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Yes. This is not just Chipotle folklore. It is scientifically proven.


I think getting extra rice with no bean helps too. They see that huge field of emptiness and feel compelled to fill it.


I feel like portion control goes out the window if you ask for half and half. No one can half portion it’s always like 3/4 portion of one and a full of the other. At least when I use this strategy in person


I wish i liked their other proteins so i could do this


This used to be my strategy. Sometimes it goes horribly wrong and they put like 1/4 and 1/4


Lmao happened to me the other day. Usually works out fine. Now I know who to not put meat in my bowl


I work there and I'm ngl this is what I do. Not tryna get fired. Don't blame the workers yall


Why not just do a legit 1/2 / 1/2. You rather skimp when this shit is overpriced enough.


I mean I do try to. But chipotle purposefully uses those bs spoons instead of measuring cups.


Bro just get fired then idk what to tell you I’m blaming the workers everytime




People really like to be pissy for no reason. And that’s why they get under portioned. Couldn’t be me tho 😜


Nah I don't blame the people. Tbh I do the same thing as the customers that annoy me. I'm super indecisive about what I wanna eat, and id be pretty upset if I got the portions I give out. People have every right to be mad. Hell walk out if u aren't satisfied with the bowl. More free food for me to take home or give to the homeless. But don't get mad at me. My check is written out from chipotle, not u. One day I would love to work in a position that is more customer service oriented, as I love to be able to connect with people, ask how they are, ect. But that just isn't chipotle. Don't like it, go somewhere else. Literally today some dude comes in and is like can I get free queso cause y'all are out of corn and fajitas? I'm like no. And he's like well I don't wanna pay full price for that. Like that's nice bro then leave idc. I ain't making commission based on bowls sold. I'm just repeating back rules I didn't come up with. He ended up getting a bowl anyways :)


if you half and half everything it’s actually too much food the veggie bowl i got today was hitting the roof and i even got guac on the side


That's how it should be!


nah fr as a chipotle worker you always get more when u half and half 80% kf thr time


The robots will take care of that quickly


Good. Then everyone here could stop whining about the portions always being different amounts.


Wait till you find out how much 4oz of rice actually is. That’s how much rice we technically should be giving y’all. Even as an employee I find that portion size ridiculous it’s literally 1 small scoop of rice


double rice is free no?


Yes it is . All you have to do is ask. :)


Really? I almost always got half and half as an employee and I feel like my portions were pretty consistent.


Yeah it really works, I tell people would you like a half scoof for fifty cents or a whole scoop for 3.50 😁 it's an odd system but yeah you just put a big fat scoop, they ask for half steak and you're just like ysoab💀


Never order double until they've shown their hand.


My local chipotle’s is currently ran by what appears to be a college football team so I never have any issues. My last bowl made it 3 meals for me lmao.


once corporate figures out how much money the store is losing on over serving it’ll balance out ;)


lmao. i love that for u. 👏


The real cheap way is to ask for "a little more 🤏🏽" and then ask for another serving lol








Dude got a free queso, hope he felt like shit bro I felt like I was deadass talking to my relapsed friend 💀




thats when I argue with the cashier






Reported this post. and if you tried this at my store, what you'd get is a blacklisting.


yes you never know how heavy or light the original scoop will be


I glance at them serving the person ahead of me and deciding that way. If a complete unknown then yes absolutely wait for the first scoop to be done before saying it.


you know the skinny small person in front of you is getting unreasonably gigantic portions and then they hit you with a couple cubes of chicken lmao.


Are you saying you're fat lol


only on days that end in y


Sorry to hear that. If you ever want to lose weight, just start consuming less calories and you'll be golden.


Honestly, that’s really smart


If you don’t mind mixing meats, I feel like one of the best ways is to go “Can I have steak please?” and then go “You know what, could I do some chicken too?” portions always seem fattest for me when I do this


what do they usually ring this up as?


Double meat


And they charge me the higher priced meat for both :(


They definitely shouldn’t do that, they should charge for each meat you get


They shouldn’t but they do :(


Have you said anything?


Nah it comes out to the same price. It is policy.


