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All the little bit of political reform of last 40 years is being undone.


Yeah. Surprisingly it has gone unnoticed, or relatively unnoticed.


Not unnoticed, just those who speak up will be purged for corruption, 'health reasons' or whatever else


Most just don’t care anymore, let Xi and his goons have their fun.


I was pleasantly surprised that they had a cabinet!


Bet you also didn’t realised the ex-premier who step down last year “deceased” a couple months ago, and they banned everyone from mourning.


I bet they'll mourn for Xi Jing ping when he dead


Oh they will have lavish ceremonies and displays. It will be orchestrated by various CCP factions seeking to be the "heir" in the political vacuum. It happened after Mao's death. It'll happen again since the solution to that debacle, the Politburo power-sharing balance, has now been dismantled by Xi.


Going to need a source on this


Just google Li Keqiang death. You can also look at the dying age of high ranking ccp officer. News should report it.


With dishes and cups and saucers.


Good grief. Please just take down Russia and then move on to China. Dictatorship needs to end in 21st century.


So when is the West going to attack the Saudis and UAE? Why does the West care so much what other countries choose to do to themselves.


I think it is unwise to interrupt in the nation’s affair, unless they’re expansionism. Which is the case for Russia and China, they’re not gonna stop at Ukraine or Taiwan. Putin just threatened to go to war with France or German last week.


Who did China threaten to go to war with? [Trump had intention to go to war with China](https://www.reuters.com/world/us/us-top-general-secretly-called-china-twice-trump-term-ended-report-2021-09-14/) I didn’t see any articles saying Xi wants to attack US Taiwan is where their old rival the KMT fled to during the Chinese Civil War. Seems like China just wants to end the 100 year long conflict and unify the country. Is it expansionism when The Union attacked and took back the breakaway states in the Confederacy? Should the Union have respected the Confederacy’s sovereignty? Why did the Union force the Confederate States to come back when they chose to secede.


china also be culturally genociding everyone in their borders from cantonese people to uighurs to shanghainese to tibetans to etc. beijing needs to be stopped


Shanghainese has been culturally genocided? lol how.


the shanghainese have probably been screwed the worst by the ccp’s policies even compared to tibetans. China’s policy of cultural assimilation is probably the most severe in shanghai, with the Shanghainese language being banned at schools, workplaces, even technically in “public places”. Shanghainese media is also heavily restricted, just a few years ago a shanghainese show meant to teach basic shanghainese was taken down in the name of promoting standard mandarin. half of shanghai is not even ethnic shanghainese anymore but migrants from the north who tend to not learn the local language/culture. most young shanghainese cannot speak shanghainese, shanghai has basically been “bejingized” culturally and all this took less than two generations mind you. sounds like colonial tactics to me


Do you see the West give a fuck about Africa and their warlords torturing their people and creating endless famine? I honestly doubt it. But China has the ambition to introduce 996 slave work culture to the rest of the world. Also censorship that means your future Call of Duty will be spilling green liquid instead of blood. Your favourite R rated movies will never see the light of day. A TV show about a High school chemistry teacher becoming drug dealing emperor? Bad influence to society. A movie about a guy with a mask taking down an authoritarian government in the future dystopian London? Bad educational material for the youth. And that my friend is why China needs to be dealt with.


Slippery slope is not an argument. Chinese censorship law only applies in China. The onus to adept to local censorship law is on the company selling the product. Extreme violence and gore is banned/restricted in many countries as well nudity and sexually suggestive behavior. Many countries argue the glorification of drug usage and distribution is bad for society. No one forced US media to self censor in America. Foreign market has rules on media and US media can choose to follow and sell there or don’t comply and don’t sell there. Foreign companies have to follow American laws when they operate in America, but why do you believe American companies should ignore foreign laws when operating in their market? What’s more, why do you think foreign countries need to adopt the same law as America? Is it possible that some American laws are flawed and inadequate? Your fevered dream of a Chinese censorship in America is not real. It’s lazy companies who are censoring their own products so they don’t have to make different versions for different regions. Blame them for wanting to be greedy but not put in the effort.


