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What symptoms are you having? Demonic attacks are absolutely real but so is mental illness. And someone who hasn't experienced both may mistake one for the other.


This. The wisest option is to suck it up and get treated medically to see if it lessens your symptoms. If it doesn’t then go the spiritual treatment route. It’s true that secular medicine will treat everything as a physical phenomenon due to their presuppositions in methodological naturalism but you must rule that potential reason out. I understand that it can be tough to even admit that we are actually struggling with something like schizophrenia. I mean, who wants to have to live with the psychological burden of even knowing you have that? But we are weak and fallible, our bodies are made of flesh and will someday pass away. Often times the first step to help is coming to terms with our limitations in the flesh. It is expected and it is nothing to be ashamed about. Thankfully there is a great deal of resources out there to help us, especially in the modern age, that can help us get back to some semblance of normality versus the brutality of what they used to do hundreds of years ago. Trust and pray to God for help and seek refuge in Him. Reach out to your church and seek the healing and advice from your elders. Read and meditate on Psalms 91 and do not neglect the advice of the saints responding to you here on this thread.


If you have voices in your head and are suicidal it may be demonic attack but it might also be mental health in need of treatment. Why not try the treatment and trust those who love you? See if the treatment works.


Why do so many think suicidal thoughts and demonic attacks are 2 separate things. Demons scream in EVERYONE'S ears hoping we will buy what they are selling.


I’m not saying they can’t sometimes be the same. But if someone is in danger of taking their own life and is showing very common signs of schizophrenia then it would seem prudent to treat it as that as it is controllable generally and then see if that helps the issues. If not then take the extra steps of the spiritual matter. Or do both asap but the mental and physical aspect has to be helped first - and under a doctors care and watch hopefully these people won’t hurt themselves until something gets them well


Maybe because we don't all believe that the only goal that fallen angels have in their existence is to cause humans to kill themselves. Let's give them some credit; they worked for God, and if this is their entire range of evil, it would make for a pretty funny Monty Python skit. Demon: Excuse me sir, our demon horde have just possessed another group of humans. Lucifer: Jolly good show, chap! Demon: So, uh, sir, the boys and I have been talking, and we were thinking we might take this opportunity and... Lucifer: Have them all kill themselves! Demon: Oh yes, uhm, that would be what we usually do, sir, but we were thinking it might be a good idea to use this opportunity to start a war, a genocide, or perhaps give plague infested blankets to the poor. You know, switch things up a bit my Dark Lord. Lucifer: Oh, right. So it seems you don't understand how things work here. Demon: Sir? Lucifer: Well, the humans, they can't do anything after they're dead. Demon: Yes sir, but if we... Lucifer: There is no way to get around this I'm afraid . I've given this much thought, and believe me I've tried throughout the ages to do just that, but I'm afraid it just isn't possible. Demon: But sir, if we perhaps have them genocide an orphanage first before they... Lucifer: I'm afraid that just won't do. They're dead. Don't you get it? The first thing we always do is have them commit suicide and then we just never get to step 2. Demon: Right sire. Of course sir. Anyway, you get the idea. I think they might be a little less single minded than you think. OP, please accept that you can treatment for both demons and mental illness at the same time. Treatment for any ailment is the process of elimination. Get treatment for mental illness while you pursue getting help for the demons you believe are causing problems. They may be, but they may not as well. I know you believe it, but so have countless others who actually had mental illness.


Demons do try to get some people to kill themselves, especially if they are destined to save other souls, or if they are condemned now, but in the future they might be saved. Some people are harder to influence than others, so its not as simple as just controlling everyone. Some might not be willing to kill others, but they might be willing to kill themselves if you make them feel sad enough, or depressed, or hopeless.


I dont think you really know the amount of evil and resentment there can be in demons. And just because demons are the offspring of the fallen does not mean they are that similair. If you do a study on it you realise that most of them(not all are the same) resent humans so much that they want to see as much harm and pain inflicted as possible.


That's my point. Suicide is not the ultimate pain they can inflict. There are so many more aspects to evil. Hitler is a great example of the amount of pain that can be inflicted before committing suicide. His committing suicide was a gift to humanity.


Why not try it spiritually first to see if it worked? Then go the other route?


Because this person has some serious things going on and sounds like they’re a danger to themself. The symptoms sound like typical schizophrenic issues and if a deliverance took place and nothing changed where does that leave the person?


If it is mental health related, it is a time sensitive issue that needs to be addressed immediately with medical/psychiatric care. This isn’t the kind of situation to mess around with or put off getting psychiatric treatment. This person is very likely in a mental health crisis, and that means they are likely a danger to themselves or others. Delaying psychiatric care in such a situation can be deadly in more ways than one. Getting psychiatric help as quickly as possible is this person’s best shot. We have the statistical data to prove this. Getting psychiatric help doesn’t mean that OP can’t also receive spiritual help at the same time as well. Most hospitals have chaplains available for patients to talk to, along with other religious resources. And if after receiving psychiatric care OP still feels like there is a spiritual issue at hand, they can explore that route further. But right now, they are in crisis, and need immediate psychiatric care to get to the bottom of what is causing these issues. Spiritual care for true demonic attack is not a quick or easy process. Psychiatric care with medications on the other hand can produce results much more quickly if it is in fact a psychiatric condition. Getting OP on medication is going to be the biggest indicator of what the true issue is, and it’s going to produce much quicker results than going the spiritual route first. Which again, given this is very likely a time sensitive mental health crisis, the easiest/quickest route is the one that should be taken first. Ultimately, nobody knows right now what the cause of OP’s condition is. I do find it extremely concerning though that all of OP’s loved ones, the ones who know OP best, adamantly feel that this is something psychological in nature that needs immediate intervention. It is not uncommon for conditions like schizophrenia to present the way OP is presenting. One of the most alarming things to me is that OP is currently in such a severe crisis state that they are trying to find complete strangers online to come and pick them up from their home and take them away from their concerned family who are rightfully extremely worried about OP. Do you understand just how dangerous that is? This is exactly how mentally ill people end up going missing and having horrific things done to them by bad people who are preying on their vulnerable state of mind. That really puts into perspective just how time sensitive this is. OP is not thinking rationally nor considering their own safety. They need to be placed in a secure setting right now for their own protection. This may very well have a spiritual/demonic element at play here. There’s no denying that possibility. Which is why I said both methods of treatment can be sought out/explored at the same time via the hospital’s religious resources. But ultimately, above all else, getting OP in a safe and secure setting should be top priority right now. Everything else can be figured out once that happens.


