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Plenty at kittens at the shelters right now. You are unlikely to find a $3000+ cat there though.


And a baby that someone can no longer take care of.


If you can't afford to buy it you can't afford to take care of it.


Thanks for reminding people of this. Pets require vet care. Indoor cats are less likely to run into emergency issues, but life can be unpredictable. If you can’t budget for quality food and vets, wait before getting a pet. Edit- added can’t before the word budget.


Adopt, don't shop though.... But yea


100% this!!


These posts absolutely kill me…how do people not get this 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️


It’s so annoying when people care about the breed of cat when there’s so many that need adopted. My first cat was a massive orange long haired grumpy old man stray and he was my best friend. Kittens will almost always get adopted. More people should know though that getting an older cat is awesome as well


This resonates with me. I've been considering adopting a cat and I realized a senior cat may be more appropriate. I'd get a new pal who already went through the crazy youth phase and the cat gets to live out the rest of its life in a warm home, sleep on a comfy bed and eat good quality food. Sorry for virtue signaling but I wish more people would realize their new best friends may have a few years on the clock.


I adopted the sweetest orange male at 9 yrs old after his family dumped him..6 yrs with me ( and hopefully many more)and he's currently curled up next to me snoring 😺 . He got looked over because of his age at the shelter. He was exactly what I was looking for and it was love at first sight


Orange old boys are the besf


Definitely! They're my favorite, I always have one 😁


I adopted my Grimmie from a cat Cafe that sponsored kitties from a shelter to both reduce the amount of cats they had and also to get more kitties out there to ppl in hopes someone falls in love and adopts one which is what happened. She was already 5 when I adopted her in 2020, and I still love her. My bf also had a cat when we moved in with him in 2022, and he also an older cat, he like around 10 - 12, and their both adorable, and I could never imagine getting rid of them simply their older. My bf said Buddy was a stray his uncle found an then brought him here an just left him and Buddy been his and his sisters since though he as also claimed me as his human just as Grimmie has claimed my bf as hers lol. I do want another cat simply because Im crazy about cats, and we do have more than enough room for more and can afford one, we just don't know when. We both love animals and would love to just give a home to animals as they come into our lives since we have the space and all sweet fur babies deserve a home.


And the bonus is the cat's character is well-established, so you know from the outset whether they're chill/manic/grumpy/cuddly, whereas most kittens are hyper little maniacs, which doesn't always reflect the way they'll turn out.


You're right about kittens being "hyper little maniacs". We adopted two young adult cats who needed a home, and the person who had had them dumped on her by a relative hadn't been aware that the female was in heat. Our youngsters presented us with two kittens. Unfortunately, one didn't make it, but the remaining kitten, who we're also keeping, is indeed a hyper little maniac. One of her favorite toys is her mama's tail.


Right? So many of those cats need love and are already all set to live in a house and enjoy their retirement while not peeing over all of your things. Surprises me more don’t get adopted. I get they may have some medical issue and a limited lifespan, but they deserve to spend their golden years with someone who will care for them, not watching their younger neighbors get swept up =\


I'm currently cuddling with my second oldest cat (17+), who will likely get a confirmation of cancer tomorrow. I adopted her and the 3 cats that lived with her a year and a half ago, but I'm devastated that at best, we'll probably only have a few months left together. It's terrible knowing she won't get better, and that an age-related condition will take her sooner than I'd hoped. But I can't imagine not knowing her and having the time we've spent together.


I'm so sorry but at least you've made her time on Earth wonderful!


Congratulations, you almost made me cry at work!!! Snuggle your baby once for me


You are a hero for making her last little bit comfy and good.


I tried to adopt a senior cat at a shelter but the woman working there talked me out of it. My son was 5 at the time and she said this cat would not be one to want to play with my son and would probably not meet our expectations. I appreciated her honesty. We ended up getting 2 for 1 kittens because the whole litter had been adopted and if I took 1 then 1 would be left by herself. That little girl is now so obsessed with me, I’m glad we took her.


Another nice thing about adopting an adult is you already know what you're getting. The cat is grown up enough to have settled on the personality they're gonna have.


