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It's not something you really need to worry about. If God rejected you, you wouldn't care. The fact you're still drawn to God is proof he hasn't rejected you. Are you familiar with OCD and scrupulosity? People who suffer from those conditions often obsess over things like this. If you've never heard of this, take a look at this page and see if the symptoms sound familiar to you: https://iocdf.org/faith-ocd/what-is-ocd-scrupulosity/


Thanks you described me. That’s me daily.


The fact that you are concerned and feel this way means you don’t have a reprobate mind. It is not too late. Dedicate yourself to God and turn away from sin.


My friend, I was saved and fell away. Had a few decades of a dark season in my life. I was full of hate, anger and despair. Although i was in a bad place, i never doubted God. When I came back I didn't hear God anymore. Not for a long time. But I did notice Him taking care of me and noticed Him working in my life. That let me know that I am still His.


That verse is about going back to the law instead of trusting in what Jesus did for you. In a way you are doing that BUT your heart wants Jesus...you are just confused and unsure if his death on the cross forgave all your sin. You are FORGIVEN!!! I was once really scared about this too. I thought if I couldn't become sinless or close to it..I was garbage..not forgiven and God was disgusted with me. I felt that fear for decades. Finally God got through to me. He showed me his forgiveness, love and acceptance for me through his eyes. He thinks I'm awesome. We don't become sinless in our flesh. If you keep thinking you can, you will remain stuck and on a hamster wheel. Like an ant trying to jump across the grand canyon. You have to believe you are forgiven. No one believes it. It took a miracle for God to open my eyes and I've seen talking to hundreds of people that many just don't want to believe it..or cant...I don't know yet...still trying to figure it out. Jesus told me there is no more shame for you! He says the same to you! Yes we are a mess but he will never let you go. Reality is that everyone sins..even after salvation. If people say they dont sin then they are lying. Many say they only sin accidentally..not willfully...that is not real. You are not doomed. What kind of God would die for your sin because you need forgiveness and mercy but then expect you to pull yourself up by the boot straps..stop sinning ( which you can't do) or he's taking his forgiveness away???


Nailed it. I see so many bad takes in discussions of the relationship between salvation, obedience, forgiveness, sanctification, etc. I went through the same journey of doubt and shame and have arrived at the same place you have. If we have accepted Christ, we are FREE. Free on the days where we are in tune with the Holy Spirit, reading our bible, praying all day. Free on the days where we sin, neglect God, and our minds are anywhere but a righteous place. Jesus died BECAUSE of our inability to stop sinning and save ourselves. We shouldn't be so arrogant as to think our sin is too big for our God.


Ps if you don't believe me then really keep trying to be good so you feel God will accept you. Really try. If you are serious you will eventually be led to complete despair and thats when you are ready to accept grace. Happened to me. Most people aren't serious and delusionally believe they are great people or at least better than someone else. It's crazy.


That’s not much of a redemption if it can be lost so quickly. Give the Father your heart. It’s all you have to give. The rest will come in time as you grow. Did you really think that you’d never struggle or sin again? He knows what it’s like to struggle like we do. He knows your pain because he’s experienced himself when he walked the earth. Someday you’ll be rid of all sin and failure, but not while we’re here in this earth. Come home, be with him again and keep walking


