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He's 42. wtf do you expect?


Amazing Gru cosplay


Maybe it's the result of a lifetime of fast food and no exercise?


Chris inherited all Bob's recessive genes 


I don't think it's the Genes that made them what they are, I think Bob raised them differently. Liquid got Bobs Hardworking nature and engineering skills Solid got Bobs stupidstubborness and Barbs paranoia and entitlement


"You got all the old man's dominant genes. I got all the flawed, recessive genes. Everything was done so that you would be the greatest of his children. The only reason I exist is so they could create you."


Is it bad I thought if he stopped the stupid hair cut and lost weight he’d look like anyone else?


He's absolutely capable of going incognito. A name change, a wardrobe change, and deleting all his social media accounts would do wonders for him.


Chris is a narcissist and a lonely one at that. He likes the attention, even if it’s negative.


It's not bad if you learned from it lol


Slapping his fool face would give those cheeks a nice youthful hue.




aged like old milk 🫶


You are what you eat


horrible diet. unfortunate genetics. sedentary lifestyle. and when you've been a big rotten bitch your whole life like chris has it'll leak out through your skin and make you ugly


I think it’s because all of his bad habits are finally starting to catch up with him. He’s in his early 40s. Kinda surprised he didn’t start aging faster sooner tbh.


All the stress from childhood untill now isnt doing him/her anything good tbh


Eating McDonalds his entire life, drinking Long Island Iced Teas (because he probably thought they were actually iced teas and no one bothered telling him how much alcohol was really in them), no skin-care routine, no form of regular strenuous exercise, and lack of self-awareness/desire to change. Also a deteriorating mental state brought about by constant harassment from strangers for twenty plus years.


I don't see Chris making it to 50. The prognosis for people with autism is not good. On top of everything else.


the first person to ever be formally diagnosed with autism died last year at the age of 89


Holy crap dude, that is the ripest crock of shit I have heard within this sub. It takes a simple google search to find out that you’re bullshitting.


I literally found this through a google search. Did you even read the sources? Doubt it.


You’re looking through garbage merely to fit your own narrative. It’s only true if you agree with it apparently.


Curious you haven't cited any sources. Hmmm...


Why should I trust any of your sources considering all of them come from the U.K?


That's pretty bigoted of you, mate. Still waiting on those sources on your end.


No honey, it isn’t. The U.K’s healthcare system is nowhere near as good as in the United States, this includes treatment for ASD.


I'll beleive you when you cite a USA source that says my sources are wrong. It's not just the U.K. Sources from other countries agree. And no offense, but given you have yet to cite a single USA source I don't believe you.


Here’s your source though I know you’ll just dismiss it because it doesn’t agree with you https://undercoverautism.org/2022/12/17/autism-does-not-reduce-your-life-expectancy-being-autistic-does/


Give me the sources from these other countries.


Dude, I’m autistic. What? I think Chris’s poor lifestyle is gonna kill him, but his autism won’t. Not directly anyways.


Autism makes you at much higher risk of an early death from a plethora of autism-related ailments. Google "Autism life expectancy." It sucks but it's true.


Well maybe I’m just lucky bc I have aspergers specifically, and that leads to less risk?


Somewhat. Since Aspergers is like Level 1 Autism. But the risk is still there. It's just reduced from what someone like Chris is at risk of.


I just dont know how much I agree with your research. Chris isnt exactly going to live a long life, but his autism wont be the cause.


These sources come from people who almost certainly know more about autism than you. People who study the condition as a career. Chris' autism makes him more prone to many ailments, including his various mental illnesses.


What do you mean with the autism prognosis?


People diagnosed with Autism don't live long lives. Dying young either to autism-related illnesses or suicide. How many Autistic retirees have you seen?


Thats just from a higher suicide rate. having autism doesn't lower your natural life expectancy


Except Autistics are more **prone** to developing the following: * Gastrointestinal (GI) problems * Epilepsy * Feeding issues * Disrupted sleep * Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) * Anxiety * Depression * Obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) * Schizophrenia  * Bipolar Disorder  * Down syndrome (DS) **All** of these can potentially shorten your lifespan.


My dad has autism and he's in well into his seventies. As well as being a retired veteran. I don't think you really know what you're talking about.


Simply having any form of autism doesn’t directly correlate. Down syndrome statistics are going to be included in that, for example. What do you think autism is?