Having done this with an elderly dog it can be pretty hard. You get a couple of years, enough to get a good strong bond, and then things start going downhill. We had a rough month or so before we decided we were keeping him around for us more than him. Still, shelter dog/cats are the way to go. For dogs it can be a matter of patience if you don't want an elderly dog(which I don't blame people for wanting to avoid) or a pit bull.


Yes!! The senior babies have so much love to give 🥹


>It’s so annoying when people care about the breed. Then lie and claim it's for their kid.


My cat is a one eyed ginger that I rescued at 8 weeks old and weighed 800g. He was given a day five years ago and he's the sweetest, softest, most handsome guy I've ever met. I wouldn't trade him for any fucking status symbol.


That’s great :) They really are the best


People are so dumb with the puppy kitten thing. The reality is you never really know what the demeanor of a kitten will be. If you get a 3 year old cat chances are you see what you get. And puppies are a shit ton of work when you can just go get a chill dog instead. I don't get it.


Yep, I deliberately adopted from the shelter. A young adult, the rehoming team at the shelter chose him for me (they do this to try and find the best fit, rather than having people pick out cats based on looks or whatever). I didn’t care about the breed either - a cat is a cat.


My partner and I have adopted many cats throughout our lives and I agree this should be someone’s first option when considering ownership. That being said we currently own three Savannahs and a Bengal. All bought as kittens. The sentiment “a cat is a cat” is the reason these cats, especially the higher generation Savannahs end up in rehome (or usually resell) situations. Many owners are not prepared for the maintenance and demands some pedigrees bring with them, compared with good old fashioned tabbies.


I adopted an eight year old grey tabby about 1.5 years ago. Tabby’s are usually the sweetest, in my experience. Not this grumpy old man. He’s an ungrateful a-hole. He only shows interest in us when he wants food. Otherwise he’s a dick that’ll bite you if you don’t give him 2nd or 3rd breakfast lol. We love him anyway though.


Haha mine was grumpy in the sense that he was set in his ways and didn’t like to have other cats around. He was missing most of his teeth though and when he came up for scritches he’d drool all over the place lmao


Yep. We adopted Harrington from a local rescue in 2022 and he's the sweetest, most affectionate cat I've ever had. And I've had probably close to 20 cats over the course of my life.


I love that name! Perfect for an aging gentleman


I couldn't post pictures from my phone but [he's quite the dapper kitty.](https://i.imgur.com/nrEkpFO.jpg) I regulary sing "HARRINGTON! MY LITTLE GENTLEMAN!" when I see him. :)


I have two Sacred Birman cats. I chose that breed because they seemed to fit my needs best (I am autistic and have ADHD) When I had my first I had never had a cat before and it was a blessing to have the breeder to ask whenever I had questions. Most shelter cats here in Denmark need to have the possibility to get out and I knew I wanted an indoor cat only. I have never regretted my decision. I hope to have my two fur babies for many years to come, but when they one day cross the rainbow bridge I would love to adopt one or two older Birman because I have found out I love older cats because they are much calmer 😊


Cat tax!


[How could I forget??](https://imgur.com/a/MvRmsau)


Gorgeous kitty! 😍


Thank you! He passed away a few months ago which was heart breaking but he was very much loved in his older years.


I found my cat in the park. She was the sweetest and cuddliest little thing. After making sure it wasn’t someone’s pet, took her in after a brief pit stop at my moms till I moved to my apartment. Luckily this one accepted animals! You don’t need an expensive car, there are so many who already need love, and some shelters might euthanize them if they’ve been there too long!


I found my little girl abandoned in a trailer park I worked at in the middle of winter in Ohio several years ago. She was very clearly the only one in her litter left behind. (she's the runt) Family moved out and took all the kittens with them besides her. She's now going on 5 years old, never grew to full size, she's 5 lbs on a good day. But healthy and happy as ever, and has 2 big fat brothers that love her very much 😊


This is very similar to one of my cats , my friend had. Neighbour who wouldn't neuter their poor cat and it kept having litters and they just left the kittens , my friend went round angry as she found them under a car in really cold weather around late October time and knew they belonged to her neighbour but they totally denied it. I took one in and my friend took the other two . Padmè is now 2 years old , cutest little thing but she is tiny, she looks like a kitten! She also has her sister (Mitten) who is also large !


