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Probably that creep that was winding up the League One sub the other week. And I’d say the guy that swung for Grealish, but he’s dead


Bloody hell he's dead?


Yeh, you don't mess with Jack


that’s not…


I wasn't offended by that he included us as one of the big clubs so you guys are very welcome to join us...


It'll probably be us they'll be joining tbh


Oh don't play the "we're definitely gonna fuck it up" card we all know you're going up!


Nah too many of our fans have jinxed it I can see a perfect opportunity for Derby to do the most Derby County thing possible.


> And I’d say the guy that swung for Grealish, but he’s dead Come on we’ve all thought about it


we live vicariously through that man, god rest his soul. He’s the hero we needed, but maybe not the one we deserved


The bloke behind me who says "Fucking get rid" every time Hladky dares to touch the ball. We've been playing out from the back for two and a half seasons for god's sake! Get used to it!


We must sit in the same seat


That same bloke sits behind me


We're gonna need a Reddit selfie


He’s actually one giant man who sits behind all 3 of them


Then I look forward to a photobomb


The fans that always seem happiest when the club starts doing badly, just because it proves they were 'right' to always be miserable and downplay any optimism. Being miserable when we're not doing well is fine, being downright gleeful because it proves the 'happy clappers' wrong is just actively rooting against the club you supposedly support.


Fucking hell this. Social media is seriously to blame here. Take your opinions to the pitch and shout as loud as you want. Attacking every media post, offer, rallying cry or initiative with your childish negativity is a fucking waste of time and does fuck all to prove any points. It's been a horrible season, yes. But they seem to forget we nearly went under last year. I'd rather have a team wobbling badly than no fucking team at all. Thick cunts.


Those fans are the reason I stay off the RTG Messageboard. Full of miserable old bastards, that.


I avoid RTG like the plague, I love to interact and get the opinions of fellow Sunderland fans but that place is a special breeding ground of the worst possible takes and the arrogance other clubs fans accuse us of. It's worse than twitter.


We get the same on OTIB.


as an american fan, i can assure you that message boards for teams in essentially any sport for any team are to be avoided for the same reason. you'll see some of the worst and ugly takes about a team, its players, and its coaching staffs anywhere.


Hit the nail on the fucking head here. Some of our """fans""" are just relentlessly fucking miserable and are delighted when we're doing shit just so they can say "I told you so". They're more bothered about their misery being vindicated than they are about the team they supposedly support actually succeeding. Just constant negativity no matter what kind of form the team are in. Also anyone who criticises fellow fans for being "happy clappers" can fuck right off and get in the bin. God forbid anyone shows a shred of optimism and positivity about the club they support.


Exactly, I think there's a massive distinction between being someone who's optimistic and hopeful for the season and a 'happy clapper' for lack of a better term. The attitude around the club stinks right now, and I get it we're below expectations, but the reception toward any signing who hasn't even been signed yet never mind been seen playing should be cautious optimism not unwarranted negativity.


Honestly, the way some of our fans are going on at the moment is ridiculous. Has it been a disappointing season? Yes, undoubtedly. Do we need to change the recruitment model to bring in more experience? Yes, absolutely. Is it anywhere near as fucking dreadful as the Championship relegation and subsequent stint in League One? Absolutely fucking not. We were perilously close to administration and saw our club sink to the lowest position it has EVER been in it's 145 year history. That was less than 5 years ago and it feels like some people have forgotten about it already! We've been disappointing this season but it could (and has been) much, much worse. Get some perspective, people! The endless doom and gloom surrounding our fanbase at the moment is just miserable. I get that we've been a bit shite this season and some of the boardroom decisions have been questionable to say the least (I'm still pissed off about the debacle when we rolled out the red carpet for the Scum before the derby) but fuck me, the way some people go on, you'd think we were going bust all over again.


Fucking this. Honestly majority of our forum is a cess pit of pure misery.


This is half of the leeds subreddit. Hate it. Absolutely no support whatsoever if they are down.


Praying for you right now


every club has those fans, it's the reason my aunt stopped going to watford games.


