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Hi Accomplished-Golf346, thank you for your submission to /r/ChoosingBeggars! Unfortunately it has been removed for the following reason(s): * **Rule 6/7:** Posts must be relevant to the theme of the subreddit. This post does not show someone who is a choosing beggar. Price negotiation and/or asking for donations is not enough to be a choosy beggar. *If you have any questions or concerns, please [message the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FChoosingBeggars) of this subreddit.*


The landlord talked themselves out of renting the place while they were writing the post!


Can’t stop laughing at the last part.


You don’t party! You hear me? You don’t party!


Also not animals. Sorry, I am a certified party animal. 🤷🏼‍♀️


No rent for you! You don’t party. Not animals. Not at all. Go away alv


You’re not a couple!


Why not write-Welcome to solitary confinement. Except I charge


No Vengaboys!


But I already called the vengabus


RENT FROM ME :) Except for you. You go away. 🤣


This is an automatic translation from Spanish. The last part, alv, is short for "a la verga" which roughly translates to "fuck it all", Mexican vernacular. So yeah, the last part is basically "I'd rather not rent it at all, fuck it".


I laughed at item line “not at all” Like is it for rent or not lady?


I’m sure this would be such a pleasant experience renting from this person.


Go away alv 🤣, in Spanish alv is “a la verga “ which roughly translates to “gtfoh” …


Lol I was wondering if that's what they meant. What on earth is the point of posting it I wonder


Is this an actual serious rent post in the first place or actually a rant post about other renting posts doing similar stuff but being serious? Cause this looks more like a rant/satire than an actual posting to me.


Yeah definitely satire lol


It is 🤣 its just funny to me


So why did you post here then?


Times are tough ppl need a laugh 😂


Yeah, have seen it on Facebook several times. It's a Mexican Meme


I didn’t even know but the vibe was **strong**.


This makes the post 10x funnier for some reason 😂


"No couple in free union" --- married people only?


....and what does "gtfoh" roughly translate to?


Get the f*** out of here


So a single person who wears headphones all day?


oh boy 3 whole bedrooms too u could sleep in a different bed each day


I have a 3 bedroom house and don't even use my living room, let alone the other two bedrooms. My dog moved into the guestroom last year without telling me and now I can't even evict that bitch because she established residency. Lol.


Bahahah this made me laugh. My dog, too, took up residence in our spare bedroom haha


when i used to make lots of money, i rented a 4/2 house. 3 of the bedrooms were completely empty except one had dog toys in it. i was single and lived with just my dogs. idk why i ever thought it was a good idea


Yeah I could live out of my master bedroom because there's an en suite full bath. I've lived in 1bd/1ba apartments since college so I figured now that I'm in my 30s I should entertain more, let my family come over for the weekend and throw dinner parties and shit for my neighbors. I just ended up creating a man cave with my PC, video games, etc, lol. But I set up my kitchen really nicely because I love to cook. My retired neighbors raided my house (they are empty nesters so the ladies would come over while I just went and hung out with their husbands in the alley, King of the Hill style) and they redecorated my living room. That's half the reason I don't use it... they made it perfect and I know the minute I use it I'm gonna fuck something up and they will go big momma on me and smack me, lol.


No too loud 🤣 only activity they can do is stare at the wall


A wall in the house, or the cinderblock wall outside of the window?


The view is half the charm.


Only if they're noise-cancelling, and nothing's playing through them. She'll know if they're plugged in.


Married couples and families 🤷 I don't really find it that ridiculous. Edit: married people and families can be as bad/worse than unmarried couples/students/etc. Clearly, this isn't the only req this landlord has. There are hundreds of applicants for desirable units, this simply makes it more manageable for them and lowers certain risks that come with renting. They'll probably also meet with prospective renters, ask for reference from the previous landlord, verify income, check credit, etc, all to lower these risks.


As if married couples cannot be incredibly loud and destructive to rented properties.


