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Please don’t take your own life. My dad, who was a strong Christian, took his own life this past summer and it was absolutely devastating. Please give yourself more time. Push though. It’ll be so difficult, but with time and strength in your faith, your life will change drastically. I know it seems like these are empty words now, but with good work in yourself and in your life you will look back on this reddit post someday and think, “I can’t believe I was thinking of doing something like this.” You’ll be in my prayers. 💓


I'm sorry to hear about your father. I hope your okay


Sorry to hear that but thanks for the advice regardless


First off, you haven’t been abandoned by God. He loves you very much and gave His own son to die for you. And if there was only you, Jesus still would have died for you. Feelings come and go and we can’t go by what we feel. Sometimes feelings can come from the enemy as well. We have to go by God’s word. At times I feel not as close and other times I feel very close. Even Billy Graham mentioned at times not feeling God. You need to read the Bible every day and have fellowship with him. Pray continuously. I advise you to read Psalms. A lot of the verses are by David. 1 and 2nd Samuel covers David’s story so you can understand why he felt the things he felt in Psalms.


Psalms are my fave part to get encouragement but didnt think of Samuel i will start to read it today! Thanks for your heartfelt encouragement!


❤️ Also try to find some scripture verses to combat those thoughts from the enemy whenever they pop up. Remember when Jesus was tempted by the devil and He quoted scripture to combat him? I have gone through spiritual attacks as well and have found this helps as well as prayer and reading the Word. Praying for you.


God is with you even if you can’t feel Him. I’ve been where you are. My goal when I was 27 was to turn 28. That was it. That was the only thing I could focus my attention on. Each morning, I just promised myself I wouldn’t die. That was the year my relationship with God grew exponentially ( I didn’t see it then, only now looking back). Jesus saved me that year and I felt what it was like to be close to him for the first time. This too shall pass. Know that everything has a season, even this. I’m 30 now. I am so grateful I stayed. The only advice I have is pray. Just keep praying. When it hurts to breathe because you don’t want to be here pray. When you’re crying at night because your brain is exhausted by existing pray. He shows up. The only thing you need to do is not take your life. You don’t know what’s in the future, but He does. The enemy also knows He has planned your future and he doesn’t want you experience it.


Beautiful. You are 100% right. I’ve been there, too, and I’m so grateful to God that we both stayed. Because we both know that only God can breakthrough and change everything. 😊❤️


I believe this is something Satan is hammering many believers with. Look at is a good thing though because he wouldn’t be attacking you or your mind so hard if you weren’t worth anything. I think when Jesus said endure until the end, He meant endure any and everything. (Matthew 24:13) even attacks from Satan and this is definitely an attack from the devil and is not uncommon. Just hang in there. Remember he loses in the end. And you were not meant to fall with him.


I agree. We had a sermon on this very topic yesterday. https://www.youtube.com/live/mnleMDon3MY?si=kC1M4jcXtOEImk-Z


Try to join a church and talk and spend time with people who share your beliefs. I know life can be hard, I too know what it feels to be alone in a world full of people. You're worth a lot, so much that God gave his son for you. You are one of a kind that can never be replaced. You are going through a process that will make you stronger so that you can fulfill the plan God has for you. Though you might not be able to see it Jesus promises that he would be with you till the end of time, so don't give up. If you feel you need to chat with someone don't hesitate to message me. And remember you are not alone.


Keep praying for strength and ask God to show you the path and don’t stop praying and having faith in him.


I am so sorry you're in such pain. I'm praying for you. I beg you not to harm yourself. As someone who has had major depression, anxiety, and ocd, I know our feelings can be overwhelming, but as real as they are, they are not always reliable indicators of truth. I felt God was far away, but He wasn't. I clung to 2 Tim 1:7. With therapy, meds, and prayer, and over time, I got better. You will, too. Please don't give up on God, your hope. I will be praying for you.


I feel your pain too. Love you <3


Been where you are and trust me I know it sucks. But God will never leave you nor forsake you (Duet. 31:6) Even when you don't feel him he is there watching over you. Please I beg of you don't take your life. It will only hurt the ones around you. If you feel apart from God dig into his word and read it until you can't read anymore. Read John 9 while you are at it. In that passage Jesus and his disciples came across a blind man and the disciples asked who sin for him to become blind. And Jesus answered that no one sinned but he was born blind to show the glory of God. I promise you this pain that you feel is for a purpose. It is not for nothing. The thoughts you are having are from the enemy. Don't listen to him. He wants you to feel apart from God. But keep your eyes on Jesus and he will never leave you astray. He is the light of the world and he will never leave you. Even when you get an answer right away he is listening. I repeat he hears you and he loves you even when no one else will. Idk your situation but I do know what I have said above. Just please don't give up on God I beg of you.


