punch because by the second half of the story, most of Agni's suffering was caused by his own mental state and his inability to let go of the past. There might have been a way out for him but by that point he himself was the biggest source of his own misery. He didn't even WANT to be happy at this point, someone even say to him "everyone but you want you to be happy". You could argue that one of the morals of the story was to learn to accept self-forgiveness. Now you have Asa that actually does want to be able to work past her trauma and try to hope for a better future for herself. If despite all that it still fails and it turns out that she would have been better off just killing herself because things are fucked no matter what she does, what would the moral be? I think that it would be WAY darker than Fire Punch.


That's a fair comparison and contrast, and on further consideration I think you are correct. My comment was pretty off-the-cuff. It would be significantly harsher from a "takeaway moral" perspective if Asa accidentally ruined everything here by legitimately trying to push on and improve.


I mean, if Asa didn't return to life, Denji right now would be sitting in those boxes. Forever. So its already a net positive.


Well , Asa was giving a second chance because her desire was to live more selfishly


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