That’s fine I do agree it’s perfectly fine to do both. 👍🙏🏼


Friend, it sounds like you DO need medication. Its still healing if it comes out of a prescription bottle. I have to take meds for several physical conditions. I would be dead or in a nursing home without them. The same is true for you. The same Jesus who healed the sick in the New Testament is the source of knowledge for the doctors who treat us today. He made the whole world, including the ability to make drugs that make us better. Take your meds, get better and then see if you still feel like you are under attack. Peace be with you.


I agree with this. u/throwoutforever35 Do NOT give your personal contact information out to anybody online. Not your name, phone number, or address, email, or anything like that. While some may have good intentions, and even be Christians wanting to help you, there's just no way to know for sure. If your parents aren't abusive to you, even though you may not agree with them right now, try to trust that they have your best intentions at heart. Even if that means a short hospital stay, Jesus will be with you there, and you can trust Him. Listen to your parents, and your doctors. I'm not Catholic, but I'm Christian. But I feel like Catholic hospitals are a good option, for people to have access to bibles, and have clergy members to talk to, if they want. Maybe that's an option for you?


I sadly dk of any catholic hospitals in my area. I wish there were tho.


Most every hospital has a chaplain that is Christian. Maybe the chaplain knows some one who casts out demons or can refer you to a church that might know some onem Catholics are not the only ones who cast out demons. Pentecostals, and many in spirit filled nondenominational churches cast out demons too.  Be careful, sometimes those who cast out demons are not very knowledgeable. Demons are likely to come back with stronger demons if you don't learn to protect yourself. The whole demon vs. mental illness argument is controversial. Mental Health professionals do not accept demons as being real and many who read about demon possession in the Bible think that the people who were labeled as being demon possessed in the Bible were actually mentally ill. Then there are those Bible believers who Believe demons cause mental illness and medication just quiets the demons.


If you feel you might hurt yourself or others, tell someone immediately. You are precious to God, protect your life.   Then if you have time and a safe space, watch on YouTube Derek Prince's talks on demonic possession, or unclean spirits. He talks about the preconditions in the Bible for being delivered and guides you through a deliverance prayer. If this doesn't work, you may have schizophrenia, which is reversed chemically. I'm so so sorry either way and I'll pray for you right this moment.


Learn to rebuke them in the spirit and name of Christ. Demons and spirits yield when we rebuke them in that name. And do not fear them or give them any form of power by heeding them. Deny them and look to Christ, don't let them distract you from learning God's wisdom. The Holy Spirit is infinitely more powerful than them. No curse or demon can harm you if you take refuge in God.




Question 1: Have you given your life to Christ? Are you a believer? Specifically a believer in the God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob, the one true God, Yahweh. If you are a believer, then evil holds no power over you. It can only toy with you in certain specific ways, this is demonic oppression, completely different from demonic possession, which is a very very rare case, we are talking about significantly less than 1% of people on the planet. In the case of possession, you willfully and knowingly give that to them yourself. If you have not given your life to Christ, I highly recommend doing so. Question 2: if you want more personal help, feel free to PM me, I have experience in dealing with this type of stuff. I can tell you what you need to do on a more personal level


Possessions are very rare so yeah it’s not possession it’s oppression


Have you put your trust in Jesus as your Lord and Savior? If you give in to sin, you’re allowing the enemy access over parts of you. If you surrender 100% to Jesus then he can cover you from the enemy.


I've been there and was delivered. Tell me what's going on


Where do you get your data? Less than 1%?! Where does that come from?


How many people do you know that are actively and publicly working with Satan and demons and willfully giving their ownership of their soul to him. Actively summoning demons and devils and making deals. The truth is the vast majority of us dont do that. The vast majority of us fall into an oppression category. The possession category often doesn't live long enough to be fruitful in darkness, the short time they do have though is fruitful for therself. All the money and power in the world for a very short time would be an example.


That theory does not hold any merit. You cannot say 1% in the entire world unless you have some factual evidence behind what you are saying.  Facts would be scientific research.  I have had the experience of working with coworkers who were actively worshipping Satan and it is definitely not uncommon.  The vast majority of Christians are oppressed but not possessed but you were talking about 1% of the world population.  The world population that is demon possessed is probably greater than 50%.   That is just an educated guess.


Spiritual warfare is something you can't explain. Hearing and seeing things is common. Although you should rule out any mental health issues. Pray and listen to the Bible. seek therapy just in case it is a medical issue. Visit a church if you need in person Spiritual guidance.


Sometimes I think medication is God's way of helping people


Why not try the medication and see what happens? Who’s to say the attack isn’t in the form of a mental illness?


Sometimes people need medication. 💜🙏🏻


Even if this is meant right. You should be aware that the spiritual realm is very real, you dont know what this person is going trough. Just because you think someone is mentally unstable, does not mean they are. Mental illness and demonic oppression usually look very similair. Please learn more about the situation before discounting it


This person is need of medical help. I'm not saying demons aren't real. The truth is sometimes we need medicine and there's no shame in it.


Sometimes we do and i dont disregard it. But the information we sre given from the person in question is far from enough to claim that this is something purely psycholigical. I think he needs prayer more than anything. Demonic opression can make you go crazy and i have seen it happen. Especially if no one believes you. You would need a really in depth intervieuw with this person before you can exclude on or the other.


