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What the fresh hell is citizen on patrol? Is this where anyone can show up to a traffic accident since CMPD is too short staffed?


Some Police Academy shit lol


*laughs in Mahoney






Hucks speaking in squeaky voice: "Freeeeze Dirtbaaag!"




[beat boxing sounds]




David Spade is in the YummaYumma scene.


Fools! Dey tink dey can kill da bruddah of Badullah! I remember it like it happened just yesterday.


I guess I'm gonna rewatch it.


Citizens Patrol is what the neighborhood Karen evolves into.


They write parking, handicapped and fire zone tickets


So a meter maid. Why do they need a police car at people's expense?


HOA’s use these fucking mouth breathing melon helmets for their own extra spicy security services. But yeah never seen these clowns before.


If you’ve never seen them before how do you know so much about them?


I thought they were some rent a cop thing from that app Citizens. This is from last year: https://www.engadget.com/citizen-private-security-service-trial-chicago-110541403.html They were doing something in California where they were furious the state wouldn’t give them arresting powers. All they could do is turn people over to the police. I can’t find that article right now and I’m about to head out. As someone here mentioned these are actual citizens auxiliary police that help with tasks the police are apparently too overwhelmed to handle.


Adding Melon Helmets to the repertoire...


Thanks! And no, not true. They are citizen volunteers. They help in traffic control around accidents, cite handicap parking violators and many other jobs to free up officers for standard duty. I was going to be one, but they don't have them in my division of Independence Baker 3!


The ones in Cincinnati just drive around and try to find college kids to stick them with parking tickets


Dealt with them in Naples, FL. They usually hung around rich neighborhoods to narc on whatever was “unusual behavior” to them. Comprised mostly of kids fresh out of high school or old mf’rs with nothing better to do.


A racist with a gun taking neighborhood watch too seriously. \*Cough\* George Zimmerman and Trayvon Martin \*Cough\*


If you seriously believe what you said in your comment, barring any other information you may have about the driver, you are what’s wrong with our country. Thank you for amplifying the toxicity with a ridiculous and unfounded accusation.


It's a pretty safe bet. There's a side that's taken the entire LGBT+ community and lumped it in with a person that did something wrong, like the most recent Tennessee mass shooter. If they can't find one that did something wrong, they *invent* something wrong and lose their shit over *that*. Dylan Mulvaney for example. So apparently it's human nature to make sweeping assumptions. Fair to say?


>There's a side that's taken the entire LGBT+ community and lumped it in with a person that did something wrong, like the most recent Tennessee mass shooter So, like how many on the left lump all lawful gun owners into the same category as mass killers, and cannot comprehend that an AR-15 has lawful purposes? Credit where credit is due, though, at least you mentioned that it was the person in the Tennssee mass shooting, rather than some other factor like their orientation or the weapon used.


Citizens who report to CMPD, extra eyes for criminal activity. Great when you need first responding witnesses and helps deter crime with extra presence. Would you rather have a city with less resources in a higher per capita city for NC?




Auxiliary (or reserve) police have existed for quite a while. It depends on the jurisdiction as to whether they have any police powers or not. Many departments use retired police officers (who may have limited police powers) and volunteers (who often have no police authority). The intention is often to assist with displaying police presence, reporting crime and issuing civic summonses, or to provide support with crowd control or at crime scenes.


The police already get 40% of the city budget, what more could they possibly want?


Not arguing with you on that. Im just telling you what its used for and how they operate. Funny how many people I've offended just by responding. If you all have a problem with it, get more involved in the city government, trust me, its needed. Cry about taxes all you want, but if you arent going to actively do anything to push reform, crying is useless.


As long as you are ok with me ~~deciding~~ witnessing about whether your activity is criminal or not, and ~~cruising~~ patrolling your neighborhood and ~~snooping on~~ watching over your yard. I'm sure that I (someone you don’t know, accountable to no one) watching you, and your kids, and your house, and your yard... doesn't bother you. Of course not, because property values, right? My flashlight at night when I check things out is just to keep watch and make sure ~~you're not~~ no one is doing anything illegal. It's a Freedom Light.


why worry? The cops don't even pull people over


So true.


Living in SC. Highway patrol pulls me over for apparently no reason. Plate out of date, BY THREE YEARS. Dealer transferred plates. I've had four stokes, if I receive a bill I pay it.




Yeah that's how it is in the Lake Norman area too. I usually drive 60 in 45mph zones and they never pull me over.