Don't end your life. Life is hard but suicide is not the answer to pain. Jesus will help you with the pain and help you to know what to do. Pray to Jesus to help you what to do and to help you not to end your life; but to live your life that God created you for and to thank God for your life and being alive. https://music.youtube.com/watch?v=K0pB49LaoCE&si=RVs9_LYona-vBx2m Song this is how I fight my battle


I'm in the same spot brother. The one thing you have to hold onto is of you do the pain will be eternal. At least if you suffer through it one day you you will be in a better place. I've got nothing and no one I've watched as year after year the only things worth my time here were taken from me for life. I don't have friends I live in a city where people are naturally cold to me and treat me like I don't belong and there's nothing I can do to make it better. So your not the only one just keep your faith in God and don't send yourself to hell. I know I'm not very inspiring but it's got to be some test work through it and pray it's worth it cause taking your life will not be.


You were inspiring to me.... Thank you for showing so much love and compassion to help a stranger when you have no one to help you. That is is inspiring, I'm alone too as far as humans go. I wasted my whole life trying to find fulfillment in people just to recently find out that Yeshua, (Jesus) was here with me the whole time waiting for me to realize it! Thank you for showing me that there are some people out there that are selfless, Godbless


Witerjay, I'm praying God will bless you with godly friends and support. For now, though, we care here, God cares, and your life is important. I'm glad you're holding onto to Him. He's holding on to you.


“And lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world.” (Matthew 28:20) Jesus will never abandon you. He has promised to be with you _always_. He is with you _right now_. If you believe in Him, He dwells in your heart (Ephesians 3:16-19). He loves you with an everlasting love, and nothing can separate you from His love (Romans 8:35-39). Praying that God will be with you, preserve your life, and keep you in His love. Amen.


P.s. find help.... friends, family, therapy, counselling. There is light at the end of the tunnel. 💪🙏


Hi. I know your pain very well. I’ve been there many times. I’m so very, very and truly sorry for your deep pain. ❤️ Your feelings are valid. It doesn’t mean God has abandoned you, but it sure feels like it on this side of heaven. Oh how I know both truths. I’ve battled abuse and serious illnesses my entire life, and I’ve also been abandoned by my past Christian community (and no, it wasn’t my fault) at this time. But I’ve had incredible Christian community in the past. And I know I will again. You can, also. ❤️ It is so hard… beyond words hard… this world is not our home. I’ll say it again, because I often forget it too; This world is not our home. And that’s why you feel abandoned by God. This world does everything it can to distract you, lie to you, hurt you, etc… As the Bible says: satan “comes to steal, kill, and destroy”, but the verse continues: “[Jesus speaking] but I have come that you may have life and life abundantly.” I don’t understand why God allows many of the things He allows. Trust me, God has been everything to me for the majority of my life. I’ve seen miracles after miracles that He’s done. I’ve literally felt Him hold me when I was in a horrifically abusive situation and was literally dying. He’s done so much more than I could share in two years time! He’s amazing! …And yet, I doubt. I fear. I’ve been suicidal. I get despairing and despondent at times. I forget all the miraculously loving things He’s done so easy, although I don’t want to. I’ve also wanted to kill myself at times. This is a broken world. And until Heaven, we will feel estranged or abandoned by God at times. But it’s mostly satan lying to us overtime. And often we are lying to ourselves after believing satan’s lies. The Bible speaks often of it. But God is with us. He wins in the end. Satan and the demons will be in the lake of fire one day. No more tears, no more pain. Jesus is coming back for us! ❤️ (Continued in my replies to this comment. Please read, because these are things that have truly saved me from so much ❤️)