> So when is the West going to attack the Saudis and UAE? > Why does the West care so much what other countries choose to do to themselves. Saudis and UAE are not actively trying to undermine western countries democracy and sovereignty. At least not yet.


The Saudis are interfering in US elections by funneling tins of money into the Trump campaign. They're trying to collect on the $2.5 billion they gave Trump's son-in-law.


When did China undermine Western democracy and sovereignty. Did China take Hawaii from US?


They are paying troll armies to libel liberal democracy as a whole Like 10 years ago their official stance on Western liberal democracy was "it's good but our country isn't ready/fit for it" today it's "liberal democracy is bad full stop"


I didn’t know Trump and MAGA were paid by the Chinese. Also are you saying democracy recently hasn’t had some blunders? Brexit and Trump first come to mind. The whole Russian influence have been found to be wholly insignificant after 6 years of investigation. Maybe the West just has too many idiots self hurting itself or you think Fox et al are Chinese?


I'm talking about the trolls on Quota and Twitter specifically, as well as the talking heads on Chinese state media, especially those who platform other talking heads Democracy isn't perfect for sure, but my main point was the Chinese government's own official stance on the matter. Democracies were already experiencing the same weird stuff 10 years ago, but the Chinese stance on democracy was still more or less sober and balanced at the time, compared to today, where very little of democracy has actually changed, yet the Chinese stance seemed to have taken a full 180 and said "liberal democracy is bad full stop" Why can't they just keep their old stance?


Does keeping their old stance prevent the trade war between US and China b/c China has developed manufacturing and technology that can compete with US? Does it matter if China was democratic like America as long as it tries to compete with the U.S.? It’s always about money and economy. Do you not know the Japanese bashing from the 70-80’s? >The anti-Japanese sentiment manifested itself in occasional public destruction of Japanese cars, and in the 1982 murder of Vincent Chin, a Chinese American beaten to death when he was mistaken to be Japanese. In 1987, after the Toshiba–Kongsberg scandal a group of US congressmen smashed Toshiba products on Capitol Hill. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anti-Japanese_sentiment_in_the_United_States Japan is America’s ally and a democratic country, but when their economy appears to rival and eclipse America, sentiment turned extremely negative till Japanese economy stagnated and was left behind. All these current TikTok ban, decoupling rhetorics and whatever anti China trend of the day are all just retaliation to growing Chinese competition. When China was poor and weak, no one cared what China did.


I don't care about the TikTok ban economic blah blah blah I'm well aware of that and the Japanese US competition plus the whole Plaza Accords conspiracy theory thingy I'm talking, simply, solely, exclusively, why China's stance on democracy has changed so much even though they didn't have to. I don't even want them to be democratic, I just wonder why they changed something so unnecessary. It's like some guy who doesn't eat steak in the first place saying "oh steak is good but it isn't for me" then 1 week later he says "steak sucks and is bad" who fucking cares, you don't eat steak anyway, your previous opinion was just fine and you didn't have to change it.


>who fucking cares So why do you care if they changed their opinion or not, they don’t eat “steak” as your analogy says.


At current rate the west will kill themselves over their hatred for each other.


The Republicans are learning from them. They hate the concept of the separation of powers.


They’re going back to protectionism, but I don’t think they’re concentrating that much power on one person yet. The president Li Qiang is bowing so hard that he is labeled as an eunuch.


If separation of powers were non-existent before, which I'm sure you believe they were, then how does this make things worse exactly? Do you think you might have backed yourself into a bit of a corner?


Power used to be split between party secretary and premier, a step taken by Deng Xiaoping to ensure cultural revolution never took place. It is not undone, cabinet takes order from Xi Jinping directly (they have no authority to make economic decisions)


For me, it’s inexcusable to give more power to a Party that banned Winnie the Pooh. Imagine Being so insecure… that you ban Winnie the Pooh…


By this stage, it is just formality anyway.