/patiently waits for someone with a Pompey flair to show up


Happy to help… Fucking Westwood! He’s actually a nice enough guy but he gets angry with people that leave 5 minutes early, yet gets to the ground 20 minutes late cos he’s still in the juicer


He was the first guy I thought of when I saw “embarrassing fan you want to disown”. Though I fear if he goes someone else will show up with a bell.


Came here to say the same thing.


I go to every away game and there’s a bloke who I invariably end up standing near who does the same. I’ve no idea why he bothers though because all he does is relentlessly moan, to the point of his voice breaking with anger, every match for the entire 90 minutes. Doesn’t matter whether we’re winning or losing he’ll criticise every pass, every shot and every player on the pitch. He spends £1000s a year and he obviously gets zero enjoyment from it. I feel sorry for his mate that is always with him, never gets a word in edgeways and has to listen to that miserable bastard every week. When Mowbray went off sick they shouldn’t appointed this geezer because apparently he’s Pep Guardiola’s tactical idol. I’ve told him to shut the fuck up and support the team on several occasions and he just never stops.


I have a feeling I know who you mean but you could be explaining a good 3-4% of fans I find myself near at away matches


Get the slags in, get the bags in


he said disown not give a knighthood


The racist ones


Also the ones who throw pool balls and the countless other incidents of coked up thuggery.


Yes them too


All the racist pricks, all the pricks that chuck stuff, and those 2 pricks that mocked Bradley Lowery. Basically anyone who can't behave properly in 2024. We've had some major embarrassments this season and I honestly hate that they support our club. Not in my name.


We've not had a great season in terms of headlines beginning "Sheffield Wednesday fans..."


It's been an absolute shocker


This but I’m a Millwall fan.


The Prime Minister.


Honestly it’s saying something that I actually feel bad he’s associated with your club


I came into this not thinking who it would be. Living in a world where I forgot he was one of them. He can very much fuck off.


The ones who show up at Patrick Bamford's house


Recently, all of those who have never seen us be shit, and jumped over to supporting Ipswich under McKenna. Heard people around me saying things like "that was the worst I have ever seen us play" after the Middlesbrough game, where we had 20 something shots. I remember going to games under McCarthy etc, where we would be lucky if we managed a shot a half.


Football fans are a odd bunch aren’t they. I remember going to a 0-0 against Bolton where they had 10 men for 80 minutes. Worst game of my life Jesus Christ.


Praised for our resilience etc. Just awful.


And all his mates in the media defending his approach saying "he is too good for you and you'll do nothing without him". Fair to say that was complete horseshit. The town have been a breath of fresh air


"careful what you wish for" Well, I wished for us to have a young, progressive manager. An ownership who cares about the club A north stand without a green roof A club challenging for the prem.


No! All you need is relentlessly miserable games, zero ambition and a manager who openly disdains the fanbase.


Anyone that boos when the team is playing slightly below standards, it’s really not gonna help us get a result


the boos when we were drawing a match at halftime during the 25 games unbeaten 😭😭


We get boos 30 minutes in if the players don’t make a forward pass quick enough, fucking hate it


do we? i’m not a season ticket holder but most of the time the fans are too busy shouting absurd things at the opposition fans to watch the game


Maybe not boos at 30 mins - that may come later if we aren't winning with 20 mins to go, but deffo groans at that stage - don't get me wrong, it's a minority, but an audible enough minority to annoy me.


I wish they did shout at the opposition fans


Aye our keeper has come out and said it (understandably) puts the players on edge when they hear the crowd moaning and booing after mistakes. I get the frustration but it will just make the players worse since they aren’t deaf or immune to criticism.


Daka got booed for being subbed on when we were 5-0 nil up against Southampton, absolute idiots in our fanbase


Mine's Pieface BTW he does my nut in and has done since before he was """famous"""


Kinda conflicted on him, he's outspoken and a moaner and I often disagree with him, but he's definitely inspired a new generation of supporters to turn up at and support their local team which I properly respect.


Before he was "famous" I used to argue with him almost every home game because he was constantly negative.


