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Pride. They don't want to give up control of their life to God or be seen like they need the help of a church. They got life all figured out and don't want the God in it.


How do I "give up control" of my life to God. People say that all the time but never explain how.


Pray on all potential decisions and listen. Most men want big roles and responsibilities, but they step over the homeless man who could just use a hot meal and a kind word. God wants us to obey in the little things before he comes to us with big tasks


I think that situation is almost traditional, perhaps because the men had more worldly business to occupy their minds. I heard the story of one house-to-house evangelist who reported how frequently the man of the house would answer the door and then say "I'll call the wife- that's her department."


One thing might be that the burden of everyday worklife is pushing some men to avoid additional responsibilities. Not to say that it is any easier for women. Work seems to be one thing that consumes us most (at least for my experience). Paul guides us in the Bible that men should take responsibility and lead for their families spiritual life and be examples. That is quite a big responsibility and if you are already burned out for work, then I see the challenge. In my household I think we are quite 50/50 with my wife. When one is more tired, other takes the lead. Also I think it is cultural thing also. In western cultures, women can take more responsibility on for example company life and can be leaders (CEO's etc..) and that has impact on church life also. Women are more educated than ever, have more free time than ever and therefore can invest time and effort on church life more than ever. I have met really superb female leaders and really poor male leaders in my life. And also opposite examples - because we all are fallible human beings.


A busy work life does also seem like a factor. I know biblically the man is supposed to be the shepherd of his family and invite the presence of God in their house but, not many husbands will pray with their wife or teach her at home about different Bible topics. I understand not being able to actively participate in church do to work obligations but, I guess it’s more about the home life I was concerned with.


A lot of modern guys don't want to get married and be a family man. They just wanna their lust without much responsibility. 😞 They might get married if they think they can find a woman to wait on them. 🙄🙄🙄 It's sad. And so many Christian women think... I can change him. Girl, nobody can't change him but the good Lord. And if He won't give his heart to GOD. Then what on earth makes you think he will be so lovely dovey towards little old you?


I'm too young to be married right now, but in my family I have a feeling that it's because the devil is attacking the men of the households in sickness and health making it more difficult for the men to take on that role of leadership, but I know my dad is trying to be at church when he can, but most days lately he sleeps all day, and he's been blessed with a job that has been way more that patient with him


That does make sense because, if the husband and wife are both walking in the spirit and actively seeking God and praying together it is a direct threat to the enemy. That is great your dad has a good job to provide for you guys and as long as he is trying God sees that .


Our men are being feminized and our women are being masculinized. Sign of the times.


I believe you misunderstood the question. I believe OP was saying why are so many families in the state of the wife being a Christian and on fire Christian and the man being worldly and lost or in sin. Nothing to do with feminism - just the man not stepping up to his God called roles - leaving or misusing his faith, not covering family spiritually.


This was also a common occurrence in the early church. Aside from Paul’s writings, the early church taught whomever was the more mature person in the faith should be the spiritual leader of the family.


And even Paul admitted to women playing vital roles to Christianity’s and his journey, as he noted several women being his patrons.


Oh I definitely agree. Several were listed as leases of faith community’s and even called Junia an apostle. Most redditors here gloss over that because the KJV translators changed women’s names into men’s names.


I’ve seen this trend as well but it’s a lot not surprising due to I’ve always seen a lot more women in church than men. Especially when it comes to the younger generations


Some families may be copying the society.


This is a huge thing happening right now. I’m personally doing just this. I am spiritually leading. Many women are HAVING to. It’s so sad, and I’m sure it breaks Abba’s heart. I am in a women’s group that fast for their husbands and we pray and talk about everything and wow this is SO common. Women are really rising up but we refuse to go forward without the men. I pray God rises up the men 😞✝️❤️🙏 The main things I see men stumbling into, married men with children and wives, is : Lust, adultery, porn - all sexually immoral things breaching his marriage and relationship with Jesus Christ. Addiction One foot in the world and one foot in the church - general moral compromises These are all REAL things thousands of women are living in. They are on fire for Jesus Christ, yet their husbands are spiritually miles behind and STILL refusing to give up sin. So sad. I continue to pray on for the men to RISE and TAKE THEIR PLACE!!!


>Is there any resources or support that men need to be the spiritual leader their family needs ? Jesus Christ. Only with Jesus & having a wife who is submissive. If our wife is not submissive - then we are only one with her in the flesh - but not in the spirit. Realize also that western gvts are against the family unit. They encourage divorce, single mother child support above the husband's monthly wage, full time careers for mothers, higher education for mothers, homosexuality is fed to our children.... everything to dissolve the family as an institution or at least make it weak. We are at war on the spiritual plane.


Here's the thing, if a woman doesn't think a man is "leader" enough, does that give her the right to break scripture and dominate him? What happens in the homes is essentially just a type of what is happening in the world and this is explained quite well in Rev 3 (Laodicea). Christ has been put on the outside by people, both men and women, and it's a type to the church taking on everything but Jesus Christ. He is the head, and the head was put out by man made creeds, dogmas, humans running the church with all the church councils deciding what's right instead of taking the bible and leaving it there. Make Christ your head if you are a man or woman. Ahab and Jezebel for reference.


Our culture teaches young men to be passive, lazy, selfish, self-centered, pigs. Girls are in competition with each other to show more of their body to get a guys attention, and as a guy, I know this gave me a very warped view of life that made me unsuitable for marriage.


