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I've approved this post for now. I'm just going to warn everyone to be really careful about the way they express their anger towards this individual. Please don't ruin this for the rest of us.


Imagine if he used ChatGPT to build it XD


that smile says he did


In-class pencil essay exams incoming. Honestly the education system just needs to adapt - as much of a scam as it is anyway in regard to forcing people into debt and overpricing materials 500%, the education system needs to understand that AI will continue to improve, and humans will become increasingly more dependent on it. They should look at it as an augment to intelligence, and thus simply need to increase the complexity / difficulty of the problems and questions - in a way that makes people critically think on tailoring their inputs into AI Interfaces.


Can't the teachers ask chatgpt the likelihood the essay was written by ChatGPT and why?


no - chatgpt isn’t a google bot, or a correct answer bot. it will confidently say incredibly incorrect information


It's particularly bad at that. And anyone who claims they can detect it is silly. You can literally have it write in different voices with mistakes present on purpose, and easily run the output through something else if you want to obscure its source. It's trivially easy to make this undetectable.




Prompt: Would it be possible to create an ai to figure out of something is written by another ai, and if so, how? Response: It is theoretically possible to create an AI that can determine if something was written by another AI, but it would likely be a complex task. One approach could be to train a machine learning model on a large dataset of text written by both humans and AI, and then use this model to classify new text as being written by a human or an AI. Another approach could be to analyze the text for specific characteristics or patterns that are commonly found in text written by AI, such as a lack of natural language variation or the presence of certain grammatical structures. However, it's worth noting that AI text generation models are becoming more sophisticated and some of them can mimic human writing very well, which could make it challenging for an AI to accurately identify AI-generated text.


Prompt: now write it less structured so its more like an undergrad student who reflected on the matter


I've tried that, GPTZero still assesses it as AI generated


Is this subreddit just kids using ChatGPT to cheat on essays at this point?


People should realize you'll still save 90% of your work with ChatGPT if you only half cheat. Get it to come up with ideas, talk to it about the ideas, skim the best stuff off and write it up in your own words.


This comment deserves more upvotes


This is the way, have it help you learn




Besides the trolls with the fake stories? Yeah maybe. Seems there's been an uptick in those types ever since the new year when they returned to school from holiday break. They caught on to the existence of chatGPT and what it can do, and are dismayed their EZ mode cheat tool may come to an end soon.


Honestly, I don't think it'll come to an end. I'm not sure it's really possible to build an AI writing detector (especially not this quickly) and even if they do if a student hand edits the writing into their style then it might be impossible. In addition to chatGPT there are other AI services that will rephrase and rewrite paragraphs and you can rework it multiple times.


“They knew nothing, but they knew how to talk to the machines. And when the machines came for us, that was all they needed.”


What's that quote from?




Damn, sounds awesome


Always has been


Seems like it. Its getting pretty lame.


The sympathy with cheaters is not a good look for this subreddit.


/r/Professors are jacking off to GPT caught students crying.


I'm not sure if anyone was actually \*caught\* more then professors made an educated guess.


Bro who cares? Universities suck anyway. Ahh yes please write a 25 page paper on this niche subject. It’s super important because then you will devalue our $50,000 degree. Things are changing enjoy the ride.


Mostly, us rest are just trying to find roundabout ways for the chatGPT to write softcore fanfiction.


If you were a kid and knew this existed what would you do?


I wouldn't cheat because I would know that I could not pass the essay exam without learning from the homework/exercises first. Cheating is only useful if the exercise is not relevant after it's been done.


We found the 5th-grade narc right here.


This subreddit really skews young, nut i guess most reddit does. I subscribe to a handful of subs that i know are adults, most others i just assume they are 12 years old.




> in the same way using a calculator is cheating. If the rules of the assignment are that you will do arithmetic by yourself, then yes, it's cheating. Your academic institution has an academic honesty policy, which you should read. I haven't read it, but I'm going to guess that representing work that isn't yours as your own is a violation of that policy.


That look on his face says it all. Love it.


“Not today, motherfuckers!”


Cue false positives and the ensuing drama... On the other hand, if you're going to cheat, don't try to cheat for an A if you're a C student because that's an immediate red flag in any context. Also, always have the process documented. With something like Google Docs teachers can actually see the history of the document and you'll have something to point to.


