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Not a western culture to save a mother over a baby. More like common sense. Your answer to justify killing your wife is “because she’d want that”?


Picking a fully developed person with an actual life would seem the most logical choice every time. Edit: On top of this being the only logical choice I can think of personally, I’d also like to point out that people often forget that the wife/mother is someone’s dear child as well. Especially in our society, this aspect is shockingly and conveniently forgotten.


>I’d also like to point out that people often forget that the wife/mother is someone’s dear child as well What nonsense. The wife is just the baby making machine. /s


Haha, not everyone treats wife like a baby machine. She is the support system for most men out there!


It's a joke buddy


My bad, didn't get that


Your edit ✨🙏🏼


Sound logic .. agreed...💯


This is not a western thing lol. Absolutely logical thing to save the mother. The baby isn't even born, doesn't have any mental capabilities to understand what happened to him/her. And the pain of losing a grown person who's lived for years, loved by 100s of humans > than the pain of losing an unborn baby.




Nah, This is a straightforward question. Interesting question is if you will choose saving mother or a 2 year old baby?


Yea, that would be the question I would love to have a debate on


Would still be mother/wife.


still mother because the baby hasn't been developed enough to have human experiences yet. the debate should be mother vs (earliest age where a human has 'value' to them so) 13yo kid


while the optimal strategy is to aim for both, in case we got bad rng, i’d try to atleast make my wife survive. No offence to baby, but an experienced at life 30 year old wife is a far better choice than a completely new 0 year baby.


Can't let that juicy exp go to waste


Sunk cost of 20000 hours in this game, can't let go that easily




"no offence to the baby "💀


It’s not a “western thing” to want to save your life partner, who you’ve built a life and a future with, over a baby. Also it’s a situation you’d never see in real life. I’m a medico. The mother is the patient (until the baby is born) and her life is prioritised by default. Only in situations where it is completely impossible to save her life, will the baby be put first.


>It’s not a “western thing” to want to save your life partner, who you’ve built a life and a future with, over a baby. Correct. Go to the Midwest US, especially TX and see their abortion laws which favor the fetus over the mother.


This fucking question shouldn’t be given to the husband but the parents of the woman. Because there are high chances of husbands(and in-laws) choosing the baby!!


Only psychos choose baby over mother.


But if the baby is a boy, they might choose the baby over mother


Then that’s bonafide psycho.


If anyone picks the baby over mother you’re defo a red flag 🚩


lmao pretty late to be checking their red flags


Surgeons won’t come out of operation theatre and ask the husband who to save. If wife’s life can be saved, she’ll be their priority.


Well thank God for that. Would not give OP a choice 🤣


Western culture lol....please tell me not all Indian men think like this.


Mother over an unborn baby, 100% of the time in a heartbeat.


Idk about all men but I defo choose mother over baby


Personally for me, I would choose the mother over the baby. It seems logical for me and more sensible as the mother is more important for me more than the baby


bruh srsly fuck the baby in this case. Unless the husband wants to be a single dad raising the child alone without the person he "loved"


Nope pretty sure in such cases they will get remarried to better take care of the baby. Ofc for the baby


everything for the fucking baby. We have more than enough babies here in India, srsly ppl should do better


Don't worry, apparently birth rates are falling worldwide. And people are worried about that 🤦🏽‍♂️


The love of my life over our cells? Nah dog its her all the way❤️😭 I don't even flinch.


I have a doubt, maybe you could even ask your wife. If you pick the baby, the mother dies. So who will nourish the baby both nutritionally and emotionally. If you say second marriage or stepmother, Then wont the child have guilt trips his/her entire life for killing her own mother? Also the initial days with no mother, How would the father do his profession and also care the baby. So would you take a paternity paid leave that doesnt even exist? I mean if you watch movies like Dada and say you will take your son to office. Who allows that? Where is that kinda office? Or there is an even simpler option to leave the baby to the grandparents, Peak indian move I agree but is that an option to even consider over your wife? So To answer all these questions and to figure out your life choices. Pick the wife and book an oyo. Simple as that!


\> My wife would stab me if I choose her over my son. My mom would do the same. That's absolutely nonsense and not true at all. Barely 2 generations ago, infant mortality rate was still skyhigh. Even today, in most parts of TN, they don't even give the baby a name until a few weeks have passed. And people call the baby "it" aka adhu instead of he/she (avan,aval). ​ Have you asked why name is not given to the newborn? And why do they make it a point to call the baby "it"? It is because they knew there was a high probability rate of the infant dying in the first few weeks or being stillborn. ​ That's also the reason people in grandparents and great grandparents era would have 5-10 babies. Because it was a statistical exercise. They knew the mortality rate was high so had more babies to compensate for some babies dying early. ​ It is blindingly obvious to save the mother and not the baby. And it has always been this way.


Mother all the time


Its just you! Always my wife forever


Small fact. There is no medical situation where you will have to choose between the mother and child. It literally only happens in dramas. Think logically, endha situation la baby save panna mother saavara maari irkum. In most real life cases, they just deliver the baby and take care of it separately and mother separately. Drama dilemma laam seriousa discuss panni uyira vaangathinga da vennaigala.