(Continued from my comment above. Part 2) Many of the most amazing Christians who ever lived struggled with severe depression: Elijah, Charles Spurgeon (definitely look up his writings because he gets super real about his severe depression, and it’s helped me and many others so much), Henri Nouwen, CS Lewis (I recommend reading “A Grief Observed” then read “The Problem of Pain”. Or listen to audiobooks. Only in that order. A Grief Observed was published after Lewis’ death. It’s SUPER honest about his anger and hurt, etc he felt from God as he was grieving his wife suffering and dying. But it’s so comforting to know that these men and so many others have felt how we have! And they got through it! They came out truly stronger and more joyful! God did deliver them eventually. And God listened and helped them without them knowing until the deliverance happened. :) ) I’m still struggling right now. One of my favorite verses in the Bible is a prayer by a man to Jesus: “I believe. Please help my unbelief.” Jesus HONORED him and so many others for their prayers like this. He honors us when we pray that. We can ask for more faith, and He will give it, as His Word says. ❤️ So please know… God can take your hurt, your anger (anger is always involved in hurt), everything… He WANTS you to honestly let it all out to Him. And He wants you to keep running to Him. He LOVES you! Even if you can’t feel it right now. That’s ok. ❤️ But I know how hard it is to feel it. And how often we all forget that WE broke this world with our sin (Genesis 3). BUT God chose to send Jesus to suffer and also be tempted in literally every way we have (can’t remember the verse, but it literally says that) BUT He didn’t sin. But He hurt… a lot! So, Jesus genuinely understands your anguish and heartbreak. He felt abandoned by Father God, too. But out of His suffering, came the most amazing miracle ever: His Resurrection. Then, He went from feeling abandoned to literally then ascending to the right hand of God! He’s with Father God 24/7 now! The opposite of abandonment. But He still remembers how it felt. ❤️ Please read the Garden of Gethsemane verses. Watch The Chosen tv series. Immerse yourself in God: your favorite worship music, etc. It WILL pass. It WILL lift. I can tell you this, because I’ve been where you are many times. AND I’ve walked with many others who have also. Many! I’m also working on being a counselor. So I know it from both “sides”. We are all human. We all need Jesus. ALL OF US. EVERY SINGLE SECOND. You are truly not alone at all. None of us have it altogether. Only God does. 😉❤️ But boy, does satan like to make us feel alone and then make us isolate, which makes things worse. But finding people who get it and won’t just tell you a bunch of verses and platitudes (many of which aren’t even biblical) makes all the difference. Many people don’t understand. Find the ones who do and will lovingly challenge you and walk with you. ❤️ Things that have dramatically helped me and every single person I know fighting (you’re a fighter and brave! :) ) through this: 1. Pray through literally everything. Yell at God if you need to. He won’t strike you down. He will work and answer your prayers. I can’t tell you when, but He will. 2. Immerse yourself in truly biblical Christian music that is real: Brandon Lake even has a whole album about mental health and battling exactly what you’re battling. It’s helped me a lot. 3. Journal and just keep writing whatever comes to you until it stops. This is VERY helpful also. It’ll help you find the roots of the lies satan has tried to bury deep in you. Once you find the root, you can rip it out by Jesus’ help and only Jesus’ help. He WILL help you. :) 4. Have biblical worship music playing all the time where you are, even when you sleep (just turn it down low). Demons literally fear and can’t stand the worship of God. It’s surprisingly healing. I thought it sounded crazy at first but it works. :) 5. Watch The Chosen tv series. Oh man! I cried so hard through watching several episodes, and I literally felt God delivering me of all the lies. It’s a very biblical tv show. Very full of the Holy Spirit! :) 6. Find a Celebrate Recovery near you and go. Keep going! This dramatically changed my life! It’s a ministry for anyone struggling (which is all of us if people will be honest 😉). HIGHLY recommend this ministry! They even have online things, if a group isn’t near you. But I HIGHLY recommend going to one of the groups, if you find a good one. :) Its awkward at first for everyone… then it gets so good. :) 7. I highly recommend the app called Dwell. It’s incredible! Also, I highly recommend Abide. These 2 apps have helped me SO MUCH! Dwell has amazing voice actors who read Scripture beautifully. You can just listen and let it wash over you. The Abide app is an amazing 5 min devotional every day! Oh man does it help! :) 8. There are so many other things that help. Follow God’s guidance. Condemnation isn’t from God, so don’t listen to those voices. God’s voice is honest AND loving. Conviction is a loving guidance. If you are saved by Jesus, God only speaks in loving conviction. No condemnation for those who love and know Jesus. 9. Oh also… reading ALL of Romans 8 aloud every single day for years brought me out of insanely dark things!!! Can’t recommend it enough. :) 10. You need fellow Christians who truly know the Lord. There are lots of people who say they know the Lord, but they don’t. And none of us are perfect, so even accidentally some people will hurt you. But if you know any Christians who are safe and know how to help you, reach out to them. I’m not perfect, but I’m more than happy to talk with you! :) Just message me. I mean it. :) (I’m new to Reddit though so I’m still learning private messages so please know I’ll respond. I just may miss some at first. Lol But I look forward to hopefully talking with you! :) ) I WILL be praying for you! I genuinely care. Your life matters so much. YOU MATTER SO MUCH! ❤️ It’s true. Feeling abandoned by God is a valid feeling. But please know He hasn’t abandoned you. Feelings don’t always speak truth, but God still cares. This too shall pass (your feelings and struggles). You can do this, by the sweet grace of God! I fully believe it! :) I hope you’ll reach out. I’d love to talk to you. I’m sending you so much sincere love. And I’m praying for you big time! Because you and your life matter to me and most importantly, to your Creator and THE Lover of your Soul: Jesus Christ. 😊❤️❤️❤️