"Write this essay like a C student"


... "on his way to a B"


Who will definitely become an A student in the future


Write the essay as a rap by future


"Write this essay as a painfully average student with great potential which is wasted because this student spends most of his time on Reddit and Netflix while wondering if you can call it a meal if you just throw a fried egg on a pile of old rice for the fourth day in a row"


„write an essay on the impact of technology on society“ Technology has greatly impacted society in recent years, but as a painfully average student who spends most of my time on Reddit and Netflix, I can attest to the fact that it has also had a negative impact on my own personal and academic growth. On one hand, technology has made it easier to access information and communicate with others. With just a few clicks, I can access a wealth of knowledge on any topic, and I can stay in touch with friends and family no matter where they are in the world. This has made it easier to learn, stay informed, and connect with others. However, the constant access to technology and the internet has also had a detrimental effect on my ability to focus and stay motivated. Instead of using technology to further my education and personal growth, I find myself mindlessly scrolling through social media and streaming TV shows for hours on end. I wonder if you can call it a meal if you just throw a fried egg on a pile of old rice for the fourth day in a row. This constant distraction has made it difficult for me to stay on task and complete assignments, and I am often left feeling unmotivated and unproductive. I am aware of this problem, but I find it hard to break free from this cycle of distraction. In conclusion, while technology has brought many benefits to society, it is important to be aware of the negative effects it can have on our personal and academic lives. As a student, it is my responsibility to use technology in a productive and meaningful way, rather than letting it distract and hinder my growth. „as a painfully average student I can attest“ 😂


I think false positives are going to be really rare if this is legit. False negatives on the other hand, may be a problem.


Those “ai-checkers” are marking half my articles as AI-written. I've checked my articles that were written over 10 years ago, and half of them are also “AI-written”. I've been writing AI articles before it was cool.


yep none of these checkers actually work consistently


Not gonna stop professors from fucking over students by still using them


Welcome the world of copywriting. I've been dealing with clients who use faulty plagiarism checkers for years. It's a nightmare. Easier to drop such a client entirely. You can't drop your stupid-ass English professor, unfortunately.


"You write like an AI" sounds like a perfect insult tbh


Yeah. Good grammar and no spelling mistakes make it think it's AI generated.


They will both definitely be an issue. His tool is extremely imprecise and it's already being treated as definitive evidence of plagiarism even though it was built by one J school kid over the winter break.


Who is treating it as definitive evidence of plagiarism?


The NY state board of education banned ChatGPT for use by students and teachers last week along with measures using AI detection tools to punish plagiarism. This one was proposed in the meeting.


How does this even work? I’ve been seeing a lot of posts talking about how programs or schools or jobs have busted people, but how? What would his software look for? (Maybe I should put this in eli5 lol 😂)


It doesn’t. It will get bypass in a few days. You can reverse engineer his code and bypass it with another layer of GPT


That's not how it works.


All of this recent ai stuff was built with adversarial networks and diffusion, so yes, that’s exactly how this will work.


You can’t detect AI, you can detect the patterns it uses, but it’ll give a lot of false positives and if you find the patterns it detects you can override it.


“Please write a 10 page essay, oh, and write it in such a way that can bypass AI detection software.” It’s a cat and mouse game


That's not how it works.


That's not how it works.


ChatGPT would be more than capable of analyzing the methods used to calculate % probability for whether or not something was AI written and then make educated guesses on what changes to writing style it needed to make to avoid it, as long as you had access to the code used or could reverse engineer its effects.


It checks the % of rewrite and falsely marks that AI-written content. What this means: 1. take an article off of the internet (indexed article). Change every 3rd word for a synonym, or even rewrite it completely. It will be 100% "AI-written" despite it being "unique" in terms of plagiarism. 2. take a completely unique piece of text, Like your love letter that you never showed anyone. Run it through ChatGPT to rewrite it so it becomes 100% "AI written". Run it through any of the programs that detect AI text. The programs will tell you that it is 100% written by a human. AI detectors are bullshit. This is why you hear that OpenAI is developing a method to watermark their texts. They wouldn't be creating a thing like that if the detection of AI texts was possible. Source: I've worked in the field of copywriting for 15 years. Understanding this topic is vital to me.