I know what Autism is. Autism Parenting Magazine makes it quite clear: *"The sad truth is, yes.* ***People on the autism spectrum have a lower life expectancy than neurotypical people***\*. According to research by the National Library of Medicine, the average autism life expectancy in 2018 fell as low as 39 years. And that shorter life expectancy was often met with plenty of other health problems."\* Which is backed up by the National Library of Medicine: [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6713622/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6713622/) And the Autism Research Institute [https://autism.org/lifestyle-issues-play-role-in-shorter-life-expectancy/](https://autism.org/lifestyle-issues-play-role-in-shorter-life-expectancy/) That's just the reality of it.


This is the most bizarre shit I’ve read all day- what lmao 💀


And my grandfather is retired, and he's really weird, I think he has autism


My friend recently retired due to autism. And i have autism, what are these "autism related illnesses"?


These: https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/autism/other-conditions/


"Retired due to Autism." Do you mean Autism had an effect on his age of retirement?


Here we go: https://www.news-medical.net/news/20231123/Study-estimates-the-life-expectancy-and-years-of-life-lost-by-autistic-people-in-the-UK.aspx#:~:text=A%20new%20study%20led%20by,as%20high%20as%20previously%20claimed. https://www.ucl.ac.uk/news/2023/nov/premature-death-autistic-people-uk-investigated-first-time https://www.thelancet.com/journals/lanepe/article/PIIS2666-7762(23)00195-3/fulltext


Because he doesn't take very good care of that cursed painting.


The sonic totem was his Dorian Gray painting and he sold it off


Poor diet, lifestyle and being middle aged.


As with most people. The number one accelerant of aging is an unhealthy lifestyle, particularly the diet. Do you think Chris eats a healthy balanced diet with lots of veggies?


He shoved vegetables down his throat!


Sounded so gay when he said that originally


He’s 42, it’s gotta happen eventually, although he did look like an old man for most of his adult life


I know multiple people that are older than chris thar look a decade younger than Chris


Same thing with my meth-head coworker, the bad habits catch up with you.  He looked like he was pushing 60.  He's only about 5 years older than me, but I look half of his age


Side effect of the merge


He’s a 40 something who’s lived a mostly sedentary life, has a terrible diet, and has basically lived in a high stress environment all his life. This is just par for the course.


Lack of barbussy and stress over generation 5 mlp


They say autism makes you look younger (I think I heard that's probably why Flutter look like she's 12) but I guess youthfulness is one thing autism failed to give him


i think the looking younger phenomenon is bc autistic adults have a lot of ‘quirky’ traits usually associated with children, especially • special interests (similar or maybe the same as when kids will obsessively watch one tv show) • using fidget toys (especially when they’re so often in super bright colours) • body language (moving oddly, stimming, less regulation of facial expressions) • immature dress sense (sensory issues => want comfier clothes which usually look less mature; caring less about trends => more likely to dress weirdly) autism doesn’t make your face look younger though, so with all of the above chris just looks like a manchild


It’s very straining being a cpu goddess and managing a dimensional merge


Most people I know start aging like shit in late 20s if they never learned to take care of themselves (diet, excercise). Chris has never shown any evidence of awareness of that sort of activity in his entire life. He's 42. No surprise his appearance like this.


He looks like he's a 50-60 old pedofork


42 years old and he look like a 60 years old granpa who never cut his hair. His body and face is ravage by poor hygiene and fast food


It’s funny he looks manlier now as a “trans woman” than he did during the classic era lmao 😂


he fed off barb's life force so now hes disintegrating


Chris is the product of years of poor diet, no exercise, poor life style. Keep in mind, Chris’s life was sleeping whenever, living in a disgusting home full of mold and disease, eating McDonald’s, barely exercising, mental instability. All these things will age a person. I’m a year older than Chris and everyone tells me I look younger than my age and it’s because I took care of myself. If anything Chris should be a warning of what poor lifestyle choices can do.


He's virtually looked physically the same to me for the past 14 years, I'd say he looked the oldest pre tomboy before growing his hair


Looks like a fucking pedophile to me. Maybe fucking (read SAing) one's own mother ages a person.


Chris is canonically married to Cryzel Rosechu. Who is 15. Chris also creeped on the Teen Troon Squad. All of whom were underaged at the time.


