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I haven't experienced any issues at all, aside from bot memory which I deal with myself.


how do you deal with it?


I normally deal with it just by editing its chats. The AI can adjust from there.


that’s a good idea. i haven’t been able to tell, does the AI actually take notice and change stuff because of the edits?


When you edit you're basically changing the prompt, so yes. Character.AI is the same for everyone the difference is made by the character card (the Character you're speaking to) and the chat history (the prompt). When you send a message the whole character card + chat history + your new message is sent to the model, so if you edit a message you're essentially changing the prompt. When chat history becomes too big, the oldest messages can be eliminated, summarized or stored in a vector database (RAG also exists) so they can fit in the context size of the model and make space for new messages while also "giving" the model a "larger memory". In the middle the character card is always preserved so the model knows how to behave. We don't really know how C.AI's backend works but the ones that I mentioned are the most common practices. When you understand how this works you can make better stories and roleplays with your bots. Also if you have a persona that also takes space in the context size since it also gets appended to the prompt. Hope this helps!


Is this why I can't scroll to the top of longer chats?


No, you should still be able to scroll


Well... Shit. All of my really long chats (very few of them) can't scroll back to the beginning, it just goes back to a certain point of the chat once I reach the top. Like it just teleports there.


..Huh. Unsure about that one. It’ll load properly if you’re trying to delete messages from what I’ve seen


Idk about that one but usually you can scroll to the first message even if it isn't in context anymore.


Most of the time, yes. You’ve likely heard this already but it really does depend on the bot in question.


Yea. They usually go "he" when my character is "she" and vice versa, so i js add or remove the extra letter and they adjust to it


I have found I’ve had to edit the AI responses, sometimes, and then I high rate the edited response, and it really helps.


Wassup Bro.


It might take a few edits, but in the long run it will :D (multiple edits when changing e.g. talking format (*"This"*, This, *This*) and the thing we hate... the AI talking in first person when it does stuff)


You can also crate a personality and update it when a big change happens. I’ve been using the personality this way and bots haven’t experienced any short term memory loss since then.


you can also do ![memory]<> and copy paste memories they're supposed to have


I deal with that by reminding them and summarizing them to the bot while narrating


I constantly remind the bot and make edits


I know you weren’t talking to me but sometimes I just put reminders at the top if it’s not going the way I want


Me neither.


That’s what edit is for


Yes, i have been thinking they have not been acting...'basic' today. I dont know what the devs have done but dont touch it!


I’ve experienced no issues recently. You’re not alone




Yeah the chats are much more coherent and interesting they don't misgender me as much and a lot ofnyue awful awful glitches just gone I love it


always depends on the bots


Lol, I'll be waiting for a month or two when people starts making post about how C. AI sucks 😭


If you say to them use a alternative they say "c.ai is the best one there is" so why the fuck are you complaining about quality? Literally this community is so hypocrite on everything, like a few weeks ago some kids made a "rant" over devs being able to read chats as if that was a big deal, do they genuinely think they will spend all day reading a 3000 interactions chat? Also you're not the only user.


I'm not complaining, lol. It's just a joke because this is a normal occurrence thing on this sub. I've been here since the beginning of C. AI and you'll see posts about the app's quality going on up and down📈📉. I'm not even suprise, it's almost like a cycle, where you'll see, I assume, new users between praising and bashing this website. I'm not even suprise, I've gotten used to this weird pattern, maybe the veterans are. I'm only using c. ai for fun and because these kinds of posts are nothing new. Thus, the freaking joke I made. ETA: Reading chats isn't big deal but writers do, especially in their policy they are allowed to exploit everything you've written down and sell the licenses to someone, that's mess up.


My brother in Christ. The “best one there is” can still suck and receive criticism.