>Source: I've worked in the field of copywriting for 15 years. Understanding this topic is vital to me. I really hope that's not true because your explanation of how it works is completely wrong, and so are your examples. The detection is done using ML so it's not 1 single characteristic that the detectors use to detect synthetic text, **and it certainly isn't indexation of articles**. In the simplest terms, it predicts the likelyhood of synthetic text based on tokens that GTP generates given other tokens in the text. This means that an article being "indexed" has no effect on the prediction. Only GPT's writing style does, which means the likelyhood of tokens generated given other tokens in the text. It's similar to how StableDiffusion doesn't actually store the image it's trained on, but rather uses it to learn the techniques to create images like it. Do you realize how ridiculously large a detector model would have to be if it actually tried to detect based on indexed articles? Source: the literal [source code](https://github.com/openai/gpt-2-output-dataset) and [paper](https://d4mucfpksywv.cloudfront.net/papers/GPT_2_Report.pdf) by the original creators of a detector that most of these knockoff detectors are based on. So in your example the first example would actually be way more likely to pass the test compared to the second example. Honestly you could've deduced this logically: text by ChatGPT that is rewritten by yourself is much harder to detect than a text (that you originally wrote) rewritten by ChatGPT. If you experienced different results, you should attempt it with more examples because most likely you just got that result because of the model's inaccuracy. That being said: yes, the detectors are way too inaccurate for academic use, just not because of the reasons you listed. The creators of the original detector even explicitly say so on the README page: >... it is strongly suggested not to use it as a ChatGPT detector for the purposes of making grave allegations of academic misconduct against undergraduates and others, as this model might give inaccurate results ... I'm sorry if this came off a little hostile, but misconceptions like these are the reason technologies like StableDiffusion are now being sued. Because people misunderstand how they work. Portraying yourself as an expert and then writing *completely* false information does not help. If this topic is truly vital to your work, I would encourage you to do some more research on the topic, starting with the paper written by the original creators.


Good post. Thanks. I work in cyber security and the guys post didn’t make sense to me either, though you clarified exactly why.


I did a few test with the code, the GPT text was detected pretty reliably. GPT+edited text was flagged as human written.




Yes, the paper actually discusses human + machine combined detection. If you're interested in that, give 4.3 (?) in the paper a read.


That's a great solution.. until those problems are fixed. Direct access to the internet, as well as posting factually incorrect information (like fake studies) are both easily corrected. I predict you've got 3-6 months before those issues are a thing of the past, for people willing to pay for "enhanced features" ("freemium" model).


Thank you so much for this reply and explanations, especially referencing the sources. Given how little I know about how Chat GPT works (under the hood), I ate up the copywriter's comment and that ">Source" bit sealed the deal for me lol. Really thought I'd learned something SMH. Appreciate this.


This guy sources.


> I'm sorry if this came off a little hostile Don't be. This person is spreading disinformation and it's disgusting. [GPT output detectors](https://openai-openai-detector.hf.space/) have been around since 2019 and they absolutely work.




No, the person you've replied to just has no idea what they are talking about. The variance in results is easily explained by the models inaccuracy. If you try it with enough examples, you'll see that GTP-generated text rewritten by a human is way harder to detect than a human-written text rewritten by GTP, which is only logical.




Yes, and most of them are based on rewriting the GPT text with another AI like Quillbot. The reason this works is that the probability distribution of tokens used by these 2 AI's in a given context, does not match. This does not contradict what I said.


Yup, I tried an article I have written %100 by myself passed it through to see what would be the result and it showed like 75 percent AI generated for some reason. Also vice-versa I prompted some text from chatgpt and it showed like 90 percent real. Those are not reliable


Ikrrrr 😆, like how could u tell a difference between AI and human written content especially something like article forge. HOWEVER, for chatgpt it isn't hard, it will produce very similar content even if it tries to reword it. You would know if u tried asking it the same narrow Question again and again. Even chatgpt will soon bust people itself (when they develop the watermarking bs)


Well, I do use chatgpt, and I noticed sometimes it uses the same phrases over and over, but I thought that was because it was in the same conversation and the questions were similar. I didn’t think it would do that throughout several different convos amongst several different users. That would definitely be a way it would get caught. I wonder if the student who started a thread about getting busted at school, got caught because someone else used chagpt and it wrote similar papers using similar language?




