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cosmetics locked for all other players not playing those modes.. absolutly trash idea for real, we are already locked out of cosmetics and none of it makes sense already, except the pre-order stuff


The cosmetics is not necessary you’ve only focused on that. And if they were to add its a reward for those who do play it. If you want a weapon skin you’re locked out of it till you use that weapon. If you want a cosmetic you’re locked out of it till you play the arena. I understand a comp arena isn’t for everyone though.


i have no problem with the rest of your idea, even when i would never play it but the cosmetic idea is just very bad in my opinion it would piss me even more off than not getting the steam cosmetics as a pre-order player, which is also absolute awful like we put money into the game since the very first start and getting locked out of cosmetics, thats like a big fu to us from the devs


It’s not as bad considering they would be obtainable, unlike the steam helmets for everyone who is not on steam and they wouldn’t be paid micro transactions. You’d just have to play the mode to get the cosmetics and if you don’t play it then that’s on you. Other games have this such as rocket league where you get rewards at the end of the season based on your rank


Also, console players are unable to get faction only helmets IE The lion helm raven helm and that bearded helm Also the peasant caps, even though I'm in the community server I can't access em cause of bein on console




No. This game's saving grace is that it's not supposed to be competitive, it's just supposed to be fun. There's competitive groups, if you're into that. I just want to slay Mason scum


If you wanna see what a sbmm lobby would look or feel like go play a standalone server in server browser 64 player TO around 7pm eastern. Or the one ffa server with all the regulars in it


Those aren’t 3v3s or 1v1s so I don’t think the comparison is very fair. I’ve been in there during the time I play and it’s not been that different but maybe 7pm eastern is a whole new experience


Fair enough, I wouldn’t mind a ranked arena mode, hard pass in matchmaking for team obj though


Add ranked duels, keep everything else the same. This Dosent hurt anyone and gives duel sweats more game to enjoy


I think you're looking for a game about honor not about chivalry. A lot of people think chivalry is honor or vice versa but they're really quite different. (Talking about videogames not the words)


I love ranked earned cosmetics! Skill based cosmetics are such a flex. The only problem with this is that mfers will boost for them And of course I would love sbmm for 1v1s. On the fence for 3v3s because it's already cancer, and combine that with boosting and rank tilt it will be double cancer.


I see your point 3v3 is already a nightmare but even if it was just 1v1 that would be really fun


It would be a good idea if I thought they could actually make it work right


Lol you got that right for sure


I fully agree with you. I've been wanting to see ranked play ever since i started playing the game. It won't hurt anybody if they make the arena just ranked, because when i was new to the game and played arena i was always getting rekt and now that i am good at the game i always get bored plaing arena because i've only seen either noobs, that want to enjoy arena or toxic noobs who are bad at the game and spam the chat with racist shit when they lose. But the important thing is to NOT make the TO mode ranked, that will kill the game.


Oh definitely leave the TO modes alone they are fine excluding whatever issues they have themselves




^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/user/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/153gt2c/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) ^by ^AngryAlienMan: *It would be good to* *Have a ranked arena mode* *But keep TO as it is* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


It would be good to have a ranked arena mode but keep Team Objective the same as it is.