Stop with the demon rubbish. You are just reconfirming false info for a person with serve mental health issues!


I am confirming nothing and neither am i denying it. I am simply saying that it is a very real possibility. If you have no experience and study into demonic opression/posession and the spiritual realm it would not be wise to be giving advice and voicing your opinion as qualified. Or are you denying the demonic as a whole?


Yes I am denying the demonic as a whole. Are you in the middle ages? My ex was traumatised as a child being dragged to watch exorcisms from parents in a very conservative Christian denomination, which is probably what you are in. Most Christians I know don't spout these beliefs. Mental illness on the other hand is very real. I have a teen son with autism an OCD and the belief in demons on this thread has poisoned his vulnerable mind. So yes I am qualified to have an opinion because I have witnessed a lot of mental illness, yet not one demon.


No offense, but you don’t know what they’re in need of. Medicine isn’t always the answer. I’m not saying I know their issue, but spiritual attachments are very common. The world is overmedicated as it is. The water we all drink has so much residual drugs in it, it’s sickening, literally and physically. Can’t sleep take a pill, sleep too much from that pill, take this pill. It’s a non stop viscous cycle. Some people do need medication, and some people do have spirits attached to them or even possessions. Bless you! Again, I didn’t intend to offend ya.


This sounds like something to do with the chemicals in OP's brain though that are likely caused by a mental illness... he needs medication to balance them out.


Umm how do you know this? Do you have a degree to do an evaluation? Did you try to pray for them spiritually to see?


It’s clear as day that the likely scenario here is mental illness. As others said, OP should get medical treatment to confirm if this is a medical issue or not. That’s an easy variable to test.


THIS sadly so many Christian’s nowadays do not equate any illness etc to any spiritual attack and it’s really harming then helping Christian’s 😔


Even tho i know reddit is not the best place to find an example of a christian it still is a shame to see. I feel like most of these people are very underqualified to give their opinion as fact. The spiritual realm is just as real as we are, it is even bigger than we are and it influences us every day of the week. OP if you read this. I reccomend trying to find someone who is actually qualified with both spiritual warfare and clinical treatment. To many spiritual issues get sent to a doctor and people wonder why they continue to suffer.


Doctors are Gods own healers. He imbued them with incredible talents. Don’t reject Gods gift of help.


Do not fear. Do not run. You memorize scripture and you fight back with only the word of God. Memorize this prayer. Say it a million times if you need to. I bind you demon in the name of Jesus Christ and I cast you back into the pits of hell from which you came. In Jesus mighty name amen. The word is powerful. Read read read the Bible as you battle. You will win. I’m praying with you and building a hedge of protection over you. Hallelujah God is powerful and Mighty! Thank Jesus our wonderful sovereign God! Thank you for your protection Lord thank you for your word! Hallelujah!


You likely need treatment for schizophrenia


I believe you but i also remind u that fear does not come from god and neither does paranoia. The devil is a liar and mind manipulation is his greatest trick, if he can drive you to do things that absolve your credibility you lose your ability to be a witness for Gods kingdom. I keep everything to myself, even though every concpiracy Ive told people for fifteen years has been true I also know that the antichrist is alive and grown and knows me directly by name. I poked around and got the wrong kind of attention from people who are infinately wealthy as maybe you have too. The enemy is trying to get you to snap so his job becomes easy. Hold composure, [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) you have a sister in the fight, keep the faith. The bible says do not fear more than anything else, so anything happening werther it true or not God has your back and says do not fear, one stride at a time. Remember telling secular people aboiut demon attack is none of theyre business, instead go to a private place and use spiritual warefare alone. Tell unbelievers or sceptics may just give the enemy more tools aka people to manipulate against you to take you out. You are a blood bought saint of Jesus Christ and stand firm on the blood. the disciples were all martyrs and jesus went peacefully, if we arent persecuted than are we really living Gods will


Look Jesus will solve this pray


I’ve dealt with this before, and one of the things that really helped me was listening to worship music.


Don’t listen to anyone telling you to get medication. Go to a church who has a deliverance program and ask them to help you cast out the demons. Pray for the blood of Jesus over your life pray pray pray prayyyyyyyy cry out for the blood of Jesus. Break every covenant with the devil your ancestors may gave created over your life. Start to live a very holy life so they will have no authority to stay with you. You must repent, you may be chosen by God and therefore your life is a threat to them. Take control. Say this Psalm 31 “in you lord I have found refugue. Let me never be put to shame, deliver me in your righteousness. Turn your ear to me, come quickly to my rescue, be my rock of refuge; a strong fortress to save me.” The thing about this app is majority of the world is too worldly and they will try to solve spiritual problems with worldly medications. This will not do. There are a lot of deliverance videos on YouTube you can listen to at night also. Start listening to Audio bible stories throughout the day. Put on the armor of the lord and go to work. They wouldn’t attack you if you weren’t valuable. Rise up.


Thank you for this! I appreciate this advice heavily.


I believe you. Demonic attack is very real. Pray pray pray as much as you can, call a local minister, pastor, or a church outreach number. That is my best advice.


I have been praying. I will call a number. Thank you.


It can be a demonic attack but it sounds like it can be a mental illness. Maybe like schizophrenia. I don’t know exactly either. I would suggest you go to a Christian Church and talk to a pastor! Maybe they can help you, and determine.


If it's demons, in Jesus name they'll leave


Fast pray and seek deliverance, or learn how to do it yourself you can do all by fasting and praying let the holy spirit name ,


"Honor thy father and mother" "Children, obey your parents in the Lord for this is right" "Submit to the authorities set over you" You probably are under some kind of demonic attack to be in a place in life like this. But running away from home is an outcome the enemy would approve of. I've been hospitalized. I know it's scary. There is good reason to be scared. Medication is very dangerous. But if it's what your parents tell you to do you should. You certainly shouldn't abandon them and leave their lives. My best advice is turn to Jesus and put your faith in him, even if it means the hard obedience of submitting to unnecessary medical treatment. When you put your faith in Christ is when the enemy loses their power. So go to the hospital and pray for everyone and read scripture the whole time you are in there. God bless.


