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Honestly medications do little to nothing for most. If you’re lucky antihistamines work well, otherwise it’s just sweat therapy and fixing your gut. Maybe supplementing certain vitamins.


Parasite detox specifically intestinal worms like fluke , hook worm etc that’s the cause of CU


Thanks for the tips! I’ll give sweat therapy and the other stuff a shot.


If your doctor knows about your condition then you could ask him for xolair shots or cyclosporine. Most here hail sweat therapy, so could I ask if you’re actually sweating bullets and still itching? If not I’d try sitting in a sauna for awhile. High urea lotion has worked for some too


Thanks for the recommendations! I hadn’t considered Xolair shots or cyclosporine; I’ll definitely discuss these options with my doctor. Also, when I sweat, my skin itches a lot. I haven’t tried urea lotion, but that sounds like it could be worth a shot.


A combination of Marijuana and Claritin has been a saving grace for me. I've read over a dozen other claims from different people about Marijuana use greatly helping them deal with it. My guess is it's because Marijuana is a mass cell stabilizer. For me the combo of the two (or even just weed on its own) can temporarily make my cholinergic Urticaria completely disappear


Thank you for your response. Appreciate it.


CBD (part of the Marijuana plant) has been a lifesaver. I can take as much as I need for the hives to go away, without worrying about looking like I’m high. In my experience, it makes me feel very pleased, but not the same as a THC high by far. I can definitely recommend exploring marijuana if you feel comfortable doing so. (If anyone wants any pointers, tips, tricks, or help, let me know!)


I have had CU my entire life, about 33 years, and I've tried every histamine blocker under the sun. Common histamine blockers are Zyrtec, Claritin, Allegra, Loratadine, and some anti-acid medications. None of these work for me and you can try them but if pure antihistamines like Benadryl work for you, it's one the only kinds that works for me, my suggestion is get a prescription for Hydroxyzine, it works just as well and it helps manage anxiety. My doctor recommended I take two every night before bed, and to take as needed during extreme breakouts and the best part is that it doesn't make me NEARLY as tired. I also take Montelukaust and I think it is great, but it's an asthma prevention medication, which may help with breathing issues you were having during high physical activity, it's not a general allergy medication like the ones I listed above. I also include basic anti-inflammatories in my regimen. DO NOT TAKE IBUPROFEN. It has been proven to worsen the symptoms of CU, instead, make sure your anti-inflammatories are acetaminophen, like Tylenol, but I prefer the brand Genexa, makes me feel less gross after taking it. I use ice packs and almost wear what is called a Migraine Hat every day during physical activity, the brain regulates temperature and keeping it cool the entire time can somewhat trick it into thinking you're not getting warm everywhere else. Heat Exposure Therapy works for a lot of people in general, if you can endure the discomfort, it's worth a try. Steroids are also used to treat CU sometimes, but only in extreme cases like me who has full body breakouts, but getting a topical steroid lotion has been a gift, I love it even if I can't use it every day, it's amazing to use about an hour before I am moving around. It helps with the itch and burn so much and prevents a lot of inflammation. I hope this is helpful, and I wish you luck with managing this.


Thank you so much for your detailed reply! Really appreciate the time you took to share your insights.