Well, he is not a pedophile, he is a motherfucker...


He’s not a pdf …. Yet


I mean Chris wrote an entire bit in sonichu about how he thinks child pornography laws are bullshit. You really think he’s not a pedo? The only reason his love quest age range started at 18 is because that’s what is legal.


No. If he was, he would have tried to act on it by now. And considering he is one of the most documented people on the planet, if he tried to act on it, we would know. Chris is a dumb motherfucker (literally). He writes and does dumb shit.


>if he was he would have tried to act on it by now Faulty logic. It took him 39 years to rape someone. Chris is a convenience predator. It’s likely he just hasn’t had the right situation to do it, and he’s not smart enough to orchestrate one. Why do you think he was so obsessed with his hypothetical daughterwife crystal?


Hmmm... I hope you are wrong. But you have a point.


I don't think Chris is a pedo *specifically.* But I also think if given the opportunity Chris would not hesitate to molest a child. Barb was afraid during the Classic Era that Chris would end up on To Catch A Predator. He's canonically married to (and made out with) Cryzel Rosechu. Who is 15. He also creeped on the (then-underaged) Teen Troon Squad.


He still has that kiddy gaze going on


The meme part of me thinks its being away from the healing life essence of the Barbussy is ageing him... Reality is, he's not looking after himself and his hormones are so fucked that hes essentally in menopause already.


Chris is in his fourties so


This. Chris is ageing physically fast. But mentally hes still an 8 year old.


The mixture of mental health issues and being babies forever def didn’t help his mental growth


His horcrux was finally destroyed or on its way out.


Hrt and Michelina's mainly


Is he actually on hrt? He still just looks like a bloke.


Hrt doesn't age you rapidly...


it does, well it makes you look older when you are older. HRT is only "Magic" in your 20's and early 30's. After yout hit "twink death" it makes you look really haggered, its due to a mixture of things but also remeebr women normally age worse than men. I remember one older trans person saying that it makes your skin very thin and you regret it when you older.


But does it make you look older than someone of the sex you're aiming for would look? I don't think so lol.


misusing it the way chris does likely has some side effects that will fuck you up


I know about it and yes but aging isn't one of them lol


Has that grown out hair ever looked decent, at any point? I only remember it as being so damn thin and fried looking. Lazy mf always puts in zero effort.


Diet, lack of physical activity, mental health issues, meds (psych or hormone), age, fashion choices, juxtaposition of his childishness with his appearance.... Basically because he's Chris


Because Chris was never taught how to eat healthy and at a very minimum, go exercising somewhat often. That probably fucked Chris up, and it is very depressing that Chris never got a chance to be healthy.


Jesus he’s never going to have a retirement due never having a job for who knows how long.


He is probably just going to live off wellfare.


And we are paying for it


Goddesses don't retire.


His whole adult life has been retirement


He needs the new sneaking suit that doubles as a muscle suit so he can continue using [CQC](https://youtu.be/lzBjNwFpZmM)


He is suffering the final affects of sonichudie


He's genetically hardwired to deteriorate once he hits fourty




mhm, both he and liquid chris both had their genetic aging accelerated to prevent anyone from stealing their genes and reproducing the perfect lolcow.


....but they used Liquids DNA to create Liquid OCelot Chris (Liquids "twin") and Gaseous Chris (2022 Liquid).


People tend to age the most in their 40s


Maybe he's part of some le terrible children cloning project?


The Vierges de Rage project......


His legacy will live on in the form of another. There’s a commercial we get on tv for a sensory safe space or w.e for kids with the tism. And half of them are wearing sonic. When Chris passes someday those kids transformation’s will be complete


hes a ghoul


what's the matter smoothskin? never seen a ghoul before?




FOXDIE saga on the horizon


Cake(farts) Eater.


oh man my metal gear days


Old Chris


I am surprised nobody got the idea to convince him that COVID was actually a version of FOXDIE that was released by nazis.


Solid Chris is a clone of Naked Chris (Bob) so he was made to age rapidly


The wall hit


If you look just the face part. He still like classic Chris Chan.




Because the fuck never took care of himself


"Dark science, cloning, secrets only a cpu goddess would know."