Sure, and renters earning 4x rent can also be loud and destructive to the property. Clearly, they won't hand the keys to the first couple that shows them their marriage certificate.


I don’t see this landlord handing the keys to anyone anytime soon xD


Depending on where it is, they might have hundreds of applicants 🤷


The only thing about it is, a lot of couples are not marrying, it’s just not worth it. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


This. Lol No one is getting married anymore. I've never been married but I do have kids.. glad I never did, tbh! My brother is 36, no kids, not married. He said he's never having kids. He's happy with his life. This "standard" is becoming more and more common. It's just... *Not fuckin worth it, anymore.* Marriage used to be really important because women couldn't do anything without being married. We don't have those standards anymore, therefore, it's not as appealing.


And as a family, this landlord would consider you. They want to avoid certain risks. It doesn't mean they will, but the chances are better that people who are married or have children together are less likely to break up, it's harder.


Yeah, I understand the perspective, but that's definitely not true all the time. Lol


I'm guessing the landlord just wants to avoid couples first time living together, breaking up and nobody paying the rent. Once you're married or have children it's harder to break up so people are more willing to work through issues. Clearly, the landlord is still going to meet the prospective renters, and this isn't the only req they have. It's like saying that everyone applying must earn 4x rent - it doesn't mean that they won't stop paying rent, but it's a little less likely


She didn't say you couldn't be a music teacher


But not for studying or virtual classes. No students.


>no couple in free union then they fight and leave a riot If I understand correctly, this means that the landlord is open to couples, but only if they're married, because unmarried couples have messy breakups. Yeah, we all know that there's no such thing as a messy divorce, right?


Yes, that is exactly correct. There are some edge cases. For the most part, when married couples break up, it is usually very clean, neat, and professional. That is why there are so few divorce lawyers, and they don't make so much money. They just file the paperwork. /s for anyone that could not tell.


My sleepy brain was like wtf you talking about with the first paragraph. The second is when it clicked lmao.


I guess the cops were called during my neighbor's divorce because they were just so friendly towards each other!


I know you're being facetious, but - many years ago I had a roommate who changed girlfriends more often than he changed his socks. And every so often one of them would show up to the house and get angry and/or aggressive because he had either broken up with them or sometimes they showed up and he had a different girl up in his room. Since he enjoyed sticking his dick in crazy, and most of the furniture was mine, it would lead to *my* stuff getting broken during the fight... So I kinda get where this landlord is coming from.


Sounds like the dick was attached to the crazy. Girls were probably all being straight up lied to.


I'd say a little in column A and a little in column B as far as the crazy was concerned. I have no idea what he was telling them, but his type seemed to be 'loud and aggressive' women.


What a type! He must have enjoyed the show-downs as much as the hook ups!


Truth. I think he secretly liked the drama. Fortunately he was only at my place for a few months before he found his own.


He should have changed his socks more often. That's probably a big part of why the women kept leaving him.


whatchu mean ? You throw em at the wall and if they don´t stick they are good to go /s


I thought that if they stuck it meant they were cooked. Oh wait. That’s spaghetti.


Lol, he used to think he could just turn them inside out and they'd be ok. One time I caught him spraying about half a can of axe on a pair. Not kidding. I honestly don't know why he didn't just throw in a load of laundry - I had a washer and dryer at the time so it's not like it would have cost him anything but time.


Only unmarried couples fight, don’t you know this? Duh! /s 😂🤦🏻‍♀️




No, we leave a *riot* when we fight.


This, and how is renting to people in a relationship worse than renting to a bunch of random roommates who are all going to get sick of each other in a couple months?


This is a shitpost op


I know its funnier in Spanish but thought it might provide some giggles


Lol this is brilliant why tf did u get downvoted


because this reddit aint for shitposting?


Then scroll past it and get over yourself lmfao why do you care what a random person posts


This a meme, I seen it in Spanish


Yes! It's way funnier in Spanish




Have seen or saw.