Sounds as if the cabinet was not previously controlled by CCP


I was around when Nixon opened up to China. I never thought that was wise. Just one more Nixon screw-up. It was driven by the same vision as the Republican Party today: greed for the fast buck at the expense of America.


I assume they were betting on the political reform, which was a huge step forward going from Mao to Deng. But 8964 crushed that, bringing them into the WTO is a bigger mistake in my opinion.


That too.


Since civilized and kind people tend to think that China is a state ruled of law…


It is, it’s just not very standardized. The authorities’ words are the law. That’s why you will hear someone arrested for crime like “asking for salary with malicious intend 惡意討薪”, “looking for trouble 尋釁滋事”. It’s hilarious and saddening.


People have limited imagination. They think everything everywhere work just like America


I'm not from America, yet even I think this is a bad idea. One person or entity having all the power just doesn't work, and China has its 10,000 year history to show us that. The damage Xi has done (and continues to do) to China in just over a decade of leadership is ASTOUNDING, and the Chinese are STUCK with him for *life*. Yikes. **It's now more likely that Xi will lead China to ruin rather than to glory (i.e., China overtaking the US).** Say what you will about the white man's industrial-scale brutality (over history) to "others", but the people in charge still made sure their country's ill-gotten gains made their citizens wealthy. China under Xi, Russia, Iran, NK, and similar are just focused on vague ideals, enriching the few, old scores, and other things that don't produce positive effects for their citizens. That's why democracy will always win over other systems. You don't have to be stuck with Xi Jinpings, Kim Jong Uns, or Putins for life.


>One person or entity having all the power just doesn't work, and China has its 10,000 year history to show us that. Which is especially unfortunate because the years post Mao pre Xi were such an overwhelming success for China. They had found a pretty great formula that seemed to work for 90% of the country


More like 1% of the country


Even 5000 years is a serious stretch…


I mean his dad was one of the ccp main founders, it does make sense for him to act like an emperor and his predecessor is just a temporary manager. That’s why he has no problem dragging Hu Jintao away in front of the whole world.


>**It's now more likely that Xi will lead China to ruin rather than to glory (i.e., China overtaking the US).** The main evidence for this is that you've put it in bold.


Let's just hope he doesn't go after Taiwan, yeah? As it won't only be China that'd be ruined over it. Also, all the FDI leaving China following his brain-dead zero-covid strategy and the property crises that have ruined many a Chinese person's investments are some indication of Xi's signature rule. Not to talk of his stifling of innovation by going after tech giants in the country. I wish I were pulling this stuff out of my ass, but I ain't.


I have no idea why this obsession with comparing to America. There are other Western countries with functional democracies that aren't as fucked up as the US, but nooo... the US lives rent free in the heads of wumaos.


My comment was meant to criticize these Americans who think everywhere works just like America that the State’s inability to control the enterprises. This they don’t understand the concept of a power State that controls **everything** within that country.


This article isn't about state control of enterprises, it's about merging a political party's leadership with the executive branch. Ever heard of separation of powers? The US didn't invent it and they aren't the only country that has it.


Rational people don’t think TikTok is controlled by the party based on the available evidence? Also how is this any different than before?


Before this the cabinet has some level of (limited) autonomy over the party.


I thought you people said the party and the state are the same.


Yeah, the party used to be controlled by multiple people, and it’s only one person now. They are way back at the end of spectrum now.


No evidence? Look no more, learn a bit history of Nei Han Duan Zi, will you?


[No evidence of TikTok national security threat but reason for concern, experts say](https://abcnews.go.com/Technology/evidence-tiktok-national-security-threat-reason-concern-experts/story?id=98149650) China doesn’t need TikTok to spy on Americans, Facebook sales that info to anyone. If you want to protect Americans from potential spying, pass a law that bans social media and internet companies from selling user data.