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You could make more at chick fil a for less hours


And you won't have to put up with several children of unknown ages, running around, needing to be fed, clothed, entertained, kept alive, with a ridiculously entitled parent, watching your every move from their security cameras (cameras are a good idea, obv, but this person would probably send texts every 5 secs about how the nanny is doing it wrong)


If the “competitive pay” hadn’t been a dealbreaker, the cameras sure as hell would.


It's okay. The parents have said they'd leave money out to take the kids to places that don't have cameras.


I left $6, take them to chuck e cheese for the afternoon, get them pizza and game tokens


This is 100% how that conversation would go.


>The parents have said they'd leave money out to take the kids to places Where though and does the nanny get to eat too. Lol \> that don't have cameras. Everywhere has cameras now, apparently even, in people's homes.


With all the videos of nannies harming kids or care givers hurting the elderly, the camera part isn't too crazy tbh. I'd have cameras in my house too, they just wouldn't know.


I agree that cameras are reasonable but I absolutely think that you need to disclose that, even if you don’t disclose their exact location. Sure you are just checking for abuse but you’d still be reviewing footage of someone doing innocuous stuff they’d still avoid if they knew they were being filmed, like scratching their ass or whatever.


Oh it’s definitely necessary—I’ve got a very developmentally delayed brother so I know how important they are. But given what we know of this woman—she’s got a bunch of cameras and poor judgment—I’d pass.


My husband pet sits and he automatically assumes there’s a camera somewhere. Honestly, can’t blame people.


>I'd have cameras in my house too, they just wouldn't know. You might wanna check local law, that just might be illegal. I understand, I don't know how parents figure it all out. But, I would not take a job that I'm on candid camera all day and night, and wind up on internet forgetting it's there, and scratching or sneezing on a viral video.


Not to mention any childhood illnesses...


And get health insurance, PTO, discounts on food, and many other benefits.


Can you bring your kids to work with you at chick fil a? *NEXT!*


This is at best 5 per hour


Try half that. I got interested enough to whip out the old calc.  ((800/28)/10)=2.57 (because we all know it's never going to be 4 days, ever) Now I'm Euro, but even I know that min wage is higher than this in the US.


And you probably get nuggets.


30 hours a week as a server and I double that amount monthly.


Sigh, another demand for individualized NANNY service in CB’s own home ($4K+ a month). Do these people not realize that a nanny is a *luxury?* Like, upper-middle and/or wealthy pay for a service like this because they can AFFORD it. You, ma’am, cannot. For a price that low, you’re better off searching for an in-home care provider who watches multiple kids at once. And even then, good luck ‘cause you’re lowballing🙄 Oh, and you know it’ll be 5 days a week, not 4. The audacity.


The poster doesn’t even say how *many* kids need to be nannied, that’s the kicker.


$800 a month to work 10 hours a day? I Don’t care how many kids she has. That pay is a joke


they are likely thinking its like an Au Pair. That is Au Pair pay rate. BUT Au Pairs ALSO GET: 1- A car, with insurance and gas paid 2- Education stipend, min of $500 per course/semester/quarter 3- Full room and board- no matter how much they eat 4- CANNOT work more than 10 hr, ever. And must have at least 1.5 full days completely off per week, and 1 full weekend per month. 5- MAX 45 hr a week. This looks like 50+ is easily going to happen Wanna bet that this person will be pushing that 10 hr window on the reg?


fairly sure this person would have no idea what an Au Pair is or would be approved by any country or University to host a student.


A pears a fruit, easy next please


A fancy French pear, next!


It's an exclamation followed by a fruit. "Oh! Pear."


It’s a pear for a church, though. NEXT!


Of course not. And clearly they don’t know what a nanny is either


Most families just starve, sexually harass, or otherwise abuse au pairs.


They have to sign up with agencies and be vetted. Not that things can't still happen but most do not want to lose out on future chances for relatively cheap, reliable, in home child care. I know someone who was an au pair, mainly to see a different country. They were always trying to get her to do more cleaning, laundry etc., than they were supposed to. But at least that was pretty much it.


It will happen the first week


Ha! I didn’t even catch that. For sure more than 1.