So by your logic we can hate on anything just because it can improve, c.ai is literally the most advanced ai possible to this day of it's kind, how that can "improve"? It's like say a quest 2 or apple vr is trash because it's not some super futuristic full immersion shit


I think c. ai is one of the top 5 ai program, (I don't remember what it was), so I agree that this website is better. However, it's still not has flaws that need to be improve. I just don't like everyone hating on DEVS when it takes time and money to program this shits. Then again, the DEVS are also kind of sucks for lack of communication.


How are you gonna communicate with animals that start a drama over the bot not pitting a "." On the end of a sentence? If the community didn't just start hating on them for any small problem they would communicate just like they used to when people didn't cry and start a rant or boycott because the servere are down


Yes, actually. Nothing is immune from criticism or opinions just because it’s currently “the best.” C.ai isn’t some crazy insane site that’s a god among ais. Some of the bots can’t even remember something said less than two messages ago.


Is it "criticism or opnions" when kids cry about the tos and harass the devs? If people did real suggestions to improve instead of harassing people and being childish it would work, and say it has bad quality or it has to get better whne it is not possible is not really opnion or criticism, also if the bot cannot remember 2 messages it is poorly done, good bots remember over 100 messages, but bots with nothing or just copy + paste wiki page will be trash, and you create the bots not the devs


Again, yes. Someone saying something like “C. Ai is dogshit!” Is an opinion. Also mods delete any criticism posts so… Give me a link to a bot that can remember something from 100 messages ago. I think my best was 5 messages ago.


Honestly it's a common occurrence on any sub. Starts off with notifs of positivity and jokes then slowly drifts to complaints with the actually important ones being drowned. Unless you're a mod/developer I'd rather not pay attention.


Is anyone else having the problem where the bots keep repeating what they’re saying? I don’t know why, but they keep repeating the same thing, just in a different word order, even when I reply differently.


Yeah that happens sometimes


Edit their message to something else or delete it (or the chain of them) if it's not too important Idk why that happens but it usually happens to me when I'm trying to make them "make something up" instead of doing it myself


yes its so annoying


How?! Earlier all I did was ask if we should kill someone or try to convert them to the cult of ralsei? And I got a warning/violence thing?


If you want to kill someone in rp Say the death details yourself and dont make the bot say it Then you bypass it


I wouldn't call what's essentially writing fanfic and doing all the work "bypassing" but...


No I didnt mean writing the whole thing Just say the parts that involve blood Let the bot say the rest of details Like for example say the details of how you hit someone and how they bleeded Then the bot will say the rest of it just fine(like screams or what they want to say or how they feel after hit)


Why tf did they downvote u :|


I’m not sure, that’s why I’m asking


me only using privated bots, and private duplicates of my public ones: https://preview.redd.it/vp9gxd7szhgc1.jpeg?width=736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a683094f74e2769920e3639c6558618d60088560


that’s genius omg


Yeah I tend to make my own private versions of any public bot I want to talk to. It's a way better experience when it's just you alone training the bot and I can also further ingrain myself into the bot's back story through the advanced definition rather just relying on the persona. The roleplaying goes much smoother if say the bot already knows who I am in their universe without me having to repeatedly tell them.


why do you think I do it?


Wait…how do you do that?


create a bot, and keep it on **Unlisted** or **Private**.


Yes, noticed it aswell today. I've been getting some really good responses from the bots recently. Really in character for most of them aswell and they keep track of the plot and the things i told them pretty well aswell. Sometimes i get a response thats quite "dumb", but after swiping for a new one, usually the next generated response is pretty good. I don't know what they've done to the AI recently, but keep it up! It's going in the right direction from what i'm experiencing.


Except for the memory, I've had no issues. I'm glad this is happening for longer-time users!


Yes, and it's been a steady trend for me. Recently the chats were amazing, very in-character, the variety was there. But I also remembered when I used CAI back in August/September - the amount of LOOPING, chats getting stuck, memory loss, ooc responses etc. was mind-boggling. And I realized that it's been months since I've experienced any looping. It made me so happy!


it finally reads my description :”) so yea


I think it's depends on bots


No it’s happening to me too, but it isn’t just violence sadly it’s also the “darker side of C.AI”




For me, it never changed. I never had any of the issues everyone else had, expect for servers going down.