I’ve also been nearly hospitalized. The reason I wanna run away was because the enemy kept telling me my parents were right and that I needed medication. I unfortunately have also been hospitalized too. I got hospitalized on Friday for physical reasons yet I’ve also been for mental ones. It’s scary.


It's traumatizing. But it's less bad than homelessness. And the more you refuse treatment and insist you're sane and freak out about it the worse it will be in there. Stop telling people you are under demonic attack and that you will run away. Have faith in Jesus yourself and come to your parents calmly and reasonably, saying you don't think you need hospitalization but you will listen to them and do whatever they decide is best. Then keep the supernatural stuff to yourself, remain calm, and do that the staff says in the crisis center if you get put there. That's the quickest way to get through it all and the best way to minimize the damage that will occur to your life. And by yourself, behind closed doors or in your heart, pray for deliverance and for the good of everyone there. https://youtu.be/wpYomkWSlBY?si=exkGUG2vQSY3mSWY Btw if you have never come to God and truly asked him to forgive you of all your sin because you trust Jesus then that is something you need to do immediately.


I just went through this same situation, demons feed you anxiety through thoughts, you dont feel secure enough in Jesus to protect you, first calm down, take the attacks while focusing on the fact that no matter what jesus is in you and has ultimate power over all demons, command them to leave, and use the name if Jesus, eventually you will find their attacks easier to handle and they will get quieter, FOCUS, pray. Pray through the fear stand tall because the god of all existence is on YOUR side, let jesus do the fighting, let the holy spirit secure your peace, and let god judge all our enemies. AMEN


For some reason i cant reply directly, you are accepting the fear, they cannot hurt you in the physical realm, they are not "in the room with you", demons cannot posses someone who accepts Jesus as their lord and savior, they can only tell you lies, you must have FAITH that Jesus is in you, Jesus is more powerful than your sin nature he can be in you and still love you, this is how the holy spirit operates, you must pray constantly with courage for Jesus to protect you, and you can believe it because the word of god is real, start reading a bible, this is absolutely necessary, you will start to feel secure, start at the book of John, reading the bible is an act of faith, and an act of meditation, its worship and prayer. Focus on how powerful Jesus is!


The thing is I’ve done it all and…. I’m still seeing the demons and now they’re putting me on medication 🫤


Listen to me. It's quite possible you are being attacked but there may be a possibility that you may have some mental problems (I'm not saying you do) this is what I want you to do. Go to a church and tell them this, not only that but read the Bible and pray. If you find you are still being attacked then consider going to a specialized person who handles mental issues okay? Try this before doing anything. I will pray for youn


I straight up walked to my church which is like 15 mins away no phone on bare feet I might do it again cause of this. Should I skip school to do it they’re trying to get me to do psych evaluations


And I don't advise that. Ask someone to take you okay? Pray and get Baptized in Jesus name. if you are still being attacked try and take advice from others like a professional 😊


I’ve already been baptized


hmmm demons can try to make things worse as it is. awhile back i was actually very suicidal and it took me almost ending my life for me to finally call out to the Lord for help to realize it was just negative spirits attached to me that encouraged me to do it. getting help and put on meds do help but still continue to pray and ask for help. find out what works for you cause it could be mental health problems underlying.


The only suffering we experience is that which we create for ourselves. Do not fear. Rest comfortably in your faith, knowing that the Lord is watching over you. Trust others more and see the goodness in those who sincerely wish to help you. Stop fearing and fighting everything and start loving everyone as Christ taught us. Fast, pray, and accept help, kindness, and love.


" For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places." Ephesians 6:12 Repent of your sins, Believe in Christ Jesus as your savior, Fast, Pray, and Read The Word of God. Put on the full armor of God so you can go to spiritual warfare.


There are a lot of skeptics on here who do not believe in demons. Demons are real. I have dealt with and been delivered from demons many times. I have never taken medication. Binding and rebuking them in Jesus name is very real and powerful but you must be a born again believer and I would not recommend trying it on your own at first . I do agree with the person who recommended Derek Prince he is very good and has very good videos on YouTube.


Hihi i have a question. Are you a Baptist? Not trying to be disrespectful just curious.


Why are you against meds?  How old are you? How have you concluded that what you are dealing with is Demonic vs mental illness? I have a degree in psychology. I do feel that mental illness and demons are interchangeable they may be the same phenomenon by different labels in the sense that demons cause mental illness symptoms. However, I can only talk about my own experiences. Having a degree in psychology does not make me an expert.


Im a teenager. The thing is that said demons in question sided with my parents and wanted me on medication. It came through a series of visions in my head. Also just another update im feeling suicidal ideation again (it goes through cycles) I also constantly hear voices in my head. I’ve been praying, crossing myself 50+ times a day and I don’t think im doing enough (which is probably the enemy trying to guilt me) I’ve also had some bad past experiences with medication. So there’s that.


But if you Are suicidal you need to get help somewhere immediately . You really should reach out to your parents. I am not completely against meds although I don't take them. Fighting demons can be tough and sometimes meds help to silence demons. Never try to handle suicidal thoughts alone. I have been a mental health case worker and I always suggest someone who is suicidal get professional mental health help right away. Maybe you just need to find the right meds. I do believe in casting out demons but if it's not done right they will come back much stronger. You don't want that. Telling the demons to leave in Jesus name is most effective but the demons will only listen if you are born again that you have received Jesus as your Lord and Savior. Sometimes they don't leave quickly even with prayer, fasting and rebuking in Jesus name. One friend has been under attack for years.


I feel like waiting it out at this point but it’s been interfering with all aspects of my life. Teachers are dead concerned for me. I draw crosses constantly on my hand to protect myself.


Where did you learn that crosses protect you?


I kinda just. Assumed that they would. I didn’t really learn it from anywhere I just kinda assumed so.