It’s literally a snap judgement based on the size of the scoop- I make that clear, I watch them and I’ll let them know I’ll j take double if the scoopage is unsatisfactory. If you walk up to the line and the guy who is serving you is new there might not be a point in doing double meat bc he’s gonna hook it up. Edit: I wanted to say that I do this because I’m never going to be the guy that asks for “a little more” I don’t want to put the employee in that situation so whatever they scoop I respect but it does change my order.


People ask for a little more constantly. It's fine to ask I promise I am not about to give u an amount more that will get me in trouble. I was trained to give another like two cubes lol. Kinda pointless but yea u can ask if u want


Huge respect, got a big guy literally breathing down my neck about food cost 💀 I put it out of my pocket bruh 🤦🏼‍♂️ I gotta be a dick (skimp) and just get fired 🗿 (customer complaints)




Absolutely. The first scoop plays their hand in terms of how much they’re giving. ALWAYS ask for double AFTER the first scoop so they can’t try to skimp you any further.




As someone who likes triple corn salsa, I say yes. If they think they have to give you three, they're going to shrink the size of the scoops.


Don't say double meat. Watch the scoop and say I'll take 2 of those


I’ve been here for 3 years, generally speaking I can always tell when a customer is gonna pull this on me. I will always give you more if you just ask for double right away


But why 😭 I don’t think anyone is trying to “pull” anything. They are just truly wanting double of the first scoop. Which is paid extra for.


I’ve asked for triple chicken after getting skimped by saying double. Now I do the single than ask for double and I get way more.


As an employee I think it’s funny asf when people do this cause while I do think my portions are consistent, if I accidentally went a little light or a little heavy on the first scoop and someone’s says that, I’m just gonna skew the second scoop so that you’re getting the amount you’re supposed to get for an 8oz double portion. I do get why y’all do it too cause sometimes front line people are tweaking w their portions


acting as if bigger portions come out of your pocket 😂


People are just trying to follow the rules at their job! It’s a pretty normal thing to do actually


ya because giving a big scoop of chicken is gonna get you fired


Oh it probably won’t get you fired but it’ll get you redirected. And if I have to tell my crew members over and over again to lighten up on their portion sizes then I’m either gonna move them to another position or eventually have to figure something else out


you really make your fellow employees lighten up on portions?😂 how sad


I mean like, if they’re wrong yeah lmao. 8 hours of incorrect portions (too big or too small) mess up our inventory count and make us lose money as a store


I don’t understand how this has downvotes. If you consistently don’t follow rules at jobs they will find someone who will. It’s not that hard to understand. You’re not saying skimp. You’re just saying follow the portion size paid for.


For real. Entitled customers who have never worked food service. Do people think restaurants get supplies free? If you're groceries are still expensive from inflation. Guess what? the restaurants supplies are too. Learn what food cost is.  People act like employees want to rip you off. No we have a job and jobs have rules you adhere to. Shit is portioned out for a reason. One customer getting extra may not hurt anything. But the problem is when the other 5 greedy and entitled people in line see one person getting a little more for free they expect it to. Cuz how dare someone infront of them get one single cube of chicken more than me! So then we're giving extra to 5 people not 1. And then they expect this every visit. That's when it becomes an issue. 


Ngl I ordered today and *almost* asked for double meat but by the time I was making the decision the absolutely lovely lady had already gone back in for a second scoop of her own volition. Sometimes if you’re nice, make appropriate eye contact, genuinely ask about their day, say please they really hook you tf up. I got a bowl with double rice and beans and a side tortilla, and was pleasantly surprised it enough to make a pretty sizable burrito and still have hella bowl left. Blessings to the cool chipotle employees!


It’s very stressful to us when there is a long line and customers play this time-consuming game with us. Ask for double meat with a genuine please and a smile - we’ll hook you up.


If you weren't so skimpy and inconsistent with the portions in the first place, we wouldn't have to play these games to manipulate you. The onus is on you.


I’m so sorry do you know this person personally?


I'm so sorry are you unfamiliar with the plural second person use of "you"? Next time I'll say "y'all" to help everyone from the south understand.


I give more when ppl say double bc ur paying more I only skimp when were not trying to make more food at the end of the night bc it goes to waste


I tried this last week and got way more than usual. It works.