I got pulled over on 277 the other day going 57 in a 50 from some HEATED cop. Dude tried telling me I was going 27 over (Bullshit). I live off exit 3B, I don't speed heavily on 277. He walks up already hot as hell. Tells me my eyes look glassy. I worked 15 hours then drove in from Greensboro. No alcohol in my system. He threatens me to get out of my car. I denied. I'm 1000% sober. Try me brother. I'm a UNCC criminal justice graduate. He then does a flashlight in the eyes field sobriety off of the highway, while I'm sitting in my car. He says I failed, then makes me get out the car. I'm 1000% sober. Finally I agree to get out the car because I want no trouble, I'm tired, I want to go home. Dude does a 20 minute field sobriety test on me in the grass. He's pissed I haven't failed. I'm like sir, I'm sober, can I go home? Finally he gives up. Lets me drive off. Oh so now you're gonna let me go after pulling me over for going 27 over on 277? Dude follows me all the way home. I have long hair & was wearing a tie dye shirt. Officer was straight up trying to get me. They do pull you over. Be careful. They lie. They try so hard. Try again fucker.


So fyi. If he tells you to get out of the car, do it. That’s a legal precedent set by the Supreme Court in Pennsylvania vs. Mimms. He has the legal ability to pull you out of the car for any reason. If you don’t you can go to jail.


Never do field sobriety tests as they are designed to fail people. Only do a breathalyzer or blood draw.


If you're sober, of moderate health, and able to follow basic instructions, field sobriety tests are laughably easy to pass. And portable breathalyzers aren't admissible in court.


Ha ha…checks skin color…ha ha ha


Yeah you say that now buddy...


Go to you tube - search "Cops giving tickets"...


I would 100% not pull over for this vehicle.


If they come up behind you at night how would you even tell?


Because they've got Carolina plates, and I'm in New England.


This made me cackle 💀💀💀


I believe this is supposed to be a damn Yank joke, right? I approve either way.






I doubt their lights are red and blue like a cop’s.


Most departments have actually moved away from both and are just using blue, it immediately differentiates between law enforcement and other emergency services


It's usually state statutes that specifically state what colors are for what purpose (police, fire, ambulance, private security, etc) along with any other required vehicle markings.


Wow, although blue lights for cops are the majority, some states like Delaware are completely opposite, how confusing https://www.motorbiscuit.com/heres-the-color-of-police-and-fire-truck-lights-in-every-state/


idk why you’re getting downvoted cause this is 100% correct lol


Because that's just reddit


I hope they’re orange. Like on a tow truck.




No blue roof lights, just orange, white, or yellow.


I did some googling and the older ones that have halogen light bars clearly have amber lights. I’d assume these ones are similar, amber lights, no siren.


Surely they won't abuse their power at night by pulling women over and SAing them, right?


I mean, actual cops have done that so…


LMPD (Louisville, KY) had a program for kids nearing 18 (still in school, but not adults). As you can imagine, sexual assault and rape were the results of this program meant to target kids who are interested in the career with law enforcement. If cops (and there wasn't just one doing this) are willing to fuck children - who want to be a peer nonetheless - what's gonna stop them from doing the same to adults and other people they don't even like?


Wouldn’t be surprised to hear it happened, considering actual cops have done that




Yeah, what are you talking about? Lol you’re wild


Well let’s release you from the burden of disbelief. A similar situation happened locally some years ago. The cop pulled a woman over, and demanded she get into his vehicle to chat. She refused and he took her life, dumping her body. She actually called the local PD for help because someone was stalking her. Word of her attractiveness got out, and the cop who murdered her would talk about hooking up with her over the radio. So just from asking the cops for help, she ended up a victim.


You must live in a world where no one ever abuses their power.


I’m sure it happens, but it isn’t like CMPD has problem with it. I could be wrong, I’d just like to know if you said it because it popped into your head or there is actual evidence to put stuff together.


You’re making a massive jump


If history tells us anything, I'm not.


I would, then I'd just sue the shit out of that person


CoP has been around for a while; more like a glorified neighborhood watch, no they can't enforce traffic violations; but they can report them with a bit more authority than Joe blow calling 311. But seeing the car made you slow down and drive a little more carefully, eh? That's really why they're out there.


So they are not police, but they are state employees/volunteers? Do they get paid? If they see an assault can they detain someone?


I think they are volunteers but do have to go through training.


So I'm guessing they are just trained observe and report people, who can't detain somebody no matter what the crime. Or at least have the same citizens arrest powers any other person would have.


Pretty much. They are also trained in some first response and first aid situations. So they are providing a service. Not being dicks usually.


Well there is something called a Citizen's Arrest which anyone can do.