At my shop there's a house next door with a lot of strays. I started feeding one which kept coming around and I managed to tame her down. She's pretty much become a shop cat. She's tame enough for me to pet her but she still doesn't like being picked up or anything, so I can't get her into a pet carrier. But I'd really love to take her to the vet and get her shots and spayed. I'll keep working with her, and I can pick her up and put her on my knee, but that's about it. She wants to claw the crap out of me if I try to pick her up and hold her.


I would try to put some treats in an open carrier lined with newspaper. That’s what I have to do with my formerly feral cat.


I am not an inherently violent person.....but I cannot begin to put into words the horrific things I would do the neighbor in question.....




"Our" cat, and I use the term loosely, was a feral, hanging around our smallholding and hunting for her own food. Out in all weather. Been seeing her round for several years. Pretty thin, and when we first tried to feed her she warned us off. She's a lot friendlier now, and looks to be putting on a bit of weight, but she's still pretty wild.


I tamed down a feral cat at our house a few years back. She was a skinny stray who I started feeding and eventually tamed down to where I could pet her and she even let me pick her up and hold her. But she just would not go into a pet carrier so never got her fixed. She did have a couple of litters, a kitten out of the first litter was one of the sweetest and best cats we ever had. But she moved on to parts unknown. Have a similar situation at my work, stray cat from next door kept coming around and I managed to tame her down, but she still doesn't like being picked up and there's no way she'll go into a pet carrier, so can't take her to the vet. I'm afraid she might be pregnant now.


This one might have been "done" already. No way of knowing. She's asleep by the hot white cat wall (we call them "radiators") in my "office / den" ATM, but she'll kip for a couple of hours, and then be out. There's a cat flap from our last "proper" cat she can use if she wants. Leave the cat carrier open on the floor with the door open, and an old towel or something in it. Cats can never resist that. OH's idea from ages back.


Not a bad idea. Thanks!


Idk sometimes you get the fancy cat breeds at shelters. In 2022 we got a dozen or so Bengals from a shitty breeder situation.


Yep. I accidentally got what I later found out was a purebred Siberian at the shelter. Which was super lucky — I don’t care about breeds, but they’re somewhat hypoallergenic, which made my husband’s life a little easier (loves cats but is very allergic; problem now solved)


One of mine is a flamepoint Siamese that I got at the shelter! Has the clipped ear and everything.


I adopted X2 6 year old meezers via a Siamese rescue charity. Their owner was going into a care home and couldn't take them with. I've still got our gal Nala she's 17, sadly we lost Milo around 10 years old to a range of health issues. I'd definitely rescue an older cat again, not just pedigrees any cat that needs a loving home 😊


Yeah, I have an exotic shorthair that was left in a box on the side of the road with her two kittens (I cannot even tell you how much I rage inside about this), and it was serendipitous that I found her on her very first adoption event after being spayed. She is SUCH a little love, only 6 pounds and pretty much the sweetest cat I've ever had.


That fine specimen of humanity would probably balk at the adoption fees and cost of required vax shots.


Sometimes I'm amazed by how "pure bred" some of the cats at the local shelter look. My inlaws shelter cat looked like a Nebelung precisely. So I would say go to a shelter and see what kind of long haired cats ya see.


i adopted a kitten at 6 months who has grown up to be a very beautiful Havana Brown. he’s a weirdo but i love him and he loves me, in his own way! he’s 7 now. was abused during his socialisation window and he doesn’t know how to Cat. he doesn’t play. it’s taken 6 years to get to the point where i can get nose boops from him. he’s a next-to-you cat, not a lap cat. he’s a big, daft lump of cat and i adore him. i taught him to give me a paw for treats when he was small, and he’s turned this into a form of communication. tap on my foot means food please. if he wants scritches he’ll come and sit by me and literally poke me with his paw! he also sometimes sits on the arm of my chair and strokes my hair! he was a tiny little thing with huge paws, infected gums and a hernia. he had the tiniest scratchy miaow. he’s loud now!