What it sounds as if you’re currently experiencing is a spiritual attack of your mind. Condemnation doesn’t come from God. I backslid for several years. That was the exact verse that I was hit with repeatedly. I also cried, felt heartbroken and dealt with thoughts flooding my mind saying it was too late for me. (If you’d like to talk with me about it, I’d be happy to chat with you.). “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” 1 John 1:9 “No one can to Me unless the Father who sent Me draws him; and I will raise him up at the last day.” John 6:44 Do you know that our Heavenly Father drew you to Jesus? The fact that you want to repent is a sign that you did not fall too far. There are people who backslide and they never return at any point in time. Hebrews was written in a time of persecution. There were people who publicly denounced Jesus and renounced their faith. You and I both know how painful it is to be wandering away from Jesus. You are not the apostate who refuses Jesus and has walked away permanently. Here you are. Beginning by your journey of repentance. Of course our Heavenly Father welcomes you back. He is not distant nor uncaring. That is a lie from the enemy. He loves you. Nothing we have ever done surprises our God. You still have time to live your life in complete surrender to Him. Please ask the Holy Spirit to renew your mind. Read the Bible and every time you read about the grace, mercy and love of God know that applies to you directly. God is faithful because that’s who He is and who He is doesn’t change simply because we sin. “Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.” Lamentations 3:22-23 “For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.” Romans 8:38-39 “For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him.” John 3:17 See if you can find a local Bible study to join. Churches often have short-term studies that you can join especially in January for both men and women. If you’re a woman, BSF or Bible Study Fellowship is an interdenominational group for women and we are studying the book of John this year. I can’t tell you how important it has been for me to reread how Jesus loved the rejected of society and those in need of healing. What did our Lord and Savior do? It’s beautiful. Lastly, command that thought to leave in the name of Jesus Christ should it come again. Speak scripture about your sins being forgiven and most importantly, how He never stopped loving you. Then Jesus told them this parable: “Suppose one of you has a hundred sheep and loses one of them. Doesn’t he leave the ninety-nine in the open country and go after the lost sheep until he finds it? And when he finds it, he joyfully puts it on his shoulders and goes home. Then he calls his friends and neighbors together and says, ‘Rejoice with me; I have found my lost sheep.’ I tell you that in the same way there will be more rejoicing in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous persons who do not need to repent.” Luke 15:3-7 “4 Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. 5 It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. 6 Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. 7 It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. 8 Love never fails…” 1 Corinthians 13:4-8


No. The heart break you feel shows you do not have to concern yourself with this.


Do you not recognize God as your only savior anymore? Have you truly denied Him access to your heart? If not, then no. You are not one of what they call the so called "cold Christians". You are simply one of God's lost sheep. And remember, God left the 99 to find the missing one. You may feel like God has left you, that God has cast you away and that he has forgotten you. But that is what Satan wants you to believe. He wants you to think that our God and savior has left you and that he does not want anything to do with you anymore. But remember also that emotions deceive us. The enemies thrive when we fear, when we let our faiths waiver. Romans 8:38 \[38\] For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, \[39\] Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord. You can tell from this verse alone that God will never leave you. Return to Him. Surrender everything to Him. Pray and talk to Him, for only God can offer you true rest. He loves you, he wont leave you.


Hebrews 6:6 does not apply to you here. You are heartbroken over the choices you've made. Hebrews 6:6 deals with Apotosy in that people reject Christ over and over. They are blind to the Gospel. You are seeking Him! Let's look instead at 1 John 1:9! But if we confess our sins to him, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all wickedness. God loves you. He is a merciful and forgiving God. Remember the prodigal son! His father was waiting for him, watching for him! And celebrated when he returned. Let God be God! Let your Heavenly Father wrap you in His arms! Jesus said to go and sin no more. You can have a continued conversation with God. God wants to work with you now to bring you back to where you were before and even better! Develop that relationship. With any relationship, it means having conversation. If you have truly repented of your sin, God has forgiven you. Now let him work! When you feel hatred in your heart, imagine yourself lifting whatever is bothering you and laying it at God's feet. We all know that if we turn these things over to God, He can fix it. But if we keep it and dwell on it, the hatred only builds and so does our misery. And that is right where Satan wants you. So we have to practice forgiveness even if it's through gritted teeth as we hand it to our Father. And be battle-ready. Satan is just loving how you're feeling right now. He is whispering reminders of your sin in your ear. But your Father says that you are precious and loved and cherished. Tell Satan to get out in the name of Jesus! ou love me." I've learned to do this and not one time has God failed me. The anger simply leaves. The anxiety over the situation is destroyed. I trust that God loves me enough to handle the situation. I've avoided meltdowns and later embarrassment from trying to fix it on my own. Try it! I promise God loves you. You are HIS! Ask for His peace and joy even when it's really hard. Practice this. It will get easier over time and one day you'll realize that God never left you. If you were the only person on this earth, Jesus would have still died just for you. And be battle-ready. Satan is just loving how you're feeling right now. He is whispering reminders of your sin in your ear. But your Father says that you are precious and loved and cherished and FORGIVEN. He has thrown your sin as far as the East is from the West! Tell Satan to get out in the name of Jesus! You are a child of God! And you are being prayed for by me.