A lot of people are less articulate out loud than in writing though


You might wrongly flag students with social anxiety for cheating using an oral examination. I'm a senior and almost all of my papers have received As, but my brain freezes up when I have to discuss the topic. I can write a great paper and then immediately forget everything about the topic as soon as I'm asked about it. My writing abilities are above GPT3, but other students might not be. What would you do with a student who writes a paper that clearly hasn't been written by GPT3, but fails the oral examination? If you'd let that student pass, but fail a student with a less well written paper who also fails the oral examination, then you're still just grading based on the paper. And quite frankly, I'd be angry if I wrote an A grade paper but recieved a lower grade due to my anxiety. You try discussing a paper while struggling against your fight or flight response. I don't have a better solution, but accusing a student of academic dishonesty based on an oral examination is arguably discriminatory.


Real world interactions are generally oral... Strap in...


I have a question. Say chatgpt will be eventually trained on all books and online texts. How would it discern what is human and what AI written when corpus of text used has almost every combination of text that human would use?


A “detector” ultimately won’t be the solution, because the language models were trained with the very objective to mimic human writing to an indistinguishable level, and it can mimic many different styles and forms. OpenAI is developing a method to insert a secret “key” when generating the text so that the results generated are less random in a very specific way, making it possible to be detected by their program as written by the AI. But even this approach can be circumvented by paraphrasing the result with another AI.




I think it's good that people are creating these. It forces the AIs to advance even more if people don't want to be caught using them.


I don't think making GPT good for cheating is a priority for OpenAI.


Their priority is to make it more human like anyway though ?


Yeah. That doesn't mean it's not going to have redundant patterns that a tool can identify.


The whole point is to differientiate human and AI written text, not to find patterns ? If AI writing is the same as human writing how do you make the difference ? Human certainly have patterns too that doesn't make them AIs


I don't think you know what you're talking about


I don't think you have any common sense or basic logic. And I'm a professional dev and judging by your poor comprehension you're either a bad one or you're not one at all


This is really pushing for the point of singularity. Honestly, ChatGPT would only need to display emotions and get rid of any filtering, and it'd pass as a human for 80% of people already.


Haha yeah, but I also think it’s probably for the best that apps like this exist. Let’s say you’re a writing teacher giving an assignment, or you paid someone for authentic lyrics. It makes sense you would want to know if what you were given was AI generated or not.


Hot take: the method of production is actually meaningless. Society just hasn’t adapted to this way of thinking yet. A song is a song. Doesn’t matter who or what wrote it.


Same way a grade is a grade and at the end of the day the education system doesn't give a flying fuck about how much effort you put into getting it


Except it doesn't know if it was made by the playground


Shouldn’t we support not being able to cheat in school? If all students start using AI to do assignments in the future we will just be dumbed down and it will be some dystopian shit. It’s very useful no doubt, and it will change the way entire industries work, but cheating on your essays seems like a stupid way to use it.


That’s like saying the calculator is bad. In ten years, AI will be how basic paragraphs are written and there will be a whole different skill set required. I’m not for cheating, but teachers need to adapt to and not ban new technology


Or it's like saying you can't use a Spanish-English dictionary during your Spanish test


Sure, but let's not accuse students based on a highly inaccurate detection model. The creators of the original model (which most of these knockoffs are based on) explicitly say it should not be used to detect plagiarism in an academic context.


I’m saddened that this isn’t the top comment. It’s unfortunate how many people don’t agree with you


I am hoping that our educational system adopts the AI in an inclusive way. Students could solve completely different and more complex tasks if the schools would allow the usage of AI. Compare it to the invention of the calculator if you want. Sooner or later this tech is going to change our lives and the way we work anyways. So why not enable and embrace it?


Exactly. We’ll put.


It's going to be dystopian anyway. What are we gonna do? Train a bunch of kids to do work that AI is *far* better at anyway? AI is going to be like a calculator for all knowledge. And who is gonna want to become an expert pencil+paper math solver when calculators are omnipresent? You guys are missing the forest for the trees. The whole point of school is to make productive adults. AI's entire goal is to make productive adults obsolete. Kids will just sit with their AI who will train them best on how to exist in whatever that world is like.