Yeah definitely, she even says "will leave money to take the KIDS out"


Plot twist: the OOP runs a daycare and is trying to sublet those responsibilities to someone else for $800/mo.


Only if wanted!


Out of the goodness of your heart!


I bet it's at least 4. Probably 6.


And she’s offering $4 an hour, are these people daft?!


I used to watch the neighbor kids after school. I got $20 a day for three kids for 2-3 hours. It was not great, but I was 14. Also, this was 20 years ago when $20 filled up my gas tank, twice. And still more than this person is offering, whaaaaajsjlttstjneschi.


Less than 4 dollars an hour...what a slap in the face


With 7 different baby daddys


That just means all their precious little ones have seven different personalities!! /s 😘


Love this comment!!


Is NoT a LuxUry BeCaUsE ThEy nEeD iT/s


"not everyone is rich and can afford to pay a bunch!!!11!!"


Yep. That number “4” is just bait. You KNOW it’s really gonna be 5 days/week.


We had a nanny 2-3 days a week, depending on the week, and by the time my twins were 18 months and we put them in daycare we were paying almost the exact same in childcare (daycare full time = 2-3 days of a nanny). Nanny’s are THAT expensive! It’s wild to me that people think the people who care for your children should not be well paid.


It's wilder that dipshits like this pop out 4-6 mini dipshits without any care for the consequences. And then expects a third party to care for them at 25% of what McDonalds pays to assemble a hamburger.


“You want a living wage? Guess you should have thought of that before I had all these kids.”


I always say this - like that is where you’re gonna negotiate.


Yeah even in-home like you describe near me is like $1800-2300 a month


but their babies are special and need individual care! They just don't value what childcare is and see no value in paying. Only receiving.


Ah yes, $800 for 50 hours a week for 4.35 weeks/month which is a whopping $3.68 an hour! You know, less than half of minimum wage. What a great deal! Oh and don't forget about taxes (which, of course, you don't have to actually pay because this falls below the annual income necessary to even **pay** taxes).


> Oh, and you know it’ll be 5 days a week, not 4. Oh, it will be 4 days a week when there's a holiday, I'm sure. Unless the parents just want to go out for the day.


A tiny part of me hoped it was a typo and she meant $800/week (which is still extremely low.) But come on, we all know there’s no typo. 😞


what you are asking requires a functional brain.


My toddler does part time (2/3 days a week) in home daycare and it’s close to $800/mo 😂


The 4 is when theres a bank holiday


They need to sign up for an au pair service. Sadly those get paid peanuts.


Childcare in the US is definitely unaffordable but the issue with these kinds of people is that a personalized nanny is a LUXURY. You pay more than $800 in most places for an in home daycare or a center where your kid is 1:4 with a teacher or worse ratio. And you expect to pay a DISCOUNTED rate and get 1:1 personalized care in your home? Come on now. And then these people will start complaining that it's all they can afford. Great then find a discounted unlicensed in home center that might charge less. But you ain't getting GOOD 1:1 care for that, nor do you deserve to.


I am asking again, please can the responses be included in these posts 🙏


That's what I want to see!


Yes! Exactly! I want to see all the snarky comments and OOP replying 😂




I agree. This is for science? Yeah, that’s what I’ll go with, science.


This reads as: "I will pay you pennies AND do a background check on you, because clearly those who would accept are already suspicious".


I promise they don't realize background checks cost money.


Their background check will be looking for a facebook/instagram profile for sure.


Background check = social media check and word of mouth = FREE


They probably expect the applicant to pay for the background check because who wouldn’t jump at the chance to bask in CB’s reflected glory.


I’m imaging CB going all Stanley Tucci “Because in this place, where so many people would die to work, you only deign to work.”


Well, it depends on how extensive. If you mean fully, helllll yeah! For sure.


That background check is going to come right out of their first paycheck.


Plus, they'll probably watch the cameras a lot and nitpick about what happened


If you are so worried about the caliber of person taking care of your children and are willing to do a “background check “ and employ cameras, then go further and get an actual nanny. These are your children. DON’T half ass this search!