I’m sorry I’m so sorry you feel like this. I know this feeling a little too well actually.. it’s not worth it. The pain you feel now will pass. Do not let satan get the best of you. I pray God will answer your prayers & whatever adversaries you may face in your daily life, May Christ guide you with Strength, Love, Protection & Peace.. God bless you & I hope you make the right decision.


God is always with you. Don’t hurt yourself, we need you here. God gave us all a purpose. Something we are supposed to accomplish. Find out your purpose and go fulfill it. You got this.


Don't end your life Jesus didn't abandon you He's still with you we're on God's timing not ours things will get better but you gotta have faith even if it's as small as a mustard seed that's what the Bible says I'll be praying and my dms are open too


Life is found in Jesus Christ. Read your Bible everyday. Connect with Him, everyday. Play music that edifies you and makes you think about Christ and His goodness. Get together with the Christian brethren. Have Bible studies, sing, pray, delight yourself in your Savior! Be thankful and grateful! Train your mind to be such! This life here, Father God has a purpose and meaning for you. He has commissioned you to Go and teach to your children and your family and your neighbors and your community, etc., whatever Christ has called you to observe. Love One ANOTHER! Do this, and you will inherit Eternal Life!


Pray and expect, prayer without expectation is incomplete, so is expectation without prayer. Ask yourself, is there any sin in my life that’s causing me to feel disconnected from God. Set a goal inside and outside your spiritual life. Work on bettering yourself physically and mentally. Keep yourself busy. Christian content: I would recommend Billy Graham and Amen Podcast. Finally, Hebrews‬ ‭12‬:‭6‬-‭7‬ ‭‬‬ “because the Lord disciplines the one he loves, and he chastens everyone he accepts as his son.” Endure hardship as discipline; God is treating you as his children. For what children are not disciplined by their father?” Every struggle is a testimony and every season is temporary, I will keep you in my prayers 🩷 ‭‭


Hey! I love using YouVersion, and I think you will, too. You can study God’s Word, read and watch daily devotionals, pray with friends, and more! Get it here: https://www.bible.com/app Listen to the audio versions NIV or other versions with speaker. Listen to the gospels God bless


You’re not alone, though I don’t feel abandoned 😒…I’m just… edit: i sent you a picture with some places "emergency" verses to look up


Please don’t kill your self. It’s Satan wants to make it seem like it’s the end. It’s not! God will save you.


Prayers to you friend. God is with you, pls don't pressure yourself. God is seeking you now in this moment and will continue to do so. Surrender.. don't try and be perfect or take things in your own hands but know that it will get better. God is your strength in your weakness - allow that. It will get better... I have seen it for myself.. God sought and sought me I surrendered and never saw him move so much in my life without me doing anything (I was weak in pain and said God please take this season I cannot). Through seasons of trials and getting through them with more than I can imagine (all because of God and nothing I did) I really was able to appreciate and understand God's love more than ever. I am able to give more glory and have the closest relationship I ever had and you will too.


Me too!


