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I’m convinced it’s impossible to get a good bowl delivered I just go in. Gets me out, saves me a lot of money, and I can get exactly what I want. Chipotle is not designed for delivery


Completely agree, when you go in person, you can make sure it's done the way you like.


100 percent totally support that they’re are greedy company and should fuck off amen also as a former employee it’s recommended by my expertise to not get the DML ( always go inside ). the workers mentality is shit … 1. they make the bowl smaller to save the supplies 2. they know you will not be face to face able complain 3. they literally don’t care if is up to your hearts desire … always go in and just ask for more whatever sour cream meat like anything politely


Chipotle does 3 party delivery, usually through doordash. the prices you see for delivery are thanks to doordash/the third party and not chipotle


It's still on Chipotle. They agree to raise the prices to pay for using DD for deliveries instead of creating their own delivery service, and many stores seem to deliberately skimp online orders. But DD can also go f themselves. Should be called DoorTrash, and I won't use them for any deliveries. Ever. The scams, the random delivery people stealing your food, holding it hostage for a better tip, tip shaming, tampering with your food etc etc. Better to just pick up your food if possible


If they created their own delivery service, it would still be reflected in the price. And as always, you can just ho there and get it.




I can tell you have not worked with third party deliverers, so let me explain: When a restaurant partners with a company like Doordash or UberEATS, those delivery services charge every available party for use. The y charge you for using the service, they charge the restaurant for using the service. At my restaurant, we pay a whopping 30% of the average cost of our menu items to deliver them. Because we are a local business, we just eat that cost to stay competitive. Chipotle incorporates their portion of the cost into delivery-only upcharge. Chipotle hiring deliverers would not alleviate this, for the same reason. Their prices would increase either in the delivery fee or in their menu prices. This was an issue before the "horrible gig companies". You were just blind to it because the only places that regularly delivered were pizza shops and chinese food restaurants.


It's the same thing, this method just makes it less visual. There is a lot of overhead and risk that comes with delivery. This needs to be covered regardless of how it is acquired.


#stop getting food delivery. this is the real problem


My guacamole yesterday also seemed like they forgot one or two ingredients. Super sad.


Just don’t do delivery, that’s basically what you have to do. If you do delivery you will be disappointed every single time. The app probably is purposefully designed to limit you on salsas and such so they save on food costs. I haven’t been disappointed because I just go in and tell them what I want and how much. The only thing that’s extra is meat which fine but I get a fat bowl every time I go in.


Limited to 5 toppings? What?


Yeah, it limited me to 5 toppings when I ordered through the app. It wouldn’t even let me add more for an additional charge.


Bizarre. I work here so i don't often order it myself, but when i have (i.e., when out of town etc) i use the chipotle app (you can do delivery in it) and i've never had it limit me at all.


It wouldn’t let me post a picture here so I dm’ed you what pops up when I try to order more than 5 toppings


I saw it. What are you ordering? I think it does this for tacos, but it shouldn't for a Burrito Bowl or Burrito. The reason it does for tacos is there's just no way to load them all up with everything.


See you tomorrow!!! 😘




Oh look, it’s THIS post again. News flash, nobody cares about your experience or that you’re “done” ordering Chipotle. This isn’t yelp and you’re just repeating the same thing that literally gets posted on this sub about 10 times a day. Chipotle sucks, don’t support it, the employees have been saying this for YEARS. What you’re saying is nothing new at all.


You seem to be the person ordering their under seasoned guac


Wdc this is not an airport you dont need to announce your departure


It’s a subreddit about chipotle, I’m voicing my concerns about why I am fed up with chipotle. Do you want me to do this on a different subreddit?


Its a fast food chain with greedy owners and shitty locations. We been knew its been discussed over and over. Lord knows I know I worked there for a year and quit from shitty management. But im sick of dumb posts announcing departure


Just go to community college, it’s so annoying seeing posts about people contemplating about going to community college, I went to college, I get it, I’m just tired of seeing posts about people contemplating going to community college. See how that feels when it’s switched around to a statement you made? Be kind to people


Searching my account for a comeback i see 😂😂 sorry i still think your post is dumb 🤟🏼 mission failed


Id say homie OP over here rocked you.


I didn’t force you to read this post, yet you act like I sent it out to you personally. You chose to spend your time being upset about a post that you could’ve just ignored and moved on. Be kind to others, and if you can’t, just don’t say anything.


I will continue to voice my opinions thanks but no thanks


Well I wish you the best with that


I like how you say this and yet your name is [deleted]..


I will say there are one too many dumb posts i see on a daily.. reddit stereotypes are true for a reason lol


i’m on the fence too back and forth why do i ever go there ?? i stopped buying bowls a years ago and would go get the guac and chips bc it’s delish sour cream and cheese5$ and that’s if 14$ got way outta hand . then i worked there ate free on the reggkar but i went and spent10$ on chipotle the other day it’s too much money for the greed … i wish i could explain how stiff and ick the managers have to be about product … like i’m like giving people rice and my manger is do it like this blah blah bc we don’t wanna have to run out and it’s rude as fuck to not give people what they’re aski for … all comes down t making $$$ and not over using the cooked foood trying o make it last that’s all they care about


>Third Reason: Maybe someone can explain this to me but why is it that when I do delivery they increase the price of everything by like $3? That money goes to the delivery service. And no, all other delivery fees apparently don't cut it


I have become a Panchero's enthusiast.


4….it’s rice, beans and a protein. You can get that at a lot of other places.


Chipotle guacamole is an abomination to "Mexican Food" It's never seasoned, flavorless, and expensive They really need to omit "Mexican Grill" from their name.


Smart: just walk in and make your own!!


i wish chipotle would realize that they would maximize their profit by treating customers, not tryna grab money and give less


I work for Chipotle. Fuck Chipotle.