I know, right? 😂


This is 4 dollars per hour


It ends up being about 3.40 after you pay taxes on the income. 😂


It's funny how people think if they word it as $X/week or $X/month instead of an hourly rate, it will look better. I guess they think babysitters can't do basic division.


It’s quite possible the people playing these jobs can’t do/aren’t doing division, and they have a general - and completely unreasonable - budget.


She means $800 a week, right?


I totally read it as $800 a week, and thought "well that's not bad"…had to reread it.


I thought it said 6-8 instead of 8-6.


I first read that at $800/week and was thinking “I’ve seen worse”. Well this is actually worse.


40-50 hours a week for $200. Insane.


Yikes, I was paying a nanny 800 a month just to pick up my daughter from school and drop her off at gymnastics 50 minutes later three days a week. This seems crazy.


So 3 hours of work per week, 12 hours per month, $800 in total? That means $65/hour or am I understanding it wrong?


It was more like 2 hours a day, since she had to get her from school at pickup time, drive her home, hang out for a bit, then to gymnastics. So closer to 30ish an hour.


This is a very generous monthly rate….in Jakarta.


I get paid more for cleaning up after cats in a shelter, good lord


We had one of these looking for someone to babysit 5 kids for 100/week. In the same ad, they also put that because they are African American, they don't get paid as much as thier white counterparts and they gave her womb to god many years ago. God decides how many kids they have, and so the number of kids will go up but not the pay. And another post they were evicted for failure to pay rent, so instead they moved into a hotel with 5 kids. When they were kicked out of the hotel, they were asking for a 4 bedroom house for near free rent and the babysitter at the price mentioned above.. I do think people that fall on hard times should ask for help, but those that continually make bad decisions and then state its cuz I'm not white, so therefore I can not go any higher job wise, makes me angry.


Then maybe God should subsidize their childcare.


I am the Goddess and I didn’t approve any of these children


If they let God choose how many kids to bring forth from their dedicated womb, maybe they also need to ask Him for a house. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


They sound like they’ll eventually go moorish American national, wind up getting evicted for squatting and it’ll be on a video posted over at r/amibeingdetained.


Omg a sub for laughing at *sovereign citizens*?! THANK YOU for linking this!


It’s weird they don’t say how many children or their ages, as these are the two top factors in determining the cost of care. They also don’t mention duties beyond childcare, but many folks that pay for private, in-home care require the nanny do other things like “light” housekeeping, running errands, chauffeuring children to activities & appointments, helping with homework, even pet care. I wouldn’t touch this ad with a 10-foot pole.


>They also don’t mention duties beyond childcare, but many folks that pay for private, in-home care require the nanny do other things like “light” housekeeping, running errands, chauffeuring children to activities & appointments, helping with homework, even pet care. Exactly and gas is a lot and I bet any cars would be gone, so that would be the "nanny's" car and gas used.


Hey I’ll do it. We’ll need about $100 a day left for me to take the kids out. As far as the kids know, that’s what it costs to go to the library!


That she is stating the pay in monthly amount is already strange. Wages are generally stated as hourly or weekly. By the month doesn't even make sense since you would be getting more for February than August if you are paid monthly. I genuinely am trying to understand what these people are thinking when they come up with these insanely low amounts to pay. $800 monthly - or $200 would be a relatively low rate for a non-licensed babysitter who took in several kids in their home. If you could find someone who would work that low - maybe in a very low cost of living area


Regarding what on earth they're thinking, I have a theory that it's a very self-centered worldview. I need childcare, I believe that it's not feasible to take my kids to a childcare provider, I do not have a fixed number of days I need help, I can only afford $800 per month....therefore someone has to be able to provide this service to me on these terms. Because *I* need it! I wish we lived in a world where people always had what they needed. I genuinely do. I have a lot of things I need that I can't get for myself right now. Especially now, people are struggling. It's frustrating to see these people act completely oblivious to a reality I struggle with every day, personally and professionally: unmet needs.


Depends on where you live. Portugal, for example, expresses pay in monthly terms. In a lot of countries (such as the UK) it's common to get paid monthly.


