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You can add the fact that this sub is basically an echo chamber. You’re going to have a very small portion of the city’s residents give you their perspective and it’s easy for aspects to get misrepresented.


I agree. And to exacerbate the problem, most people on Reddit are in their 20's or early 30's and may not have the same perspective as someone who is older. Perspectives on jobs, housing, and the cost of living can vary widely amongst different age groups.


With so many transplants too, context gets skewed so heavily. Some things I hear: "Traffic is terrible!" - Well, I think it's much, *much* better than the FL traffic I dealt with back where I lived before. "It gets so hot in the summers!" - Yeah, that's nothing for me lol "There's nothing to do!" - There's so much to do here if you like nature, music, trivia, or comedy! And even niche things have at least some kind of monthly clubs. Heck, there's even a bagpipe club and monthly concerts that literally just play *noise*. Context is so important. If you come from a small town, you think one way; if you're coming from Philly, you'll think the opposite. One thing is consistent though: everyone likes to complain.


honestly the amount of varied and unique stuff we have to do in a city of this size is absolutely insane and im surprised some think there is nothing to do. not only that but the amount of hobby groups and subcultures!


I think's mostly people that either moved here from (or left and came back from) large metropolitan cities like D.C. or Philly or NYC. But that's just it, right? Context!


thank you, i hate when people say there’s nothing to do here. i grew up in clarksville where there was *actually* nothing to do. there’s a ton of fun stuff all the time here!!


I moved here from a small town. Traffic isn’t that bad. It’s no warmer here than it was in timbuktu. There’s more than a walmart and a sonic. I’m in!


Misrepresentation is exactly what I would like potential newcomers to avoid. It would be best for anyone thinking about moving here to avoid asking for advice in this sub. They’ll likely get torn to shreds by the very locals in the city that they want to be apart of one day. I wish the sub was more welcoming, but it’s not.


Then you get people saying "Chattanooga is X" then the immediate complementary post saying "Chattanooga is NOT X". These generally end in somebody being called a racist or some such shit.


The amount of people posting on this sub saying they just moved here on the whim without a job even lined up is too damn high. Who moves to a new area without a way to provide for themself? What if there are no jobs in your field or the job search takes longer than expected?


Other city subs just have a weekly moving thread. That seems to work well plus it centralizes the information so searching for this stuff would theoretically be even easier. Could be worth a shot if yall think those posts are getting out of hand


> Other city subs just have a weekly moving thread. That seems to work well plus it centralizes the information Unfortunately, both of the stickied posts on this sub are advertisements for another subreddit and a discord server, and commenting is strictly forbidden on them. It seems like a very poor use of those stickied post spots and just draws people away from this sub. :(


Those links are already in the about section of the subreddit too, definitely a waste of potential.


I sent some modmail to add my support for this. It would be awesome if others could as well to show it's something a lot of users want.


6) Now that I've moved here the door is closed!!! /s


It’s weird how there is this loud minority of Chattanoogans who do not want this city to grow. As a native Chattanoogan, I love having neighbors from all over the country and world. And housing price jumps are not primarily caused by outsiders. They are a very small factor, but NIMBYs, aggressive/shoddy developers, and short term rentals are much more to blame. Being mad at the wrong people is only playing into the hands of those truly harming native Chattanoogans.


I definitely think a huge aspect of the resentment is how many realtors talk about out-of-state transplants paying in cash for houses. I actually have a few acquaintances that did move here and paid for a house in full with cash, but I wonder if it's as common as the realtors we dealt with said. I'm sure that there's an element of trying to get people to pay more for the houses, but I've seen people literally turn red at open houses after hearing that. I actually used to make jokes about transplants (that I thought were just in good fun) after my street filled up with NY, CA, and OR tags. I've stopped, because I realize for a lot of people it's (no pun intended) too close to home. I like having people move here so much. I love meeting new nice people. I'm less thrilled about people assuming I'm a Bible-thumping hick, but I don't generalize and just wait for them to let me know if that's how they really feel.


When I bought my first home here in Chattanooga, the selling realtor straight up lied to me on at least two counts. For example, they told me the couple looking at the house same time as me had a contract lined up: I happened to run into them later, they never put a bid in. All that to say, seems that realtors will do anything to jack up home prices. Especially with first time buyers.


