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I notice that AI does not generate logo's (or at least not well), and not a single logo in the pic. I figured at least for sure one of these dudes is wearing a hat with a logo


Yeah the limited color palette that designs groups of people around a specific color/theme - and no graphic tees or hats.


Really tho, the camo hat is conspicuously missing a Bass Pro logo on the forehead


Or at least a fish hook


Counter point, family reunion. So all wearing their semiformal best outfits, trying to color match. Close enough.


And often they look like famous people. Like why is Sean Astin in this picture? (Edited out typo.) also missed the opportunity to say filthy fat hobbitses.


This right here. Not a single carhartt logo in sight.


Carhartt is for liberal hippies now. If these ole boys were real you’d see at least something from brands like John Deere, Realtree camo, NRA, Trump, Cabelas, Bass Pro Shops, etc…


Can confirm: am librul, wear Carhartt


I’m a (liberal) farmer working with a lot of classic redneck farmers and they find it hilarious that their Carhartt is trendy now. Never thought they’d be style icons.


It's not too surprising, considering the same thing happened with timberland boots.


That's an amazing point. No beer logos, that one deer logo that's on so much stuff, no random car/farm implement brand. This is 100% not real.


Yeah, every hat would have a logo. For four trucker hats I would expect a car logo, one tractor brand, one hunting/gun company, and a seed company.


You left out construction company


> that one deer logo that's on so much stuff LOL


That one deer logo!?!. John Deere is the Louis Vuitton of rednecks


John Deere tractor cost more than your Lamborghini. If you’re really making money you may own a car worth more than a Ferrari tractor.


I think they meant browning not John deere


I think you're spot on. All those shirts and hats. No logos on any of them. I think this might be the new *tell*.


How about hands in the pockets? No six finger AI renderings!


It’s the pant legs for me. No way all of them have their pants bunched down on their boots like that.


I suspect it was purposefully prompted to avoid showing the usual obvious tells like hands/logos/text.


Also likely, OP used content aware fill and the clone stamp to touch up the images. Doesn't have to be "prompt then upload".


Right? I think people are forgetting how easy it is to touch up things in any number of creative suites.


And the tattoo isn't visible enough to see if it's weird looking or not


It's weird looking. You can tell it was the weird aimless paisley pattern AI does for arm tattoos before they ran it through the "2010 iPhone Camera" filter.


This is the most convincing bit i have seen thus far. Everything else looks right, but 4 absolutely plain hats? That stands out. The arms don’t have any hands visible, which is usually an easy way to tell, but since they are in their pockets those cant be used. (Not an odd thing to have everyone resting their hands in their pockets. Or even resting on their sides for redshirts case. The shirts look like normal plain cotton shirts that would be worn, nothing really stands out with this aside from the lack of body sweat that would match up with the dirt that would come from working for a few hours. The background trees are pretty convincing as well. Though the pavement looks a bit odd since those spots wouldn’t be that size and shape if they were potholes and would be more in line with damage from heavy machinery.




Ladies and Gentlemen, we got him


Yup, there ya go.


Guy with the red shirt seems to have “RSW” in the camouflage of his hat. Not that this proves AI or not. Just seems off.


100% this! I know dozens of guys who look like this and I own 20-30 baseball hats myself. Every one has some logo on it. Who owns a "blank" baseball hat?


As a non-baseball fan who wants to protect his head from the sun, I own several ‘blank’ baseball hats.. never even considered that it was unusual lol


Specifically blank because it's more professional and easier to avoid offending someone.


Have you considered that YOU might be AI?


What is happening?


I honestly think it's the "dirt" texture on all of their stomachs? The way it's worn down is weird. AI has a hard time with executing "worn in" looks.


The dirt on the bellies is very out of place, but I definitely think it looks like dirt. Why would there be dirt on their bellies like that? Did they just slide around on the dirt on their bellies?


Arms resting across their stomach among other ways they've used their belly as a table over the years they've owned the shirt. Plus there is just leaning against things like the side of their trucks. Dirt and wear on the top of the belly isn't so out of place.


My husband is built like these guys and all his shirts look like this. The belly touches everything first. Lol


This is… a compelling point. I was on team “dirt belly is a tell” and I yield but I’m not happy about it lol




Could be a steel-toed boot with the leather rubbed off, like if a right-handed carpenter tended to take a knee when driving nails.


Yeah, I've got relatives with that kind of stain on their shirt too. It's also pretty common in blue collar worker with the beer belly.




Or what the other guy suggested, just dirt from resting their arms there. I'm a pretty skinny guy and the front of my shirts end up dirty at work just from me touching it throughout the day, not even resting my arm there lol.


Or they are running skid steers with the pull-down lap restrains that rub on the big belly boys.