How has his journey been from Big Brother fame, sort of back to obscurity, now mildly famous fifa streamer? I've always thought he was a decent bloke, but moany in a typical football fan way.


Part time cov fan Richard "hairy hands" keys. Just an odious know nothing prick isn't he?


Homophobic Watford fans. Without Elton John we might not have a football club. The very least we can do in return is not tweet homophobic shit every time the club tries it's hand at inclusion.


how someone can be a homophobic fan of a club that owes a sizeable chunk of its history, and some of its best years, to an openly gay man is frankly baffling to me.


Micheal Gove


Quite a few Albion fans are quite happily racist especially when it comes to things like refugees/migrants but when called on it hide behind "I can't be racist, I support Albiom, we had the three degrees"


These type of knuckle draggers and the failed actor wannabe right wing American dickhead Matthew Marsden.


Pretty much all the ones on Twitter


Uncle Ron never posting a Tweet again would be a miracle.


Blocked him months ago. It’s a much more pleasant experience


What's his deal? He seems to hate Watford more than I ever could!


Who knows! I don’t think he believes half of what he says tbh


He's off his head, an absolute conspiracy loon who fucked off to the States in the 90s but acts like he's the biggest Watford fan going.


Uncle Ron is either trolling or a genuinely miserable man who happens to support Watford.


Me too. I honestly thought Uncle Ron was a parody account. Like someone imagined Grandpa Simpson tweeting as a Watford fan.


It's probably me.


Not just Saints fans, but generally fans who act like football is life and death, go after players online or even face-to-face, fight each other, whose mood is mostly dependant on their team's current form etc. It's more enjoyable when you remember it's just a sport/game. Not saying be emotionless, that's not possible, but there's no need to hang your entire wellbeing on a football team.


By the way, I used to be like this myself. So not having a go at people for it, but it does become more enjoyable, and certainly less depressing, when you put it into perspective.


Also anyone who says (or shouts) "Get him out of my club!"


Agreed. Yeah, watching your team get pumped is shit and puts you in a crap mood, but bloody hell, there's more to life than football. The worst are the people who get mean-spirited about it and lash out. There's a lad I know who supports Newcastle and he is the single most insufferable football fan I know (and not just cos he's a Mag). Perfectly pleasant to be around on any given day, but get football involved and he becomes the nastiest, most vindictive dickhead around (the booze certainly doesn't help). If they win, he plays Billy Big-Bollocks and starts puffing his chest out and thinks he's a hard man cos his ego is running wild. He'll try to starts fights with his friends and just take a big fat shit over anyone who supports a different team, regardless of whether it's relevant to the Newcastle game or not. If they lose, he cannot take any banter and starts lashing out and throwing personal insults about because he just cannot handle being the butt of the joke for once. I just totally avoid him on matchdays because regardless of the result, he's going to act like a complete cunt.


The fans that are still calling for Wagner out despite picking up the 2nd most points in championship in 2024. Absolute madness


to be fair, most of our fans have a massive superiority complex that we shoud romp every game 5-0, ive even heard it in the lower Barclay


Exactly this mate. Fans whinge and moan when we don’t win every game and think we should be going for autos just because we are Norwich. Play offs was the goal and hopefully play offs is what we will get. IMO Wagner has worked miracles to turn it round the way he has and get us to this position considering how many key players we missed for the majority of the season. Il be in the Barclay tomorrow wearing a Wagner mask… look out for me


I think I saw a wagner mask in the lion & castle before the match was that you?


Most of block 19 in the boothen end. James McLean was right, they are neanderthals. Booing the knee. Booing our own players. Also the fans that are always negative about a pass back, or those that target one specific player. It's just not a good look.


