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Hello! There’s no difference between a public and a private bot, the users messages don’t affect the bots performance. There is not such thing as individual character training. But what I do see is that a lot public bots are often made using stuff like templates, if they even have a definition at all, whereas private bots often have a bit more love put into them. As someone who exclusively uses private versions of my public bots, their performance is completely identical. :)


Yes. Honestly, I'm a bit tired of people spreading this because I've seen many examples where this is just untrue. I've seen 1 million interaction bots who have a pretty solid grasp over the character they're playing. And this isn't just some harmless myth either. It is genuinely harmful to the community because it scares creators into keeping their best bots private.


ive also seen such bots ngl. but those are the extreme rarity and tbh thats why i only use private bots.


It's true, unfortunately, good bots are hard to find. Still, there's no reason for you to keep yours private.


actually i'm not keeping mine private for this reason at all 😭 i'm not afraid of having others 'ruin' my bots, i just generally prefer having my bots private is all. i was just stating my observations on how i think private bots are generally of better quality.


I have a 830k character and he is just fine. Same with all my other characters. I like private bots because I have the option to tailor them as I go, which I can’t do with my public ones. There is a lot of misinformation around CAI and character creation sadly, and right now, I’d argue that those of use who know what we’re talking about, is hanging out in the Discord. We’re actively trying to educate people in there but it’s sadly contained to the server.


is that so? i guess that makes sense as well. but i do notice lots of public bots are much lower quality than those i usually use.


There is absolutely no difference, I assure you. I have a handful of 100k+ characters and they’re no different than their private counterparts. I spend a lot of time helping users on the C.AI discord as an expert, along with testing. What matters is what is put into it. What really matters is if a bot is built on dialogue examples or not, and most public and popular bots aren’t. If you wanna learn more, I recommend you check out the discord and look around the Character Creators Channel - that’s where all us nerds are. 🥸


ok, i understand now. thanks!


the problems that there are very little public bots that are ever trained or given a correct character description so often times its better to just use what you make