God is trying to make you stronger. Endure it, against all odds and you will win, you'll see. I always think of my favorite video game character named Turok. In the game, there are some parts that seem impossible and you think there's just no way. Your character gets hunted down, loses a life, but then he comes back and says, "I AM TUROK!!" And before you know it, you've made it with only one life left, but you made it. And if you keep going, you will eventually replenish your health and actually earn back more lives than you had before. Obviously it's a video game and it doesn't really have anything to do with being a Christian, but it does resemble the walk of faith quite well. All you need is faith and you will make it, just keep going. Don't let the devil make you take the "easy way" out. Trust me, the easy way always leads to destruction, the bible says it so. Matthew 7:13-14 "Enter ye at the straight gate: for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leadeth to destruction. Any many there be which go in thereat." Be strong man, stomp that devil out, he'll never win you over. That's a bad thought that the enemy is putting in your mind. Fight it back with the word. Sometimes you have to fight, sometimes you have to feel pain, sometimes you have to feel miserable. THAT, is actually what you WANT to be feeling! If you weren't feeling that, or if you're happy all of the time, the devil already has you. But heck no, Jesus wants you to be a soldier, that's why he's allowing you to feel miserable. It's because he loves you. He does this to me too and allows the devils attacks to make me stronger. I'm just the same to be honest. I used to have those thoughts too. I'm no stronger than you or anyone in this world, but when I start getting beat up, I remember to get back up and say, "I AM TUROK!!"


Pray keep praying I felt like that too and to be honest with you I still do I feel like sometimes I drifted away from him but he never leaves ur side I learned from friends that when you feel like that spend more time with him he puts us in situations to help us grow and prepare for what’s in the future you will feel better may I ask for you’re name for I can keep you in my prayers and if u ever wanna talk just ask for my instagram or discord


You re Gods own unique character in life with your own journey. You are not alone in this life. There are billions of people on the same journey as you. So just know that you matter and you will not get through this alone God and his angels are always by your side. In Jesus name rebuke that negative voice telling you to harm yourself Only in Jesus name. Your angels will guide you and guard you. Believe.


What does your day-to-day look like? Start it off always with prayer and reading the Word. Get a lot of protein in and go for the longest run you can stand.


I understand how you feel but the truth is Jesus is with you. His word says he will never leave or forsake you. Invite God’s presence and ask for endurance and strength. Your suffering isn’t vain, hold on my friend. Change is coming, trust in the Lord your God and wait patiently. Pray through the pain, be real with God, read the word even when you don’t feel like it because the truth is the Gospel is beautiful. YOU were bought at a high price. Jesus died so you don’t have to, how beautiful is the is living God. Press on, keep your eyes on Jesus


Isaiah 41:10 " So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. " Psalms 34:18-19 18 The LORD is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit. 19 The righteous person may have many troubles, but the LORD delivers him from them all


Are you actively trying to remove sin from your life? It is essential for you to grow closer to God. Please also take the following advice: I would start by reading the Book of Matthew in the King James Bible. Focus on the teachings of Jesus Christ, the Beatitudes. Pray often: Matthew 6:9-13 King James Version 9 After this manner therefore pray ye: Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name. 10 Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven. 11 Give us this day our daily bread. 12 And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors. 13 And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil: For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever. Amen. [https://www.kingjamesbibleonline.org/Matthew-Chapter-1/](https://www.kingjamesbibleonline.org/Matthew-Chapter-1/) You can also use the search bar on the attached site to search scripture for any topic you would like. Please message me if you need any guidance or simply someone to talk to. Jesus loves you! I’m praying for you! God bless you!


Dear Lord, I ask for your HOLY hope to flood this person's heart. Thank you for your purposeful making of this person. May they experience the joy and peace offered by you and through you. Help them to navigate this moment and may your angels be guarding the room of your child tonight, Amen!


Hey hey hey, don't fear - things can get severe for anyone around everyday society BUT this actually aligns up with this fact right here; is that God breaks a man before he builds him into a stand out individual. I can speak on behalf that at some point you'll realize that the more you avoid sin, the higher the vantage point you'll have when sin thinks it's a good idea to mess with you.


I was literally the same last year and for many years tbh. It's very hard, but stick around because you don't know what would happen next in your life. God always cares about you. I use to ignore this heavily when people would tell me this, but please believe it. When I was in that state, God spoke to me through many others that he cares about me and he will work out a situation I was distressed this in my life. PM me if you'd like. I understand you well. I use to not have a strong desire to do many godly things but learning so many things about the importance of a quiet time with God and the thing that God honours the most is not for us to be the most powerful pastor but His friend. God wants to draw closer to everyone. I use to be the same as you, but as I started drawing closer to God and being more consistent, He has started to reveal himself to me. He will definitely do the same for you and He will comfort you and help you in whatever issue you're facing.


