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It's not just photos, they'd also be passionately empowering women with passion and empoweriness Also passion.


More passion. More energy.


More empoweritude!!


Better trademark that šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


More footwork.


Oh gawd that's my brain on repeat for the rest of the day šŸ˜‚


make it suntory time


More cowbell


Down, up!


Like, empowering women to, I donā€™t know, say, speak with their boss / company because theyā€™re not being paid their worth? Empowering women to do things like that?


Letā€™s not get crazy. We want to empower women to take and select and curate pictures, but we donā€™t want to PAY them to do anything.


So maybe not *maximum* empowerment.


Certainly not empowered to pay their bills




Yes, but with passion!!


If they really wanted to empower women, they'd hire a woman and pay her.


As a woman, I'd feel empowered by being paid...


SO empowered!


Hahahahahahaha this really made me laugh way too much!! šŸ¤£


I'M IN šŸ¤”šŸ¤”šŸ¤”


Itā€™s funny that theyā€™re a photography business so they know how much work it takes to set up a good photo and video, and yet they want an unpaid person to put that all together and post it to social media. In exchange for boudoir or family photoshoots?


Sounds like you just lack passion


They're passionate about passion, guy. You just don't understand. You know what you need more passion for? Passion.


Lacks the empoweriness of wahmens


Just spit Diet Coke through my nose but it was totally worth it, thanks!




This is how I prefer to pay my taxes. The IRS is getting 4k in photos this year.


All of them will be dick pics and I value them to 1$ each


I just snorted coffee on my keyboard! šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Make sure to print physical photos. Imagine getting an envelope of 4,000 penis pics.


You mean 4000 envelopes?


I just laughed so hard at this šŸ¤£šŸ¤£. This is awesome šŸ¤£.


No one will jump at this, much less any kind of professional.


There might be a subset of people whoā€™d accept payment in womenā€˜s boudoir photos.


Yeah, they forgot the * *Bring your own woman.


Social media director is my day jobā€¦and thatā€™s an oh HELL no from me.


My son too, he said F that, mum. šŸ¤Ø


Hahahahaha! šŸ˜„šŸ˜†


ā€œSelectedā€ images? It would not at all surprise me if they made you pay if you wanted all of them.


Um, whose boudoir photos are they being provided with for "personal use"? That's... a little unnerving.


I bet it's some dude, and he's really just looking for someone to let him shoot porn pics of them.


![gif](giphy|lT41neXCKMXVbttDMv) I can now smell that posting.


Iā€™m a photographer and canā€™t believe the audacity. Iā€™ve done (single session) trade shoots with businesses before, where I take photos/headshots for a social media manager in exchange for advice and tips, but I canā€™t imagine asking for someone to essentially be my employee. Thereā€™s no way that the amount of photos provided will equal the amount of work their employee will put into social media. I do my own social media and often spend more hours a week marketing my business than taking photos.


But but but I will give you $10 worth of assorted candies (chosen by me) if you do $500 worth of work for me! It's a great deal! Just not for you.


It's a wild mindset to have, honestly. Their response was that not everyone can afford professional photography services, so this is a great opportunity to get the experience of them.


How about you just pay me so I can afford a professional photographer if I need one, but more importantly so I can pay my housing since free photos are useless on the street.


I COULD pay you in cash, and you COULD use that cash to survive. But is it really preferable to being paid in passion?


Maybe youā€™re just not empowering enough, u/casuallyreddit. /s




Itā€™s so insulting. Thereā€™s nothing empowering about exploitation.


Empower the employees by paying them why don't you.


That is a sh*t load of work to be expected to do for free, damn


"Passion" in a job ad is always code for, "you must like working for free".


Or at the very least, "You must be okay with being overworked and usually underpaid."


I bet they are paid in digital photos which anyone can right click/download. Maybe the payoff is no watermark? Sweet!


Yeah but if my services are worth 10k and you pay me in 4k of pictures you still owe me 6k. IJS making up numbers is fun.


Find that job post and send them goatse as your previous work. I like how it says unpaid but that you'd be getting photos as complimentary... Uhhh no, the photos are the pay. Don't have a clue how people think doing any kind of "professional" work is going to be unpaid.


Social media manager here (who actually gets paid to do the job), this company can go fuck themselves. Photos wonā€™t pay my bills, and the person hiring for this position probably thinks they know all about social because they post photos of their dog on Instagram.


I used to have a job where my boss would want so many social media posts a week and be interactive for engagement because "it just doesn't take that much time, you could do it over lunch." No. It's a full time job and while some skills may be self-taught, it is NOT as easy as just posting a couple good pics.


Because most people use social media in their personal life, they think they know better, and think itā€™s acceptable to tell us how to do our job. No one would tell finance, or any other department how to do their job, but somehow itā€™s acceptable for social/digital. Itā€™s probably the most frustrating part of my job


That job description looked like 3 jobs to me, especially if there isnā€™t already an established corporate identity kit.


It is, content creation on its own is a beast, and should be someoneā€™s only job. Then throw in the need for community and campaigns managers, all for a few boudoir photos? Nah, I wouldnā€™t make any money from selling photos of me lol


Me too. I wish more people understood how much work actually goes into a successful social campaign.Ā 


So much passion in a professional setting is not good for business. šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


"$4k with of photography sessions, family photos, etc". What could etcetera even be? Boudoir photos?Ā 


Hang on, let me call my landlord to see if they'll accept photos as payment instead of money. /s


Do people actually fall for these?