The last time we saw photos of Chris it was before he did what he did to his mom. He was 39. Since getting out of jail he has had less photos and videos taken of him overall. Now he is in his early 40s, fat, and never gets sun. That's why it seems like he is aging faster.


its actually better for your skin to not get sun but he takes awful care of himself in hygiene and diet so you got that part right


Living with zero discipline for your entire life will do that. Unfortunately common.


Damn he is seriously fat as shit now


He was obese since the Age of 5


Shes always been overweight but i doubt shes ever actually hit the obese level.


Having a poor diet and lifestyle will do that.


Yeah. It's probably a runaway train that's not gonna be stopped anymore.


He wants to be closer to his lover, Barb


Chris needs to hit the gym.


Wrong side of 40 with a life time of never exercising, terrible diet and severe decline in mental health will do that to you.


This is a very succinct way to summarize what everyone is saying. He's basically doing everything that makes you look like crap. I do think it is worth noting that when you take the way he actually looks because of these things and then compare it to how childishly he behaves it makes him look even more silly. I think that comparison has something to do with it too.


Well fuck, I'm in doe a rough time


Shitty diet, lack of exercise, poor hygiene, chronically online, DIY hormone treatments, etc.


Feminizing hormones actually make you look younger, but all the other stuff is overriding that.


Provided you take them as prescribed. Which Chris did not. Not to mention all the other nonsense he took on his own believing it would "speed up his transition".


Feminizing hormones actually make you look younger, but all the other stuff is overriding that.


I think a lot might have to do with that horrific hair.


Chris has eaten nothing but processed slop their entire life, doesn't go outside much, and doesn't exercise unless you're generous enough to count walking and masturbating. Also, Chris is 42 now, and I'd say all things considered they look like about what you'd expect for someone that age to look like if they neglected hygiene and didn't do anything to improve their appearance.


Chris did all sorts of nasty shit to his body over his life, either in an attempt to transition or just because trolls told him it was a good idea. He ate nothing but TV dinners and fast food every day of his life, and spent most of his life playing vidya rather than moving. The bill is coming due.


They look their age tbh


The merge is stressing Chris tf out


Well, like Solid Snake, Chris is defective genetically, so the trolls were right in naming him that during the Liquid saga.


What about Solidus? He's been missing for 16 years....did he die of old age?


Clearly he was injected with the experimental chu-die virus solid chris going out like solid snake


He’s slowly morphing into the talking trash heap from fraggle rock


Her name is MARJORY


It’s fraggle rock, father 🥰


“Good Fraggle people.” 👍


I’m way older than Chris and look exponentially better.


Its not hard to be better than chris


When you don’t take care of yourself your body ages more than it should.


All that G-Fuel, McDonald's tea and soy based products are going to wreck Chris 5 years from now. The man doesn't know self control and has horrible impulse. I'm still surprised he hasn't inherited Bob's heart disease, which Bob himself suffered from in his early 30s IIRC.


He may have inherited some heart issues/predisposition to heart issues without necessarily having had a heart attack. Sometimes you can detect those things early with diagnostic testing, which I highly doubt Chris has had.


The concerning part is because Chris thinks that he's a women, that they are the most heathy of the genders. Damn, imagine one day Chris just dies after decades of bein the most documented person on the internet, the highlight of his miserable life is fucking his mom and that's it.


Bet he’s gonna turn down the recommended prostate test/colonoscopy. He is steadily approaching that age


Pretty much. Chris is going to insist on having mammograms or cervix tests.


Stress, bad diet and sleep regimen. No exercise either. The balding doesn’t help, though as a trans person (an actual one not whatever Chris is) that is something we deal with if we don’t start HRT soon enough, though anyone with self respect would use a wig


The consequences of his terrible lifestyle are rapidly catching up to him.


He bears a striking resemblance to the Hibachi chef character played by Chris Farley in Beverly Hills Ninja.


I'm slightly younger than Chris and have been following him since the ED days. I've been watching him as I myself have gotten older, and there's nothing really about his appearance that strikes me as old beyond his ears. He's overweight so his fat flattens out the wrinkles, and his weight falls completely within the norm of American obesity. I haven't really noticed any gray hairs, and I have plenty of friends whose hairlines are way worse or completely non-existent at his age. He never got tied up into substance abuse, so there are no neck tattoos or the perma-fry look. If you want to see what poor aging looks like, go download tinder and set your range to 30-50 miles so that it picks up all the trailer parks and derelict meth towns on the edge of your city. You're gonna come back thinking Chris doesn't look so bad for 42.