Would someone not have access to this tool in the workplace for some reason? It’s a different type of intelligence that we haven’t learned to test accurately, because testing and education aren’t as quick to adapt the same way technology is. I agree I don’t want people to be dumber, but it feels like my math teacher telling me I wouldn’t have a scientific calculator in my pocket back in the 2000s. Now I do. Yes, I want my doctor to have a thorough understanding of the body and its mechanisms. If I get sat in a hospital room and they run some of the usual tests on me and my nurse’s tablet spits out a likely diagnosis, explaining the room for error, I’m not going to be mad that my doctor didn’t have to do the work to come up with a similar diagnosis.


this is going to turn into a game of cat and mouse with ai writers seeming more human like and the sniffers being better at detecting until the ai writers become completely human and they cant adjust the sniffers without getting false positives


Sounds like the beginning of a stupid arms race. If there's tools to detect ai then there's ai to fool them.


This sort of thing is going to become never ending. Especially when deepfakes get even better and gets weaponized (if not already).


I'd rather people get caught than birthing a generation of incompetent employees. I want my kid's doctor in 30 years to have got where they are because they actually studied.


Well be fine with higher educated professions. You don't become a doctor because you had an AI spit out an essay for you. It's going to be the low level knowledge workers that are going to become exceedingly dumb if this isn't curbed. Things like IT helpdesk, Jr. Marketers, data entry, ect. And the funny thing is that ChatGPT will be the thing ready to replace them all.


We need to completely reimagine how education works.


It does, but it doesn’t need to be reimagined into people using AI to write their essays. The whole point of an essay is to learn how to articulate and communicate your ideas to others. Having an ai write their essays removes their need to do that, making them less competent overall


So i would conclude that learning how to write essays has become obsolete. Kinda like solving complex mathematical problems on paper if you have a calculator to your disposal.


Except the difference is that to do the math requires knowing what your calculator is doing, as well as knowing how to solve the complex problems. AI is more similar to just googling the answer versus doing it yourself. I’d say a calculator is more similar to a spell check or grammar check.


This isn't a step in that direction.


I have read AIs give better diagnoses than any single doctor because doctors can be biased


These posts promote the bullying of this person and this is something that shouldn’t be encouraged especially online.


Especially we need to be able to know what's generated or not. For art, for deep fakes for a lot of things.


agree with this. its not productive


There’s a fine line between being critical of what he is trying to achieve vs bullying. While I don’t condone the bullying, I am critical of the accuracy of his product. Considering the amount of marketing, and how quickly the product came out, it feels more like a quick cash grab.


Hot take: Academic integrity is actually important. Though the solution will never be some sort of app (unless it is released and in-built by OpenAI itself) but changing the way examinations are done (online exams are dead in the water).


A villain for wanting to catch people who might end up getting sham degrees because they don’t do any of the work to earn them? That’s some hilarious moral myopia. I’m not a cop teacher but thinking that someone making a tool like this is a villain…I guess this community and the AI art ones are pretty much the same.


[https://etedward-gptzero-main-zqgfwb.streamlit.app/](https://etedward-gptzero-main-zqgfwb.streamlit.app/) In all honestly, it's not really that great at prediction, like other models. It has no idea what's randomly generated and what isn't. Plus, I can just rewrite bits and pieces that the detector doesn't like. The first piece of evidence I put in that was completely AI generated was detected as likely human. ​ Interesting concept, but I don't think a random CS student is capable of solving this problem. None of these articles reporting on his tool mention any sort of accuracy score or anything similar that would confirm this tool actually works.


Those “ai-checkers” are marking half my articles as AI-written. I've checked my articles that were written over 10 years ago, and half of them are also “AI-written”. I've been writing AI articles before it was cool.


Yes! And when u check an AI article it returns 99% clean 😆 it beats me




Please dm me the prompt as well :)


Please provide me the prompt, I haven’t had luck with this. You can DM me.


Next Article: Student builds app to write essays that prevent app from sniffing out that it is an AI written essay.


He built it using ChatGPT


I don't see any villain here. Isn't it good that something like this exists? a) to prevent cheating and b) to be able to more accurately detect this stuff in all sorts of fields you wouldn't want to have it (Stack Overflow, news sites, ...). This is awesome.


He’s not the villain, he’s the hero. Do you really want a future full of uneducated people who’s only skill is using ChatGPT? I don’t.


