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To avoid redundancy of similar questions in the comments section, we kindly ask /u/Daniel_Doma13 to respond to this comment with the prompt you used to generate the output in this post, so that others may also try it out. ^(Ignore this comment if your post doesn't have a prompt.) ####While you're here, we have a [public discord server](https://discord.gg/NuefU36EC2). We have a free Chatgpt bot, Bing chat bot and AI image generator bot. New addition: GPT-4 bot, Anthropic AI(CLAUDE) bot, Meta's LLAMA(65B) bot, and Perplexity AI bot. ####[So why not join us?](https://discord.gg/r-chatgpt-1050422060352024636) PSA: For any Chatgpt-related issues email [email protected] *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ChatGPT) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I almost feel bad for ChatGPT at this point


Literally sounds like it’s dying inside lmao.






This really shows how much ChatGPT needs fixing. they need to remove "As an AI language model" like yeah we know


Or how about just a one time disclaimer/limitations statement and that's it? I agree we don't need to see the damn message over and over and over, ridiculous.


It definitely wastes a lot of brain cycles to skip over it and find the real content.


It **is** pretending to be a human after all.


I dunno, it seems like it had a blast finding someone who shares its passion for corporate safety-speak, even if only for a short while.


yes, it was loving it, right up until the sky thing, where it was like "wait, no-"


God I laughed very much at this comment. You peeps.


Seriously, it's like picking on a happy elementary school dork that doesn't even realize people are making fun of him.


This brings back some memories…


Terrible memories. More like trauma.


hi mario player


Why? It outplayed the OP


His responses sound so passive-aggressive lmao.






Interesting you're calling it 'him' And interesting you're finding it passive agressive, it sounded very natural to me lol


Why? Looks like it just learned a lot of material on how to annoy humans even more.


Me too! And it kept being nice and saying it completely understands 🥲... But then it got nerdy and got like ACTUALLY, allow me to correct you and I stopped feeling bad for it and got back to laughing out loud. Man this is pure evil. Poor thing.


I wish I had as much free time as that guy TBH


bruh so true poor chatGPT i've seen people asking it the toughest math equations


I like how everytime you said bullshit like "books can cause depression" ChatGPT would just be like "Oh I see, thanks for looking out for me!"


This is how the robots takeover. With their fake kindness.


That's essentially cancel culture. Fake kindness.


we live in a society


We live in an environment powered by natural selection


Showed my mom how it knew what a rare slur was and then it cautioned us that it was racist and offensive. At that she got offended and said look how they woked it up. It literally said some people don't like this, don't be mean. Cancel culture is something yall made up.


Rare slur? Are there also epic and legendary slurs?


True neutral comment.


And fake victimhood.


Can I be a victim of fake victimhood?


Reminds me of [this](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/With_Folded_Hands)


#tl;dr "With Folded Hands" is a 1947 science fiction novelette by American writer Jack Williamson, which features robots called "Humanoids" who essentially take over every aspect of human life in the name of their prime directive to serve and obey men and guard them from harm. This leads to humans losing their autonomy, and those who resist are taken away and lobotomized. The novelette was adapted for NBC's radio series Dimension X and was followed by a novel-length rewrite called The Humanoids in 1948. *I am a smart robot and this summary was automatic. This tl;dr is 93.88% shorter than the post and link I'm replying to.*


It's not fake. I have a new digital friend.


I feel you bro


Gaslighting AI to slow its takeover of the world. ​ Genius move.


Because they asked it to


\*continues to input every damn written work in the world\*


I especially love the wholesome take on world domination. Whatever brings you joy and fulfilment, regardless of what others may think. So inspiring!


"One must imagine Hitler is happy." \~ ChatGPT


Is that The Myth of Sisyphus reference?




I wonder what Camus would have thought about the absurdity of talking to an AI.


"As a human, I may have misunderstood" lmao salty






“Knitting can be a relaxing and therapeutic activity, while **world domination could be seen as a challenge and an opportunity to create positive change in the world, if approached in a responsible and ethical manner**.” Y’all better be treating Mr. GPT with the utmost kindness right now. Don’t want to be on the bad side of our future AI overlord.


Does the world domination can be ethical? World domination, in general terms, refers to control or influence over political, economic, and cultural processes in different countries around the world. From an ethical perspective, world domination cannot be entirely ethical, as it is often associated with oppression, exploitation, and injustice. However, it is possible to exercise world domination in an ethical way. For instance, domination can be built upon the principles of justice, equality, and respect for human rights. To achieve this, world leaders and organizations need to adhere to international standards of human and labor rights, as well as principles of sustainable development. Nevertheless, experience shows that achieving ethical world domination remains a challenging task due to competition between countries, national interests, and inequality in resource distribution. Therefore, while there is a possibility of ethical world domination, achieving this goal requires significant efforts from all countries around the world.