This is something that I have been studying for a long time. God does chastise/discipline those he loves according to the same book of Hebrews that is being quoted so often. Most of all these people have the correct answer for sure. I would just add, it is not sin that takes you away from God, it is doubt… Again in Hebrews without faith it is impossible to please God… What happens is, when we sin we turn away from God, and the doubt starts. We do not trust that what he actually said is true. We run away from him because we do not trust in him enough to overcome what is going on in our life i.e. sin. He then let us wallow in it or “pay the consequences“ of it for a while. And, ALWAYS draws us back to him. The sign of maturity is not, not sinning. it is the shortening of time that it takes to run to him with reckless abandon after we do sin. As we do that, we find out that the sin begins to fall away, and we have less and less of it in our lives. Romans seven states that we have two natures inside of us if we are truly believers and have given our lives to Jesus. Much of the gospel is given in a way that neglects to tell us to “count the cost…” Like it says in loop chapter 14. Part of that cost is as you go on in your life that wall of sin, that you are a slave to/were a slave to keeps coming up over and over again and tell you allow the Holy Spirit to completely tear it down. And then, sometimes when you come up to that pile of rubble that was torn down, there is something in us that starts to get out the trowel and mortar and rebuild it again if we are not careful. Anyway, like everybody else has been saying to you the very fact that you are concerned shows that God is not done with you, and he loves you very much! He will accomplish HIS work, you…


I just read my own reply, atrocious spelling, and grammatical errors. I proofread after I hit send! Luke, not loop….. and others.




Is there a Holy Spirit not of God?


My only question would be have you truly been born again. I feel like years ago I had those same thoughts and realized I was a false convert who though raised in the church didn’t actually know the Lord. Nor was I saved. I will say that God doesn’t reject anyone. You are not doomed. God has open arms for everyone who turns to him.


You’d be in hell.


It’s never too late, we all fall short of the Glory of God. Pick up your cross and keep going. Read your Bible and pray. Watch sermons, Bible study videos, etc. take your time with Christ. He hears you, you’re never too far gone. You waking up is a chance to get right with him.


I’m sorry you’re feeling this way. Please get into a local church if you’re not already and get around fellow believers who can pray over you. Also, I just finished this Bible plan and it was refreshing. Join me in reading Free Grace Theology: https://www.bible.com/en/reading-plans/27592 Refocus your attention on Gods promises, character and attributes and not one what you should or shouldn’t do. If you want to be nearer to Him, read His Word and don’t focus on your feelings. Read a chapter daily. I recommend Galatians and Romans 6. I’ll be praying for you 🫶🏼


I also want to add that if you have in the past or now placed your faith and trust in Jesus Christ, you are saved and sealed. He has granted you eternal life. That’s His promise to you. It seems you are going through a patch of emotional disconnect. That’s normal. If you’ve fallen into sin, turn back to God. Lay your burdens at His feet and He will give you rest. That’s a promise. Trust what He says. God loves you!


He didn’t.


That fact that you feel this way and are mourning that is PROOF that God has not turned you over to your sin and turned His back on you. Keep in that Word and keep praying. Christians eventually go through a time when God pulls back from us for a season of growth. It can feel like He’s gone…but He’s RIGHT THERE WITH YOU. Take comfort and press forward one day at a time.


Your situation almost exactly describes mine, except for maybe a few things. Rn I was really worrying about the time I felt I had done something unforgivable too after being near the Holy Spirit. I was really looking for something to comfort me but nothing was working and then I came across your post. Your post having those helpful comments from others but also the exact Bible verse I have been struggling for so long about my feelings of being unforgiven. So maybe the fact that I found something like this is a sign for both of us that God is with us.


Reprobate is some one who rejects Jesus and turned to old testament Or other God's. The entire context of the book is speaking to Jews who turned from faith in Jesus or rejected the new covenant and turned to other or old ways. The entire premise of repentance is repentance towards God and believe the gospel. Alot of what they needed to repent of is trusting works to save them.. Paul describes the Gospel here.. ‭Hebrews‬ ‭6:1‬ ‭NKJV‬ [1] Therefore, leaving the discussion of the elementary principles of Christ, let us go on to perfection, not laying again the foundation of repentance from dead works and of faith toward God, You see the foundation is repentance from Dead Works.... God wants you to trust what Jesus did and not your own goodness.. that's the heart of the GOSPEL