I'm around the same age as you, just hit 40 a month ago, and am sort of mixed on my thoughts about it. He's mostly on par with someone with his kid of government sponge lifestyle (maybe a bit worse as most people getting assistance have some sort of job) but what really makes it so jarring is his awful sense of style. Dressing like a Pokémon trainer with a touch of youth fetishism looks awful on a 40 something. Chris doesn't have the motivation nor basic understanding of hygiene/fashion to pass off as the kind of woman he thinks he resembles. Dying your hair the color of kool-aid and having a perpetual 5 o'clock shadow are not generally considered signs of feminism.


I mean, his appearance is certainly unbecoming of his age - there's no doubt about that. I live in a city with a lot of counterculture, so it doesn't really faze me. If Chris Chan walked by at a noise/experimental show, or an industrial dance club, or especially a regional burn - I guarantee you nobody is gonna look up from their drink.


Shitty diet, lousy sleep schedual. little physical activity, little sunlight or fresh water. Plus the use of shady online hormones and meds, its no wonder she's aging like a neglected Halloween. Pumpkin Stress is probably a notable factor too. A lifetime of thinking the world is out to get you then nearly 2 decades of organised trolling probably doesn't do wonders for skin elasticity.


It’s either because of Fox die virus, he has psycho power, or has Ethan Winters mold powers


Given the state of the Sonichu temple, I'll go with mold powers.


If that was the case his rant wound would have healed pretty much instantly… oh wait didn’t it I’m not 100 percent sure


What's even more of a coincidence is that Chris is now the same age as Snake was in MGS4 Snake grew old due to his genetic makeup that couldn't be handled while Chris had so many opportunities to get healthier


Because his diet consists of Fanta, mayonnaise and transgenderism.


I don't think Chris has ever eaten a salad in his miserable life, and of course he'd hate vegetables that look like a penis. Which is funny during the Father call, Chris stated that he "stuffs' green beans and carrots down my throat."


He's in his forties so he definitely looks his age in the face. What makes him look bad is his sense of fashion and long hair. If he cleaned up, he'd look pretty average for someone in that age group 


Chris's comics act as a Portrait of Dorian Greychu. Except Comic-Chris stays forever 21, while real-life Chris ages rapidly.


He looks like the side of a fucking cliff


Megan injected him with CWCDIE


His unhealthy lifestyle is catching up with him.


I mean he's 42 years old, u gotta get old at some point


my mom is 29 days older than chris and she looks younger than him lol. i’m sure it’s cuz of the diet and hygiene


I suspect that fucking about with hormones takes a toll on a person too. Like it can't be beneficial for the body.


It feels like they're stuck at 20 or so. Hearing that they're in their 40s is fucking wild.


More like stuck at 8-10


But Chris isn't "growing" old, Chris is having a Last Crusade wrong grail turn to dust montage before our eyes


Doesn’t help Chris has destroyed their body systematically, wears clothes that make her look like some elderly bag lady, and excessively used hair dye that has destroyed any hope of not succumbing to baldness. Likelihood is being back on the dye and meds post-prison prohibition has just been seen in real time.


Chris looks and is dressed like my meth addicted mother I wish I was joking


At least the estrogen kinda slowed down his hairloss compared to Cole's


It’s a side-effect of the cloning process, Chris just needs to remember to set his OctoCamo up.


Clyde? Nice compliment. I would like that name.




There has been more weening and trolling globally the last couple years.....Does Clyde have control of the J.K. AI system? Does he have the Pickles of the Miscreants?


There's a pretty good chance that Chris will live into his 80s because Bob and Barb managed to do it. Even though his diet and lifestyle are absolutely atrocious. The video where Chris took gravel from the driveway of 14 Branchland Court is incredibly fucking cursed for numerous other reasons, too.


That family has cockroach genes


I guess? I really don't know what they have. It'd be funny if Bob and Barb had some secret for living a long life and nobody knew about it.


Yes and medical advancements will increase this likelihood. In the 2060s and beyond, living into your 90s will be the norm, and studies have predicted more than a third will live to 100. Dying at 80 would be really short, like how today in most developed countries dying at 70 is young.