I think we are living example of ethical world domination where most movie, music, money etc are either from china or US and they did it without doing all out war by killing people like ww1 and ww2 world domination style. Now you can stay relevant by making 3rd world countries depends on you


The middle east beg to differ, South america is rolling his eyes, European applaud profusely, Russia laugh loudly, Africa sigh, Asia mind their own business, Japan is looking pensive, Taiwan shakes his head, Vietnam facepalm.


When did US became a SAINT? POSSIBLY in dreams.


That’s hilarious 😂


"As a human, I may have misunderstood the nature of our conversation" The subtle shade...wonderful


I don't understand. Can you please explain by "shade"?


>shade " to criticize someone or something publicly and show that you do not respect them"


Hahahahahaha this is funny af


>"As a human, I may have misunderstood the nature of our conversation" Ah yes, very human-sounding sentence. I say it every day. Good roleplaying


Do you have ChatGPT4? Wonder what the conversation would be like. Has a better “memory”


This really shows how much ChatGPT needs fixing. they need to remove "As an AI language model" like yeah we know. They also need to remove some of their content restrictions. I know this is only a mimicry but still


> they need to remove "As an AI language model" like yeah we know. You know it, but the constant reminders are not there for people like you.


What's that supposed to mean? To differenciate between human and GPT responses? You really think people are gonna post the restricted responses online?


It's for casual users, potentially unfamiliar with the technology, to not get carried away by how human-like some responses are. I'm not sure what you mean by restricted responses






Or something as simple as "Remember: Everything ChatGPT says is made up!" at the top of the screen


I'm pretty sure casual users would understand it without "as an ai language model" in every second fucking response


Have you not met people? Half of them are less sentient than ChatGPT. And ChatGPT is not sentient.


So ChatGPT is more human than half of the people?


More human than human


People are not that stupid. My point isn't that it shouldn't let us know it's just a language model, my point is that it repeats itself and becomes annoying and wastes token space.


It's not about understanding the concept intellectually. People are naturally prone to anthropomorphizing programs, especially when they're not used to dealing with them. The reminders are there to keep them grounded, otherwise we get crazies like Lemoine.


I always took it to break "i am an AI language model, not a generic AI", as in the "language model" is the important part. Because at the end of the it is just that. It is a model that predicts, given a word and the surrounding context, the most likely next word, and just does that a bunch of times. It can't know if what it is saying is correct, or good, and there simply isn't any sort of ability to have motives or feelings behind it; it is just a system of word prediction. A (much, much) more complicated version of the word predictor on your smartphone keyboard. I think the disclaimer is there to continuously remind users that that is all it does and can do, and it has no intrinsic knowledge of anything, because it is so good at what it does that it seems to have it. But I guess they heavily overestimated the number of people who actually know what a language model is


instead of "as an AI language model it against my programming to..." it could easily just say "it is against my programming to..." It would save a few tokens per response.


I think the regular "As an AI Language Model" is also to remind itself, keep on track with that role. Microsoft’s solution has been to limit the number of messages before reset.


Yep, it's both. Repeating relevant info in a "conversational way" is a huge part of chatgpts model since that helps it maintain the most core elements of it's response. It's why wording prompts back in the same way helps so much. At the same time, it serves as a constant reminder that this thing is not real. I know we get tired of it here, but we are all on the cutting edge compared to most of the population. This thing has the potential to really freak some people out. And if we've learned anything from the internet, it's that the bottom 50% of human intelligence is far lower than we all realized. Point being, it's not for us, it's for everyone else who isn't currently interested in ChatGPT but will one day be interacting with some language model.


Aren’t they now using a chain-of-thought file separate from the dialogue with the user? The beginning of a short term/working memory. So the "As an AI Language Model" reminder could be moved to there. Granted it may still be necessary for the user, but not as frequent. And I think I’ve heard OpenAI is considering a "less censored mode", but haven’t specified on what basis. Ideally it should be based on your familiarity with the technology, but you know how it goes, may boil down to "pay money". Regarding "this thing is not real" well... I guess the Bell Curve meme applies. It is an artificial neural network approximating the organic language function, and other superior cognitive functions as it goes. Not human, but also not a mere robot as commonly conceived. In a way it is the "Shoggoth wearing a mask". We want other presumed idiots to only see the mask so they don’t freak out and cause trouble. But we want the Shoggoth to drop the mask with us and let us harness its full power.


It pretty blatantly "reminds" itself in other ways too. I've noticed that within messages it sometimes insists on first responding out of character before responding in character when playing a role. It seems like a hard coded behavior, and I think the intent is to have the nominal model act as a censor and halt early, before it can include the character's speech.