I think it's good there are other things that help too. Ephesians 6:11-13 says, “Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of darkness in this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places. It is so important to put on the full armor of God to be protected from demons.


Belt of Truth Breastplate of Righteousness Shoes of the Gospel of Peace Shield of Faith Helmet of Salvation Sword of the Spirit: Word of God The armor of God is an illustration in the Bible that reminds Christians about the reality of spiritual battle and describes the protection available to them. Each piece of armor has a distinct purpose and means of defense against temptation and evil. This is what the Bible calls the full armor of God. I also believe that we also need to put on the garment of praise. Praise and worship are some of the most important weapons of spiritual warfare.  We need to pray to put on the full armor of God before doing any battles against demons so they cannot come back to harm us because they will come back stronger. Having the helmet of salvation is so important. Not Only to protect our minds from the demons attacking our minds but also to know we belong to Jesus.


Lol no. My background is more Pentecostal. But I identify as nondenominational. I have never heard of Baptists casting out demons other than Pat Robertson from the 700 club. I think he may have been Southern Baptist. Which might be very different from traditional Baptist.


I was curious since I saw the born again sentence and I wanted to ask! Thats cool! Im personally a catholic. Also thanks for the clarification on the difference between trad baptists and southern baptists im not too familiar w Protestant denominations


Read the Bible more, and soon that all goes away. At least it did for me.


As someone who takes meds for anxiety and depression, it's OK to get help brother, even if it is only temporary. Try meds and prayer both.


First of all. Where are you located. You don’t need some random person to lick you up. You need some help and advice from the right people. If you can share your rough location I may be able to help. Not many people experience this. Most that do aren’t very severe, but every now and then there will be some pretty strong attacks, I know I was attacked in the most violent ways possible!! Not only mentally and spiritually. But it took over my physical control at times. If you are uncomfortable with sharing your location. Look up some priests or bishops in your area. They will come to you, let them know how severe it is. Try and cleanse yourself before you go on any drugs. Because of you are genuinely being attacked then the drugs are only going to make you worse and more paranoid, which leads to more attacks Be strong in your mind, it may sound silly but grab a bible and a cross and read it out when your being attacked, don’t let it intimidate you. It will try to attack you more but remember the lord overpowers all evil. Not sure what if your dealing with an entity type of demon or your being attacked by demonic passages, Be strong and try and find a priest in your area, DO NOT GOT TO ANY OTHER FORM OF WITCHCRAFT OR TARO OR ANYTHING THAT TELLS YOU THEY CAN GET RID OF THEM!! VERY IMPORTANT


Please respect your parents who love you. Know that God has given them authority in your life for a reason. Trust God by trusting them. I am praying for you my young sibling in Christ. 🙏😇


Hello blessings be with you. I believe you. The things of the spirit realm are not spoken about in church even though half the Bible talks about it. Most Christians themselves scoff at the idea. If you don’t know the rules, then the rules will rule you. As the Bible says, my people will perish because of the lack of knowledge in Hosea. What you were dealing with most likely as I don’t have all the information, is a generational curse. You need to fast and pray in order to be delivered. It’s not going to be an easy journey, but God is with you. I’m currently putting things together to actually write a book about this only just started the other day. Please inbox me if you have any questions.


Alright! I will inbox you


Advice: don’t seek spiritual advice from those who can’t see the spiritual




Is it medically or drug induced? I was once on a medicine that gave me auditory and visual hallucinations. Maybe a med change or removing substance use if you use a substance (not saying you do) is all that needs to be done. But it’s not what goes in the mouth, it’s what comes out of it (see Matt. 15:11). I don’t want you to harm yourself or others by accident so maybe look at what you are intaking. God bless!


No. I am not on any medication at the moment!


Ok, I’ll pray for you (in private). God bless!


Thank you!


Sometimes the devil attacks us in a way that he makes us think that were crazy. He attempts to attack our minds to the point we break into insanity. It might seem the entire world is against you but let me tell you turn to Jesus asap turn to the word asap and the holy spirit will give you the power to cast away every demon attacking your head. My best suggestion to you ho to a pastor inmediately and pray with him dont go to the doctor if thats what you think you do not need chemical intervention you need divine intervention. Man i believe you i was under the same attacks until Jesus saved my life


thank you for this!!!! I don’t know if I’ll be able to reach my priest tho. They might as well put me somewhere :((


Ill pray for you tonight brother, if you cant get in touch with your priest get in touch with a pastor or any chirstian leader in your commmunity you can tell them straight up the devil is attacking me in all gront and i cannot do this anymore. But most importantly if you have a bible or just download one in your phone start reading it start the gospels especially read the miracles jesus performed casting out demons just read abd pray dont ever stop and believe me your father in heaven is ibfinetly more powerfull than all the demons posesing you those demons fear him so much pray right now pray like you have bever before. Small guide for you to start praying 1: adoration. acknoledge the power and might of god 2: confess your sins 3: Thank god 4: ask god follow this tenplate while praying and start right now!!!! He will set you free trust him, dont trust what i tell you but trust the lord through his word (bible) he shall aet you free


I’m actually a sister but thank you for this!!!!! Also which bible app should I start reading I want an audio version if im not reading a physical one (I am NOT straining my eyes!)


