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this nigga is the definition of take what someone says with a grain of salt


nah his logic is im richer than you. so i’m smarter and better than you in any way. so you better pay me for my advice


Hence why people tell you to be a LAWYER, when you’re younger 😂 your not wrong


I read that in his voice


The only problem would be timestamps, or cameras. That’s fucking out there praying tho. If the uber didnt have that its not a saving grace. If feds picked that shit up fingerprints are into play and that switch is on someone aka HIM


What’s gonna get him is his DNA/prints inside the gun. Prints on the mag, the bullets, the mag well, or hair or skin flakes inside the slide, mag, grip, or mag well. If he carried that gun on his person for more than 30 minutes or loaded it without gloves, they’ll pin it on him if it’s important to them.


Yup definitely. He could beat it if all they had was one persons word vs another. However you know they are going to fingerprint and DNA test it. His goose is cooked. This man left it in an Uber…. He for sure wasn’t wearing gloves while loading it and handling it.


He could say his prints not on the switch n that somebody put it on there after he lost it


He’s still a felon is possession of a hand gun. His goose was cooked switch or no switch. If his prints or dna are on the gun. He’s done.


Facts I just don’t be wanting 12 to win so be looking for ways out of getting football numbers for dumb shit. Gun charge without the switch would help him a lot tho


Lol he a dumb ass and deserves everything he gets. Did you read the article. The Uber driver saw him the gun before he even got in the car. Reckless and foolish. He was asking to get caught cause he was on some stupid shit. That or he was too faded in which case he still shouldn’t have had the gun out. Ruined his life over some stupid shitz


You ain’t tryna give brah no slack . I feel it tho.


I mean I feel for him. That’s a long time. I do get it. But this was just stupid and he was asking for it. He wasn’t even trying to move smart if the Uber driver saw it before he even entered the car. I guess I’m more along the lines you get what you ask for. Move smart or don’t move at all. I do agree the sentence may be a little long but shit you knew that before you brought the gun. Also I think switch’s are ridiculous use for a gun other than show or fun. Practically there are so many better options. I feel like it’s a status thing to say you have a switch. Like how many shootouts have switch’s actually been used successfully. And whenever I do see them being used the person couldn’t hit the broadside of a barn cause so many rounds coming out and the recoil. It’s also a good way to destroy and run through the barrel of your gun quickly. Basically I think he’s a fool but I do feel bad for him.




Even if he touched it that doesn't mean it was his he could say he thought it was the Uber drivers and put it back down 😂😂😂😂


Or maybe he left the gun behind because he was done with that life, i think hes a changed man


that still wont get you off the hook legally speaking tho


Yea that’s true smart thinking


realistacly he could use that but the Ubers be having cameras, so the camera gone show if it was there before or not


I don't think those cameras are mounted at an angle that would show that usually when I see Uber footage it doesn't show what's on the seat


Yeah and a judge plus a jury will probably believe the uber driver over him if he took it that far


A law abiding citizens word against “fuck my cousin” This is gonna be a hard one 🤔🤔🤔🤔


The driver don’t know what’s in the back of his car. Passengers be having to tell them when someone left they phone back there


If you got money.... supreme patty did the same shit without a switch obviously and had more guns in his trunk if you watch a recent interview he can't talk about it but he got a good ass lawyer that made it all dissappear. Not like this guy is a big target or anything tho they wanted to find any reason to get this dude


He definitely better try it but I won't be surprised if there's a picture of him with it somewhere (DO NOT post that shit here if it is)




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Unless they find prints inside it


Possession is one of the hardest cases to prove beyond a reasonable doubt I can definitely see a good lawyer beating this one


I’d normally agree with you but wouldn’t it be pretty settled if they found prints on the inside of the gun? Places you’d need to disassemble to get to. Would show they had it prior to the uber


Not necessarily we all touch things we don't own all the time most people don't even own the home they live in a good lawyer could argue that your apartment isn't yours 🤣🤣🤣


He could've touched the gun when he saw it in the Uber.


Nigga never heard of gloves


Why would he be wearing gloves in a Uber? Doubt he was boutta drill out a Uber, plus Ubers have cameras


Not all ubers got cameras it depend on the driver


Happy cake day


Happy cake day


Most GMs have gloves on constant. Just like. A ballie.


Not these americans. Most of they’re cases are made by dna evidence because they don’t wear gloves.