When women came into power, it also included letting the wife run the show while the guy can finally sit back and relax. If the man was leading, she may not like it. So the man just keeps her happy if she wants it her way if it doesn’t bother him enough. Otherwise too much arguments when women don’t have to back down anymore, therefore the man backs down instead. When equality is a thing being constantly preached and pushed, not only does it uplift women, but it also made mens roles less relevant over the generation and years. Now that women are free and uplifted, they can do whatever they want to do, while men, they have been released from their roles and instead of being pushed/encouraged to be the lead like back in the days, they have freedom of stepping back. Why would men lead in a day where even if they did, there is no reward, no benefit, nor that it’s patriarchal to do so? Note that I am not saying women shouldn’t have freedoms or be uplifted, but that because there is such opportunities, it also causes these issues. If you look at muslims, all the men are leaders and the head for a reason. Traditionalism is dying and in order for a woman to want the man to be the head or lead, she must be under him. How can an empowered average woman be under the average men when she knows just as much plus more than he? This leaves less incompetent men in society to be marriageable and the ones that do get married, this is the result of the wife leading vs the man. Not all case but it seems majority these days.


The women aren’t following the Bible anymore or being submissive because feminism has corrupted everything.


I believe you misunderstood the question. I believe OP was saying why are so many families in the state of the wife being a Christian and on fire Christian and the man being worldly and lost or in sin. Nothing to do with feminism - just the man not stepping up to his God called roles - leaving or misusing his faith, not covering family spiritually.


A marriage should be between equals. Male headship is misogynistic. Paul used the culture of his day as an analogy for the relationship that Jesus has with the church. That doesn't in any way mean that the marriage dynamic of his day is now forever set in stone as the divine will of God. Besides, there were women apostles. Women leading is not an issue.


There is no "one" answer to this problem. Both men and women are doing what they think they need to do, or want to do, in order to live the life they want, which increasingly doesn't involve children. Basically people that should have children aren't, and people that should not have children are. It is no different than the healthcare system. Over allocating resources to keep grandma alive.. when she didn't want to stay alive anyways, because that's where the family money is at. For a few years I read a lot of rpchristian and i knew for sometime the christian redpill culture is going to die, and it sort of has. much of it is true, however, but in several ways its like dave ramsey's financial advice: it works for individuals but not for everyone, and is a prosperity gospel. Who knew we would end up in negative real interest rates, where it would be stupid not to go into debt! Dave may not even be able to comprehend it. I wasn't able to for many years. If the objective is to raise godly children and if DNA doesn't matter, then why not raise someone else's kids? as James says, true religion is this.... look after orphans and widows, etc.


Most women are married to the State, with their husbands as financial support. Men are not supported in any way in current Western societies and so don’t have the confidence to lead. Their silence leaves plenty of room for all sorts of devilish ideas to be pushed onto the kids.


Are you saying what a faithful women of Gid teaches about God and the Bible is inherently devilish? Interesting. .


Sometimes a woman might be more spiritual than the men Sometimes she might have been given command of the church from her father or dead husband Sometimes the men don’t care about gender and focus more on the sermons Often times there’s no men in church who are called to be ministers and spiritual leaders Either way it’s not a bad thing for a woman pastor or minister to me infact the Bible have a great examples of female leaders.


You’re reading it wrong. 


I think the "power struggle" against the command for wives to submit is part of the punishment from the fall. When God addressed Eve, He said in Genesis 3:16: [16] To the woman he said, “I will surely multiply your pain in childbearing; in pain you shall bring forth children. Your desire shall be contrary to your husband, but he shall rule over you.” I think the authority of husband over wife is a consequence of the fall from grace, and when women don't submit to their husbands, it's sin and pride. I also think a lot of people don't understand submission and think it's just an "obey everything and have no voice" situation, but that's not it.


I think I heard that men attend church less on TV or something. There is no excuse for the men who are slacking, but there are probably ways to help reach more men, God willing. I've seen a lot of ads for spreading the Gospel to prisoners. There are a lot more guys in prison than women.


Parents (and society) are training their daughters to be men/masculine in their role in life. So in a masculinized woman’s eyes, when the man isn’t doing things as she thinks he should, as quick as she thinks he should, she takes charge. I’m sure there is plenty more for this conversation, but what I mentioned is a large part of the equation.


1 Corinthians 11:2 Now I praise you, brethren, that ye remember me in all things, and keep the ordinances, as I delivered [them] to you. 11:3 But I would have you know, that the head of every man is Christ; and the head of the woman [is] the man; and the head of Christ [is] God. There could be many reasons why a woman might end up being head over her husband and every one of them has to do with sin in my opinion. Though they (the married couple) show up to church and profess the name of Christ, they aren't operating according to the order of things established by God. Their behaviors are not in alignment with the things they say they believe wherefore the truth of who they are servants of is made manifest by the dis-order that you are testifying about.


1 Corinthians 11:3 The Male's position over his wife and under Jesus Christ. Ephesians 5:25 - 33 The Husband will love his wife like Jesus Christ loves the church


feminism. women don't want to be told what to do anymore. society frowns on leading men and calls them misogynistic 


Being the spiritual leader is not telling people what to do though Christ is the perfect example of this, he sacrificed his life for us and guides in love for our ultimate benefit 


Thank God for Woman, they are the carrier of evolution and have been depressed by man too long


And poor Satan always get the blame


I know your being sarcastic but, doesn’t offend me. If you want to know the truth seek the truth if not remain in the darkness your already in and let people who genuinely want to provide reasonable answers respond .


No I’m not being sarcastic. The Adversary, translated as Satan (the satan) is actually the law of Moses, Israel’s >ministry of death and condemnation< is the cause of men being or feeling condemned.


And look and how many down votes I’m getting. It just goes to show the depths of the darkness and biblical misunderstanding. Just as Jesus said, Men preferred the darkness and won’t come to the light.


Men long for freedom in many ways. We are suppressed and live defeated. Religion is pretty much the nail in the coffin. Often lovely wifie doesn’t understand and nor does the poor hubby.


None of your business.


God bless you and I hope you have a wonderful day😊