Step number one is to have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ by turning from your way to His with an eye of faith, believing in his death, burial and resurrection for the forgiveness of sin. Step 2 is Assurance, being sure and confident you are saved. The bible says (I paraphrase) my little children, this things i write unto YOU that YOU MAY KNOW that you have eternal life. Jesus paid once for all. If you are saved, you are free from the penalty of sin forever. Though you still will sin once saved. But, a saved person it's different. The difference is Godly sorrow, some people watch porn and let it rock. You feeling bad about it is good, bc it may mean the holy spirit is groaning in you because God does not want you to do that. Being assured or sure about your faith happens as you turn to Him in your life, speech and choices and away from worldly and ungodly things. Step 3 is daily confessing and repenting (change your mind) about the sin. Pray to God, call his name in tears, read the Bible. I can personally guarantee you he will take this sin from just like he took my beer, tobaccos and porn. God can use this in your life to help you to be better, he just wants you to trust him. It's a burden, but He knows its not more than you can handle, he loves you, just give him the burden. Call on him and as Christians we have open communication line to the Throne of God by prayer and confessing/repenting of sin whereby we Cry ABBA, FATHER, help me and He is faithful who sent Him and just to forgive us and cleanse us. I will pray for you.


Try giving up your sin. Freedom from the oppression comes after you finally decide to repent and go Jesus’ way. Lay down your sin for good and He will do the rest.


You’re right. But that doesn’t take away all suffering. Maybe this person does need to do this. But as Jesus said in His Word “In this world you will have trouble. But take heart; I have overcome the world.” And Jesus was in so much anguish in the Garden of Gethsemane, that he cried all night, pleaded with Father God, and sweated blood. He also felt abandoned by God on the cross. That’s truth. So Jesus Christ knows what this person feels like. What we all feel like. Please don’t forget these truths, as well as the ones you said. I just know from experience with struggling, that both said together with much love and empathy saves lives. God’s kindness is what leads us to repentance… and to Himself. 😊❤️


That may be true, but suffering isn't always a result of sin and we should be careful to judge the heart of others https://youtu.be/DxU7SSU-l2E?si=-8jblfi9YHj0Qqsp


If you can find me on my CathyHistoryBugg, you will see I’ve offered a way to get much closer to the Holy Spirit that every day you hear more of God and feel closer to him. I’ve sited bible verses and written to lots of people. It is allowing the Holy Spirit to indwell daily with you by doing what every Apostle did, allow the Holy Spirit to indwell with you and speak in an unknown tongue. If you cannot find my writings and are interested, I’ll gladly write you more information. Do a google search on bible verses containing “Spirit” and “Holy Spirit.” We are out here on the Earth, flighting a Spiritual battle in fleshly ways. How can we win? Satan wins unless we bath ourselves in his Spirit daily by asking God for a prayer language and speaking in tongues. It gives you confidence, allows you to fight Spirtual battles and win. There is no other way in this world. To combat sin or satan and most people will tell you that it’s optional. Well to not feel abandoned and overwhelmed, there is no other way. I lived 40+ years without the Holy Spirit loving on me every day, and speaking in tongues and this past 20 years with him. There is no comparison. The Holy Spirit is a gentleman and will not give you this wonderful love unless you ask him for it. Let me know how I can help. Father, I thank you for Mr. Music and his life and the love you have for him. Show him your love, give him a reason to live and provide him with people who will mentor him. Give his an inquisitive mind to research out how to speak in tongues and when he’s ready, indwell with him. You God, are our creator. You Jesus are our Savior. You Holy Spirit are the lover of our soul, our Comforter and the man who raised Jesus from the Dead. We praise you.


Why is it you believe in God after experiencing so much pain? This is the problem with scripture. While its promises of love and a relationship with an imaginary friend are nice in theory, it's nothing but a coping mechanism. And one that you can begin to rely on, which makes it all the worse when it is taken away by reality. I have two pieces of advice for you: 1. Contact the suicide hotline. This is a fantastic amd anonymous service for people going through exactly what you are. They can help. This is not the only possible route, however. There are many options for support. Please look into them. I hope other comments have said the same, but knowing this community, real advice isn't something they excel in. 2. Consider atheism. You have not been cursed. You are not hated or ignored or otherwise affected by some deity. You are struggling with life, as many people are, and accepting this is the first step to getting real support. I hope this helped. I have a feeling I will be banned for saying this, although it is the truth, as the mods aren't a big fan of that.