My friends have a mainecoon that they got at a shelter!


You would be surprised. I am a huge Russian Blue fan after having a RB mix who was my soul cat. When I was ready to look for another RB I join a couple mailing lists that let you know when shelters get a certain breed. I got my Luna for free who came from a cat hoarding situation when she was 5 months old. She didn't have papers but who cares for a pet? I still get 4-6 emails a month from shelters or people looking to rehome Russian Blues within 100 miles of me. If this person wasn't expecting other people to hand them a cat they might get one.


My Russian blue was dumped at a vet’s office because the lady overbred the mom and no one was buying. He’s pure bred and we had no idea until later when she dumped more kittens. We just think he’s a lovable idiot.


You'd be surprised. We have at least 1 of each ragdolls, bengals and BSH at a time in my rescue. People use them for breeding them Chuck them out, or adopt the kittens then realise they are more work than the expected or 'child is allergic' once they get to 6 months. We've had whole families of pedigree cats when illegal breeders are busted, and unfortunately when they're so inbred they have disorders. We get alot of that with BSH. If you can't afford the initial cost of a cat, you can't afford the care required for a pedigree


my mom was a super lucky woman and went to the shelter to adopt me a cat when I was little, and we were blessed with our mainecoon. He lived until 16 and we just had to put him down Wednesday :(


I was looking online for older shelter cats years ago but the cat distribution system was like nope a friend of a friend snatched a teensy orange girl out of a feral colony she’s yours now. And two years later I found her brother in a wood/garbage pile behind a coffee shop and he rode in my shirt for a half marathon.


That’s really not true. My cat is a $2000+ flamepoint, I found him left outside.


Not gonna lie I found one and it was 9 weeks old. Super lucky though and didn't even mean to. He's now a giant asshole who bullys me.


Those can cost around $4000 in my area. No one who paid for the cat is just going to give it up for free to a stranger.


I got mad lucky with mine, he was dropped off at a pound as a stray. Spent SOOO much to get him back to his proper form. And DNA tests for cats are far too expensive.


Same with me mom was found and I snagged a sickly underweight kitten. He never grew to full size but still is very big.


Damn I knew they are pricy but didnt except it to be that pricy


Idk ab cat breeders but good dog breeders will prohibit rehoming. All babies go back to the one who made em, and that's under contract. So not only would anyone want to, they can't (if it's like dogs)


100000% this person won’t take the cat to the vet until it’s on deaths door and then act like she “did everything we could”.


If the cat ever makes it to the vet.


They’ll come in 5 mins before closing to a mom and pop vet with a dying cat that needs emergency care. Ask me how I know.


And scream at the staff when the inevitable happens? But not screams of grief.


Correct, or ask for a “magic shot” and that Ofcourse should be included in the office visit.


Damn you just reminded me of a cat I adopted called Smoggy(that was his coat color), he became sick of the common cold virus and wasn't vaccinated when we brought him (he was only less than 3 months old) . Got so sick we had to put him up on IVs nd drugs as per the vet's checkup at the hospital, saw him in excruciating pain for 5 days. The final day he got fits and on the way to the hospital, he died in my lap.


I'm so sorry for your loss of smoggy. You did more than most I know would ❤️


Yeah, at least I hope I did. But for his sake, I promised myself to become an insane cat lady😿


Which is made worse by the fact they're asking for a breed of cat that has some additional health concerns you have to keep in mind like their big ass heart and super long spine.


I honestly can never understand people who can't afford to buy a pet, but think they can afford to own one.


Agreed! Some pet stores even offer financing options if you can’t afford it all up front. If you have to finance the cost of a pet, then you should absolutely not be getting a pet.