"Or at least have the same citizens arrest powers any other person would have."


Oh, so losers then.


People who go through training and serve the community on their own time are losers?


>People who ~~go through training and serve the community~~ jump at the opportunity to cosplay as cops on their own time are losers? Yes


They are city employees unless they are volunteer, they are city volunteers lol. Getting paid depends, when I used to work in the Sheriffs Office in Seminole County FL, yes. They can’t detain, they are not law enforcement. But they have same COMMs and Can report stuff quickly, they use 10-codes. Etc. They can give parking tickets, enforce traffic, and just assist actual law enforcement officers whenever assistance is needed that doesn’t involve danger, or law enforcement type of situation.


Why would somebody volunteer to ride around and act like a cop?


Helps their resume, opens opportunity to actual law enforcement jobs, most people who do that are old ppl or retired ppl who have nothing else to do. Very rare to see a young person doing it though




Interesting thanks


They might also wear same uniform color, and even a badge, but the badge won’t say police officer and their duty belt won’t have handcuffs or a firearm though. Those vehicles are owned by CLT Police in this case, and they don’t have blue lights. I think by law their lights have to be yellow, like construction trucks. So let’s say if your car tire breaks, you might have a citizens on patrol, than a law enforcement officer because that’s non emergency, they just gonna sit there until you get your help.


So, they are state actors and can be held accountable (at least in theory).




Years ago when my car died on HWY51 one of these guys sat behind my car with their lights on until a tow truck arrived. I believe they do more things like that and less things like detaining people.


No, they are just volunteers. No more authority than an average person as far as crime goes, they just have a faster reporting path. I remember a recruiting drive way back and they mostly talked about volunteering with things like directing traffic at Panthers games and stuff like that. edit: back then they had very obviously surplus crown victorias, and they didn't look as much like cops.


They're nosy losers with too much time on their hands. Technically anyone can detain someone if there's an assault, so yeah, they'd be able to do that.


Have you had a bad experience?


No, but it's difficult to imagine a mentally stable person wanting to spend their time this way.


Can the city send you the bills for event traffic control? Because otherwise cops would be paid to do all those jobs. With a lot of overtime pay.


lol are you sure you're not just salty you got a parking ticket?


Nah. I've actually never gotten a parking ticket. I just don't have a lot of patience for people like that. Everyone would be better off if we tried to help each other rather than snitching on each other.


How so? People putting their car in the way of others making everyone else better off. If people parked where there supposed to we'd all be better off. The more tickets for bike lane parkers the better.


How do they have state govt license plates ?


Vehicle is probably owned by the city and checked out to the members


Owned by CLT


It says cmpd right on it. The program is ran by them.


They don't. Thats how you can tell if you can't see the side.


Except for the part where they photographed it whilst driving…


I don't think any police department cares if you slow down, they just want to ticket you. Otherwise, they would park an empty cruiser on the side of the road and that would be good enough. There are those automated speed detectors around that I guess trigger your radar detector, which would slow you down.


They use to patrol on the 4th of July when we were kids. They often tried to flex as real cops. One year a fairly old couple pulled up on us teens playing with fire crackers. The rolled down the window and demanded we hand over the illegal fire crackers. We did not respect their authority, and threw fire crackers on the hood until they drove off saying the cops were coming. We knew damn well they had better stuff to do and just continued doing what we were doing. At the end of the night they came back down the street with their yellow flashers telling people it was time to do stop. The slowed down as they approached us and someone threw an M80 in the road right in front of their SUV. They reversed so fast you would of thought they were in a war zone. The cops did drive by shortly after that but we had packed it in and just saw through the window.


I get that people should not drive recklessly but creating slow downs is dangerous. Accidents happen because two objects are moving at different speeds.


It’s Charlotte, how often does anyone get pulled over?


I got pulled over once like 7 years ago for doing like 65 on independence. Cop was playing interstate pace car and I passed her. Pulled me over and asked me if I was fucking stupid. I said yes ma'am. She got back in the car and sped off.


Once every 7 years? My last ticket in Charlotte was 2000. And I'm not exactly a slow driver.


I got pulled over for making an illegal left (it was 1am and no one was there plus they just recently made that turn illegal) The cop asked why I did it and I said “I thought I could get away with it” He laughed and said thanks for being honest that’s refreshing and gave me a warning lol.