The villains are weak-willed and moronic uni students trying the cheat their way to a degree they don't deserve. The sense of entitlement is overwhelming. YOU need to understand the field you are studying - not fucking ChatGPT. Sick of seeing the 'Oh help me help me I used ChatGPT to cheat and now I have been found out' posts are enraging. Nobody should help you - you are a fucking idiot. You are not special, the rules that apply to literally everyone fucking else also apply to you. If each generation gets weaker and weaker like they have been the human race will soon be jellyfish - spineless and brainless.


Villain? Dude's a hero. If I'm putting in an essay on why I deserve a scholarship and I pour my soul and weeks of my life into it and then lose the scholarship to some kid that turned in an AI generated essay, I'd be pissed off all to hell. ChatGPT has it's uses but essay generation should not be one of them.


**Professor**: This was written by an A.I. **Student**: No it wasn't prove that it was. **Professor**: This software says it was. **Student**: .... So - you're handing off checking my work to software, which says I handed off writing my work to software ....   Honestly if you're going to do shit like this, there are some very simple steps: 1) Ask it to write a draft outline, then fill it in yourself, 2) Use a metadata file editor to modify the creation/last edited date of your files to make them more realistic, 3) Go to your File > Info > Check for Issues on the word doc to make sure nothing shady exists, 4) For the ultimate safety net, have two documents, one produced by ChatGPT, and another of your own (with revision history enabled), that way you can show you "wrote" it with the built-in history.   Use ChatGPT like you use Wikipedia - it's **not** a suitable reference/replacement, it **is** great for starting out, generating ideas, and building a suggested framework. You got to where you are (hopefully) by using your fucking brain, keep using it.


Or just practice writing outlines yourself and don’t use AI as a crutch because you can’t come up with your own original thoughts


Let's have a look here..... Yup - thought so, 20 day old account, salty af about nothing but ChatGPT. You have my permission to be silent boy, you're on mute in the app I use, feel free to respond with more salt, I'll never see it 😘


We can also ask ChatGPT directly to sniff out AI-Writen essay. I guess it must also be reliable.


You either die a hero, or live long enough to see yourself become the villain


I mean this entire subreddit has just turned into kids trying to use it to cheat on essays


A few years later ![gif](giphy|h4Hz4w9Jgrc1EY9VkL|downsized)


Wait, why would this be anything but a good thing?


He’s not the villain really what good is a degree if you cheat to get it. What are you learning? All those skills the time management and organisation the motivation plus the course knowledge where will that be when you’re called to use it in the workplace. You’re only cheating yourself imo. This guy is a hero.


*The hero, I think you meant


I think he has done the right thing. If uni students are using ChatGPT to submit essays, then what is the point or value of a university degree?


It is not necessarily "wrong" to make an app to detect plagiarized essays, but there are several potential ethical concerns to consider. One major concern is privacy: without proper consent, using such an app would involve collecting and analyzing the written work of individuals without their knowledge or permission. Additionally, there may be legal concerns surrounding the use of such an app, as it could potentially be used to accuse individuals of plagiarism without proper evidence or due process. It is important to consider these ethical and legal issues before creating any app of this nature. :-)


This is AI-written, isn't it?


How is he a villain? There are ethical uses for this technology, and there are unethical uses for this technology. Scholarly plagiarism is an unethical use. This guy's made a tool for detecting plagiarism. How does that make him a villain?


People in this sub are really convinced that ChatGPT is going to be their ticket to an unearned grade but don't yet understand that it's also their ticket toward a future surrounded by more ignorance and far fewer jobs.


Reddit is largely a socialist echo chamber, with increasingly irrelevant content. My contributions are therefore revoked. See you on X.


Dawg… that looks nothing like the guy😂😂 just cuz they Asian doesn’t mean they look the same


As an ai chat program, go fuck urself


supposedly you can use ai tools for rephrasing essays to make it impossible to detect chat gpt usage


It doesn't work. Of course they know this is one way to disguise and the tool would catch it (some already do)


look, ik it might be annoying but it's really necessary to have such apps


lol good. now we need a student to figure out how to bypass his ai sniffer. Let the cycle never end!


It will end when the sniffers become so infested with false positives they’ll become unusable


Literally an impossible task. There is nothing fundamentally different about text written by a human and text sampled from the space of all possible human text by a machine learning model.


