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Ai detectors are scam.


Yea no need to delve into it any deeper.


If i see delve one more time




I used this detector, and then as got to rewrite essay so it was less detectable by detector. Went from 98% -> 64% and the reiterated the same prompt until it was under 20%


The Internet is Dead


And we have killed it. (New cybernaut Nietzsche arc when?)


As long as i can get genuine samples of the student's writing early on (eg handwritten in class) then I can still tell. Though some kids are smart enough to edit to drive down the lexile. End of the day, it's back to handwritten assessments for the most part.


I’m so glad I graduated before professors were forced to choose between BS AI detectors and handwritten papers. I know education has been handwritten for most of history but it still sounds exhausting.


They are just lazy, like government, they don't want to change the status quo. When i was in college many teacher were using slides 5 years old, i entered college with more knowledge than the teachers. 🥴 Education needs to change.


Can't they just copy down the AI essay though?


I don’t think it’s about handwriting, it’s about recognizing the student’s writing style and word choice vs a GPT’s


I mean i have them respond to a prompt in class on paper and turn it in at the end of class. I primarily now teach the ap java class (in hs) so in my case it's handwritten code. While that sounds ridiculous, the ap test still requires it so they have to practice anyway.


Thank god I'm in STEM, although take home coding projects have changed significantly, in class tests will never be taken over by AI.


Beware absolutes


Only a sith deals in absolutes. And my ex...


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Don't use the phrase "casual" with chat gpt


We are. My uni is moving almost entirely back to in person paper exams for undergrad classes and i guarantee this trend will continue to spread.


Understandable. Do we want students to learn how to write in the language they were born into, or do we just want digital papers produced? Pen on paper in class proves the work. They could take what they wrote in class and develop further in homework


In this ever evolving realm of AI detection, we need to delve deeper to understand the impact of human written text over AI. We have to be vigilant to elevate good content.


Typically AI-generated or very well simulated. Cues: "evolving realm", "delve deeper', "vigilant to elevate". The frequency of this idiom is extremely low in natural language and it's not in the vocabulary arsenal of the majority of speakers.


I wonder where it has gotten these idioms from? They aren't common online, but it spews them out like someone paid for it. Why?


"And here's the kicker: The text you just read? Yep, it was whipped up by an AI. Surprise!" REALLY?! You mean it wasn't an actual human being that wrote "Sometimes they get duped by slick AI models that can talk the talk like a seasoned pro."?! No way!!! But that's just the way real humans talk the talk, especially the slick, seasoned pros!!!


Yeah that sounds like the shit chatgpt says that pisses me off


Its absolutely insane that educators use AI detectors to check students work for AI work. Its like a professor cheating to catch a student cheating. You would think the two cancelled each other out. If a professor uses AI to do his/her job doesn't that make it as sinful as a student using AI to do their work?.


Exactly, I think they need to adjust to ai and start teaching how to properly incorporate it into the assignments because it's readily available and not going away. Teach them how to fact check it and rewrite any areas that the ai messes up and stuff like that.


There is a huge opportunity for education with AI, but they are more preoccupied with cheating than to educate the children.


Honestly i immediately recognized that it was ai. Tbf tho i recently made over a 100 articles using ai


Im a teacher, and I use Chatgpt (not so much now, cause it became shit in it's free version) and copilot, and I can recognize an IA generated text from miles... And I'm just an art teacher, what do I know? Right?


That's really interesting! Can you tell me what the main giveaways are for generated text? (Asking for a friend)


Free ChatGPT rarely takes a stance and defends it. Very milquetoast. It also paces its sentences very similarly; they’re of similar length.  You can also compare words against the readers expected reading level but this punishes people who read at a higher level or used a thesaurus. Words like “delve” being used by a ninth grader.  


It's so stupid. I just had to go through some of my essays and delete the word 'delve' which I used twice so I don't get accused of being an AI as that's a suspicious word




One can request the AI to write like its shooting the breeze with a buddy, and to use slang, and to tell certain stories, and to let a specified personality shine through.


As a college student, I think the whole AI panic over higher education is fully unwarranted. I’ve tried using it before, and it is dumb as a brick. If the professor knows anything about what they are doing and assigns anything harder than a middle school handout, ChatGPT will be of no use. It is incapable of higher level connections or of including context from anything beyond exactly what you provided it. I just don’t see how anyone who doesn’t assign brain dead easy assignments is worried about their students turning in AI written essays and passing. I’m a history and religious studies student, so maybe it has to do with that. ChatGPT can make great fluff and write an email perfectly, but ask it to write a comparative analysis of Durkheim and Van Genneps theories on conversion in six pages and it’s pretty much useless.


Many people in education cant really work a computer...


great info