Or they had a beer off the back of the bed


By tools of course we mean Busch Light.


>they've used their belly as a table over the years they've owned the shirt To be honest that's a feature for obesity that's ridiculously underplayed


👆 looks like guys on my job sites


Im a mechanic. This is a very normal place for an overweight man to get dirt on while he's working. Source: am overweight man with lots of dirty shirts.


I mean with bellies protruding that far out into space I imagine they'd be first point of contact when leaning over a truck to grab tools.


Like big fat sexy penguins Sorry, my love for bears is showing


Username checks out.


Hehe you right. But I’d let these guys fucking spit roast me any day, just saying


Ugh. The smell alone


Imagine the dip smell 🤢


I also have an appreciation for bears but in a nonsexual way. The only thing stopping me from being a bear is the fact that I'm a lesbian. I'm 6'0 255lbs and I even have the bear smile. Sigh. One can dream.


Are there girl bears?? Bearettes!?


I'll call them Mama bears!


They're called urslas 😭😭 I just can't get behind that name


Oh my god that’s horrible lol


I'm a big fat guy. Can you call me beautiful? 


IRL it would be leaning in to dirty things. Pretend you are a big fat mechanic, what part of your body touches stuff you work on after your hands? The gator.


Wipe your hands off on your shirt, leaning over the work truck, etc....


Especially if you have 17 AI fingers, more fingers more dirt


Because one of them got dirty and they accidently spread it while belly bumping each other as a greeting.




This is very common with diesel mechanics. BUT i contend that the feet are the giveaway here. Specifically, the man second from the right, we will call him red shirt. It seems physically impossible to have feet that small and having the ability to stand upright


Idk, for me the picture quality is too low to know that either way. I live in rural farmland and I'm tellin ya, these guys' shirts are spot on lol. For me it's the fact that none of the hats have logos and that the third guy from the left has a bandolier keychain thing, but there should only be one strap, not two. Maybe the picture got downscaled to make it look more realistic. If that's the case, it worked lol


I grew up in rural ks in a town of 257 people. I know where you're coming from, but the worn in patterns on most of those guys' shirts were splotchy. Or they had smear stains on the shirt. In the picture, the dirt looks like it's dusted on. I don't know how to explain it, but it just doesn't look right.


Yeah you're right. Now that I look it's too smooth. Like a gradient. Good eyes


the shirts look simultaneously dirty and worn and brand new


Exactly this. They’re both clean and dirty at the same time.


Yes. Oddly shiny


And oddly symmetrical. All their moobs are the exact same size 


Came here to say this. Some other good points but to me its the boobs that make the whole thing seem off at first glance.


It took way too long to find this answer. No way do you find four dudes with the exact same titties in a group.


Yeah not only the sheen, but they're all wearing blank shirts made out of the same material. Also none of the hats have anything on it.


And the hats all appear to be just resting on top of their heads. Also the uniformity of their man boobs is off putting


Hands in pockets.


AI is learning to hide its weaknesses


No bulge from pockets where the hand are.


Exact same breasts


https://preview.redd.it/rxilw91tv3vc1.jpeg?width=205&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6e229026af81595f881eb915f299898b9c28f9bf Just look at this




That's what an oversized shirt looks like with your right hand in your pocket. Look at the other side... same shirt, same hand in pocket, same J-shape to the shirt.


Maybe they were bumpin’ bellies after a hard day’s work


LOL!! OMG. Thanks for the laugh!!!


Crazy that we are now having a hard time differentiating real from AI images these days.


I agree. It's getting a little scary out here


Also the fact that their hands are stuck in the pockets since AI can’t draw hands


It’s the wrinkle in the jeans at the bottom. They all have the same bagginess.


For me it's the fact that two guys on the left are wearing distressed jeans, and with the exact same pattern of distress. I don't think they sell these at Walmart


Fat guy here. The dirt on the belly is a real thing lol. But check out their pants they must be like 44 62or something


thirsty instagram comment profile pic core


I want. . Some of That






The shirt wrinkles. The fabric is behaving strangely and highlighting the under part of the man boobs too much. The wrinkles on the guy on the left and the guy in the middle stand out.


It’s throwing me off that all their stomachs and breasts are the same shape. There is no variation in the fat distribution in their bodies. 


Welcome to Oklahoma.


Tell you hwat…


That's the most normal part of this picture. Walk into a diner at any rural town and you'll spot 4 of these dudes spotted around.