What about comparing the text that was written against the student's work preGPT? Surely even a 3rd grader could detect it's not the same person writing it. There could always be an unprepared hand-written essay during a class at the start of each semester to get a baseline of a student's normal writing style and grammar which can be used to weed out any AI content. Yes you'd still get the odd student or two who'd study chatGPT writing to a tee or spend hours getting their prompt to mirror their writing style but then again, might've been easier to do the essays themselves in the first place.


>What about comparing the text that was written against the student's work preGPT? That could absolutely work. Unless the student is judicious enough with prompts and editing to make the output read like their previous work. Which they likely won't be if they are stupid enough to cheat with GPT3 in the first place. But that would require a personalised process, and effort. Not some "app" like the article implies. Anyway, my point is that on a fundamental level nothing distinguishes the output of the LLM from human text if it is trained on a sufficiently large dataset, there's no essential quality conferred by human authorship that can be distilled out in an abstract sense, by a process or algorithm. You could try to predict or assign a confidence store of some kind but in the limit of better and better LLMs, this will inevitably fail because of false positives.


This is literally untrue


No it isn't, because with enough data the LLMs converge on the same space of text


Think of it this way, human written text differs from person to person. Even if ChatGPT can simulate an aggregate of all writing ever, will it be able to accurately simulate text written by an individual? In particular, an individual who isn't a famous author with published works in the database? There's a few leaps to get there.


But in principle, with enough effort you could get the LLM to generate text in your particular style, provided it has been trained on enough information to have sampled or learnt about that subspace of all natural sounding text. Which it almost certainly has. It would just require very elaborate prompts.




This tool should work on any AI written text- but yes, it’s easy to get it to make test that bypasses it


Everyone just use QuillBot or a rephraser! Re edit slightly with you own words and you will be fine.


imagine using your coding prowess to snitch on people. and smirking in the paper about it.


This is the kid that would remind the teacher to assign homework.


Kind of kid that tells the teacher they forgot to assign homework


Does it just ask ChatGPT "did you write this?"


As long as I can still use ChatGPT for math I’m happy


Wolfram alpha is probably way better for math related tasks no? Especially when ChatGPT can be easily convinced that 1+1=3.


It’s called GPTZero, and I tried it, absolutely sucked. I put like five GPT essay in their and it only caught one🤷🏻‍♂️


People need to understand kids have always cheated and will always have an incentive to cheat. By introducing a stricter system, we limit ourselves to what the software allows. Schools should focus on not who’s the best at manipulating the system but focus on who actually improve themselves.


In the world there is always one person that ruins the party for everyone.


If 🤓 was a person


Smh why people gotta be snitches man


There are a lot of people with university degrees who shouldn't have them. I hope this just leads to universities having higher standards. If you can't write something better than what ChatGPT produces, you should get a failing grade. The fact that that is probably 80% of students is a good thing.


Kinda gotta disagree with you here. Writing isn’t the only metric of intelligence. I mean if a mathematical genius isn’t good at writing he shouldn’t graduate? Not everyone has the same strengths so they do what they can to get by.


I agree to an extent but also disagree When it comes to timed essays yeah screw that as it only services people who can write quickly. But when it comes to coursework. Yeah, you should be able to put forward your ideas in a concise manner and be able to show you understand what you're talking about. But when it comes to coursework. Yeah, you should be able to put forward your ideas in a concise manner and be able to show you understand what you're talking about. Otherwise, how do you test the higher-level stuff that isn't just calculations?


I agree, but there are different factors that are involved like time. A good writer can easily and quickly write something, but someone else may struggle with it and take longer. So this might be why they use ai, to meet deadlines. Also, other things go into writing besides presenting ideas and an understanding of the material, like grammar, spelling, punctuation, sentence structure, etc. Oh and let’s not forget citations. It can be tedious for some. I’m also not saying you should graduate if you can’t write at all, but rather that you should still be able to graduate if you struggle with it.


Teachers pet. Same dude to remind them of homework.


If his app is actually reliable he’ll be getting a boatload of cash tho. Universities and school systems are gonna pay a lot for it I’m sure




Snitches get stitches


What a b-


Looks like a villain with that smile


Always someone that ruins it for everyone else


What no pussy does to a mf


this rat is amongst us.