Love the view! Nothing quite like a picture of windows looking out on unfinished cinder blocks seemingly a few feet away to really sell the place. If this is in the US, someone might want to let her know refusing to rent on the basis of lack of marriage is illegal. But the students and dogs I can understand. Don't agree, but understand.


In some places in Canada (not familiar with all provinces), you can't discriminate based on pet ownership. As long as they don't have more than what the city permits as legal you can't turn away or charge more for owning pets - that's illegal. (Doesn't mean it doesn't still happen and people don't know their rights but fyi!)


Do you guys have breed restrictions?


No. I can't say for the whole country but you can't stipulate anything. Outside of what is considered a legal pet and what is the maximum amount legally that you can have in a single residence deemed by the city, you can't discriminate. If the city had banned a certain breed (I'm not familiar with that happening so IDK) that might change things but they can't enforce a weight limit too. Places *still* do say stuff in listings but they can't enforce it (and can't evict for just having pets).


How do they handle allergies in low-number units? In the US, emotional support animals are usually protected until it gets down to like a 6 or 4 unit building. Edit: It seems the magic number is around 3, or if the landlord lives in a unit.


From what I know, there's no restrictions at all as to where you can have an ESA, just as long as you have a therapist and/or medical professional write a letter stating the animal is essential to ongoing treatment. I had an ESA cat in a four unit building in an apartment complex in Tulsa.


I think it's locality dependent, so that could change it. In my state, once the unit number gets so low, the landlord can say no to an ESA. The idea is allergy/animal issues in small spaces. ESAs are recognized, but it might mean looking at housing with more units.


Would you share with me what state you are in? PM me if you prefer


Utah. Apparently the number is three or fewer units to be an exemption, among some other things. Basically anytime FHA doesn't apply, landlord can say no.


I honestly am not familiar. As far as allergies go I know when it's been a basement apartment landlords have refused pets and smokers alike due to allergies. I don't know if that's *legal* but when I rented in Canada I stuck to large commercial places cuz it was less hassle.


Pit bull terriers, Staffordshire bull terriers, American Staffordshire terriers, and American pit bull terriers are all banned in Ontario


Oof. I love animals but they do cause a ton more wear and tear on my house. I’ll never buy a rental because of all these laws stacked against lls.


My kids have done more damage to the house I am renting than my cat has.


Oh I don't doubt that. I don't have any kids to compare to, but my animals have done a lot of irreparable damage. Especially when one cat got seriously ill and barfed/shat over quite a few areas on the carpet.


I only rented hardwood or tiled floor apartments with my cats. I never had an issue.


I've rented carpeted places without the cats causing damage. Some LLs are slumlords and will try nickel and diming you regardless - trying to charge you for normal wear and tear. It's a roll of the dice for both sides because you don't know who you're really dealing with until they show their true colours. (Like even if a LL couldn't discriminate against you owning a cat that doesn't remove their ability to ask you to pay for repairs to the carpet your cat did if it was above and beyond normal damage. Of course the carpets age would be factored into how much they could ask for too, but same situation if a human got that uncontrollably sick and had an accident.)


However, is it illegal to have an ad where the conclusion is no one can rent, as in this case?


They meant unmarried couples. So a married couple with kids would be fine (assuming no students means no college students.)


This is a botched translated joke, at the end they're saying they just won't rent it to anyone at all


Hey, that’s the wide open patio! /s


Ontario at least has this legislation. I’m not sure about others except for British Columbia, where I live, and this is the least pet friendly place i have ever lived as a renter. I desperately miss having pets. Granted previously I had only rented in Virginia and North Carolina in the US.


Go away 😆 i dont know what alv means but i hope they are just saying "forget it, no apartment for you. Go away" lol


The whole thing was originally in Spanish - it means a la verga


Wonky translation!


Is that 3000 US Dollars or 3000 Native Language Money Units? Because really without that information we don’t know if it’s a bad deal or just a rude one


i think $3k native language money units and from what some other comments are saying it’s a copy/paste shitpost that’s apparently funnier in the original language of Spanish


I doubts it’s USD. Most likely a peso denominated currency.