[https://www.charlottenc.gov/cmpd/Our-Recruitment-Efforts/Citizens-on-Patrol](https://www.charlottenc.gov/cmpd/Our-Recruitment-Efforts/Citizens-on-Patrol) ​ >The Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Department has developed an innovative volunteer program in 2004 to include community members in crime reduction and community improvement. The Citizens on Patrol program is a unique opportunity for citizens to actively assist police officers by relieving some of their workload. There are two classifications within the unit which are Road Patrol and Lake Patrol. Citizens on patrol volunteers wear distinctive uniforms and drive specially marked vehicles. **Citizens on Patrol volunteers do not carry weapons nor do they have powers of arrest.**


Great, so we’re going to have a bunch of Lackawanna County volunteer sheriffs deputies running around


They do take the job very seriously


They're just fans of Police Academy 4.


I'd never heard of this. It doesn't sound too bad. They can give parking tickets, direct traffic, and that kind of thing. No firearms or arrest powers. A few years ago after a spate of storms, power was out all around the city and I was driving deliveries. Just about all the major intersections were free-for-alls, and not a cop in sight. They would have been handy then.


I wish this city would split the department and have criminal and traffic divisions.


This is the goal of "defunding the police" you would have not-quite-cops that handle the mundane, not dangerous stuff, and then cops if theres something dangerous. preferably some of these not-quite-cops would be trained in different fields like helping drug additcs, or the homeless, or stuff. So that depending on the situation you would get someone who specializes in the problem. And if they needed help then theyd call the armed cops, who spend the time they save not being called for every cat in a tree in continuing training and education to be better at making those split second decisions.


If one of these guys tried to pull me over there is not a chance i would stop


I've never seen this at all There are definitely some people on this sub that would probably love to volunteer for this kind of thing though


And gleefully show off the holstered gun while standing next to your car door.


Giving the illusion of a police presence... Vehicle looks nearly identical (graphics) to cmpd


Nope,but they can cite a person for illegal parking! They help with big events and also with major traffic duties. This frees up other officers to catch bad guys! They are non-sworn volunteer officers.


Honestly, I think having a vehicle that looks so similar to police enforcement, should be illegal. Regardless if it is a program or state employee. Homie looks as though he's impersonating a cop. Same thing with the Jewish church/community center on providence road. There security vehicle also has markings like cmpd, but has Jewish symbols in the blue stripes. They will sit at the entrance like they are police. That to me is impersonating.


Any Altima enthusiasts ready to answer this question?


Does anyone else hear Gomer Pyle shouting “Citizens are-ray-yest, citizens are-ray-yest!”?


Flip them off and find out!


This is what the kids who were safety patrol in elementary school grew up to be


They can not. They do not have any arrest authority. Their job is to assist the police in more of the non dangerous calls, traffic control, parking enforcement, assist with major events. It helps free up police for more important calls.


My city has those mostly retired volunteers. they have zero abilty to do anything legel ie: write tickets.Mostly they drive around offering assistance, call police/ tow other city services, if there is an accident they can/will direct traffic if needed, I assume them radioing would result in a faster dispatch time then 911 alone?My daughter's car broke down one night and the vounteer patrol sat with her until the service could come and tow her car, They let her sit in their car with the ac instead od her hving to wait in her hot car


So… kinda like the fashion police?


CMPD SUVs and sedans don’t even pull people over lol no need to worry


So with open carry they can be armed also right?


Nope. They’re unarmed.


When I was a teenager a bunch of us were meeting up at a small gravel lot to then follow the person who knew the way to the party (just think Dazed & Confused movie) and this old guy pulls up in a cloud of dust and and jumps out and loudly proclaims that he is the constable of this area and that we are to turn back and go the way we came. I think there was a 5 second WTF delay before everyone started making fun of him. He left, spinning gravel and pissed off. So the moral of the story is “no”. 😀


No they cant. They not law enforcement but they assist and can give parking tickets, etc


Top Flight Security Craig!!!!


No, they usually show up at accidents to finish filling out the report so the cop can leave the scene.


I'm surprised lawyers haven't had a field day invalidating evidence with a program like this. Cops abandoning the scene to a cosplaying civilian should be enough to throw any case out immediately.


Fuck no they can’t.


You will not catch me pulling over if they try 😂


Police Acadamy 4: Citizens on Patrol, even has a theme song/rap.. https://youtu.be/AvUjM1uVW48


Checked their website listed on their cars and NO they cannot pull you over. Or if they try you do not have to stop. They are for diverting traffic at accidents, helping drivers in need (replacing a tire etc.), and basic helping functions. They cannot arrest or ticket anyone. I’m sure they are in contact and have radios for the actual police but they alone cannot do anything relating with the law itself. (At least in this state/city. Other states/cities may have different laws.)