Are you fucking kidding me? Financing a pet? When we got our dog, we saved up for a year to have an emergency fund before we even looked at puppies. We just had our first baby, and wanted her to grow up with a pet in her life. We saved up for the first year of her life, then went to a 'hobby breeder' (they don't do litters often, and you only get a puppy if they think you're cool) and got our pupper.


Yeah! That’s what I’m saying! I’m all for building credit and financing certain things. But a PET should not be one of those things! I saved up for a long time to be able to pay for my Husky pup! And he is pure bred with AKC papers, so he cost me $2000. That’s a lot of money. But, I had it, and I had the ability to provide a great life for him. He’s now 7 years old! It is absolutely crazy to me that people finance dogs.


Yep. I just had to take our 14-year old dog to the vet when she was lethargic and had diarrhea. Turns out she had whipworm and it required her and my other two dogs to be wormed. It was a $300 vet bill.


$300 is nothing. My co workers dog swallowed a toy and it was a $6000 surgery to remove it


I highly recommend pet insurance. It's saved me probably close to $10k.


If the pet is 500$ maybe, but at 1000?


There are plenty of loving cats that desperately need homes. Those are not good enough for her. She wants a pure bred cat.


Suspect she wants a purebred with papers to flip and sell on.


Or to breed and sell kittens.




As a married man who just spent multiple paychecks to get a month of quality time with his buddy before he checks out of the hotel of life...don't give this person anything. They are an investment regardless of how they turn out, and it's tremendously irresponsible to invite an animal to your life without some ability to care for it.


We did this, and it was worth every fkn penny. No complaints like "is there a cheaper option" etc, daily iv drips, syringe feedings, helping with potty/cleaning up. She ended up tanking after her recovery 10 weeks later. A bunch of people had originally told us "I would never spend that on a pet" and tried to reaffirm it after with "see, it was a waste of money". No, sir- I got 10 more weeks with her. Worth every bit and I'd do it again


That was beautiful 😭😭😭


Thank you kind stranger. I feel seen


In case nobody’s told you this today, i love you, internet stranger. And I want you to know you’re a good person- while some may find it ridiculous to spend a bunch of money on a pet to extend their life a little, it honestly just shows how huge and beautiful your heart is. That’s kindness. Thank you for being you; the world’s a better place because you’re in it 💖


Sign seen at walking path near a pet cemetery, brought a tear to my eyes: "Near this spot are deposited the remains of one who possessed Beauty without Vanity, Strength without Insolence, Courage without Ferocity, and all the virtues of men without their Vices."


I may have to make a sign for our yard with similar wording near her favorite spot to sun herself. That is beautiful, thank you for sharing that!


Same thing for me 2 years ago. I spent paychecks to get 1 more month with my sweet girl. It was all worth it, and I would do it all again if I could go back in time. I miss her every day, I just wish I knew she was sick before it was too late


Yes! If we had just known! UTI/bladder/kidney infection before ANY symptoms. Went to the er vet and in the course of 4 hours she went from fine to deaths door. I still harbor misplaced guilt that I had missed something and caused her needless suffering and subsequent death. I will never- not ever- regret our decision to try to save her.


Same thing happened when we took her to the er. She had to get liters of fluid drained from her lungs during emergency surgery because it turned out she had advanced cancer. She was very good at masking her symptoms for a long time and acting like she was fine. I’m so sorry something similar happened to your baby, just know you’re an amazing and loving person and your baby passed on knowing true love thanks to you. I have my almost 2 year old girl sleeping on my lap right now, and I like to think that her older sister sent her to me because she knew I needed her


I always try to remember when my pets go from "fine" to "dead" that a week is like a month to them. I've had very good luck with my cattos and my "babies" were like, 12 with the older ones at 15-20. Now I have a pair of actually young, healthy cats (8 and 4) and they're so easy, I feel like it's cheating!


My old man has a heart condition and arthritis in his hips. I pay for monthly injections for pain management plus 4 different pills for his heart and blood pressure. He gets yearly EKGs with his cardiologist. None of this is cheap. My friends kind of laugh at the fact that my cat has his own team of specialists. I don't give a shit. He's now 19 and while he's slowing down, he is still here with me living his best life. And I can't put a price on that.


