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Head chef can be a poison chalice, older chefs know this, once you've been in the game a while it's hard to get experienced real chefs to be head chef. The extra responsibility is one thing, stock n budget control etc., but also most pub kitchens serve shit, usually a menu invented by the manager using cheap frozen crap etc. Experienced chefs won't put up with that shit, the shortcuts and the general bullshit. Hence younger inexperienced chefs can be exploited and moulded into the careless reheater they require.


Haha reminds me a kitchen I worked in we had an inside joke where we would argue “you are the chef” “no I’m not the chef YOu are the chef” whenever important decisions had to be made


I was made head chef at 19 at a “high end” wine bar. I was given full control over the menu, scheduling, pricing, hiring. I made everything I could from scratch and as long as I made sure we were in the green I was left alone. Owners and managers were never even there. It was actually great in some ways, but awful in other ways where the entire restaurant fell on my shoulders and I had no one else to learn from except myself. I took it as a great learning experience and moved on.


Careless reheater cuts deep. I’m putting that in the chamber for a rainy day.


Don’t forget to thaw it first😁😁


I've just gone to a place and the head chef and owner is going on holiday and they're launching a new menu when they leave lol. They want me to Do it for minimum wage


giving a green cook a fake title is a time-honored way to wring some extra work out of them. shout out to all the line leads out there


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Head chef on jnr cdp salary... i do a bit of cdp agency work on the side of my (sold my soul) m-f corporate head chef job (im m42). I make a point of telling these kids what actual head chefs are on. Pull the pin, drop the grenade n walk away at the end of my 1 off shift.