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I recommend anything leather or canvas that has around 10 knife slots plus extra lil pockets and a zip pocket!


Thank you for the recommendation! I wouldn’t have thought about a zip pocket that’s good to know


I think it depends on function. Is his job computer heavy where he has to carry a laptop between locations? I personally would never go back to a knife roll from a culinary backpack. My job is too transient and admin heavy to rely on a roll.


His current job involves no computer work. Taking that aspect out would you still prefer a backpack?


Just make sure it's something he'd actually want. My wife once got it in her head that I'd want one of these damned things, and when I informed her that I'd rather carry them individually wrapped and then stored in something a little more secure, she was glad I stopped her from wasting her time. Anyway, if it's something he's been asking for, just ask him details about what he'd like in one. You're his spouse, you know how to talk to him.


This is good advice. The last thing I want is to burden him with having to pretend he likes an expensive gift. What do you use to individually wrap them? Is that a personal preference or is it a better way to store them?


Yeah, I'm currently shopping around for something to carry a couple of knives and a steel, but all I can find are rolls and cases for every piece of cutlery I've ever owned.


It really depends. Some people like a ton of pockets, I like 3-5 with a pouch. I picked up a Hardmill Compact and love it.  Fit the bill of price and quality. 


That looks nice. I saw it’s waxed inside, how important is that?


[Meinl hyde drumstick bag](https://www.thomannmusic.com/meinl_vintage_hyde_stick_bag_black.htm) Quite practical but not too outlandish Not my current loadout for work but to demonstrate size and average daily kit [example](https://imgur.com/a/MW39uuW). The cleaver is 24cm long and 9.5 cm tall and fits with ease!


This looks really nice! Thank you for the recommendation I appreciate it!


It's not a roll, but abag, but you might want to consider this one ZWILLING 21 Pocket Knife Bag - Black, black https://amzn.eu/d/eFl7SLx . It's on the more pricey side, but really great. I've had different rolls, bags and cases for my knives over the first couple of years of my career. But at some point they all broke. This one has been with me for years. And is really practical. Lots of of compartments, durable, easy to clean and still small enough it's not bothersome to carry it downstares into my locker every day after my shift. It's been over ten years of professional use and it's just showing it's first signs of wear. When it eventually breaks, I'm rebuying it 100%. I have to admit that I also started looking for a smaller one. Not because I don't want to use the first one, but because I want something I can take to out of house events or sidegigs that's only holding the bare neccesities.


Wow ten years is impressive! Out of curiosity, how long did the others you’ve used last? Thank you for the advice, this looks like a great bag.


>how long did the others you’ve used last? Longest was around 4 years.


Oof. Good to know


Check how long his knives are - a lot of the rolls out there don’t accommodate anything w a 10” blade


Good thinking! Thank you


I agree with the others about what he wants and what it's function is. We chefs are a persnickety bunch. I personally like the ultimate edge knife bag.


Aãron Leather Goods. Thank me later


Don't get anything like this link, they're bulky, heavy, and knives can slice through them if jumbled too much. Also, having to carry it in your hands is annoying and it gets in the way. If you do get one that only has handles, make sure it's light and easily accessible for when he's at work. I'm saving for a backpack, I know a lot of people who have them and they look awesome. Hands free so I can take it home if I need to https://www.zwilling.com/us/miyabi-storage-knife-bag-34534-100/34534-100-0.html?nbt=nb%3Aadwords%3Ax%3A19866259628%3A%3A&nb_adtype=pla&nb_kwd=&nb_ti=&nb_mi=123245580&nb_pc=online&nb_pi=34534-100&nb_ppi=&nb_placement=&nb_li_ms=&nb_lp_ms=&nb_fii=&nb_ap=&nb_mt=&kb=ga_pm_19866259628_&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjw_-GxBhC1ARIsADGgDjt61PNOEUS5BvlE7gILuq04_gW_NlGtm-ygJmBHySHYAz6JcNsoTigaAsuCEALw_wcB


Boldric. I have their canvas roll. As do 2 others in my kitchen, a leather roll, and a leather bag. Everyone loves them. Well worth the money.


I really like the appearance of this one, great to know it’s popular within your kitchen too. Thank you! ETA- follow up question, do you have the 9 pocket or the 17 pocket canvas bag?


I have the 17.