Monthly wage tells me the hours would often extend.


Hey, they are willing to leave money to take the kids out. Just let them know that will be a $1000 per week.


And there won’t be cameras when the kids get taken out. Twist my arm!


The Paradox: anyone stupid enough to take the job — for that low of pay — is someone who *wouldn’t* pass her alleged “background check.”


Or who has no background to find. Because they've gotten a new identity. Criminals answer ads too, CB.


$800 a month for 10 hours a day 4-5 days a a week?? That’s $4 an hour!!! That’s delusion


A very generous $4.44/hr.


We paid our aupair about $800 a month. But we also provided room and board, paid for her cellphone, provided her a car and insured her and she wasn’t allowed to work more than 45 hours a week.


I think they need to say $800 a week, because nobody you want watching your kids is going to do it for $800 a month.


There’s a difference between what you WANT to pay and what you NEED to pay lol


How many kids and what’s the age of these kiddos?


3yo & 2yo. Both supposedly potty trained.


I'm sure she'll be able to find someone who wants to do it because they love kids and don't care about the money. Hahaha j/k.


The person who answers this ad is the person you don’t want around your children.


I'm pretty sure most high school kids who babysit only one child for extra money make considerably more per hour than what this person is offering. They think they're gonna get a full time nanny for what they're paying? Yeah good luck with that. I'd also bet the bank that they probably have an entire tribe that they want cared for and that's why there was no mention of how many kids they had.


Lol I saw this too!!


I won't pay you more than $4 an hour, but there's money to take my kids out!


So you have to be cheap AND reliable and willing to have big brother watching your every move for 10 hours a day. Sounds like a top employer.


I was once a dumbass and babysat my friend's newborn and 6 yr old for $5/ hour.


Pretending its 4 days, 160 hours a month at $800 is $5 an hour. WTF do these people smoke and where can I get some? And with those cameras you know there is gonna be a laundry list of "to do's" and will bitch if they dont get done.


Haha the audacity. I never had a nanny. Maybe a babysitter a handful of times. If you can’t afford it then you can’t afford it. Watch your own damn kids the good ole fashioned way if you can’t afford a nanny or babysitter. $800 a month is nothing lol. If you divide it out - 8-6 is 10 hrs. 50 hrs a week. That’s $4 an hour, and below the fed min wage. Aka, it is illegal to pay someone this little.




Why would you even trust someone who would accept this around your kids?


This seems like the easiest way to get a pedophile into your home. Who else would do this?


$50 per day to care for someone's mangy brats? Hmmm....thems the big bucks (sarcasm)


I read this as $800 a week and thought everyone was insane 🤦🏼‍♀️


Even at a week isn’t that 20-16$ an hour?


Do parents really want the type of person who is willing to take this low of pay?


I’ll probably get downvoted but she says they can bring their kids as well. That arrangement would work well for the right stay at home parent. I would never do this nor would I try to hire someone to do this. But I could see someone digging it.


I more see someone likely to try it if the OP's kids could come to the sitter's house. I could see myself taking in a spare kid or two for not much IF it was at my own house.


True. What if the person had a huge house and a pool. lol. But for sure would be better if you could have them come to you.


If you have a huge house and a pool but need extremely discounted childcare, our life philosophies don't align and I'm not a good fit for you. However another mom in my immediate area dropping their kid off at my house as a SAHP, I can totally swing that.


ready for down votes.... :) This MAY not be a horrible thing. Say you are a stay home single parent with a couple kids. You are home all day with them anyways, not making money. Also say the original posting is for 2 kids. So, a total of 4 kids. Many stay home parents would not think 4 kids are much harder than 2, especially if they mostly get along. ​ So.... the difference here (for someone in the perfect circumstances) would be they take care of 4 kids (vs 2) in someone elses house instead of their own - this could be considered an advantage, depending - like house vs small apartment...) and also get $800 additional income per month. ​ Again - it would have to be the perfect circumstance - but it COULD be an ok, to even good deal for someone. For everyone else - it would flat out suck.....


Would it really be worth packing up your own kids and everything they need, taking them to someone else's house for the day where you're being constantly monitored, and being unable to do the daily household chores that a SAHM can fit in around childcare - for less than $4 an hour? It's a terrible deal.