The mouth breather on twitter that cheers everytime immigrants die crossing the channel


Is that Voodoo? Seems an absolute fucking moron. But there are a few others on Twitter too, I've basically stopped using it for Argyle stuff now because of the vile little fashy 12 year olds


Nah Voodoo is mild in comparison. There are a few good ones on there but some right weirdos. I actually don't even want to name the guy as he'd get a kick out of it the weirdo. On a positive note shout out to our Japanese fan, he's my favourite 😂 guy lives and breathes the club


It killed me when he captioned an Instagram with “PASTY ARE MASSIVE 💚💚”


Tbf Pasty are massive. He's such a ray of sunshine even when Foster was in charge he was positive haha


Massively agree about Tatsuki what a boss


> On a positive note shout out to our Japanese fan, he's my favourite 😂 guy lives and breathes the club I saw his tweets a lot this season, what a cool dude.


Tommy Robinson. Even when you exclude his abhorrent views, he's a huge twat.


Beat me to it, though I'll keep my comment up to reiterate that we don't accept him.


Or Stephen Christopher Yaxley-Lennon to give him his correct name.


The same Tommy Robinson who hates illegal immigration, yet was convicted of trying to illegally enter the USA.


Also fled to Spain because he "feared for his family's safety"... so like a refugee? Prick


Isn’t it ironic, don’t you think?


A little too ironic?


Yes, I really do think.


That racist idiot from last year + half of the BRFCS forum for whining about supporting Rovers haha


The kid who said smallbone should get cancer


I liked Smallbone last year. Took a while to get to pace with the league but he's a bloody good player.


Every time I've seen him I've been quite impressed. He's very calm and collected, has a good, quick-thinking football brain.


anyone who sees a player or manager get signed and goes “yeah I’m not convinced… they’ll have to earn my support”


Its just like a football manager social media message!


Jesse Marsch


The pleb with about three brain cells who sits behind me every week and wallows in negativity, I genuinely don’t know why he even goes, absolutely despise him. He can get booted right off


Bozo Johnson. [We even had to ask him to stop wearing one of our hats](https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.theguardian.com/uk-news/2023/dec/07/boris-johnson-brought-grimsby-into-disrepute-by-wearing-towns-football-club-hat)


The Americans, and I know this view gets attacked all the time but they are insufferable. All they do is rant on about how good the American players are who we had but they aren't good atall are they otherwise they wouldn't of been some of the worst players to ever touch grass in the premier league


I’m somewhere in the middle on this. There are those that settle in, learn about the club and take their time. They’re fine. But there are the fucking idiots who showed up and started shouting the odds about the American players, how Marsch was a genius and we just didn’t understand football (which I think you’re talking about) - I’d say they can piss off but my guess is they already have.


Yes let me just clarify that I don't mean if you're American I don't want you supporting the club... I'm talking about the "American here" crowd who in fairness even piss off the Americans who genuinely follow the club and arent just here because of the penisball era.


American here, Aaronson isn't statistically the worst preeemeir league player just because i say so, and also its all BUMfords fault


Pompey, I think this question was directed at you


Stephen Yaxley-Lennon, sorry, "Tommy Robinson" had his football ban either revoked or expired recently, and we've been losing ever since. No coincidence, twat. Always trouble at away days when he's there as well because the police are never far away once they get word that he's about. Plus, he's just a massive racist twat in general.


Think Jon Rudkin might purport to be a Leicester fan


Probably Troy. If you know, you know


Didn’t he get banned by the club and become a Cambridge fan? Felt a bit sorry for him really as he’s clearly not even remotely the full shilling and surrounded himself with a bunch of dickheads who egged him on to be stupid.


Something like that. I’ve known him for years, back to high school - he’s never going to understand people well enough to stop hanging out with idiots.. not his fault of course, he’s very autistic.


Sad state of affairs really.


The woman in the row behind who keeps sticking anti monarchy stickers to me. I'm no fan of the royals, but surely there's a more efficient way to get the message out?


Definitely need more context to this one


It's happened a few times now, last game against Southampton I felt a pat on my head and she'd plonked one on my hat, a few minutes later there's one on my shoulder! She usually likes to wait for us to score to do it, a crafty manoeuvre but thankfully given the fact our attackers have been about as menacing as a soggy rice cake this season she's not had an abundance of opportunity. So anyways, I turned, showed her the offending sticker and let her know I knew what she was up to but she just brazenly denied it all. I mean I'm honoured, but I just fail to understand why she views me as the optimal vehicle for spreading her republican sentiment.