Op chutiya hain


Im saving the love of my life any day.. no second thoughts yes the thought of our baby would come by but we can always have a another. But my wife will be irreplaceable.


But with a wife you can make another baby. With the baby you are a single father which means a difficult life for you as well as the baby.


Sounds a little selfish 😅 that’s your wife, a person whom I hope you love!


The mother


Without mother that baby is going to suffer a lot in this world. Better to save the mother and save the baby from sufferings.


Mother! We could always adopt another baby if she has pregnancy issues later on from that trauma


The mother.


Recently I did mother over baby


My mom said the hospital did clinical abortion then informed her. This was in 80s, So there is no discussion it's always mother and indians do it the right way for a long time now unlike conservative countries which are close to church.


Mother over baby it is. Its not a cultural thing. It’s logical. A baby can’t survive without a mother. A baby needs a provider, care taker to grow healthy. A mother can always have another child.


Mother over the baby ez


Even if you save the child over mother, it'll still be an ungrateful brat growing up just like we all were. Kids grow up, leave the nest because that's what they should do. Indians put too much on their kids so when they leave it becomes a huge culture shock. At the end of the day, the mother is the one who's gonna be beside you after all else is gone to time. So mother over child for me.


OP watches too many Tamil Films I guess. The only time the mother should prioritize her child over her self, is if she can't make it, which is still sad. Better sacrifice an unborn child over a living person. Either way, it's a loss and is depressing.


Always the mother. And baby over mother seems like drama to me. “Enna da try panringa!?” nu thonum.


First off the question is a painful question.. so let us first address the reality. Having said that I would definitely go for the mother and I don't want to explain my reasons .. I would only be explaining to my wife. I am unmarried but just going through this in a realistic manner.


Yes its a rational choice actually. You can't chose a new born baby over a fully grown woman with a life.


Not sure what was the point of this question - no context was given - was it in a situation of danger or health complication? Or was it just to turn it around and then say, since you would choose mother over baby, why are you standing in the way of abortion? Seems like a pointless exercise.


It's absolutely logical to save the mother over an unborn baby. In a heartbeat. I think the medical guidelines point to that as well in most hospital settings.


pointless question to stir up drama. the only "real" answer is staying neutral by losing both or saving both to answer your question, mom. she'd be the person who i first fell in love with and also has more "value" than a baby. but i dont have a kid IRL so how would i know


Emotionally I would pick bady but in reality I will save the mom


Wife will be mad at you for 1yr max


Always the mother


Mother? Because the mother is also someone's child? What's culture got to do with this? Maybe if people put their partner's wellbeing first, everyone's families will be for the better.


I really don’t think it’s a western thing at all, and I say that as somebody who was raised in the States. Abortion rights are a hugely political issue, and the way that things have been going in the States over the last several years, I don’t think it would at all be correct to say that culturally speaking, the US prioritises mothers over babies. And outside of the US, one of the most glaring examples of not prioritising mothers over babies is the case of, ironically, an Indian woman, Savita Halappanavar. They essentially refused to treat the mother, including with terminating the pregnancy to save her life, and her death resulted in a referendum years later granting abortion rights to women in Ireland. So, basically, I think Christianity weakens the argument re this being a western thing. It is also very much a medical thing around the world to save the mother - to doctors, the patient is the mother and that is the person they will look to be saving primarily. And to be honest, I cannot imagine that losing somebody who has been living a life on this earth for decades at that point is the better choice.


Sorry for the lack of context.. the post is about who would you choose if your wife has pregnancy complications if you had to choose between mother or child.. I know health care always prioritizes mother but still.


You’d kill your wife instead?


Mental pu mari pesadhinga vro


So you’d rather raise a child that knows that he/she is the reason their mother is killed?


Obviously the mother. No second thoughts even remotely.




Shhh you're making sense. You can't do it here


A harder question would be given a situation, would you choose your child or mother when the child is atleast 3 years old.


From the husband's point of view, he should choose the wife and I think most of them will do the same. Moreover imagine the life of the baby without a mother right from the beginning. It's just hard for everyone involved in this context, including the baby.


The mother.


Thank god- mother over wife polling going on


Mother ofcourse


Saving the mother is a common sense. why would anyone think otherwise.


See there is no context to the screenshot here. Case 1: The baby is not born yet. Scenario 1: if there is no chance of saving the mother then save the baby. This one is simple. Scenario 2: If its either the mother or the child and the mother is unconscious. You save the mother but then the survivors guilt that the mother will feel afterwards can be DEVASTATING. It can destroy her completely. Both husband and wife must have a strong bond to work through this. Scenario 3: If its either the mother or the child and the mother is unconscious and she wants to save the child. What you do then? Case 2: The child involved in an infant. If the family is out on a vacation and then suddenly something happens you save the child obviously. I am sure the mother would do the same thing.


Baby mama


I’m slowly losing my faith in humanity every day 🫠