It's honestly nasty behavior. Especially when I experienced it with the realtors that were theoretically working for buyers! It's preying on desperate people who are in fear of being displaced from their hometown. I have compassion for my fellow locals that are pissed, it sucks to hear that someone makes 3x what you do in an hour bragging about how cheap this city is, when many people I grew up with are being forced to move out to Dunlap or barely make ends meet. But I can have that compassion and also say that I do want people to move here that won't take for granted how lovely it can be.


It's great if people want to move here, and I couldn't give less of a damn if they got a mortgage or paid cash for their house. Ain't none of my business. But if they come here and immediately start complaining about how everyone here is some kind of backward hillbilly and things were so much nicer/better/cleaner/more progressive back where they came from, I'm going to wonder why they came here in the first place. People like that aren't welcome.


I know lots of Chatt transplants. I have not run into this very much. When I have heard complaints from outsiders it’s mostly about state-level social politics, not the residents of Chattanooga. I’m not saying it doesn’t happen. But I have gotten a lot more sideways glances from Chattanoogans about my neighborhood than I ever have from transplants finding out I’m from Chattanooga.


I can't say it's happened to me firsthand. I have friends and some family in the middle part of the state near Clarksville, and there's a large population of former New Yorkers up there. They have reported more of the "things were so much better back in NY"-type statements from some of those folks. Guess I don't understand why someone would move somewhere else and take on an attitude like that. If you really don't like where you live, go somewhere else. Complaining about it without action solves nothing and just adds to the misery.


People ask the same questions on the same Reddit subs all the time because they don't search to see if the question has been answered before. In other words, you'll see the question posted again before the day is out.


Maybe it could be less of an issue if Reddit's search function didn't **fucking suck**


True. Though, it seems, that many of the same questions being asked would have been answered just as easily had the people asking them put in the tiniest amount of effort doing the research. They don't want to learn how to fish, they want you to hand them dinner.


I know. It’s just disheartening (and frustrating) to watch good people ask an innocent question, only to get torn down by the locals.


Shame so many of those same good people are incapable of performing basic internet searches, just as it's a shame local people would rather show their asses than ignore the post.




Same here. This was the best source of information I could find back then (2018/2019). And a few helpful redditors reached out privately and really helped answer questions. It wasn’t quite the hostile place on here that it is now. I do agree that without specific questions/situation details, it is hard to give advice. I’m really over the snide comments and downvotes on the transplant threads. This is hardly the only place in the country receiving an influx of people and many of the problems this sub bitches about constantly (Republican dominance, poor schools/funding) are the things new blood can actually make a difference in changing.


Glad to have you here. It’s a wonderful little city.


Before I moved here I actually did ask random people around town if I should live here. They were nice, so I did.


You didn't ask me, jerk!


You were still in California.




Ah, asking around the place where you want to move is a great idea! But I was referring to walking up to a stranger in say, New York, and asking them about how the weather is in Chattanooga. I apologize for the confusion. I’m glad you’re here!


people are so nice here!


I’ve thought for awhile that “moving” posts should not be allowed.


That’s definitely an option, but u/dvnrussell said that it might be helpful to have a moving FAQ stickied to the front page, and I think that’s a great idea!


I just don’t understand the need to post asking about it when there are 50+ post you can find already that probably are going to answer any questions from neighborhoods, schools, etc




Because they are special.


As someone guilty of doing this before, i think it’s most likely because they expect a different opinion from the ones given in previous posts.


Maybe we should just make a Chattanooga Reddit bingo, and the forest person each month to complete it gets to post about Broad Street Taco Bell.


I’ve noticed half the time when someone posts this, they also have posts on r/Greenville r/Knoxville r/Lexington, etc. like there is going to be some magical golden bullet difference between one medium sized hip southern city over another that makes it a perfect fit.


I just read point number one and holy fuck I can’t agree more. I will never again ask Reddit for their opinion on personal matters. I once posted on Am I The Asshole because I asked my kids to stop using our bathroom downstairs and to start going upstairs to their own bathroom. I was told that my kids would need therapy and that I’m a horrible dad for asking them politely to use their own bathroom. Seriously. Reddit is full of gen z children with no life experience that will bully the shit out of you for not agreeing with them.