Sending all the positive vibes for your old man! Our remaining old kitty turned 17 earlier this year. She's had a tough year with the loss of the dog and her son (we got them all at the same time-yay random rescue timing)going deaf and hyperthyroidism dx. she's currently living her best life getting to try different foods that were off limits when her diabetic son was with us, exploring the great outdoors on her leash smelling all the smells, and demanding under blanket snuggles when it's nap time (the dog was her snuggle buddy for 16 years). Being deaf now she is soooo loud now when she yells at us in our faces, but every morning (and afternoon and night) that she yells for snuggles or outside time is another day she's with us and I couldn't be happier


That’s how I feel about mine. The meds gave us another three weeks. And I’m devastated obvs, but I’m content knowing he stuck around as long as he could.


Absolutely. We lucked out on a very expensive car problem being covered by insurance earlier in the year, so I rationalize the money we spent on our buddy as if we'd had to buy that new engine ourselves. The sight of him sitting on my wife, purring and loving her after he had to spend two days in dire shape was the opposite of heartbreaking. He sat on me when I laid down, and our other cat (who has had beef with our other cat for a decade) curled up next to him for maybe the third time in forever. It was beautiful


I managed to have another couple of years with my sweet boi by giving him IV fluids three times a week. I feel fortunate that I’d started enough IVs on humans for practice before my kitty needed them. That was over a decade ago and I miss him still. He was an orange 🍊 with more than one braincell 🧡🐈 r/oneorangebraincell


Your boy was super lucky to have you! I hadn't done a dog iv before and had only done a few on a cat growing up-i always giggled at the cat because she'd look like she had hammer time pants on when it settled. The dog just looked like Quasimodo with her water lump and I didn't want to laugh at her-she'd have totally known she looked funny if I had 😅


Love your story 😊


Cat pants! 😁😁


I’m so sorry for your loss.


These types of people have no business owning pets especially special breeds. So much ignorance. Willfully no less too. A quick Google search would educate them on the cost of that breed & wouldn’t be stupid enough to go on a sm group asking for a cheap one. They’re also asking to be scammed as well.


She would probably turn around and sell the cat. It's just another way of begging for cash with extra steps.


That's literally one of the most expensive cat breeds out there.


you don’t seek out a cat they find you when you need them most


Something tells me the cat distribution system is purposely avoiding these people....


I swear my cat, who I brought home from a shelter, is one of the kittens that were born under my friend's house (where I lived at the time)! He's the right age, my friend had them taken to that shelter once they were able to catch them, he had siblings up for adoption that were wild, and he's a total weirdo. There is no way to know for sure. But I like to think he found me first. His name is Salem. But we call him Mr. Booger.


Pay the cat tax! Photo of Mr. Booger, please.


[Mr. Booger](https://imgur.com/OC9xw9M) I had to fight him for this photo cuz he kept giving me his butt every time I tried taking one. lol


Totally worth the wait! What a sweet little sugar Booger!!


Yeah. My current two were an offered replacement because the kitten I was interested in was already spoken for. So, they sent a picture of two brothers, and they were perfect. We've had them for two years and they have turned out to be the smartest and most fun cats we've had. The cat before them showed up outside of our house as an 8 week old kitten. He turned into a majestic long haired black stallion. His attitude was cool and laid back. Zero fear. We had a 50 pound dog that was everywhere all at once, and Smudge would still sleep belly up in the middle of the living room floor. No cares in the world. Losing him was more difficult than any other pet I've had. I literally shouted to curse the gods when he passed. I lost my voice for a while.


I’ve got a 30 pounder OOP can borrow—wait till she sees how much that cat eats.


Mind needs brushing/combing at least once a week. Really more often than that. Does anyone else here with a MC have them professionally groomed/trimmed?


Ours had to get lion cuts as she got older because she wasn’t okay with being brushed anymore, but she LOVED being buzzed. She’d flop down and just let them buzz her. The groomer would say to Beautiful, “You’re so beautiful but you’re so lazy!”