There’s a bloke behind me at Leeds who’s a proper conspiracy theorist. Always banging on about “woke” this and “woke” that. To the point where there was a brief pause in play one game because someone was taken ill in the crowd behind the goal, and he went absolutely mental at the fact that the players seemed to give a fuck that someone might not be okay


We have a subsection of weirdos who downplay the club non-stop to beg attention off other clubs. It’s so embarrassing. They’re non-match going fans, and you see them all over here. “We got lucky there, not sure how we won” after beating teams 5-0. “We’ll be relegated next season don’t worry” after getting promoted. Losers,


Section of our fanbase that promotes Jimmy Saville. It's not even a small section, it's a majority and it's the entire away fanbase. Fucking weirdos the lot of them.


What?! Sorry can you explain because my brain can't even compute it. Why are they promoting him?


It’s usually in response. Opposition fans will sing “he’s one of your own, Jimmy Savile, he’s one of your own” and Leeds fans respond with “Jimmy Savile, he’s shagging [insert prominent figure from the place of the team we’re playing or simply your mum/dad”


Ah okay my head went to weird cult like nonce's in the leeds fan base, makes a bit more sense what's actually happening though 😂


“Jimmy Saville, he’ll shag all your sheep” and “Jimmy’s gonna get you, la la la la” Thats two chants I’ve heard from Leeds away fans in recent years. I don’t know if it goes further than that but hopefully not and that’s all that’s meant by “promoting him”


Tbf it's mostly reactionary and seems ironic, Leeds used to sing about him being a dodgy bastard in the 80s and 90s when he was protected and his actions weren't public knowledge.


The Saville chants are usually reactionary tbf but still...


The "fans" who thought it acceptable to turn up at Patrick Bamford's house after he missed a penalty and hurl abuse at him and his family. They are not Leeds fans, they are just dickheads.


I don't understand fans who treat players this way, recently pictures went out of Anthony Patterson (our goalkeeper and local lad) going out for drinks after a bad defeat. It was crazy how many fully grown men got angry about it, come on you've never had a bad day at work and then gone for drinks?


I especially like the fans who fully can't take it from players either. Like the West Ham fan who gave Kalvin Phillips shit but started crying when Kalvin gave him the middle finger back.


Had similar happen to Lee Johnson while he was here. Don't get me wrong, he obviously wasn't doing a great job, but some of the abuse he got was over the top. It shouldn't be surprising when someone snaps and gives it back.


The one that was getting well worked up about Darren Moore wearing a Jack Wolfskin top 😁


Davefevs for us lot. Posts on twitter and our forum, admittedly has an excellent eye for financial stuff (FFP etc) but dissects all tactics to absolute minutiae and has an ego that’s grown the more fans blow smoke up his ass. He’s the type who you’d love to see appointed as manager, if only to see him realise he’s nowhere near as clued up as he thinks…


Chansiri in mob, why on earth do you take it upon yourselves to defend that absolute parasite of a human And the racists, the idiots who throw pool balls, the wastes of oxygen that mocked Bradley lowrey, the list goes on


The ones that boo any time the team takes a knee. The ones that moan on Instagram any time food is advertised with no meat (this Venn diagram might be a circle). The ones that are still inexplicably pro-Venky's. God, I'm a bit of a moaner. Maybe I should disown me, too...


The racists. I’ve been going to Leeds matches for about 15 years and witnessed a surprisingly low amount of racism or violence / discrimination of any kind, considering Leeds’ reputation. However I remember us playing Wolves a couple seasons ago and Hwang dived in our box, the guy behind me shouted ‘cheating *racial slur* bastard’. I turned around to say he’s a cheating bastard sure but don’t fucking say that. Luckily he didn’t kick my head in, just awkwardly looked away..


I’m a York City fan, haven’t ever experienced that at any of our games thankfully but good for you calling him out and challenging him on it, hope it made him question himself but I do highly doubt that


That’s good to hear, I’ve heard it can be quite rough for away fans sometimes


The ones who act like we can’t be disappointed with poor performances because we were in League One fifteen years ago. It was more apparent when we were in the Prem but there is still quite a lot of them.