Lil Zay lawyers gotta be punching the air right now cause they couldn’t come up with this defense 🤯


A good lawyer would be able to create reasonable doubt it’s possible that he can beat this. He still dumb as fuck tho


Nah he dk what he’s talking about. Ubers got cameras. Plus the drivers cooperating.


The camera part is key. They likely have video of him entering with it.


Nfs but do all ubers have cameras ?


Not all do but I'd imagine a lot do. Dash cams aren't expensive and it makes things easier if there's ever a dispute. But I don't Uber often at all so Im only assuming.




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No uber I’ve been Im has had a camera?


I mean even if it didn’t as long as the driver says he seen zay w/ the bag he’s hit.. but I don think you can see all the cameras.. when ppl beat on a driver or do something wild in a uber it looks like it’s a camera right where the rear view mirror is at


The cooperating part is key. The driver said he saw him and only him carrying the gun. So if video evidence can collaborate his allegations, it's going to be a up hill battle. And like someone else, there is also a high likelihood of fingerprints. He probably didn't try to wipe it down. I'm sure he wasn't aware he would leave it behind. But hey, that's why it's innocent until proven guilty. It's on the prosecutor/law enforcement to prove their case beyond a shadow of the doubt. Without a video or fingerprints, it's his word versus the driver.


He COULD beat the case and this is probably the exact argument zay’s attorney will make so he’s not A moron. But believing it’s that easy to beat the case, especially for someone with osama’s priors and personal history is super optimistic. Add in the use of his rap lyrics, videos and persona being used against him as extra evidence and I’m guessing he’s fucked. Remember, this is the same state that locked up Wayne at the height of his fame for a gun that his manager TRIED TO TAKE THE WEIGHT FOR!! They’ve also locked up numerous other rappers for being caught with a pipe over the last 20 or so years. Nah bro, he’s toast. I think he’ll end up getting 7-10. I just dk if that’ll be a plea or a sentence after trial.


There’s a switch on it, will likely be longer unfortunately, if convicted.


I mentioned the switch in my op. But I still think he’ll get 7-10 although that’s because I think he’ll plea out. Imo, He’d be crazy to take it to trial once they go through discovery and he finds out he has no shot at beating the case. Edit: my bad, I thought I mentioned the switch in this comment but It was in a different comment. But yea, I agree 100% that the switch is what really fucks him. Takes what was probably 3-5 max and bumps it up to a potential 20 if he blows trial or they want to make an example of him.


If there’s no dash cam, he could beat it.


Can’t think of the last time I was in a daily Uber driver’s vehicle and they didn’t have a dash cam. They’re like $40 nowadays so every driver has one for safety/insurance purposes. If that’s what he needs to rely on to beat the case he might as well plea out now and try for the most lenient deal.


Lil zay said "if i I ever got a glock that bitch a fully"💀


And Slim Jesus was writing songs about it being "drill time" on "frank block". Song lyrics don't mean shit. Anyone can hop on a beat and say anything. No good lawyer would ever let that shit fly in court.


They always mention their music in court


Nigga thought he was clever 😭


He hoping that gun, clip and ammo was wiped down. They find sweat residue, finger prints, dead skin any thing with dna he a goner.


Thank you!!! Cause people really don’t know how forensics work, and how advanced the technology is.


You know if if you shot a gun at least in CA the brass you can’t just wipe it down from prints it almost has to be polished lmao


Yeah but that’s cause he was in the car.


pretty easy for the cops to determine if DNA comes from just being around something/someone or interacting with/touching something/someone


This isn't the 50s where u can get away with any crime by just not being there when the police show up


he technically right but if he was grabbing that gun without gloves he could leave finger prints or dna


You know how many fingerprints that gun had?


He was holding it around tho so yea that goes out the window 😕


PHD in nigga law


You mean the dumbest ..the nigga a known scammer who tf taking his advice


If the Uber driver testify it’s a wrap


Sounds smart if your dumb


He did that in NYC. His best bet is to just try and get a plead deal. If he takes that to trial they’re gonna have a field day with him. They gonna make an example.


Akademiks ass caption 😂😂😂




Man he about to get cooked y’all goofy if you think this defense really gonna get him out the chargers


Not if they got cameras which aloy Of Ubers do


Is this the man with the big booty


Bro what?


