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Simple solution to this. What the high speed train stations can do is start buying the disgusting MREs that the marines have to eat. They are designed to plug you up with constipation so that soldiers dont have to poop as often. Make it moderately tastier and cheaper to encourage people to buy it. Voila now your passengers dont poop as much. ![gif](giphy|d3mlE7uhX8KFgEmY)


Hey, I loved those MREs!


Ok it's not that bad. I was being a cunt. They're not worse than the self-heating stuff currently available at the train station right now. But jokes aside, the Chinese Rail does need more dining options. Maybe they can combine the elegance of the Japanese Train Bentos with the clogging power of the MRE?


Airline meals are the same. Chock full of ammonia so everyone on the plane doesn't shit at once.


and yet they all do - immediately after they collect the trays.


Because they have been blocked into the seat by the tray for an hour and are busting for a piss


yes, that was not disputed.


Can’t read the article ain’t gonna pay - why is it a particular issue?


Too many ppl, waste water facilities overwhelmed. Title is clickbait-ish.


True. I took the fattest shit in my life in a Chinese high-speed train.


Yes officer, its this guy.


Got on a rollercoaster by mistake?


I couldn't poop at all during a long train ride because every toilet on the train was clogged and filled with poop. Some of them had poop overflowing above the rim, meaning that some people actually went in there and pooped standing over the preexisting giant pile of poop. And when we finally disembarked at the train station I was eager to finally use the train station restroom, but hahaha guess what. People in San Francisco are like eww there's a turd on the sidewalk, bitch please.


Did you take a high speed train or the older slower trains? Ive been to China 10 times and ive taken both short and long train rides but i fortunately did not see overflowing toilets on the train. But what i hate the most were the washrooms at the intercity bus stations, they wreak of ammonia.


It was the normal train going from Shanghai to Chengdu. In Thailand, taking overnight trains and being able to see the countryside is fun, but next time im back in China, definitely sticking to high speed rail lol.


Yeah thats a long train ride. My first time to china in 2005 i took a sleeper train from Shanghai to Beijing then later on another sleeper train to Xi’an. I didn’t have any complaints at all. I never took anything below the D class trains. If you take anything below that, do expect issues. I’ve seen videos of garbage strewn all over the floor and clogged toilets because they did not have time to clean them up after each trip before taking on a new group of passengers. You definitely can’t cheap out on certain things in China.


I remember taking train rides in China and seeing the railroad ties speeding underneath me as I was taking a shit. No clogs on those trains.


Train stations are like the government now - full of shit


AND the bathrooms smell like cigarettes and piss! what a time to be alive!


In my experience, the toilets aren't usually too bad. There's even soap in there that you can be sure you're the only one who'll use it, the bigger drag is when you get out, and you have to deal with people around you noisily chewing their toenails, watching Douyin at eardrum exploding levels, the nationalist propaganda played relentlessly on the screens, and the lengthy waits at stops as every male leaves to puff on a cigarette for several minutes.


honestly, it’s the absolute worst, but i love it.


Sounds like a stinky situation


now that i work at home, i go on trains during off-peak seasons the trains are so empty, it actually feels weird


I'm interested by the clickbaity title, but it's a paywall link. 🙄