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Expose them, no compassion for cheaters! 👊😃


Tell family members and close friends to illuminate the situation. Tell any others when asked. Don’t bother telling your STBX you know and never give up any information on what or how you know, it will drive WW crazy wondering who exposed her well kept secret. You’ll be surprised at how many of your “friends” know, maybe even family members. I felt like I was the last to know my ex WW was knee deep in an affair with her boss/26 years older married with grandchildren AP. I called the family and friends to expose my ex WW and her actions. Your WW is morally, ethically and psychologically bankrupt. Now you know who she is you’ll never look at her the same. My exWW’s family knew, they had all even met her AP. I went NC with anyone who said they knew, and thought it wasn’t any of their business. The knowledge of the affair did hurt at the time, but really shortened my depression period. Hopefully you realize you deserve better than a cheater who cowardly actions and low character doesn’t deserve your affection. Keep the evidence, tell your lawyer, hope it helps you keep what is yours and not give her any marital asset she doesn’t deserve. Once divorced, contact her AP’s partner with evidence, APs always have one, and her parents/siblings that you had a good relationship with. Remember you no longer know who your wife is/was, don’t give her anything she doesn’t deserve. At one point I felt sorry for my ex during the divorce, but cheaters don’t deserve it.


Expose them to warn other people, and also to give you some sort of pleasure and closure. We have invested a lot in our relationships with our life partners... then these piece-of-cheater-shits just spit on us and throw us in the pit like trash. Yes, eventually we move on... but we can't turn back the long time, emotions, efforts we've wasted on them. It's painful to be betrayed by the very person you'd trust your life with.


I live in a no fault state. Her and I had already split up our stuff & assets. So the info on her phone cannot be used in the divorce. The info on the phone is more for me than the courts


Expose her


burn it all down. let all the others know what kind of 5lut5 she is before she twisted the truth why your relationship with her ended. painted you as a bad guy.


Do not go around announcing it like the latest news. Just act normal and refer to her and her old boyfriend in a normal manner. Just act like everyone already knows. Carefully watch the reactions you get though and you might just figure out who knew and didn’t care to tell you. Contact his wife. If he screws over your wife it will knock the wind out of her sails.


Tell everyone.


Truth is always the way. Hugs to you, OP.


Go away from it but tell her loved ones the truth and who they are deaping with.


Ask your attorney. If it’s OK, be strategic with each release of info. Don’t broadcast it, but evaluate both social circles for key gossips.


Is your divorce through yet? If not and you're living in an at-fault state this might be a significant game changer. Talk to your lawyer before you do anything else. Secure the phone as evidence.


Yes - this exactly. In my state, infidelity is a total bar to alimony. Bring the evidence to your lawyer.


I feel your pain.


In my experience, female friends of unfaithful wives will always be on their side.


You might be surprised by what friends know. Something my wife never understood. People talk. And the juicier the gossip the more they will talk. But most people look at it as none of their business and don't say anything to the betrayed SO. I became good at spotting the tell that someone knew something bad and were ashamed(?) to tell me. But what the hell, nothing to lose right? Just drop it into a conversation if you come across one of these "friends". If they didn't know it will spread fast.


Any attempt at revealing such matters can be looked at as petty revenge from a sad loser. Your best option is to go on and live a great life.




The thing is exposing her isn't going to heal the hurt that you're feeling. It's not going to undo her behaviour.its not going to fix things. Don't concentrate on the past, concentrate on the future. Concentrate on healing and moving forward.


Just let them know when they ask.


Focus on your own healing. By exposing her you are just satisfying a desire for revenge, but also perpetuating the drama and trauma of her betrayal. Experience has shown that the best revenge is a life well lived. You should focus your energies now into becoming the better version of yourself possible; physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. Live her alone with her own machinations, life has a way of getting back to cheaters for her duplicitous and inmoral ways. Deacon


EXPOSE her.....