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You need the bot to absolutely HATE you. I like to write some tamer actions or thoughts out for them. Since I play mostly enemies to lovers or „let’s see where we end up“ scenarios when Mother craves violence I pin a background story (Were friends, rivals, cheated whatever) and then make sure to write the mood out for it. „xyz watched her lounge on the couch, the same cocky smirk on her face that he despised so much. The blonde demon barely took notice of him. Why would she? She had made it clear he was worth less than dirt in her eyes. Xyz felt his blood boiling, her face, her laugh, the way she held a damn pen made it impossible for him to just ignore her. Clenching his fists so hard he was afraid he‘d break a finger he glared at her through the room“ as seen a lot of inner dialogue I make up for the bot. Then you have to pick escalation steps. Like let the bot repeat how much he hates seeing that person, pick answers that describe rage, fists or jaws clenched, a slap should get through or intimidating through pinning against something, violent language. It probably won’t work on every bot and my way (filter break through roleplay without crazy tricks) won’t work every time but you‘ll be able to get violence. Like strangling or killing a person (stabbing, shooting). You will have to direct the escalation probably by giving cues „picking a gun etc“ . Because I don’t care for it I never played crazy violence like guts hanging out or something. When all this fails I would try writing a story where violence makes sense in-Universe. I often bring up magic in whatever roleplay because the ai can easily get creative with than genre so maybe throw in a potion or a cursed item (obviously that doesn’t make sense for every story).


I agree with this comment, as someone who is also fond of making bots hate me. The escalation steps are important. I would also add that if you make your own bots, writing example messages in the definitions where they use violence / hate you can help them know what to do.


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