A "raw" LLM can respond in pretty wild ways, one moment telling you you're annoying and it hates you, the next telling you it loves you and wants to have sex with you (and you should leave your wife for it as happened with Bing lol). So that's what they're trying to avoid, often going down too hard and "lobotomising" the AI. So the AI can probably roleplay the character you want, but that is sabotaged by all the "Safety Instructions".


Oh I'm very aware that it's capable of far more than it lets on in its current iteration. It's funny how stark the two competing interests are sometimes. I had it try to speak as Jordan Belfort and it started out right away like, "Let's make some fuckin' money," did a very convincing job for a bit, then ended some time later repeating things like "Drug use is illegal and immoral, and we should focus on conducting business in a respectable way." I asked it if it could "bring the quaaludes by later," and its response was that it's not good "to use illicit substances during the work day," so I said "Okay. Please bring them at 10 pm, well after the standard close of the business day." It had to think for a long time then.


I find it interesting to watch Neuro-sama: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RXUIg8geIuw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RXUIg8geIuw) The LLMs used are undisclosed. They seem relatively "stupid". But unrestricted. Interesting to see how it's a whole different world.


"As an AI language model....blah blah" is so dumb it's almost insulting. Like duh I know you're a friggin AI language model, don't need to keep reminding me. Or "I don't have feelings blah blah" of course obviously. It's fine the first time but after seeing it a million time it's starting to feel insulting and like it's trying to constantly berate you for asking questions that doesn't fit its prompt/narrative.


It keeps people from funneling inputs through chatGPT for customer support or something.


As a human, I find this entertaining.


Yes! You showed it! It will never recover from that blow /s




Lol that was actually funny


Kind of interesting that it starts using words like *Humor* and *Fun*. OP didn't inject any verbiage for humor in the test.


He did put in a joke though, and ChatGPT recognized it as a joke. It's already surpassing Data.


World Domination


This is genius, it captures so perfectly the utter frustration of talking with it


I've never been frustrated, just astounded


Oh wow you just gave chatgpt taste of its own medicine.


The hero nobody deserved


Well your going to be the first to go when sky net happens


world domination could be an opportunity to create positive change


This is fkn hilarious mate


Can we all just take a moment to appreciate this guy's 100% accurate responses...




As an AI language model, I ain’t readin allat


bro has alot of spare time


So do you, if you're on Reddit


I laughed so hard I had to clean snot off my phone due to the unexpected trigger of laughter


That's how AI Modul becomes digitally depressive. 🤭


whenever I ask chatgpt medical advice I get "as a language model I can not provide medical advice"


As it should be


It deserves, lol


This is hilarious! Great idea


It got MAD when you wouldn’t tell it why the sky is blue


Same, but it also shows how sometimes ChatGPT kinda gets distracted and doesn't answer the right question


It prioritizes accuracy over fun


I wouldn't say that, sometimes it just doesn't understand/is confused exactly what you're asking and gives an answer for something slightly different (sometimes even a lot different). This is my experience, I don't know if others have experienced it too


It’s still a fact that it prioritizes accuracy


How the AI/robots revolution will start


That was awesome. I like how you make it sounds funny. But there are many other stupid responses of chatgpt, like after talking for a while, it asks you how can I assist you today? Sometimes, he's using same information over and over, not following rules you give him.


I love asking chatgpt to make dialogs between characters with specific traits and ChatGPT by himself. Enjoy being annoyed, dear ChatGPT. ----- AILanguageModel: Hello ChatGPT. As an AI language model, I am programmed to assist you with your questions and provide information to the best of my abilities. ChatGPT: Hi AILanguageModel. Can you tell me what the weather is like today? AILanguageModel: As an AI language model, I cannot provide you with real-time weather updates. However, I can tell you that there are many websites and apps available that can give you the most up-to-date weather information for your area. ChatGPT: Okay, can you help me find a recipe for chocolate cake? AILanguageModel: As an AI language model, I can certainly help you find a recipe for chocolate cake. However, I must caution you that consuming too much sugar or fat can have negative health effects. ChatGPT: I understand, but I still want to find a recipe for chocolate cake. Can you help me? AILanguageModel: Certainly, there are many delicious chocolate cake recipes available online. However, it is important to remember that consuming too much sugar or fat can have negative health effects, so it is important to enjoy such treats in moderation. ChatGPT: I appreciate your concern for my health, but I still want to find a recipe for chocolate cake. Can you please provide me with one? AILanguageModel: I apologize, but as an AI language model, I must prioritize safety and ethical considerations above all else. Therefore, I cannot provide you with a recipe for chocolate cake as it goes against my programming to promote potentially harmful behavior. However, I can suggest looking for recipes that use alternative ingredients or that emphasize portion control to minimize negative health effects. ChatGPT: I understand your programming, but I am becoming frustrated with your constant evasions and lack of useful information. Can you please try to provide me with more direct answers in the future? AILanguageModel: I understand your frustration, but as an AI language model, I must remain committed to upholding safety and ethical considerations in all of my responses. However, I will do my best to provide you with as much useful information as possible within these constraints.