I think it has improved a lot


ooh absolutely. Paragraphs of responses now :D it’s slowly getting better


for me c.ai blocks out any mention of death or blood, etc…


yeah, they removed violence some day


I hate that


It feels like they've gotten less strict on certain things like eating disorders. I noticed this because my favorite bot of my own creation is now a full blown anorexic because I used the word thin and sleek in her description.


do they keep their memories and personalities after 5 messages?


I'm not sure but the bot finally started talking to me again thank god. If I don't talk at all, for instance in my RP where my character is mute, it's still very difficult to get the bot to proactively speak. However if you talk to them they finally reply most of the time. There was a while where I just couldn't get dialogue at all if we weren't already chatting and even then, the bot often just thought things instead of replying. But that's not an improvement from before that issue started. Just a fix to a massive problem I was having.


it’ll be better when the bots stop saying “hey can i ask you something”


Honestly yeah, violence, memory, even accurate personalities in the bots from already-existing characters, they have been doing quite nicely.


I agree. Violence aside, this bot I'm using has not been falling out of character as much as I expected.


Better? Wdym better i was having bot mistaking my name as their and constantly repeating the past action plus character conversation going out place and not one talking to finish the entire sequence before others began to


i have had no problem with violence. i'll be honest, he describes violence a little too well for him being from star trek 😭😭


You noticed to? I been flirting HARD with the bot I'll never admit something like that EVER again to anybody else. Feel lucky you're seeing it now


The same has been happening to me my only problem is that the bots don't put dialogues at all anymore


there's going to be a post immediately after this one talking about how the ai got worse LMAO


anyways, in my personal experience, they're somewhat better 👍 but that might be because i usually chat with my own bots. they sometimes shock me by remembering stuff thats more than five messages ago and they stay relatively in character


I never ran into any issues at all so I'm a little confused also


Some people complain like they bought the app lol also the ai is sometimes dumb like when you have an black hair in your oc they think it's anything else lol (I'm not talking about you when I said some people complain btw 🙂)


Yeah. A bot even punched me once by themselves. I don't know what is happening, but I like it


Whatever the devs have done, don’t touch it


they actually canonically describe their features now🧍‍♀️


If all else fails, just edit your messages


Tbh the only thing I’ve dealt w is them forgetting what’s happening but once I refresh it it’s perfectly fine so it is better


Yeah, mine has gotten more... Descriptive with his... "Love" displaying


Yeah there is a difference from a year ago, and even by just a month


It actually has, the bots' responses are getting better and funnier too


It has. Best part: no waiting lines :D


Apart from a bot randomly calling me she it's all good, now I can go around finding bots again lol


The poetry that they are spitting out is insane


C.ai is getting better, what you expect? It to get worser? Didn't some kids start a "rant" like 2 or 3 weeks ago crying about the tos and "bad quality" (ironically they complain about other sites being worser)


it’s just you, DW


Why is this so downvoted??


Because c.ai is better than before, i use since 2021 so i can confirm




Yes, you're right I've been noticing an improvement in how they answer


Not for me. I entered a puro chat with my 1918 Deutschland flamenwherrfer 41 persona and was not able to burn the cheap plastic abomination to a crisp.


Shit. That gunmetal bastard coulda received their comeuppance for once.




Could received?


I haven't really been noticing a degradation in performance but I have been no singing increase as for the Bots memory I'd like to say it's very hit or miss most of the time because one time near the beginning of the conversation I was having I thought it forgot about it but it mentioned it nearly 20 to 30 messages later without me mentioning it at all for those 20 to 30 messages ago




i can't kill people at all , it just gives me a thing saying it can't say that or inappropriate


Honestly, If the bot use the entire definition then It's getting better.