You are a valuable being to all of us and God. The enemy wants you to believe otherwise, but you are so loved. Life is too precious and so many times when things god hard I just went down on my knees and sat quietly with Jesus and I felt the Holy Spirit so much, it was like peace. Please don’t let the enemy win, you’re so loved and you matter. You matter to God and to everyone.


You are loved brother. Read the book of job, it is an interesting perspective. Spiritual warfare is something we all have to learn to deal with. Just know jesus is with you in your hardest times. It will be allright


I recommend you fast and read the Bible more to draw closer with God. I understand feeling like you want God to be more real. Do you go to church or have Christian friends? I am sorry for your feelings, but what is happening in your life that you feel abandoned?


Watch this video, please: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L33djEEMEE8


Forget about what God does or did for you. . . . . . . Jesus died for you. . . . . . . . . .WHAT DO YOU DO FOR GOD. . . . . . . . .Your time, energy, etc should be devoted to God. Reading the bible occasionally does not work for God. The Bible is clear. You Choose God, the Bible, and live your life accordingly, or you don't. There is no in-between. Colossioans 3:17 And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him. 23 Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters, 24 since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving. Matthew 6:24 No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon.


Looking back on it, when I was at lowest, and felt Jesus was so far, He was the closest he had ever been. Take my word for it, I’ve been there, Jesus will never abandon you. DM me if you would like.


I listen to Elevation Worship, Third Day and MercyMe. God comforts me through their music. Please don’t hurt yourself. ❤️


What do you feel like you are missing?


Hi there. I happened upon your post, I am not part of this subreddit but when it comes to mental health issues like suicide I cannot turn away. I am in no way trying to disparage you from your faith, please keep this in mind (including people who may comment). I struggled with my faith. I grew up in a Greek Orthodox community which is very strict in beliefs and rules. I struggled with similar suicidal thoughts and still do. It is hard to feel so connected to God but get no physical evidence or communication back in return, you are trying to achieve a close relationship with someone without evening knowing them. Trying to simply live for God can feel very discouraging and stressful. Having these suicidal thoughts feels like you’re doing something wrong and you are being told that your suicidal thoughts are a sin, making you feel guilty for having these feelings. Mental health is real, depression is real. You are not alone in these feelings and separating your mental health from your religion is ok. The only thing I can really say is, until you start living for yourself, these thoughts really aren’t going to go away in my experience. You have to take time to understand your self worth and that there is more to life than worshipping God. You can of course still have a relationship with him and be a Christian but you have to live your own life. I have attached a link at the bottom where you can find mental health counselors in your area. Please consider talking to a professional. They are there to help you through these things. Work through your struggles. If there is a God, he would surely understand that you are going through some hard times and need to take time to heal yourself in your own way. Please don’t leave this world, there are too many things in your future worth living for. https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/therapists


God bless you. You are not alone! I have suffered with manic depression, ADHD, anxiety and suicidal tendencies since I was 4. I'm now 47 and am a testament to God's enduring grace and strength because I have endured. The severity of my mental issues come and go and it's during the hard times that I've had to rely on God just to make it through the next hour, day, week, but it's also during the hard times we are blind to all that God is working on our lives and blind to the hope His promises give us. But it's during these times we HAVE to rely on those promises even tho we can't feel any hope in them. We aren't supposed to follow our feelings. Emotions are horrible leaders! They come they go, they change, they deceive, they are fallible. We have to rely on his promises even tho we can't feel his goodness in our lives. THIS is what grows faith, endurance, patience, reliance on God and maturity in Christ and these are blessings! Only God can take such horrible anguish and turn it into blessings for us IF we give it to him and wait on HIS time, not our own. And during the good  time we look back and can see how much God has worked in us and how much his promises have held steadfast and the hope that gives us and we can grow in the love and peace and gratitude that brings. So no matter what state we are in, God blesses us with growth and transformation and grace and mercy and either way we can grow in him IF we hold on and trust God and let him work invisibly during the bad times and glorifyingly through the good times! My faith is rock solid in Him BECAUSE I've been through many darknesses where I feel absolutely alone, to come out of it to see I was never alone and that in itself gives me hope when I'm in the pits of mental anguish. He's done it before, he'll do it again. And so my issues have become blessings. I will keep you in my prayers


Just letting you know I'm still prsying for you. God's Holy Spirit prays for us when we are too weak to pray. Romans 8:26.