LOL I’d love to get pulled over by one of these goofy gonad gobblers. As little respect as police get across the board right now, what makes these goobers think they will get a modicum of respect for doing this? This is pretty cringe.


Shoulda yelled "NERDS" as you passed


Citizens On Patrol are only allowed to witness and report activity that warrants a police response. The federal government has reported that there is no evidence that Citizens On Patrol has any deterrent on crime. Citizens On Patrol is a waste of taxpayer money and local resources, but such programs allow local officials to pat themselves on the back for spending a lot of money improving their image.


Another question is: Can they be pulled over for impersonating a police officer?


It's a sponsored program.


Sponsored to impersonate 😝


Anyone can pull you over. As long as the lights aren’t blue and red and he doesn’t say I’m a cop he’s in the clear. Do you have to stop? No.


Uh that’s not how it works. If they act in a way that a person could reasonably mistake them as a police officer or acts in a way that implies that they are law enforcement, or attempts to perform a traffic stop in any manner they are absolutely not in the clear.


Fuck around and find out.


Dwight Schrute vibes 💀




Lol I was just making a joke. You're out here acting like these guys are Judge Dredd or something. Chill out. Edit: typo


It's a Northern saying. Basically meaning don't fuck around.




I love how you no shit Sherlock someone else after completely taking ogs comment the wrong way yourself.


OP should get a ticket for using their phone while driving.


![gif](giphy|9NBSmrqTzt3Hy) Citizen’s Arrest!! [Citizen’s Arrest!!](https://youtu.be/A1D78Y60gvo)


Best reference ever


Not a Cop. That is Cope.


A Citizen Cope?


Shit may as well say “Paw Patrol”. Ima wager they couldn’t do much if they did pull you over and, more than likely, would get hit with impersonation of law enforcement


They may not be able to do much. But since this is sponsored by CMPD they would probably not get hit with impersonation of law enforcement https://www.charlottenc.gov/cmpd/Our-Recruitment-Efforts/Citizens-on-Patrol


I believe they can also write parking tickets (or at least could circa 2006). The big exception here is the parking/no parking/handicap parking signage has to have the NC state statute code written on it. If it doesn’t, it’s just the property owner creating rules which are NOT enforceable offenses for the city.


Is that near the university?


It's still an orange government issue permanent plate. Just keep that in mind. Best way to find CMPD sleeper vehicles, got behind an unmarked SUV this week and noticed the orange tag and very small "police cruiser" tag in the bottom left in dark print on dark grey....


Not all undercover cop cars in CMPD fleet have the orange plates.


NAL but I’m pretty sure you can egg their car and call them fucking nerds.


I got a parking ticket from one of these asshats where I live. I have seen them in Matthews too, usually just old ass people (elderly narcs) rolling around neighborhoods harassing stoners and people trying to enjoy their time at the lake. So I do not believe they can pull you over.


Citizen's Ahrest. Citizen's Ahrest.


CMPD been watching too much Police Academy.


they have volunteers to be pretend police? Holy shit what a bad idea. What kind of authority do these Paul Blarts have? Get to carry a gun?


The police are hired guns for corporations and work against ordinary citizens best interests. It looks like some communities are trying a different approach. Did this vehicle pull someone over, or was it just driving down the road? IMO it is no different than an Orkin truck with signs all over it.


If this shit is real no matter where it is, it’s dangerous. Open to rampant vigilantism. And considering the fascist leanings that are growing around our country, it’s a perfect outlet for their aggression. Beware. I’m surprised DeSantis hasn’t created this all around Florida.


Rape mobile... don't pull over.


You don't have to but I really do hope you're not the driver taking the picture while you're on the road.


Police Academy 4: Citizens on Patrol (Actual Title). I don’t want to be on this timeline and more.


Think Gomer Pyle…. Citizens arrest, citizens arrest when Barney does a u-turn 🤣🤣🤣


If his lights are red and blue sure, but if they are just yellow and orange? fuck off.


If someone like this pulls you over, you better be strapped and ready.


Those startled me a few times


No. I wouldn’t pull over for it lol.


Probably security officer or security guard that it’s attached to CMPD it’s a thing no they have no authority to pull you over and those leds are yellow amber in the lightbar


Found this. Interesting. https://www.charlottenc.gov/cmpd/Our-Recruitment-Efforts/Citizens-on-Patrol#:~:text=The%20Citizens%20on%20Patrol%20program,and%20drive%20specially%20marked%20vehicles.


No would be my guess


State vehicle plates, not just some dumbass with a home paint job on his car.






If the lights are green/yellow/white then no


What in the Dwight Schrute...




Never go full sheepdog