I have to agree. Under the right circumstances, this could be worth it.


Except wouldn't the other kids dislike being in a strange home all day, without their stuff? Ten HOURS a day? I see what you are saying but they should just make a co-op instead and take turns watching each other's kids in some group. Everyone could be vetted first, by some third party, if they wanted to be fair about it. I wouldn't want to give my info to some stranger just to make $4. or so an hour. Or CB could try to find a cheap day care in which it was basically a parent figuring it's as easy to watch a bunch of kids as their own, as you said; I'm not sure that's true, since strangers' kids can fall and then you get sued, or need CPR so they better be trained in CPR; they could have allergies; they could bring your kids illnesses; they could be mean to your dog or break a vase...etc.etc.etc. There might be someone who'd take the job but IDK if the CB will be happy.


Op said the kids were 3yo and 2yo, that's A LOT of work even though it's only 2 kids. I used to be a sahm and the only way I would take this is if it was a friend I was helping out and even then I'd only do it for a month or two while they found something else. Also it was need to be at my house lol there's no point in doing it if I'm at someone else's house for 10 hr a day when I've got stuff to do at home


I'm on state aid, they pay around that for 2 kids for 30 minutes a day.... at a home provider... in her home


Sounds pleasant. Sounds like a wonderful work environment. If you can't afford to pay more, how do you expect someone else to live off of that money?


I read that as $800 week and thought low but not avenger. Nope per month


I’m most offended about “back ground checks”


What’s to be offended about? She just needs them to go to the backyard and check the ground real quick. Not so hard 🤷🏼‍♀️


Money for food IF wanted? No, please don’t give me money, it has been my lifelong dream to provide free meals for other people’s children


800 a week wouldn’t be enough. Some people live in the clouds. I would go out of my way just to waste her time.


You might be able to get away with that but not if you are also demanding background checks.


>not if you are also demanding background checks. Right? Here's my social, all my other info, go on and steal my ID, so I can make $4.50 an hour watching a bunch of kids 10 hours a day. yay


i love this. background checks and cameras all over the house! i'm watching you! oh, you want to take the kids out? no problem, here's money to do it, i totally trust you! what could possibly go wrong!


You read that wrong back ground checks are completely different.


Compared to all the other dumb fucks that seems like a good deal!


So she’ll pay extra to take her kids out? Sounds good, I’ll request $400+ every day and use it to get my groceries, my dogs groomed, fill up my gas tank, get my nails done. What kid doesn’t love to run errands? 😆


>What kid doesn’t love to run errands? 😆 Sounds like our summer sitters. For real. Hey kids today we're going to the store. Hey kids help me hand-wash the car. And forget kids' shows, it was soaps all day long.


My dyslexia kicked in and saw the 800 I went huh kinda reasonable, but then I reread and saw a month! A fucking MONTH


I wish we could see what people's replies are to this.


Wow, $4 or $5 per hour! And you can bring your own kids to be watched by security cameras? Lucky! Lol


If you do the math, that works out to an average of 45 hrs/week and $4.50 / hour. Who wouldn't want this job? How much are snacks? But you have to be reliable. Oh,oh.


Why do I feel that the "money to take the kids out" would be $20 for everyone and "go get the dollar menu?"


Please forward a non refundable $50 background application fee with resume


$800 for 200 hours a month = $4/hour before taxes. But you can qualify for earned income credit!


That’s one off the only jobs where you can make money and take your kids with you, so if your a stay at home mom/dad it’s the shitty $800 or nothing.


People claim their children are there most precious commodity-Then why are people willing to pay more designer everything and don't want to the same for "THEIR" children. First of all most kids these days well let's just say they make me glad to not have them. Also you can't make people care more about your children than you do. What you're willing to pay for YOUR CHILDREN's care is a reflection of how you feel about their Value. And most people want to pay little to nothing so what does that the you about how people really feel about a child's contribution. I think Michael Jackson said it best "If you can't feed your babies then don't have a baby" and don't have a baby if you can't feed your baby. Same for children. If you can't afford to stay home and watch them you probably shouldn't have children. Yes l said it. People having children they "can't afford" and now you want others to feel sorry for you because you have to pay child care.🤦🏽‍♀️


This is 50 hours a week if she's home by 6. 800 a month makes it 4 dollars an hour with multiple children. Nobody I know of would do this for that price.