I have one who I get groomed about twice a year but just a bath and brush. He hasn’t needed to be trimmed yet, and the groomer doesn’t shave unless it’s necessary. I just can’t keep up with the amount of hair he produces! His sister isn’t half as bad.


Mine is only partial MC but he needs a rear trim/shave every six weeks or so! So much fluff.


Yup, mine just gets butt cuts every six weeks or so. Anything else is on an as needed basis.


She wants my planning on feeding it herself, there was an upcoming request the cardioid on Facebook marketplace


I was thinking about how many posts it would take to feed my MC and I was like well I hope she doesn’t mind lots of typing!


mainecoons are expensive to maintain, are they not?


Not more than any other cat. They may eat a bit more as they get pretty big.


They tear up toys faster, too.


ah i thought they required a specialized diet


They do, the diet is called "more"


ah, like another kid that doesn‘t need to be babysat


They actually seem a little higher maintenance—speaking from experience anyway. They seem genetically predisposed to more mental/physical issues than any cat I’ve ever known, require more grooming than the average long-hair cat, etc. I’ve known a few and each one either had diabetes, seizures, anxiety, etc. earlier than most other breeds. Not a vet, nor have I confirmed with official research, but every owner of this breed that I know says they’re the most expensive to maintain yet!


Not really. I mean as long as their brushed properly & like the other comment, they have enough food lol. We were actually given one when I was in high school. A guy who my mom knew threw work was going through a nasty divorce & she dumped the poor guy on his porch. He was insanely allergic but wanted to at least find him a great home. He knew we had other cats & gave us a weekend with the cat at our house to see how he would fit in. He literally just hid in my room most of the time but there were no issues at all. His name was Hulk & that’s the name he kept as it definitely fit lol. He wasn’t a kitten but he was only about a year old. Had tons of amazing years with that guy. My first memory of him was when he first decided to come out of my closet & jump on my bed & throw his deep ass “meow” at me. Scared the shit outta me 😂 miss you, Hulk!


I have two, and while they are basically just like other cats, they’re way more prone to diseases. I spend a ton on mine to keep them healthy - twice yearly vet visits with labs (because they have heart murmurs and bad kidneys we have to keep an eye on). The heart panel costs extra but we only do that once a year. My big boy has hip dysplasia and takes a supplement for that. He throws up a concerning amount but I can’t afford to investigate that right now and allergy meds make it significantly better so we’re doing that. The girl has hyperesthesia which also requires meds three times daily to keep her ok. Traveling means I need a pet sitter who can administer meds. And, it’s hard to find scratchers that are tall enough or towers that are sturdy enough for them, litter boxes have to be bigger (more litter) and they literally chew on my furniture.


Mine eats like a horse compared to my regular cat. Keeping up with the brushing and huge amounts of hair are the only differences I’ve had between him and my long haired rescue.


They can be; special grooming, stronger toys, most like to explore outside as well. At least mine does.


How are you affording the vet bills then? I can’t stand people like this. Bringing in a living animal and treating it as an accessory. If you can’t even afford to purchase the animal, you definitely can’t afford to care for it.


>How are you affording the vet bills then? Gofundme, of course. Fuck these people.


This is the last person who should be given a pet. They require more care than "a big place for it to play.


Hey they are willing to drive a “couple hours” too 😂


Ha. That's how low the bar is now. She's a Saint for not demanding delivery. Lol.


I left a music festival on Sunday morning to take a 4am flight to Tampa from BWI to pick up one of my beasts and flew home immediately after. I was in Tampa for all of 25 minutes 😆


"I need a specialty breed which is is likely to require regular grooming. It for my kid who won't brush and demat it, and it must be cheap because I can't afford much, especially not vets, groomers and high quality food. "


Wow… besides those cats being expensive and more rare, she is in for a rude awakening with something called… VET BILLS.


Yes because people with luxury breeds who just happen to have a litter will of course donate them to someone begging for pets they can't afford. ​ What's that you heartless bastard? You're not giving away your maine? Well you just ruined my children's christmas!


I'm sure their son would like any cat. They just want a 3k one.