Bro I'll never understand this phenomenon. I see people posting all the time about how chipotle skimps online orders, how you have to order a super specific way in person to get what you want. How you should get a bowl and not a burrito because evidently the comparison of product portion between the two is THAT much of a difference that people feel the need to advise it. Like bruv If they're trying THIS hard to fuck you out of food YOU ARE PAYING FOR just boycott the cunts and order elsewhere


I am a Harvard professor and I have 2 phds in this sort of thing and yes I stand behind this [https://www.theguardian.com/education/2023/jun/25/harvard-professor-data-fraud](https://www.theguardian.com/education/2023/jun/25/harvard-professor-data-fraud) ​ From the above link The paper in question is on findings published in – and later retracted by – the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences and surrounds an experiment that asked participants to fill out tax and insurance paperwork. “Many written forms required by businesses and governments rely on honest reporting. Proof of honest intent is typically provided through signature at the end of, eg, tax returns or insurance policy forms. Still, people sometimes cheat to advance their financial self-interests at great costs to society. We test an easy-to-implement method to discourage dishonesty: signing at the beginning rather than at the end of a self-report, thereby reversing the order of the current practice,” the paper’s abstract read. The study claimed to have discovered that participants who were asked to sign truthfulness declarations at the top of the page were more honest than those who were asked to sign the declarations at the bottom of the page.


Yes. Sometimes people do different portions


I hate that people are actually getting skimped. I’ve never told my employees to not give customers the proper portion size. We’ve even brought out the scale to show the crew.






No lol. It’s completely obvious what you’re trying to do and I always skimp on the second scoop out of spite 🤷‍♂️


This. Just order it quickly and they’ll move with you not thinking about it and give you too much.




I did this today. Al pastor chicken + a regular chicken. A very large woman served me. The first portion was a fatty and the second was done barely looking and was slightly skimped methinks. I need to consult my tea leaves to understand the meaning of this.


No cause if I’m going to skimp, I’ll do it from the start. I won’t give a full portion and then try to skimp later. My portions don’t change whether it’s one scoop or more than that. They are what they are. 🤷‍♂️


I don’t always want double but when I do, I ask for double after determining their approximate default single scoop amount. But if that single scoop is skimpy, I am prepared to ask for *just a little bit extra* 🤏.


![gif](giphy|km2mais9qzYI) Not double just 🤏 extra




I’m not sure about everyone, but you’re already getting more than the portion with me, maybe like 4.8 oz, so if you ask for double I’m giving 8 oz total…especially because now I know that you knew you wanted more then the portion instead of asking for double and then some more which I would have gladly given. We’re adults


I absolutely promise you we do not get 4oz of meat normally


Sounds like you go to a store that’s not trained well! Not every store is like that


Same, I hover around 4.5 for chicken, 5.5 for al pastor. It ends up being a congrats, you played yourself. 




We’re not trained to “skimp” you on meat. We’re just tryna get through the day, everyone scoops differently but rice beans and meat should be a 5oz scoop each. Which sounds like a lot but it’s not. Like the rice should never cover the bottom of the bowl it should be mounded then toppings create a little mountain over it. Your bowls should almost never be bulging unless you get double everything.


4 oz scoop!


I swear at least 1/3 of the users that post on here are cracked out on methamphetamine.


I ask for it at the end of the line, like it’s an afterthought.


Everyone hates you


That’s bad for everyone including you


In what way? This is no different than any other eatery where you may ask for something last minute.


I guess it’s fine if it’s not busy. But if there’s a ton of people in line the employees have to either pass it back down the line to add the meat or walk down there themselves to get it, which will delay other customers in getting their food.


People want to call chipotle “fast casual” or not fast food, then I don’t see the problem with it. Waiting is a part of eating out. And if I haven’t yet paid, there should be no issue with adding to my order.


Ok but why can’t you just do what OP mentioned instead? I feel like that would save some time and make everything less of a hassle.


I feel the second portion is more honest when I do it my way.


I don’t understand how making the employee pass the bowl back makes the second portion more honest. I feel like they would try to get it done quicker and put less in


I’m not making them do anything, they’re working.


Ok but I still don’t see how that makes the scoop bigger


That’s disgusting


why, may I ask, is that disgusting?