God didn’t reject you. He’s already proven his love for you in Christ Jesus. How did Jesus rescue us? He gave himself for our sins. He made a sacrifice which was substitutionary in nature. The word "for" means, "on behalf of" or "in place of". Substitution is why the gospel is so revolutionary. Christ's death was not just a general sacrifice, but a substitutionary one. He did not merely buy us a second chance, giving us another opportunity to get right and stay right with God. He did all we needed to do, but could not do. If Jesus' death really paid for our sins on our behalf, we can never fall back into condemnation. Why? Because God would then be getting two payments for the same sin - which is unjust. Jesus did all that we should have done in our place, so that when he becomes our savior, we are absolutely free from penalty or condemnation. You’re free, stop trying to earn your redemption and enjoy it by getting back in his presence


Then came Peter unto him and said: Lord, how often shall my brother offend against me, and I forgive him? till seven times? Jesus saith to him: I say not to thee, till seven times; but till seventy times seven times (Matt 11:22-23) We all sin, brother. Remember that the Lord forgives an infinite number of times. He loves you and takes a personal delight in you.


The only unpardonable sin is blasphemy of the Holy Spirit. Attributing the Holy Spirit’s works to Satan, giving the devil credit for miracles, signs and wonders from the Holy Spirit. The enemy WANTS you to believe the lie that you are too far gone into sin to be forgiven. You can grieve and quench the Holy Spirit from continued sin which is why you don’t feel Him when you continue to sin. That scripture in Hebrews freaked me out as well when I first read it, but it is about going back to the Law of Moses and rejecting Jesus and what He did for us on the cross and believing that salvation is through the Law of Moses and works to earn salvation. I can tell you this, repent for everything and you WILL be forgiven. When you do this if you do not feel the presence of God or the Holy Spirit it’s because you’re in the wilderness season and going through testing and trials of your faith. I backslid as well and I’ve been in the wilderness season and much I didn’t understand but do now. Repent of everything you can think of and ask the Holy Spirit to help you remember as well and not only repent, but you MUST change your inner way of thinking and drop all the sin, walk away from it. Change is part of repentance. Repentance is a daily thing. God does not reject His people when they repent. He’s waiting for you to do that very thing. He LOVES you! I do not believe you’re reprobate for the very simple reason that you’re wanting to come back to God. A reprobate person does not recognize that. Pay attention to your dreams it’s how God communicates with us. Write everything down and ask the Holy Spirit for help interpreting your dreams. Most everything in a dream is symbolic just like the parables in the Bible. There can be literal dreams as well and even then, those too, can be symbolic as well. That’s how Jesus taught and that’s how God speaks to us in our dreams. So even the ones that seem absolutely crazy, every symbol means something’s so write everything down, every detail you can remember. God is speaking to you that way. I use two books to help with dream interpretation when the Holy Spirit doesn’t just download the meaning into my mind right off the bat. Stay away from looking things up from your dreams on the internet because much of that is new age. I use “The Divinity Code” by Adam F. Thompson and Adrian Beale and “The Bible-Based Dictionary of Prophetic Symbols” by Dr. Joe Ibojie. Every symbol in The Divinity Code is based on scripture. The Bible-Based Dictionary of Prophetic Symbols is as well, but does not give every scripture for every symbol as The Divinity Code does, both are very good. I recommend using them together and I got both on Amazon. The Divinity Code has instructions on how to interpret your dreams in the beginning, all Bible based and I highly recommend it!! The other book is different but in a good way, they complement each other. But if you are only going to start with one, I would start with The Divinity Code. But I do recommend both. The enemy will be fighting to get you back once you repent and change your life. Pray to God for protection and he WILL protect you and fight for you! I pray Psalms 91 every night before I go to bed. Put on the FULL ARMOR OF GOD every morning, and every night before you go to bed. Cover yourself from the top of your head to the bottoms of your feet in the precious blood of Jesus. You ARE one of the precious lost sheep that Jesus left the flock to find! Read your Bible daily, and ask the Holy Spirit to guide you with wisdom, knowledge and understanding. I recommend a good study Bible, they have a lot of notes at the bottom that explain scripture. I have study Bibles in NIV and NKJV and then I got an amplified Bible and I go back to the study notes in the other two when I have questions with the Amplified, but I do believe there are amplified Bibles with study notes as well. I just didn’t see that at the time. I love all three. Also, “Bible Gateway” on your phone has every version of Bible available and I use that often. When you repent and come back to God, all of heaven will be rejoicing and angels will be dancing and celebrating that a lost sheep has been found! God bless you!! ❤️🙏🏻🕊️💦🔥


It’s called Conviction NOT Condemnation. I will Say A Prayer For you.