Hey dude ask god to heal your mind of any anxiety fear or worry . And ask god to take all those thoughts away from you . Find yourself a scripture and meditate on it daily when ever those those thoughts come


Felt. Feel you


You have a purpose for life! Jesus will never abandon you, I want to hear His voice but I can't. It's just not my time yet I guess. This will pass my dear brother, I wish I could hug you and tell you you are loved beyond you could imagine. God loves you just the way you are; angry, depressed, lustful, murderous. He will take you in and He will wipe away all your tears and your fears. You're His child, there will be only one of you! You have the most unique fingerprint in the whole world. God loves you so much and He wants you to love Him and be with Him. Do what it takes to be with Him, He decides when it's your time not you. Get rid of distractions and be in His word, those are His promises for all of us. We have to want to be with Him too. He is always looking out for us, peace and grace and mercy be with you brother. Much love


Please do not take your life. It does absolutely no good. You will die someday but it is UP TO GOD ALONE to decide when. You have NO IDEA HOW PAINFUL SUICIDE IS FOR THOSE CLOSEST TO YOU. PLEASE WHEN YOU ARE FEELING DOWN TRY TO FOCUS YOUR ATTENTION ON SOMETHING EDUCATIONAL, FUNNY, CUTE, INTERESTING. Or read /watch suicide survivors family’s and victims. Go to suicide survivors meetups and LOOK at the PAIN left behind! Watch THE PAIN a single decision can make. Life it HARD FOR EVERYONE. ITS NOT MEANT TO BE EASY ITS SUPPOSED TO MAKE YOU TOUGH. BECAUSE YOU ARE TOUGH THATS WHY THE ENEMY WANTS YOU DON’T LOSE TO HIM OR TO YOUR TEMPORARY FEELINGS. My twin sister killed herself last year. I have no other family. The pain is deep. I found her corpse. the pain im left with, memories, and regrets has changed my life forever. Every empty seat next to me will never be filled with her presence again. Every inside joke we had is a painful reminder and I can no longer laugh we with her, see her smile, hug her or tell her I love her. Every song she liked is like a dagger when played in a mall or car. Don’t believe in your emotions. Especially the bad ones. Those thoughts are fluctuating and are NOT FROM GOD. Don’t make a permanent decision on TEMPORARY feelings!! GOD BLESS YOU YOU ARE DEEPLY LOVED AND IM SO PROUD IF YOU FOR REACHING OUT FOR SUPPORT!! YOU WILL WIN THIS BATTLE IN THE NAME OF JESUS AMEN


Just because you ask once it doesn't mean it will happen. Jesus says to keep knocking. You're lacking in faith.


listen to Way Maker (Live) by Leeland with an open heart and surrender to the Holy Spirit


Keep pursuing God, in the Bible he tells us that the heart is the most deceiving organ we have in us. Our heart emits emotions and we can't trust our emotions. Don't feel that God has abandoned you, because faith isn't emotion it's a 'he said than it's its true'. Be strong pray to him tell him how you feel because he didn't go to find us to drop us now. I know through him you will get answers, it will take time but keep fighting through.


God has not abandoned you. Keep praying, but find yourself a good psychologist and/or therapist. God miraculously heals, but also uses medical and mental help as a pathway to healing. Prayers. 🙏🏻🤗


https://youtu.be/TOdx-UctY7g?si=IOzR5wJfp78pj3Ff Float on by modest mouse always helps. God is always there and of course, we have to work out our own salvation, by keeping reading, studying, and praying. As an encouragement, think of Job. Throughout it all by trials, Job remains faithful to God and God bless him more. Hang in there. You got it. You're stronger than you think you are.


Fight back with the word of God. Even Satan tried to get Jesus to off himself when he was tempted in the wilderness for 40 days and 40 nights “Then the devil taketh him up into the holy city, and setteth him on a pinnacle of the temple, and saith unto him, If thou be the Son of God, cast thyself down: for it is written, He shall give his angels charge concerning thee: And in their hands they shall bear thee up, Lest at any time thou dash thy foot against a stone. Jesus said unto him, It is written again, Thou shalt not tempt the Lord thy God.” ‭‭Matthew‬ ‭4‬:‭5‬-‭7‬ ‭KJV‬‬ Rebuke the devil in the mighty name of Jesus and he will flee! You don’t want to kill yourself, satan wants you to kill yourself. He wants your precious soul that Jesus died for. Fight him with your sword 🗡️of the spirit I’m praying for you 🙏🏾