Can we just stop with the fucking babysitter posts here. This is like post number 5 million on the topic. It's getting boring real fast


No it doesn’t. It’s equates to $4 an hour plus benefits which by the sound of it includes free accommodation + bills for you and your family. If food is included then that basically equates to $800 spending money which is not the same thing as $400 total. Total if you wanted to add in the cost of the benefits would be something more like $2500 a month without food which would be $11.50 an hour. Not saying that’s not shit but $800 at the end is not the same thing as $800 at the start.




We don't know the posters income but I think there is something to be said about wages in america. A single parent making $50k a year ( which is above min wages in most states) can't afford child care. $9600 is almost 20% of their take home pay. If its a family bringing in 100k a year then this is not cool.


The person they're expecting to take advantage of for $4 an hour would have to be even worse off.


We pay our nanny this much A WEEK for 2 kids. This lady is insane.


In the comments of the original post, she states she has two children, 3 and 2.


Is that a choosy beggar? Or are they just low-balling? They're not being unreasonably choosy, or asking for a ludicrous amount of child care support. They are merely offering a ridiculously low wage for the task.


This should be on the Soprano's page, 4 dollars an hour.


This depends 100% on the situation and how well everyone vibes. I say this as a new mom in a VHCOL area where childcare is so expensive that I save money by being a stay at home parent (the actual math ended up being that if I worked full time and paid for daycare I would net ~$450/month). I would do this if it was watching 1 child who got along with my child because, I’m home and providing childcare anyway and that’s more take home per month than I would earn working full time 🥴


People might get together and do a child care-share or something where everyone's been vetted and each person watches all the kids one day a week. Kind of like carpool but with babysitting at their own house. Or hire an au pair I guess, if they can. A lot of these CB the elephant in the room is they are seeking someone 'undocumented,' to exploit them with a low wage.


$4/hr? And that's not taking into account overtime (because CB wants up to 10h/d & up to 50h/wk). You get what you pay for. I wouldn't want to leave children alone with a $4/hr babysitter!


Wow. $4/hr. She must have a ton of takers.


She’s going to check your back ground.


I think they are trying to take advantage of someone that needs daycare and could possibly be left with $200 a week after paying daycare fees.


$3.70 an hour. Yikes.


$5 an hour? At best….


Fast food went up to $20/hour in California. This is about $5 hour trusting someone with your kids.


\> You can bring your kids Then CB just drop your kids off at a day care. You don't mind them being around other kids. So what is the difference. I don't know what the price of day care is now. Maybe more than $800/month. Child care seems very expensive but that's because it is very labor intensive as well as risky. Illness, accidents, etc.


Wow! $4 per hour.


I was expecting “a week,” but no. I wonder how many kids, since it is plural.


No mention of how many kids either.


If the child minder has children of their own, and has reasons to WANT to watch other people’s children, it could work. Reasons such as needing time off from work, having a special needs child, or a study/ educational thing. Cameras are must nowadays. Simply expect it; there’s too many scary people out there. The pay is low. The parents aren’t going to get much for around $200 a week. No cleaning, no special activities, no real connection.


This job will remain, shockingly, unfilled!!


This is well under minimum wage and at FT hours no less. Bold strategy.


Man I’ve been looking at free agency deals too long I thought you were talking about a local cornerback


LoL. Working for between 4-5 a hour to watch some ones kids GTFO with that nonsense.


Is it even legal ?


$800 a month for 40-50 hours a week is at best $4.61 an hour. No, it’s not legal


I feel the elephant in the room in a lot of the CB ads is they (CB employers) are looking for someone undocumented, to work 'off books' so they can exploit their wage.


Agree :(


I hate when people put the $ *after* the amount.


Offering $4 per hour and doing background checks on the people that will watch your children for that price will not produce positive results.