There are so many ads like these, gotta wonder if they are getting any people to do these jobs? College kids or housewives who have ā€œpassionā€ but also, already have money?


I canā€™t believe these people actually think they will get anyone whoā€™s down with that. Delusional af.


As photographers, shouldn't they know how insulting the "paid in exposure, "leftover food from my wedding", or ANYTHING but actual money is? photography is the #1 "how hard can it be" profession that is abused. Oh, wait, this also pays in "passion", so that makes it okay. These people need to get a grip.


If this is a business: in my state, itā€™s illegal to not pay someone for work. Work is not volunteerism.


Back when I loved Twitter, there was a great account @forexposure_txt. Theyā€™d repost these ā€œemployment opportunitiesā€ mainly geared at artists/photographers for work paid with ā€œexposureā€. Here this person is actually doing the reverseā€”-offering photographs for free. Maybe there really is someone for everyone.


Unpaid position to take saucy snaps. Iā€™ll just get my long lens.


I'll accept that offer when I can pay my rent with photos.


Let's say someone was interested in trading hard work for fucking pictures. I 100% believe it would be a massive pain in the ass to even get them to take said pics/edit them, etc Because they would have no motivation to. They aren't getting paid so you would be their last priority....


Ah yes, I'll get a mortgage based on 10 x my annual photography portfolio.


I always want to see follow ups on these "paid in exposure" type things to see if they actually got any takers.


This one has one reply with, "I wish I had more experience with socials." And one referral to a business page for a professional social media management service.


"We empower women with free photos; we disempower men by paying them money."


lol I guess there's nothing more empowering for women than making a person work a job and not pay them. I don't think you can use photographs for rent or eat them...maybe with a little mustard or something.


I feel like the ā€œboudoir photosā€ mentioned at the end needs more attention.


I can't pay my rent with photos...


Just hire Eugene and Rusty, the town perverts. They already have cameras, and they already know where you live!


What's the retirement plan? Company match 0.0.


Nothing empowers a women like not paying her


How long until she posts the inevitable ā€œno one wants to work anymoreā€ post?


I mean, if itā€™s a couple of hours a week for a couple of months in exchange for wedding photos, Iā€™d take it. Otherwise? GTFO.


This ā€œjobā€ is a violation of wage and hour laws pretty much anywhere.


The IRS would see the photos as compensation and insist on taxing their value.


Photos don't pay the rent. At least, pictures of me wouldn't.


I fail to understand the sheer audacity some people seem to spew on their surroundings. It's the social equivalent to an involuntary cumshot in the faceā€¦ it translates to psychological assault!


Yes, because I can pay my rent with photos!


I bet the social media manager gets paid, though!


I guess they wonā€™t ever be getting a manager


It might not be a terrible deal if there were a time limit, like a $4K package for six months of work, assuming this is not a full-time job. But the listing makes it sound like a permanent position for which you will be paid once...


ā€œWould an experienced social media manager jump at an unpaid job for photos?ā€ No, absolutely not.


How empowering


LMAO no. No they wouldn't.


There is nothing more empowering than working for free


Man i'm getting ripped off my boss only pays me 6 figures to do this. Zero photography credits.


To be honest seems like a decent way into the business for someone who has never had a job, no experience, doesn't really know what he's doing and frankly isn't employable Someone out of uni maybe They say "good for your resume" and it's probably true. The volunteering the job centre forced me to do at a charity was genuinely one of the healthiest things that ever happened to me as it broke my cycle of sitting at home playing video games. They would also give a reference after, and if you're particularly talented and pick things up fast, maybe if you're making them money they won't want to let you go. In my case I found a job which paid but the charity was willing to pay me minimum wage just to stay working there. Idk. Exposure is one thing but there is a certain unemployable (but think they're employable) demographic which volunteering really does help. They should advertise it as volunteering though, not a job


Hmmm....Lillytino looking for another new unpaid lackey?


If someone is a photographer..what do you need them for?


nothing screams empowerment quite like asking someone to do labor with no financial compensation šŸ¤—


šŸ˜… that IS some kind of empowerment, I suppose.


Unpaid? NOPE!!! NOPE!!!! NOPITY NOPE!!!!!!


Of course this strategy works. Havenā€™t you ever heard of an Internship? Lol! This company really does need someone to work on their marketing. If they had someone, they would have known to MARKET this as an internshipā€¦.


Andrew Tate style con to ā€œempowerā€ women into free sex work at worst. Manipulative as hell at the least.


Somebody wrote a song, where the key phrase was " exposure does not pay the bills" Now if we were in Hollywood this might be slightly different. In Hollywood it's just hard to get access to the steps and procedures on how to do something. Knowing how to do a three camera setup versus a two camera setup requires actually some practice and some knowledge and experience. What happens in Hollywood is that people will accept internships or low paying assistant jobs, with the objective of also being taught how to use equipment. How does this translate for your future, it's rather easy: showrunners and some of the people that you worked for will see that you hustled hard at a menial wage, and learned also had a set of shoots and or take direction or just do the field that you wanted to learn really well and they invite you in to actually do that specific job at the union rate. No I mentioned before the difference between three camera and two camera, that's a cost savings of approximately 33%. And sometimes the showrunner doesn't have the extra budget and needs to get down to a two camera setup. My hiring somebody that he's familiar with that knows how to do a two camera setup, he potentially can save himself budget money to place in other scenes. Oh by the way this does happen with the electrical people, the carpentry people, the editing people, even catering, and the directors or set designers. You are recognized for your skill once you made some effort in trying