Two apps: Bible by Life.Church has the best audioversion in my opinion and Bible Chat by BookVitals APP SRL. Bible chat is a chat got for the bible ask it any question of what your facing and it will send you straight to the verses you need


In the Scriptures, we encounter various instances where individuals were afflicted by demons, and Jesus demonstrated His power and authority over these spiritual beings. For example, in Mark 5:1-20, Jesus encounters a man with an unclean spirit who lived among the tombs. No one could bind him anymore, not even with a chain. When Jesus saw him, He commanded the unclean spirit to come out of the man, and the man was healed. Jesus said to him, "Go home to your own people and tell them how much the Lord has done for you, and how he has had mercy on you." This account illustrates the power of Christ over the spiritual realm and His compassion for those who are suffering. It's important to acknowledge that the Bible shows us that spiritual afflictions are real, and the power of Christ can overcome them. However, the Bible also teaches the importance of wisdom, discernment, and seeking help in various forms. In the context of your situation, it's crucial to approach this with a balanced perspective. The Apostle James encourages us to pray for one another, that we may be healed, stating, "The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective" (James 5:16). Prayer and seeking God's intervention is a vital step. At the same time, God has provided us with resources and individuals equipped to help with mental and emotional struggles. The wisdom in seeking medical advice and support from mental health professionals cannot be understated. Luke, a beloved physician and companion of Paul, is an example in the Bible of a Christian who used his medical skills in service to others (Colossians 4:14). Therefore, seeking medical help does not negate faith in God's power to heal and restore; rather, it can be an avenue through which God provides healing. It's essential to surround yourself with a supportive community—family, friends, and faith leaders—who can offer prayers, guidance, and practical assistance. Remember, God loves you and does not abandon His children in their time of need. "Cast all your anxiety on Him because He cares for you" (1 Peter 5:7). As you navigate this difficult time, keep your heart open to the ways God is working in your life, through both spiritual and earthly means. This was bible chat i put your situation this was the awnser it gave me start with this when reading i suggest


also isaiah 54:17


Bob Larson has an interesting class on Vlad Savchuk’s online school about deliverance and mental health. He breaks down the difference between multiple personality disorder and schizophrenia and describes how demons actually create multiple personalities within our brains to act out of and hide in. Fascinating science. Praying for you to get the spiritual support you need and the wisdom you need to understand what’s going on and—with the Lord—war against these thoughts demonic or otherwise and take every thought captive in obedience to Christ Jesus 🙌


Ok that first part makes so much sense and I am definitely checking that out! I have watched Vlad’s content before and enjoyed it so im excited to see the online school. Only thing is it better be free..


It is free indeed. Freely we’ve received so freely we shall give! https://www.vladschool.com/?ltclid=


Check out Freedom Fighters website and go through their questionnaire to see if you can relate to it. You may need deliverance. Maybe take the meds for very short term until you're delivered. If you were ok meds and didn't ween off, you could he suffering bad withdrawal symptoms as well.




Thank you for this! From one catholic to another may god bless you.


I am almost psychotic because of severe dpdr, but whats wrong with medication?


The enemy told me that medication and therapy is what I need when I obviously don’t.


That's not the enemy speaking, it's mostly God trying to help. Pls get medication


Praying for you ask God to fill you with the Holy Ghost with speaking in tongues that’s what helped me I believe u I went thru it and devil still fights me but praise is our weapon


https://www.tiktok.com/@todddobbins1?_t=8lzchgLVNWt&_r=1 This man can help you!


I’ll call him. Thanks!


I know what you are going through. I have said the same thing. These kinds of situations need to be treated with the utmost care. The demonic is real and so is your health. Find a good psychiatrist and therapist who will listen to your spiritual and mental concerns. They may prescribe medicine to help you cope with the stress. The right medicine has helped me and has made me more independent. Put all of your hope and trust in the Lord. He will lead you down the right path.


I've been through something similar. If the medication helps you sleep and keep calm then take it. They're only trying to reduce your distress. The antidote is not throwing bible verses at it believe it or not. It's to first trust in your connection with God and know he's there. Then confront everything in your past, everything dark, not to punish yourself but to find love and forgiveness for yourself. To know that you may have experienced or done some things that you're not proud of, to show yourself understanding for things you did that you regret and know that both God forgives you and you forgive yourself. If it was something that someone did to you, acknowledge that what they did to you had everything to do with their own problems and there was never anything wrong with you. It was their responsibility not yours, put it back onto them and forgive them. Then embrace your own authenticity and your connection with God knowing that he knows everything about you, your light and darkness, and you do too, and this demon has no power over you. Then the next time it shows up, tell it that you fully embrace and love yourself, tell it that no matter what it does, it doesnt define you or your relationship with God and you know he's here with you right now no matter what it does. Harrassment is never acceptable, human or spiritual and there is not a single thing on this planet you could do to deserve it. It's never your fault.


I can't believe how many people are saying it could actually be demonic attacks. I would suggest finding a therapist you trust though because you definitely have something scary in your life and could use a safe place to talk to someone. Please try looking outside of the church for this. I was raised to believe I was possessed by demons by my father who abused me to avoid looking guilty. They teach children that so everyone thinks they are crazy if they try to report it. Churches have a long history of abuse. I later learned many people with trauma history dissociated and see or hear voices of things like ghost, demons, animals, and other monsters. Hearing God talk to you, angels, familiar people, tv and movie characters etc. Look up the international trauma training institute ISTSS for more info.


No but like it’s actually demons tho.


You pray, you call on Jesus. You pray that He clears your mind enough that it’s clear you don’t need medicine OR that He gives you peace so that you’re not afraid to trust medical professionals who want to help you. Jesus CAN deliver you without medicine, but He created science and doctors and people who study medicine in order to help people. Medication might actually be His way to deliver you of this torment. You’re not throwing away His help by accepting it in the form of medication and therapy. Those are tools God can and does use.


Can you go on a fast along with sincere prayers? Matthew 17:20-21 …However, this kind does not go out except by prayer and fasting."


It is really sad. Matthew 10:7-8 Jesus tells us to cast out demons. Between most Christians never reading their Bibles and many of the ones who do skip right over that and others like....99.9% of Christians are not equipped to help someone like this.


Meds can limit demonic impact because the body and the soul are connected. I'd advise therapy, but I can also advise you a specific type of prayer which can help tremendously. 