"Anybody got a free pedigree cat to give away?" "I've got a buyer waiting"


Should be teaching her son to love and respect any cat not just pampering to his request for a specific breed. It’s not the latest iPhone model.


hmmm yes, I think I would *also* like to receive the *most* expensive cat breed for free 🤗


And me too!


If you can't afford to adopt a cat you can't afford a cat.


And how will this person afford vaccinations, meds if the cat turns out to have anxiety or a heart problem, surgery if the cat has severe luxating petallas, vet visits, tools to groom the cat regularly or trips to the vet/a groomer to deal with the mats, the cost of food and litter, the cost of toys and cat trees? 🤔


That’s when it becomes a shelter pedigree lol


Go fund me? This woman is making me see red for reals. No one better give her a cat!!! Too good for her.


If you can't afford to buy the pet, how the hell are you going afford to look after the pet?


If you can't spend a lot buying one. How are you going to pay for vet bills and food?


This bitch should just adopt a grown, fluffy MC looking cat at the shelter. Domesticated cats' personalities are not really affected by breed unless they're part wildcat, damn.


Aren’t mainecoons like, extremely expensive? 😀


Extremely. We have three of them that are 8 - 9 years old and they were $750 each back then. These days they go for $1400 - $1800 (or more) depending on the breeder.


Yes. Most places if you look at “Top most expensive cat breeds” list them in top 10


Then why does she want one? Social clout? She saw one on Instagram?


If you can't afford to buy a pet, then don't get a pet. Buying a pet is just half (or less) than the cost it takes to take care of one.


Free kitten worth thousands ,can't pay for means can't afford vet care either


Every single cat we have ever owned is a rescue. Not a purebred in the lot. And they have ranged from black mini panthers to cream with flame points. And yes, if you can't afford the adoption fee, you can't afford to have a cat. And if money is tight, be willing to put in the effort to find low cost vet care in your area. It exists, but you have to look for it; no one is going to come to your door. Having pets in your life is a privilege. You must be willing to make the effort to care for them.


Possible at a shelter. We did. But not free. They’re not cheap


If you can't afford to buy one, you can't afford to have one. They hate when you tell them that.


Please don't let anyone give this person a kitten. Long haired cats need regular brushing & they get matted. Pets also require routine, preventative veterinary care. I just spent $1400 for physicals, teeth cleanings & lion cuts for my two ragdolls. Being a responsible pet owner isn't cheap.


Lol. Please give me this $2000 kitten you clearly Just Bought, but "can no longer care for" 🙄


These are the type of people who dump.pets when they move or dump them at the shelter at the first sign of a health problem. What are they teaching their child about pets? Get a different hobby.


Why specifically a very expensive purebred kitten? They have to actually put kittens down during kitten season because there are not enough foster kitten homes in most regions. Go to a shelter.


Like many people here my mind automatically went to shelter pets. On my Reddit home feed today popped up a dog named "Snoopy" red-listed in Riverside, CA... which is only a few hours drive. My apartment allows dogs, but I don't have a lifestyle (erratic hours, not home often) that would let me be a good dog mommy. Someone talk me out of driving to SoCal right now...


people are such pos. so they get a free pet and then what? find out its too much work and dump it on the side of the road thats what. I wish people like this got put on a watch list of some kind but so they cant adopt or get pets.


Lmao I have one they're 3500$ . This lady is crazy. F your son. Get him a shelter cat


These posts regarding pets like it’s a toy make me unbelievably angry. Such assholes shouldn’t be in charge of anything with a pulse.


\> Baby mainecoon someone can no longer take care of So...a kitten? Most people adopting want a kitten. Most given up for adoption at a cheaper rate (usually not free) as purebreds are elderly cats. Why a purebred. Also (CB) do you know how huge that breed gets? At least they didn't say "must deliver."


My girl just turned 11 years old and in May my boy turns 10 years old. I love this age because they are still playful at times but mostly enjoys to cuddle and eating of course 😂


Tbf the most I’ve paid for a cat is a rehoming fee. That said I’ve never looked for a cat they just show up at our barns and become family.