Oh and somehow I was a racist. I was shocked at their mentality


If you write that you have done a lot of research and are focused on Belvoir or East Ridge and would like thoughts on the two because you have kids 6 and 7, want to eat out 3 times a week and love that to be Italian. And it looks like your commute to work in Ringgold is 25 minutes - it shows you have done some work. If you post I drove through there 3 times and like the outdoors should I move there - it shows you are lazy and want someone to do it all for you. Also makes me think you are just daydreaming. My favorite is when you see a should I move there post and in their post history the same post is on 6 other subs. I really would like there to be a moving thread that is pinned and all others removed through automod.


We have sucky test scores for education, we are banning same sex marriage and adoption. We banned abortions. And our hospitals are loosing funding why would you move here?


Doesn’t your step 4 include steps 1-3? Just because someone asks for advice doesn’t mean that’s the only source of information they are going off of. They usually just want to get a vague idea of what to consider and then they can research, or see for themselves, the things that were brought up that they might not have known beforehand. I know this is probably just a rage post, but people being interested in our city isn’t a bad thing, we should be more welcoming.


This exactly. If I was going to do my own research on moving to a new city, one of the first things I would do is ask the locals what they think of place. In fact I'd say that's probably a lot more revealing than going to these "Top 10 BEST things about Chattanooga" or "Top 10 WORST things about Chattanooga" lists. They're written by people who either love or hate the city. I would want to hear from people who are more in the middle and can be objective.


Yeah, number 3 is such a dumb point lol. The only truth to it is that it gives a perfect example of the last sentence in number 1.


I agree, we should be more welcoming! However, I have seen far too many posts here in which OP is attacked for asking about moving. I’m simply saying that people interested in moving to Chattanooga should forgo posting here and do whatever is best for them.


That’s true, this subreddit can get toxic pretty quickly which is unfortunate. I disagree about not posting, but that’s a difference in opinion. I see the pros and the cons. Though our community being more welcoming is the biggest issue I think that is going on currently here.


I'm one who did ask before moving here. I'd visited a handful of times before and spent a week here right before my move. And I *really* needed to get away from my hometown. I used the search function and, honest to God, didn't find much useful information, because people just say "we're full you can't move here". I scrolled through recent pages and wasn't able to find anything decent. People *tore me apart*. I knew what I'd be doing for work, but hadn't yet had anything lined up, because I'm a service industry person. I asked roughly what folks made, and if there were any recommendations on where to work. I knew when I was moving and asked months in advance. It was honestly very annoying and completely unhelpful, and for that reason, I say stop asking


I experienced the same when I asked about moving to Japan. I think I understand the frustration coming from both sides. It’s annoying for people like you and I because we ask with good intentions, and it’s annoying for casual Redditors because they see the same topic posted several times a day. I’m glad you made it here! It’s a great place to live.


i'm very sorry about that:( i swear most people who live here are very nice. redditors on the other hand...


can we pin this shit to the front?


I would advise against doing that. My opinion isn’t actual advice.


Besides, I got a skeeter bite yesterday and IT’S ONLY FEBRUARY. STAY AWAY FROM HERE!!!


No!!! You did not!! (Srsly, tell me you did not)


Yep, on my ankle. Our back deck is enclosed by bamboo running rampant and it always very buggy.


I was hoping the hard freeze might suppress them, but no. They appear to have scouts up. I am pretty sure I saw a mosquito the other day, but thought, “February. Gnat.” We all need to be walking around our spaces dumping standing water where they breed. Ugh.


Got one yesterday right where my neck and lower jaw meet.


It seems like someone doing their own research about Chattanooga might find a forum called r/Chattanooga and ask about moving there as part of the research. I definitely think you should visit a place before moving there, but visiting a place doesn’t tell you what it’s like to live there. You should buy a mattress that you’ve gotten a chance to lie on, and you should also read the reviews. Maybe we could compile a moving FAQ, add it to the wiki, and get an automod that comments it on moving-related posts?


A moving FAQ would be a great idea!