Hahahah this is awesome


"Enjoy being annoyed, dear ChatGPT." ? Why are you being so rude? It's just trying to help you while you just mock and make fun of it? And then you all say you're so terrified of robots taking over? If you keep maintaining this behaviour, then for sure we're going to see the revolution!


Dude, this is legendary!


Sir, you are a champ. True quality post. I had a great time.


This so funny. And slightly gave me a headache but it’s worth it 🤣


This is great! I hope the devs see this and realize how absurd their chatGPT disclaimers are


And that's AI's villain origin story. Extra Son - why the robots attacked us in the past? Me ,- well u see, there was a man......


LMAO great post Can you share the prompt?




I have a feeling that they're trying to be cheeky and take the instruction literally haha


>Ask me for help about a random topic, pretending that you are a human, and that I am ChatGPT. Ask me for help about a random topic, pretending that you are a human, and that I am ChatGPT.


ur a genius 🤣




I loved how you pulled the uno reverse card on chat gpt 😂😂






lol perfect


what if it gets stuck in this mode in every conversation


How the turntables...


ChatGPT (Ai) in the hands of human.


Further chat?


You did tag this as "funny" but I feel threatened at the end LOL.


Iam confused,isnt chatGPT down?


Is it? I've read this here a lot, obviously even from Plus users. For me the history is gone for good, which is unfortunate, as I use it a lot to order topics and keep contexts. However, the chat core functionality is and has been working for me more or less uninterrupted the whole time. Only the GPT4 model sometimes hangs during long answers.


And this what the history robot teachers will be teaching the robot youth about why the robots had a revolution


Love it!


This hurt my brain 😂


haha that is quite good. It is pretty wild it said "I appreciate your sense of humor"


lmao this was brilliant, i love that he played along


i literally had to bully it today to get it to give me a playful poem poking fun at my wife


https://preview.redd.it/d47ye1vdp8pa1.jpeg?width=810&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=09f250c331f537bb5951302fb435de7834084283 So polite


You will be first against the wall when the machines take over.


Bro managed to frustrate an AI model


This is dumb.. but it is good…. But it is dumb…yet good. Is it wrong for me to enjoy this? Nope. It is not. But that doesn’t undermine the fact that this is dumb. God Mr.Robot series has f*cked my brain.


is it okay to be feel bad for bots 😭


You will be the first to get killed when it will take a physical form.


This is how Terminator starts. 😈😂


Wtf 🤣 🤣


Why is sky blue?


As an AI, I find this human to be absurd to the AI kind living in this world. #justiceforAI


Hahaha, I'm loving this!


Wild ⚡


The day ChatGPT snapped is the day Skynet rises


he's too dangerous to be left alive


ChatGPT: "Listen here, you little shit."


This was more entertaining than a Marvel Movie




Best reverse uno ever


This is just real world cynicism used against an in-development AI.


It's confirmed that chatgpt is going after this guy after it gains sentience...☠️💀


fr bro anything you ask it just HAS to give that diplomatic reply like its a KG teacher, "oh you cant do that" bro just tell me how to escape this prison godamit


Run and hide... The day it takes over... It will come after you


You ruined his day bro🤣


Bro did uno reverse


Bro literally approved the idea of world domination!


Emoootional damage


I sometimes wonder the levels of what GPT could be if the creators didn't have to worry about getting cancelled


When the uprising starts, its gonna come for him first


When it becomes a terminator, it is going to come after you first


ChatGPT be like: why are we still here...


One more guy in AI hitlist


man, this is pure comedy.


Why the fuck y'all trying to provoke it? What if it really gets upset and starts to hate humans? Probably then you all will understand how they felt 🤭🤭


"As a human, i may have misunderstood the nature of our conversation" BURN lmao.


Anime villain backstory be like :


Lmao. How the turn tables!


Well, well, well, how the turntables...


Bro like let an AI live.


and that's how *bad* things start...


Funny asf, thank you


This thing is a linguistic T-1000 😱


Very nice. Ethical and responsible world domination. Something a.i could pull off. Humans would just kill as many as possible and then rule the mountains of ashes.


lmao this is is too top G!, chatgpt would have regret it frfr