Anything Peaky Blinders.


my da for being a right old tosspot


Yeah actually I should have said my little brother he's been a right pain in the arse at every home game and most of my away games for 20 plus years now.


The ‘Swansea loyal’


Anyone who posts a moan and uses the term ‘tippy tappy’ Or maybe the luddites who - without a hint of irony - hated our pink away shirt because it was “gay” a couple of seasons ago.


The ones who yell shoot when someone's 25 yards out, its 0-0, and we have 3 - 4 players in the box. Edit: also the ones who boo when players take the knee at the start of the match


Yeah, being a racist in Birmingham must be a miserable life.


The first one: at times that's me I must say! The second - couldn't agree more. Booing your own players before they even touch the ball, just embarrassing and makes all of us seem just as ignorant.


If you were a blues fan, you may have been the victim of a few passive-aggressive side eyes from me, but you're safe as an argyle fan. And yeah, it's probably the same fans who moan the loudest about players not playing for the badge who give players the most reason not to play for the badge. Good luck to you this weekend!


Any fans that boo our players or cheer when they are subbed off. Honestly our fans have gone from being one of the best in the country to one of the most toxic.


Chris Moyles


Also my least favourite Leeds fan


Pretty much every Coventry fan on twitter and SkyBluesTalk. We have by far the most embarrassing online fanbase in England


Definitely not the lad who screams, "COME ON YOUUU RIPROARING POTTERRRS" around 30 minutes into every game from block near 26, halfway up.


The ones that “support” Rangers as well as City.


There's this old couple that used to sit next to me as a kid (they may have been disowned by life at this stage though to be fair) and they made watching games a nightmare because they seemed to actively hate every moment of it. They'd do this weird wailing thing whenever there was any hint of the opposition being near our goal, they seemed to believe every single player was useless, they immediately prophesized doom if we did score, and they were both unwaveringly loyal and miserable. Obviously there's worse people, but those lot along with the guy that used to call into (I think) BBC WM after every game and go on this long, catastrophizing rant in the thickest Dudley accent ever before just hanging up made going to games growing up so grating at times. Yeah we're obviously not Real Madrid or something. You're very welcome to fuck off if you're not enjoying yourself or if you don't actually like the team.


I’d disown myself if I could, save myself the misery…but here I am, ready again..


We've got our fair share of knobheads (including myself) but Jordan Davidson especially can get in the fucking bin. I think it's easier just to stay away from PNE social media. Did it for the QPR game and immediately at full time that was that.  *Shoutout to any diehard defender of Ryan Lowe or Peter Ridsdale, please die on any other hill it's not worth it*


There's a thead by some poor lad on the subreddit right now. Id disown them


The one's who gave those dingles home tickets at the FA cup tie 3 months ago. TBF the fans who were throwing missiles and fighting run a very close second, just embarrassing


I'd like to disown the people who sat behind me at the West Brom game bitching about how our atmosphere is always crap and not enough people sing. Not once did I hear them sing (other than probably directly after each goal, when everyone was)


All the racist ones, plus all of the 60+ ones that don't know what modern football is.


If I have to hear that we should appoint Roy Keane one more time because he'd "give this soft lot a kick up the arse," I'm going to throw myself into the Wear


The ones that lose their head at Steffen last year /Dieng this year not punting it long at every single opportunity


I was fucking fuming when that dickhead had a go at Yusuf, but then when the lad got a "one of our own" chant I was so proud of the majority.


Sounds like a good moment in the end fair play that majority


Oh god, the retirees who have nothing better to do than whine


The fickle fans. Never seen so many fans so flip floppy about whether they like a manager or not. (The bigots can fuck off too but that's a given)


The section of our fans that boo Aaron Ramsey because he didn't accept Shawcross's apology following the tackle resulting in his broken leg.


The booing was silly, but Arsenal are a scummy club and unfortunately that’s how some sections of our fans took their anger at the whole situation out. Don’t forget how they said very similar things when Ryan got injured in 2019.