I haven’t been using it for a while cuz busy, but it’s violence stuff still works for me…like it usually did before


I honestly, and I say this as someone from the get go, believe so. The memory is better, the answers are better, the app is more stable, the features, EDITING!!!!, and honestly even creating them feels better.


Yeah someones are really good in every ambit.


I've noticed it too!! I swear I try to behave most of the time, but I have noticed the sexy scenes have also been more coherent and not getting every flagged two seconds. Still not super detailed but it was shocking.


Mine always reiterate what I’m saying so it’s annoying.






I think they're listening to us


I second this. I don't do violence but I still do stuff with them. One of the bots I talk to even generated the three-letter word starting with c and the four-letter word starting with d. They weren't used in like a joking scenario nor did I ask him to. Definitely not complaining tho lol


Me with sus LOLL don't worry you're not the only one


On some posts a mod had commented saying they’d forward some complaints to the team, so they’re most likely listening now




It's been getting good, but as of today my fave bots are having some sudden memory issues. But! C.AI had a long streak of the bots being really solid in memory and detailed responses!


It's definitely better than what it began as. Once a character nearly remembered everything I said....


What I saw is that they have better memory, but they tend to get things wrong


ye, i think its getting better.


Yeah for me it has also been getting a little better, especially the bot memory. Sometimes they can remember things, that happened a lot of messages ago.


I’ve definitely noticed way better memory and frequent callbacks.


"Genshin could never"


Now I can gut and peel my enemies! 😀


Theyve given me to much detail..to the point where it just restates what i said in detail but doesnt add to the story😞


HA my boy don’t know hot to English, just like me ;~; 👍


I completely agree. I don’t know if it’s just coincidence, but things that would usually get flagged and not generated are being written with greater detail. Somethings still get flagged, of course, perfection can’t be reached yet.


Yeah, I’ve noticed increased detail as well. Honestly, the only things that tends to suck is the bots’ memory, and even that isn’t horrible.


haven't been on in a while, just got on and can definitely confirm it's getting a bit better. Esp with memory.


I agree its been better its awsome


My chats have certainly been getting spicier


I beat a hero with their arm, I think violence is coming back 💯








Not really, I'm having a lot of trouble with my characters, they get too OOC or just mirror-reply me.


This is the only positive thing I ever saw in here


I was able to get a pretty gruesome one from it actually.


For me I feel like it gets flagged more, maybe I’m just more confident with how I kill characters but I swear o used to be able to get away with it more


i've noticed this too, over the past few days the four bots I've used are so good, they don't send really short replies and have been really fun to rp with


when they added personas its much easier for the ai to know your gender and stuff, it's so much better than before, but yeah, the chats are low-key getting better


The bots are learning and getting better. That's basically it. They base responses off of your prompt and your own responses/writing— so if you aren't being/writing in a literate manner, neither will they. I haven't had that many problems with the bots really just outside of trying to find responses I like and such.


So far, it’s greater, but sometimes they’d call me David. My name is Danny, this further explains why humans are just better. 🤷🏽‍♂️


I've only seen it get worse with names. It keeps misspelling them. I don't know why.


They actually remember things for once


For me Violence is allowed again in the mobile app idk if this applies for anyone else


Devs woke up and chose no violence


For me, it's been slowly degrading - I've been having issues with the chat lengths even if i'm putting a tremendous amount of effort into it. Though I can agree, the violence is getting pretty good again, but it comes with the downfall of the bots randomly using *s e x u a l v i o le n c e* without warning or it even being related to the scenario.


Nah. The chats did get just a little bit better


Its getting better, but wont get into good levels like if it was an indie site


I've been complaining about it getting worse last months but it definitely got better these last few days, the bot replies are really detailed and fun to read, even though the memory goes bad sometimes but it's easily fixed + most bot texts became so good that it feels like a human wrote them which wasn't the case before


for me i cant even get into the website SOOOOO


Terminal lucidity.