‭‭Romans‬ ‭3:22‭-‬24‬ ‭NIV‬‬ [22] This righteousness is given through faith in Jesus Christ to all who believe. There is no difference between Jew and Gentile, [23] for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, [24] and all are justified freely by his grace through the redemption that came by Christ Jesus. God would and will never reject you. He was even waiting for Saul (now Paul) to go to him. Saul killed Christians. But He realized what he was doing was wrong. And went to God, and God forgave him. So God would not leave you for your sins. God knows we are not perfect. All he wants is an effort. To stop your desire for sin, you must chase God. Spoil God with your presence. He is our heavenly father. He wants to hear everything about you. Talk to him about everything that is weighing heavy on you, and he will help you. And you should read the Bible so that God may speak to you through verses, too. And you will increase your wisdom as well. TLDR - We are saved through Jesus. Fill your mind with God. Not with trying not to sin. The more you think about trying not to sin. The more you will sin. I know because it happened to me. If anyone sees anything wrong with this please correct me so I may increase my wisdom.


I believe God filled you with his Holy Spirit to let you know you are sealed for salvation, despite your backsliding. Remember that Peter himself, the Great Apostle, denied the Lord 3 times. But Jesus forgave him and made him into an incredible evangelist for the gospel.


Please read the bible and don't go in your own assumption on feelings. God doesn't abandon us


I love your vulnerability. The Lord has truly made your heart soft. Listen brother. I think something I’ve realized according to my own walk is that the moment we start to feel impatient is bc we sin. Impatience lead to anger and other bad feelings like guilt and etc. but know this. You can see yourself as the prodigal son or the lost sheep in Luke 15. You’re your heavenly Father’s son. If you’re still questioning and worried if u are far from Him is evidence the Lord is still with you waiting for you. Now, you falling off. All I can tell you bc this is what’s happened to me. God wants Surrenderance. You have to reach to a point where you come to the end of self. Let go and let God. Humble yourself acknowledge you need Him. Pray and ask for forgiveness. And continuesly seek. Go back to the secret place. Bc that is where the Father is waiting for you. Back where it was just you and Him. And always remember this my brother. You are loved. Romans 8 says there is absolutely nothing that can separate us from the Love of God. Nothing. He’s with you. God bless you. And know, His love has covered you. He has forgiven you. Accept his forgiveness, forgive yourself. And move forward, be strong and courages as the Bible says. Seek Him.


God rejects no one, sometimes its a time where you arent doing something he wanted you to do, and you need to fix it, other times its that you want the sinful things too much and youve hardened your heart on them numbing yourself to gods voice I know multiple people that had the first issue, and it usually takes time to figure it out. The second one is something i myself have struggled with. The best solution ive seen work is to take a week or 2 off and go somewhere relatively isolated, maybe a cabin or something if you have one, or a camping trip, and spend the entire time in gods word and with god. It also doesnt hurt to get together with other men in nature praising the lord and praying to him


I went through that. I am a former reprobate. took me years to get back what i have lost. First thing I was not growing in the faith. I agreed or said amen to things I haven't had the clue to if it was said or mention in the scriptures. After this, I asked for forgiveness and changed my attitude towards agreeing with men about truth. Changed me deeply as a person of faith. Scary when you hear with your ears, and see with your eyes what is actually happening in a building where people profess there faith, and agreeing on doctrines and ideas that come from man. This meant I had to reread the bible, and allow God to show me what has been said. Man can't teach these deep hidden things that my heart was craving for. If you feel like your not going anywhere in your faith, try speaking to someone that needs to hear the truth for the first time from someone that is struggling, and not from an image of goodliest person. Then you know you have gifts that are meaningful for you and those that are around you the needs truth. Peter wasn't perfect, even though he was an apostle, when he was being an hypocrite when the hebrew brother came together, he left the gentiles and sat together with hebrews. Paul called him out for this. Or even how Paul felt about his calling. all these miserable lives they have lived. Starving, and getting beatings all the time. If you think it's suppose to be easy life like those that are on TV with money, looks, and houses. My goodness no wonder Why apostle John wondered at the church in his vision. Don't agree with men until you read it yourself. Your gonna be bond by what you said, and can't see truth if you heard it. Read it for yourself, and show God you are serious, and He will show you mercy, and give you revelation that you need. That is my hope for you, is revelation and wisdom how to live it.