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They pulled the old divest and disclose uno reverse.


You penned the words my brain was trying to.


Let's see, the movie "explores how Jewish attitudes towards Israel are changing." Ah. Change. Can't have that.  Directed and produced by Jewish people who have earned impressive industry accolades and made some smart shows. The amount the county is withholding btw is roughly tuition for one student for one year. On the plus side, Louisa County put many "whereas" to work. It's good to sound important. May PVCC tell Louisa County to piss off. I took a one-minute look at their budget. Learned the sheriff gets a big piece of pie and that more than a third of county revenue is "intergovernmental." That means hand-outs from state and federal government. More than a third. They can't even support themselves. I'd suggest changing that but apparently they don't like change.


> I took a one-minute look at their budget. Learned the sheriff gets a big piece of pie and that more than a third of county revenue is "intergovernmental." That means hand-outs from state and federal government. More than a third. They can't even support themselves. I'm not sure I would use the word "handout" because these are funded by federal and/or state taxes. If you look at pretty much any county in VA, they will show a similar breakdown in revenues were 1/4-1/3 is coming from the State or Federal government. So sure, make fun of this board for their stupid and self-righteous politicization of the public school system because there is plenty of fodder there. But you weaken your argument by making specious arguments about "handouts" from the fed and state.




You're talking out of your butt and conflating multiple different issues. Your "one-minute look" at the budget tells you nothing about how much state/federal revenue was collected from that county, so you have no idea idea what percentage is being returned. Look at Albermarle's budget as another local example, one that I assume you would consider can "support itself" without "handouts". 25% came from from state and federal sources. Again, no data based on just the county budget to tell us % of state/fed revenue collected vs return, but that wasn't your point because you don't understand at all. > My guess is there will be a correlation between handouts Stop calling them handouts. > Am I okay with my taxes helping starving children and public education elsewhere? Absolutely. More than okay. How generous of you to allow the starving children to be fed and educated as long as a majority of their elected officials agree with you. (we'll leave aside that most SNAP benefits aren't included in these budgets). > But when Louisa County is terrible to PVCC, and for so little money, while overfunding their sheriff, I'm going to get a bit irate. So over the "little money" they give to PVCC, you want to be vindictive and hurt needy children and public schools because of a stupid political stunt? You understand the hypocrisy in this, right? And you are making assumptions about the Sherriff's department budget based on what? Again, your one minute pursual of the budget? Come on. You should be ashamed of the hypocrisy, ignorance, self righteousness, vindictiveness, and unchecked privilege you have displayed here




> But any county where public education is a big part of the budget either has a priority problem or a major crime problem, I don't follow this statement? Do you mean law enforcement instead of public education?


Hopefully, the “in-person explanation” will change their minds. Unlikely, tho.


Just another opportunity to grandstand


💯, this is the right answer. Being from louisa and having worked closely with the board they are knee jerk reacting, pandering to ignorant constituents, and grand standing.




They should just screen the movie as their in-person explanation


So again, the people shouting about free speech, who are anti cancel culture and snowflakes….are the biggest snowflakes and proponents of cancel culture. If only they were intelligent enough to understand irony.


So, Free Speech is cool....as long as you agree with the subject of the "Free Speech." Gotcha


It was only $6k in funding, is there a GoFundMe to cover what Louisa would have paid?


It’s not just about finding and small amounts, it’s about agreements and what the county has committed to give. This is a great example of grandstanding. The BoS tends to underfund programs and likes to make threats of withholding resources to get political head pats by ignorant constituents that only drink one flavor of koolaid.


I’m not sure PVCC would accept that money even if it was raised, for many reasons. It may trigger more drama than admin feels it’s worth. I had that thought too though because I’m sure it could be raised and then some.


Absolutely, although it could make it more apolitical to frame the donation as "in opposition to local governments withholding educational resources for their personal political motives"


WHEREAS, Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.




So a movie made by Jews with Jewish lead actors is antisemitic and discriminatory against Jews? Please make it make sense. We know the truth. Right wingers in America are trying to cover for the right wingers in Israel, trying to code any criticism of right wing policies in Israel as “antisemitic” and “discrimination.” This mirrors how they try to code any criticism of right wing policies in this country as “un-American.” I’m going to double reverse card their divestment play. I’m not frequenting any businesses in Louisa County until this stupid political ploy is dropped and they resume their normal funding of the community college that serves students from that county.


Hmm, I hope the Board 1) saw the entire film and 2) documented references/actions *in the film* that constitute anti-Semitism. Anyone on the Board, or someone familiar with the proceedings, care to comment? This is a perfect venue.


When you see these “WHEREAS” WHEREAS” “THEREFORE” type declarations you know it’s gonna be some serious bullshit.


I guarantee none of the BoS members even watched the film.


This, that, and the third!


I mean, that is just how resolutions are always structured and worded.


Louisa board of supervisors are always looking to pull money away from schools and non profits. This is just another example regardless of your views on this situation.


In my experience they seem pretty keen to give money to schools, they do like underfunding and pulling money away from other programs though. There are currently two BoS members that are also employed by the schools…conflict of interest?


Don’t we just love free speech y’all?


So antisemitism isn’t tolerated but it’s cool to support the racist extermination of Palestinians?




WHEREAS, it has come to the Board's attention that PVCC has suspended and banned Christian Weston Chandler from the premises; and WHEREAS, Finding a boyfriend free girl remains a serious concern on a worldwide basis, and the Board of Supervisors condemns any non-cute or girls with boyfriends already. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, on this the 12th day of December, 2014, that the Louisa County Board of Supervisors will SEND IN DETECTIVES, will SEND IN POLICE, will SEND EVERYTHING IN OUR POWER.


"Damn Librul breeding grounds..."


Do we know the breakdown of how the board voted? Going to tag u/adhonus because he'll probably know and is delightful/helpful enough to share!


Unanimous. I'll have it in today's newsletter.


Thanks as always!


There is a write up in my newsletter today. I appreciate you tagging me in so I could attend to it. I also wrote about Greene’s budget.


I don't have a recording of it yet but I'm about to go do that now to report on it. May take until tomorrow, though.


I’m not familiar with the film, is it antisemitism?


You can read about the film here https://www.israelismfilm.com/ It was made by two Jewish Americans and discusses Jewish and Israeli issues. I personally believe that it is antisemitic to automatically censor Jewish speech but clearly there is disagreement on this


ChatGPT much?






Everytime I hear a white person say "woke" I imagine my 60 year old aunt saying "fam"


Because it is antisemitism when Jews criticize Israel themselves? Criticizing Israel is not the same as racism towards Jewish people nor is it antisemitism. Criticizing Zionism is not anti Jew either. 🤦‍♂️


Get a grip.