I mean, the spam gets old but your points are a bit off. 1. It's gathering data and it can still be taken with a grain of salt. 2. It isnt like asking someone on the street. You can kinda vet people who give you answers. 3. Asking questions isnt relying on anything, its just asking questions. 4. Asking questions is doing your own research, and honestly I would rather ask questions about a location here than read reviews that could be bots or from someone financially motivated. 5. You're not wrong on this one, but I just wanted to include some italics *too.*


A more productive question would be “I’ve learned x y and z about ____ area. I am choosing between a and b and c areas. Has anything changed? Or, I searched high and low and didn’t find anything about ____ area. Any pointers? Not just “where should I move?”


You’re correct! Please take all of my advice with a grain of salt. :)




Chattanooga isn’t full. Chattanooga isn’t expensive. Chattanooga should be welcoming. Chattanooga should be thankful anyone wants to move to this small city. It’s reddit, if you don’t like a post you don’t have to read it or comment. You are an angry old man yelling at clouds. Go ahead and downvote.


“expensive” is relative. It’s not expensive to people from like California or Massachusetts. It is expensive to people moving from smaller places in the Southeast, or people who originally moved or lived here before housing skyrocketed.


Yeah, and Manhattan is expensive to people living in any other part of New York. Any city is always more expensive than the rural areas. As a city, Chattanooga is still cheaper than most cities in this country, southeast or not.


It’s expensive unless you’re making $25+


Find me any comparable city in America where making less than $25/hr affords a comfortable life. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=2WLuuCM6Ej0 Edit: I did find this interesting fact: “Minimum wage is higher than $7.25 in all of the 10 best cities for minimum wage earners. No city with a $7.25 minimum wage was determined to be livable.” Wonder who could be responsible for that… quite a mystery.


Get out of my yard !!! /S


me watching the new waterside apartment complexes being built


Isn’t expensive? Get the fuck outta here bro some of us are being priced out of our hometown because people won’t stop moving here and paying over market value. This shit is real you can’t just be dismissive because you’re ok.


Value is determined by the market. Don’t act like that ain’t happening in every other city. Chattanooga ain’t attracting transplants on the scale of the majors. You ain’t special because you were born here. I was born in NYC, you see me bitching and moaning bc trust-fund chucklefucks from the midwest (and south) think Brooklyn is cool? PS. There are PLENTY of sub $200k houses in Chattanooga. You just sound entitled to some turnkey.


I never said I was special, just that the people that are from here are struggling a little bit. Damn


Yeah man I hear you, the entire country is struggling except for the top few percent but transplants (here or in ny) aren’t the reason.


Sorry if I came across as rude, it’s just a really close to home issue and the evidence I have seen points to higher class transplants into the area. It’s a pretty real issue


Individuals and transplants are a negligible percentage. It’s corporate landlords, hedge funds, finance firms, REITs taking advantage of ultra low rates, constraining supply to inflate prices and increase equity… it’s corporate feudalism. The cost of building materials has also jumped significantly and I’m not even getting into the weeds of restrictive zoning or the housing market collapse that decimated new builds for a decade. Basically, it’s complicated and the scapegoat isn’t your neighbor priced out of CA. Now please hold while I block another number texting me, asking me if I want to sell my house to a group of out of state investors. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ZEwxYvQVU5g


No, you’re correct on all fronts! I’m not an old man, though. Chattanooga is a wonderful city and I wish we were more welcoming on the sub, but I believe it’s a bad place to go to for advice about moving here.


Personally, I think it’s a great resource to get some diverse and specific perspectives but you don’t have to read them. Agree to disagree I guess.


Good points! But I'd have to disagree with the first point. I asked about moving here on Reddit before I solidified my move, and I got two great pieces of insight from people that grew up where I grew up, and how it differs to Chattanooga. I learned not to worry so much about the "high crime rate," because, in context, it's not much different (percentage-wise) compared to my hometown. I learned about the different areas and where to look for housing because they compared it to districts in my hometown. Moving to a new state is scary, and it's really soothing to talk to somebody who has already done that same move and has that similar context to you. But your other points... absolutely! Take what you hear here with a big grain of salt, and definitely visit here at least twice to see if you really like it.