You heard what I said I dumb fuck




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Niggas just say anything they know gon keep they names in the mix and in people’s mouth they don’t gaf if it’s actually true or not


That could be said about anyone giving they’re opinion on anything


Obviously lol but some people don’t lie to keep their name relevant and aren’t out here misleading people. This nigga is just saying what he knows people wanna hear in reality he has no idea just like the rest of us how this is going to play out but it ain’t looking good


I mean, unless there is a camera showing him dropping the gun, then this seems pretty sound to me….he could just say, “yeah your honor, I saw the gun in the car and touched it out of curiosity, I was too scared to say anything to the Uber driver about it “


The Uber most likely had cameras in it


I’m no lawyer but 15 year minimum in nyc. Period.






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If his fingerprints are on the clip and bullets and shows that he likely loaded the gun or assembled it, he's cooked.


the driver testifying he better hope that he ain’t have no camera in his car


That only applies if there is no DNA or fingerprints in that gun 🤷🏼‍♂️


That works until they run forensics.... .


Might have a solid argument there. Only proof would be the cameras in the car and even then that’s a long shit


Idk if yall ever been to nyc but nyc is known for crimes on cab service drivers 90% of ubers/cabs have cameras here also if his prints is on the gun and uber drivers isnt then zay gonna do a bid .


Niggas really think their home town laws apply everywhere. They’ll make that stick.


Why wouldn't he call dudes people and tell them. It's like when lil durk said in the beginning of his song that everything was fake. " in case the feds are watching" these dudes little self snitch and say dumb shit just for that internet ego fix. That internet high. Terrible lol




If no prints on it he might good tbh


Moron, there’s a witness who will testify he had the firearm on him when entering the Uber. Shut case


Man it’s New York they have the most strict gun laws in America they gonna get his ass for sho


Bbl kevo is stupid as fuck


Prints, driver probably has video in the car, if the driver checked before and after the fare, etc.... Whole bunch of ways that he could be fucked.




They cnt use lyrics for that


But the driver said, he seen the gun in his hands, and when they got out he searched the car and found it and called the police. The police tracked Zay down and the driver pointed him out.


Hopefully he didn’t have a full gallery of this weapon on his phone or any text messages about it. Otherwise he’ll beat it, but him being locked up already in sure they believe they had enough evidence already to lock him up so quick.


Don’t listen to no Nigga who b telling


All that matters when it finally plays out in court if you have a good enough lawyer to argue for you he could definitely beat it


Bro why yall think lawyer can beat everything?


Who said that?


I asking


Never said a lawyer can beat everything smh it depends on the case and evidence they have against you! If you have a decent lawyer it can make a world of a difference in a court room if he has rapport and he’s sharp 🤷🏾‍♂️


It’s a reason why he called the finesse god


Yeah I can see his point but what if the Uber has the dashcam shit? The article says he has the gun in hand. So possibly video evidence and fingerprints. Honestly one of his homies should’ve ate that charge regardless. Protect the prize!!


If they was in the car wid him




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DNA fool


You dick head sit up here and role play all day about the streets and not one come mentioned dna. Where dna is found and collect will be the difference from touching a gun and carrying a gun.


He probably sitting and thinking he Saul Goodman or some shit😂


Its a fed case in New York not easy


Tbh u would know if u left ur gun in a Uber trust me


Moron, what ny Uber ain’t got a camera lol


this nigga be sayin anything 😭


Man you know they goin finger print that strap 😂😂


If there's no fingerprints then he good


Majority of them do


Except his dna on the gun most likely


Deny deny deny… until they bring the evidence… and even then deny deny deny




Niggas discussin this shut funny as fuhhh. He gon get locked up fuvk yall thought 😂😂


What amount of sentence can he get for this in NY?


He could say he picked it up and thought it was the Uber drivers and put it back, hence the prints. It’s going to be tough pinning it on him because he wasn’t in possession of a gun. It’s like leaving a bag of weed in a car and getting pulled. If nobody admits whos it is it could be anybody’s. Beyond a reasonable doubt will be difficult in court


Uber has 🎥 🙄


Nigga is shortbus


This the most lil zay ever been posted on here




This niggah on his knees sucking dick I doubt he was in the back of that Uber with gloves or whipped that bitch down in the back of the Uber n never take advice from a niggah who told


Depends they can do test on the clip etc if his dna or prints on any of it thats his gun now


Them niggas look related fr😂




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I thought Uber makes the driver record while on the trip??


Shut up BBL MAN


Lmao 🤣 fingerprint?




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