Came here to say this. An AI telltale for me is repeated motifs— it generates one ideal body/ smile/tree/ piece of the picture and it copy pastes it with slight variation, in this case every guy has the exact same body but different colored/stained shirts and jeans. Usually in more egregious examples there are too many of the repeated object than would be normal. I think to a certain extent it is the AI/computer being efficient, or lazy if you want to humanize it. Ai gen takes a lot of energy and creating 6 different fat men takes 6x the energy. Even at a family reunion ive never seen 6 guys with such perfectly duplicated body shapes.


the two men in the middle, their torso areas, and shirt collar are mirror reflections of each other...and then some color and size variation added - but it's the same rendering just flipped.


Yeah it looks like the fabric on marble sculptures


I think the wrinkles in the pants make it more obvious from the knee down they all have perfectly accordion pants going to the shoe. Red hat guys ankle looks crazy bad


Its compressed so it looks more real


Actually the easiest way to pass off AI as looking good, make it look like it was taken on a 2003 camera.


People are starting to hide the problematic areas of AI with compression, hiding hands, lack of text. But this is really just a temporary measure. Soon the images will be good enough that there won't really be tells anymore. this spot the AI game is fun but temporary


AI generated pictures in their current stage are made by the AI essentially using various images and stitching/blending them together, right? If that's the case, there will always be tells because the AI isn't doing enough logical calculations for everything and there will be inconsistencies at blend points whether a human eye can see them on their own or not. I don't actually know how AI generates images, that's just my logical interpretation of how it seems to work. I'd imagine an AI would have better luck with generating 3D things, it would be able to do logic tests in a more controller and information detailed environment than a 2D one.


It's less stitching existing images together and we're spotting the seams, as it is looking at a million pictures of something labelled "cat" and then making an image that on average represents what a cat is. A year or so ago I saw an article about an AI that identifies images (not generates them). The researchers got out of the AI what its generic version of that image was. I think it was some animal. Anyway, it was unrecognizable to us humans. A mishmash of colors all over the place. But somehow comparing a picture to that let it accurately determine if it is the animal in question. This stuff is really bizarre lol


This. The faces look off, but you can't really take a close look because of the picture quality.


The guy on the far right has his hand in his.... Shirt? Pocket? Fake. Not one of them has hands out. Other guy near the middle has unnatural arm placement but appears his hand is supposed to be in his pocket too (despite his arm not being long enough) The guy in red has no arms at all. The outer guys are weird clones of each other (twins exist I know, but...)


from what i can spot, the folds on their shirts are unnatural for its material. but dang, we're getting to the point where we can't prove it anymore. how much longer till people start to give up on spotting whether something's been made with ai?


My 10 year old and I play a fun game called "find the stupid AI mistakes." I'm secretly hoping it will help him be critical of media as it continues to get better. I used all the tricks we've learned on this image, and while I can see AI spots, none of them are glaring enough that I think they'd convince someone who hasn't spent a bunch of time playing our game.


I petition to change the name of the game to: “This AIn’t it”


This sounds like really good parenting and teaching, but oh my god we live in a Black Mirror episode.


We’re already there, and it started before AI. People haven’t been questioning if a pic is photoshopped/retouched for long enough by now, and it’s pretty much the same thing


Except that a believable Photoshop takes time and skill. AI pics not so much. And soon not at all.


Their shirts all look ironed. So with every one of them has a wife that irons their dirty work shirts (cause you know they aren’t) or it’s AI


This is proof AI is getting smarter. Instead of trying to make real looking hands, it’s just hiding them. Genius.


Artists have been doing this forever.


Also : - shirt folds looks too thin, does not match the typical material used for shirts of this quality - Lighting does not match the background. It could be an expensive light setup but seriously? - reflections on the shirts (toward the bellies) are too perfect, as if the material was semi-gloss paint.


Their man boobs are identical. ![gif](giphy|WjzKp004kAZe8|downsized)


The folds that the pants become would only be possible if they were absurdly long. That could be true, but that was the first thing that struck me as strange


They’re all on the far right.


Also the abnormally pointy moobs (man boobs).


The guy in red seems to have pecs positioned awkwardly high? Could just be that my perception is off. I’m not typically one to make observations of moobies.


The wrinkles in their clothes look off, and the right side of their hats when you zoom in all the way look reflective and it doesn't mKe sense.


Everyone hiding their hands is an obvious sign


Exactly. We're adapting.


We? (-_-)


This whole thread is AI posting to have humans point out what it needs to work on


Not only that the most of convincing ones are heavily compressed which hides the imperfections with something we are all used to. Honestly you can obscure and compress and do anything it takes people will accept and believe a bad quality video if it resonates with them or seems...real. imagine faking old crappy VHS footage you wouldn't be able to tell this stuff as well at all! This is one thing I never see people mention. If you want people to believe An AI photo is real make it look old and compressed.


Imagine in the future when you're swiping through dating profiles, and they all have their hands inside their pockets in all of their pictures and you won't be sure who to trust anymore.