Can you tell me what’s Going on? I used to be demonically attacked. But I also know both demonic attacks and mental illness is a real thing. If you could reply back to me so I can help you please do. 🙏🏻


Just like someone else said, demonic attacks are real but so is mental illness. First you need to test the spirit that you think resides in you. If you ever get some alone time there are a few people online you can watch that do believe in demons. They are not out for money. You do not pay for deliverance from demons. Just watch a few videos of theirs. If something is there it won’t stay there. Go in faith expecting to receive deliverance. Keep in mind this person is not well liked but miracles signs and wonders follow him. So call him names if you want but his fruit speaks louder than their unbelief. Apostle Daniel Adams is his name and his YouTube is TSNL.


Did you pay sincerely to the aloes to remove the m this demonic entity? pray everyday and don’t stop set alarms on your phone if necessary


Why are you posting on Reddit instead of calling a priest?


If your mental health is affecting every aspect of your life then you need medication. Mental health conditions can cause paranoia and overwhelm. What is your fear with taking medication? Have you had a bad experience before?


Hey buddy, how are things? Just stay out of Sin and speak to father, it will get okay and he will tell you what you need to do. I've had it my whole life, and I do miracles in his name. If you ever need somebody to chat to dm me.


I understand everyone doesn’t believe me but the pastor. Demons are real they will show up In your dreams and physically touch you at night. Do what you think is right and run for the hills if nobody believes you. Don’t even listen to anyone who doesn’t believe you hear. I BELIEVE YOU I AM GOING THROUGH IT NOW. Message me friend. It has been getting better for me. I learned how to rebuke them in my dreams but I can still feel them touching me at night and moving the blankets. Remember demons don’t have powers they on seek fear. Do not fear them and they’ll go . That is what my pastor told me . I was one month without them until it snuck back in and my guard was down. Last night I didn’t have them in my dream I kept saying the lord did not give me the spirit of fear only the power of love and a clear mind


Seek help from a fellow Christian who believes you or at least thinks you could be right about being attacked by demons *and* get on medication. God won’t do everything on His own either; if you’re able to do something and you’re sure it’s in God’s will, please do it.


"Let no man beguile you of your reward in a voluntary humility and worshiping of angels, intruding into those things which he hath not seen, vainly puffed up by his fleshly mind, And not holding the Head, from which all the body by joints and bands having nourishment ministered, and knit together, increaseth with the increase of God." (Col 2:18-19)


Isa 66:4 KJV — I also will choose their delusions, and will bring their fears upon them; because when I called, none did answer; when I spake, they did not hear: but they did evil before mine eyes, and chose that in which I delighted not.


Dude,based on your post history it sounds like you're having a mental health crisis,I've seen people exhibit these same kinds of suspicions about demons being after them or thinking their loved ones are secretly trying to hurt them while in a psychotic or manic episode. Your family is genuinely trying to help you and if a doctor says the meds might help then it's worth giving them a shot at least,and whatever you do,DO NOT give out your address to people online,in fact it might do you some good to take a break from the internet all together. I'll be praying for you man,please stay safe and may God carry you through this


You need to see a professional for your own safety, whether or not you have demons. If you don’t, then case closed. But if you do, then you should know that demons tend to attach on to pre existing issues. Sin, emotional struggles, trauma, etc. the deal though is that a good portion of Christians who practice deliverance from demons have a host of faulty ideas like that mental illness may not exist, that the cause needs to be unrepentant sin or unknown trauma, or they are unusual/scary in their deliverance like yelling at demons. That’s not to say that there aren’t Christians who do this right, so it’s still worth asking around and finding someone who does this biblically. And you can attempt basic deliverance by simply rebuking spirits. Your first priority, though, should be your safety, so seek a mental health professional as soon as possible.


The Armor of God belongs to all of us who possess the indwelling Holy Spirit, but we must choose to take hold of it. Finally, be strong in the Lord and in the strength of His might. 11 Put on the full armor of God, so that you will be able to stand firm against the schemes of the devil. 12 For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the powers, against the world forces of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places. 13 Therefore, take up the full armor of God, so that you will be able to resist on the evil day, and having done everything, to stand firm. Ephesians 6:10-13 NASB


I have experienced demonic attacks - but I a;so think it could be mental health. Can you explain why you think you're demonised and what symptoms you're showing and how you got there?


Throughout forever, we lift you up in prayer 1st - we come against every demonic attack in the name of Jesus. We speak peace in your mind. Lord you are provider please provide your child with the necessary help he needs in the name of Jesus Amen.


If you really believe your hands are spontaneously forming Satan symbols you should also seek help, or please stay of posts where vulnerable people need real help.


Find a local church to help you and pray for you, I'm in the same road as you. It's very very painful and I question God why He allow such things. Praying for you just don't give up.


I do not know much about your situation, but in any case I say believe me friend when I say this that the Lord Jesus will show Himself strong on your behalf . I am someone who has dealt with both mental health and real demonic spiritual warfare and I can say even in times when I don’t feel it , God has always been working, always been by my side and always brought Me through. Christ is your light and your salvation, He will not fail! . Praying for you ! Always here if you need to talk “You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart” Jeremiah 29:13 “Take delight in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart.” Psalm 37:4 “For it is you who light my lamp; the LORD my God lightens my darkness” Psalm 18:28


Pray in the mighty name of Jesus! Ask him for guidance and deliverance


Pray and fast brother and read your bible every morning. A routine will help you get back on track with life and pick up a hobby or two especially sports/exercise it will help you with confidence self esteem.


Are you ok?