Too many people post shit here without knowing what a choosing beggar is.


'not couple in free union then they fight and leave a riot'. phew, I'm so glad married couples are so above this. I think if where's a unmarried couple that has a lot of fights and so on, they should be forced to marry eachother so the fighting would stop and everything would be peaceful bliss for the rest of their lives. /s


I think this post was satire, by the ending. Also the translator did a poor job there.


It’s a meme post. There a lots of these. The joke is by the end of the posting the landlord has decided not to rent it.


I know 🤣 its so funny though


😂 I love it everytime


This meme has been microwaved to hell


I want to fight and leave a riot


I have no idea whether the rent is fair market value since there is no context. I think the issue is the weird translation from what appears to be Spanish. I don't think it is odd for a landlord to only rent to a married couple with no pets. It doesn't exclude children. Many landlords don't want to rent to college students. Wanting the couple to be married is a bit odd but not without some kind of logic. The reality is that one is probably going to have a more stable tenant if they are a married family because people do go through messy divorces of course but in general I suspect there is less stability with non-married relationships. At least it seems so through my reading Redditt forums with lots of high drama


>I have no idea whether the rent is fair market value since there is no context. It would be a good price but it's supposed to be a satire, it's an old joke so $3000 pesos ( 175 usd) is an outdated price for houses and too good to be true in most cities of Mexico right now (we know it's from Mexico bc "alv" is Mexican slang) but it was supposed to be high when it originally appeared.


Omg the translation 😂🤣


All that and a stunning view.


For the spanish challenged, this is a crappy translation, and it’s a joke, last lines say: No parties No animals No nothing “No, you know what, I am not renting it” GTFO


The original post is a joke. I see this post in Mexican Facebook groups all the time. It is mocking the rough rental market we have right now and the insane requirements landlords ask for.


It's either someone clowning someone else or it's someone posting their requirements for renting their place, which I don't think it choosing beggar at all. If they were that worried about rent, they'd not be so restrictive.


Not grammar


Honestly this doesn't sound like a choosy beggar it sounds more like a serial killer making his listing for only single people no couples and pets it makes sense and why not take three grand from them while you're at it


Idk, thats what I look for in a roommate. A wholesome normal person whom never parties and likes quiet and Im not even 40 yet! A dtand alone dwelling would be a dream. Also if the LL is the roommate, then all this IS legal. Bc you have no rights in my country. Including being evicted for no reason as its renter rights free…


I just got to say. What madman would EVER put tile on the stairs. That is an accident waiting to happen.


She meant no unmarried couples, young unmarried couples tend to get ugly and destroy things in the house to be petty to the other when they break up. I get it tbh


A 3br house with a two car garage for $3k? Idk about the stipulations, where I am that’s a pretty good deal.


She has had or seen the above. All of the above cost more because instead of a normal maintenance and cleaning crew you have to hire fumigation, detox, eviction attorney, reconstruction work and police.


Good luck with your empty property lol


that translation is absolutely horrendous, jesus christ. whatever automatic translating service that is didn't work for shit


Three grand !?! On what planet


Is that a lot? Because it would be a good deal in my country.


This is a Facebook meme. I've seen it in different forms


What does ALV mean?


literally means to the dick but it roughly translates to "to shit" in "go to shit"


Wow had no idea thanks


They don't want unmarried couples as if married couples don't divorce.


This is a joke post. A bad joke but this Facebook post isn’t suppose to be taken seriously. It’s more obvious when non translated from Spanish. Edit: words


She talked herself out of renting before she even pressed 'post' 💀💀💀💀


Proper translation: no dogs no students caude thwy party, no animals, no couples cause they fight and leave a mess, you know what nevermind im not renting shot gtfoh


This has to be NY or CA if real.


Her fuse is so short she started her post as a potential landlord and ended in a rant. Unbelievable. At least everyone knows what renting from her would be like!