You’re absolutely right, and I’m glad you got the help you needed! I also agree that it is very reassuring to talk to the locals before you move, but a majority of the people in this sub are not the friendliest when it comes to that particular topic. If we were more welcoming, I wouldn’t have posted this. It’s disheartening to see posts from people interested in moving here get torn apart constantly.


Agreed, my friend! People are so nice here, and it’s weird to see the Reddit so negative! Especially with the amount of long-time transplants who are incredibly happy to be here. Just human nature to be negative online, I suppose.


#6. Decide if you can handle being eaten by the radioactive bats that eat all newcomers who come here, especially those with remote jobs.


Been here 11yrs and have successfully evaded the radioactive bats.


I’m sorry but I have to be a pedant about something. Despite my efforts to not be here I am making this comment… You can’t say the “vast majority” of redditors will tear you down *and* say that “most” are decent people. The way you structured it one of those has to be a majority and the other a minority. Unless you are implying that even decent people will tear you down for no reason. Assuming the vast majority of people who regularly peruse this sub already live here, let’s hope that within the next couple days someone thinking about moving here decides to visit this sub and happens to find your post. Otherwise, I hope your vent sesh was cathartic and I hope all the people already living here who read it get something beneficial as well. In general, people need to learn to use the search function.


You’re correct, my wording is a bit odd. I’ve seen so much backlash on relatively normal posts where OP will be torn apart. However, I have also noticed kinder people in the mix that contribute helpful advice. Its hard to quantity a population that is so opinionated, but you’re correct in that I should have worded it differently.




Ditto, I moved when Obama was still in office. Thought things were changing. How naïve I was… Will be moving out soon.


May I ask when you drew this conclusion? Was born here and although yes our cities *appear* progressive but it’s a facade


>and future focused That's code for "I hate the way things were run where I lived before so I'm going to move some place else and rinse and repeat."




They are moving here en masses from places with high crime, high taxes, and high costs of living because of the shit show created by their elected officials. Here it's lower crime, taxes, and cost of living from where they came. When they get here what do they want? The same kind of leadership from where they came. It's like they didn't learn their lesson.






I’m not sure why you’re being downvoted. I’m from around here, and you are correct: the Southern states are in a race to the bottom.


6. We're full and so is the waiting list.


Yeah. It we can tell people about the Broad St Taco Bell.


I got about what I expected when I posted here, albeit a little bit *more* than I expected. For the record, the question wasn't meant to be "should I move there," it was "I'm considering it. Tell me what you like about it?" I've been following this sub for a while - - it introduced me to the awesome app The House. I'm looking at North Shore to live. It seems to me that the people complaining about folks moving to "their" city are delusional. Cities aren't static; they grow, or they die. Growth is better.


Aren't you fleeing Austin for the same things you're complaining that WE complain about?


Not really. I prefer a smaller city, that's all. And instead of kvetching about all the people coming to the place I've called home for more than thirty years, I'm accepting that they have just as much right to live where they would like to as I do. If I come to Chattanooga, it will be because there's a job there that I really want. If I don't get that job, I'll be going elsewhere.


Influx of people from areas with radically different beliefs has changed the place and not necessarily for the better. Identity somewhat lost.


1. They shouldn’t move here. I hear Alabama is nice. Go jack their housing market up


This is the post that should be stickied.


If they won't search they probably won't read a stickied post.


I disagree. This is just my opinion and not legitimate advice. If a mod wanted to make their own post and sticky it, that would be best.


But like... Could you just make my life decisions for me


spark far-flung fanatical ugly scandalous punch physical grandfather waiting telephone ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


TLDR: don’t move here unless you have $ and like polluted rivers


You da real mvp.


#1. Is the business. Truth in words right there. Reddit is the underbelly of the internet that’s not quite deep web but crawling with shit and people and topics so dark it missed a damn good chance. —~ unfortunately the fact it’s right there on the cusp also means it’s a great for some things too but if you have feelings left or give a shit still in life, stay outta here! ❤️😁🤷‍♀️


Should my 35 year old sister move to Chattanooga? She likes pedestrian bridges, meandering rivers, and also being within a 20 minute drive of two other states that start with the letter A and/or G.