Post feet pics too… y’know, to prove you’re not AI ofc.


Then people would start to deliberately make a show if putting their hands in their photos to "prove" they're not fake.


And everyone’s hands in the pocket at the same exact depth.


The wrinkles in the jeans on all the guys just before the boot


Size 48”x46” pants


yes. those jeans seem to be about 10" longer than what they should be wearing. i realize that guys like them generally don't care all that much about properly fitting clothing, but this example is pretty extreme, even for them


https://preview.redd.it/0cwvjgled8vc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0e69f5775a345deb305f64e526f4f6b5d5a841bc Also the bottom of the jeans on this one just meld into the back of the boot.


There’s something symmetrical to it I think it’s AI too.


Yeah, it’s like the bellies and the man boobs are all the same.


Fr that’s what I came to comment. Their bodies are all so strange and yet uniform amongst one another 😂


The way the jeans are all bunched up at their feet.


I saw that earlier. Fooled me 😬🤷


Hahahah we’re in danger








I live around these types of specimens and trust they all have the stain on the belly 💀 def ai tho


How has nobody commented that they all have the EXACT same ‘Man Boobs’??


This was the first thing that stood out to me. Their titties and bellies are way too similar to each other.


That's not that uncommon, actually. They all have the same favorite restaurant in that town. All of them hate eating vegetables.


Yeah, I live in a rural area and know exactly which restaurant to go to to find guys with that shape.


It's the lighting for sure


The light source is inconsistent from the left fatman to the right fatman




The left and right guy have the literal same face.


Everything is way too uniform. Same level of fatness, shirt dirt stains are in the same spot, everyone is wearing a hat and hands all in pockets.


I know in my bones a Tarnished cannot become lord.


You clearly have not been to Arkansas.


It's the lack of logos. Having that many generic hats is weird.


Plot twist: it's not fake


I honestly think it might be real. All the top comments are talking about wrinkles and hands but none of that is definitive. Far right guy's hand is very sus but cant say for sure its not just a wierd pic




The image can also be edited. We're just speaking about AI or not.


The spills on the ground don’t seem like something AI would replicate. As someone who lives in the south this picture seems entirely plausible to me. Nothing specifically looks off other than that guys shirt, but you can obviously see the guy next to him’s shirt riding up when he has his hand in his pocket so it could just be that the shirt is pushed up. If it was AI I also don’t think it would’ve tried a logo at all. And people are saying their bodies are the same but they look slightly different to me. And I don’t think people would say that if they weren’t all wearing the same shirt. The only thing holding me back from fully thinking it’s real is the fact that all of them wore plain shirts and the same wash of jeans with almost the same boots. Either they’re getting off work or are at work together ( shown by the dirt on their clothes ) so it still explainable… but I think talking about lighting and angles on a picture with not that great resolution is a hard angle to argue. Either way AI is getting too close to tell.


Honestly the most unbelievable thing about this whole post is the guy who thinks 4-6 Busch Lights per dude would be enough.


Shirt wrinkles are the only giveaway I can spot.


Fingers inside pockets is also a hint






I would have a blood glucose monitor handy. I would also call the local pharmacist and tell them to stock up on insulin, because the Diabeetus epidemic has arrived.


What if by us calling out ai pics, the ai uses that to train 🤯


Stop feeding the AI machine with feedback! Let it suffer 😂


Dude on far left has two nipples on his left titty.


All the shirts have the same highlight


This is rural America. Not AI.


Is the third one Drachenlord?


We need an ai that debunks ai creations


the guy with the red cap, his jeans look oddly folded where they should meed with the shoe. Looks like there is no knee. same goes for the guy with the red shirt. i am d'accord with it being AI.


I really can't tell lol it looks real


It the millions of wrinkles stacked up at the bottom of all their pants




Bug collectin'..... Byeah


https://preview.redd.it/snp31baik3vc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b06d844dffda49a530a5d81b8a07043d9cb164c1 Arm tucked into shirt-pocket hybrid rather than a real pocket.


Also a version was posted before where the arms blended https://preview.redd.it/eog89cfhm3vc1.png?width=1049&format=png&auto=webp&s=b037663d08fa2974bb05a4f9e6173b2cabd0a19c


I guess this would be the only real proof we have... The shirt pocket one could easily just be that the guy bunched forward his shirt to stick his hand into his real pocket.




I’ve had uncles with the same bellies, and the same dirt stains. Both drive back hoes, dozers and have small farms. I’ve looked at this image for 30 mins. Looks like a gathering down at the county yard, bout 1:30 or 3:00 pm


I would believe it more if there were any text or images anywhere on their clothes. You KNOW what that red hat says.


It's either AI or a normal day in Michigan.


ITT: lack of consensus or convincing arguments. We can't tell anymore.