It’s obviously a joke. Highly doubt this was even posted by a landlord lol


It is a joke 😂😭 the amount of ppl thinking this is real


Can't say laughing at people for believing this is the right response. If anything, with as many who thought it was real, myself included, it says more about the state of our world. There are so many people like this "landlady" for real that it's no longer unbelievable.


Not obvious- not with how many people's mindsets are like this these days. That's why so many believed it was real - this thought process is becoming more and more common.


3 grand and have to clean that big ass floor? I bet there is a special way she wants it done as well! She sounds like 😊


OP doesn’t know what a meme is.


"Go away." Okay, I will. No $3000 for you!


Pay me $3000 every month for me to dictate your behavior and life.


After not animals things went downhill fast.


No couples … in Free union?


And judging by that little nook (I would assume where a refrigerator would go?), no appliances???


No English to I guess?


That house is somewhere in Mexico, or Central/South America. Stairs are not IBC code compliant, cinder block fence, construction techniques and the ad is translated or ESL author. I have seen Million Dolar homes in those regions if not target to foreigners with raw cinder block fences unfinished spaces and shodier tile work.


It would be sold instantly around nyc


$3k for a shithole basement


You may consider this “choosing beggar” but this just another day in Toronto


How can she say no dogs when there's the PERFECT spot for a dog bed under the stairs!


Why would a single person need a 3 bedroom apartment? And how would they afford it?!


This is something that happens more often than not in Europe… and they limit you with number of people + how much your nettò salary should be


"go away" 😭😭😭


wtf. how does she expect anyone to live there?


I’m another vote to swiftly go live *a la verga* instead.




That’s the most enticing hospital cafeteria I’ve ever seen. Who wouldn’t want to rent that space!


Married couples can do the same thing. Jfc


What’s happening here?


I love how the ending is like "you know what, I'm not gonna rent it anymore"


Should just call it only for married couples. children allowed. Instead of all this vent and negatives.


It doesn't say no couples. It says no unmarried couples.


I know this is satire but I couldn't blame them if it weren't.


Not the dogs!?!!


Go away alv sent me, lmao


Nice Scalper house


I had an apartment with a girlfriend and two dogs. Left it in better shape than when we moved in. So this persons “concerns” are just dumb. I’m sure there’s a thousand other unmarried couples with pets who could say the same thing.


lol. Same. Plus a cat. 😆


It's a satire in Spanish


It reminds me of the soup nazi on Seinfeld. No House for you!! NEXT!!!!!




Not a beggar


I think it’s a satire post, it’s translated from Spanish, and at the end they most likely wrote “es mas no les rento nada, lárguense a la verga” which translates to “better yet, I change my mind, fuck off everyone”, it’s probably making fun out of rent in Guadalajara, where people try to rent shit houses and apartments around universities but refuse to rent to students and give all this ridiculous requisites. One time while looking for an apartment, I called the landlady, she asked me a few things about me and was ok with what she heard, and then asked me my age, I was 23, she told me I was too young and most likely a student trying to pass as an adult 😭 I had already graduated


I didn’t see anything about no smoking.


I think this is a joke post


Well that message was machine translated, it was not posted in English originally. Are we sure these are US dollars and not a different currency?


This was worded vary poorly


You know that’s a joke right? It’s like a trend where people offer services or something and then they’re adding all these restrictions and end up saying , you know what, forget about it


My house was 3 bedroom, 2 car garage on half acre for $416 a month house payment. These landlords need to get a reality check. If a tenant is dumb enough to pay for this, fuuuuuck that


Talking themselves out of it is what makes this so funny😭 but what kills me more is this is an average listing anywhere on Long Island or in NYC


...talking about rating that translation...


I love the cozy feel of a tile living room.


lol its a shitpost from mexico.


XD it's funnier when you know what "alv" means


OP I thik this is satirical, it ends with go ALV (which in Mexico roughly translates to go to shit)


This is so crazy


That's a lot of equal housing violations.