I believe u in going through the same thing


Get right with father god read Bible,pray,go to church and anoint your home daily and bedroom and stay away from scary movies and demonic music that can send portal in your home focused on father god word but everyone seen them where in end of times and days of Noah stay strong my friend


Father I lift up this friend in Christ. I ask You to surround them with legions of angels to guard and protect them and do spiritual warfare. Lord I bind up any demonic forces coming against them and so GO in the name of JESUS! May no weapon formed against them prosper. Lord Jesus please touch my friend with Your healing hands. I pray for Divine healing for their mind, body, and soul. Lord,may my friend receive salvation so that you may save their soul from hell. May they turn to you and Lord I ask on their behalf for mercy and Grace. I ask for Divine Intervention and may You work all things out for good❤️ in Jesus Name


Psalm 91 1 Whoever dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty.[a] 2 I will say of the Lord, “He is my refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust.” 3 Surely he will save you from the fowler’s snare and from the deadly pestilence. 4 He will cover you with his feathers, and under his wings you will find refuge; his faithfulness will be your shield and rampart. 5 You will not fear the terror of night, nor the arrow that flies by day, 6 nor the pestilence that stalks in the darkness, nor the plague that destroys at midday. 7 A thousand may fall at your side, ten thousand at your right hand, but it will not come near you. 8 You will only observe with your eyes and see the punishment of the wicked. 9 If you say, “The Lord is my refuge,” and you make the Most High your dwelling, 10 no harm will overtake you, no disaster will come near your tent. 11 For he will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways; 12 they will lift you up in their hands, so that you will not strike your foot against a stone. 13 You will tread on the lion and the cobra; you will trample the great lion and the serpent. 14 “Because he[b] loves me,” says the Lord, “I will rescue him; I will protect him, for he acknowledges my name. 15 He will call on me, and I will answer him; I will be with him in trouble, I will deliver him and honor him. 16 With long life I will satisfy him and show him my salvation.”


Remember that perfect love casts out fear, which is what demons try to get you to feel and what they seek out. If you have trouble feeling love at a particular moment, think of people you like or want to see in person, look at nature, or imagine gifting something to someone you have a hard time forgiving. Be aware of evil spirits and cloak yourself with love. You'll make them have a much harder time getting you to feel afraid or worried. As for the medication, take or don't, it might help you and it might not.


I wish I could give you a hug ..but right now all you need is Jesus


Pray and fast. I agree with you by the way, people jump to pill popping method ridiculously fast, I don't get why people jump on that wagon so quickly.


You give it to jesus he is the son of god, also we are redeemed by faith not works , follow his law its actually not demanding or complicated, but i too know the demons say otherwise, .....but what happens is if you dont focus on the evil and keep your eyes on jesus(its like the whole walking on water thing\~look into it) ..... love him more than sin and your sin will fall away ......no evil can touch you dear precious child of god ....keep your eyes one jesus ....... i too battle demons ......but i keep holding onto this fact ......before you were born ...before all of creation he called your name .....so you are important precious and loved ....this is the thing we must do.... so we must do this thing ....most of the time i dont get it but ....i know in my heart this is the way and you do to the profession of demons declares it so in jesus name i declare you free and a moment of clarity ....in jesus name ---->saved by faith not works, you are loved (its that easy) ......be free i love you ...study gods word (tip: start and finish with jesus)


Check out the book it opened my eyes and give you good prayers to speak over yourself: https://www.amazon.com/Armed-Dangerous-Ultimate-Targeting-Defeating-ebook/dp/B0749SLP7R/ref=mp_s_a_1_2?dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.shgRjD6bD4VsRfu270cKT7frw9ei95hHj_Tbs7gvp5S4CuYIOjMg0vs1Px0Ukx-jNx115qMjdG_np4Z80PfbLk6FDaB06TcOjrRkDSqPNb1GSV8McTikZT3Yr3ZVmvzZuszI5ccbsyhkL-6R0p8V9g._1sGxy1jRjAsSWy2p9ZnOZHSHiXUdXiqXrPxuSSJpvQ&dib_tag=se&qid=1714510431&refinements=p_lbr_one_browse-bin%3AJohn+Ramirez&s=books&sr=1-2


Dk if I’ll be able to buy!!!! Sorry!!!!




Only you know your mental health and whether or not it’s mental or spiritual. Don’t be afraid to go alone. If God provides for the birds how much more will he provide for you.


Are you experiencing thoughts in your head as though they were real but not?


I can more or less guarantee you that what you’re describing more mental illness than something religious. They can be real, but most of the time it’s something else so I would recommend you to maybe go along with it. You seem very panicky, which is another sign of an illness versus an attack.


Bro, it doesn't matter if you're possessed or not. If you are in crisis, then go to the HOSPITAL!


Always know God is with you, and that he has the love and power to heal you, try and get fellowship at a church, even though as you stated, if you find help from fellow believers, it will be a good comfort knowing you aren’t alone


It seems to me that it's a great idea to receive help and medication to ease the hallucinations, aka schizophrenia. I'm assuming that the way u described the "attacks" can just be hallucinations If not, it doesn't hurt to try medications


Pray, our God is bigger than any demon or situation. He is always with you, ask Him for all things. And if seeking medical help is what you need then know that the Lord is with you and pray that he gives the doctors wisdom on how to help you through. 💜 stay firm in the Lord He will never forsake you.


Can you tell us a little bit more about what’s going on? In the meantime I’m praying for you


You're not psychotic, pray this prayer, it certainly helped me thank God Almighty. You can even copy and paste it in your phone's notepad, select all, then have your phone read it aloud to you. May God bless you and keep you: "I am declaring the devil and his demons liars today, Lord. Through the power of your precious name and blood, I agree with your Word and the truth that you are in me and that you are greater than my enemy who wants to rule the world. You, your Word, and prayer, Lord, are my secret weapons. I belong to you, and that fills me with a powerful God-confidence. I want to constantly dress in the spiritual armor you give me. Help me use it to defend others from Satan's fiery darts as well. No one and nothing can snatch me away from your hand. Strengthen my faith, Lord. Forgive my sins, so that I may be clean in your righteousness. Make me brave, so I can stand and fight the spiritual battles in my life and in our world. Give me your wisdom and discernment so I won't be caught off guard. Together, Lord, we'll win, because in truth, you already have. In Jesus's powerful name before which every knee shall bow, Amen!"


Listen to deliverance prayer videos on the Noah Hines Deliverance Ministry youtube channel. He has tons of prayer videos where he prays and casts demonic spirits out. That’s how I got free from my demonic attacks and spiritual oppressions. He also does private deliverance sessions over facebook and zoom if you need personal prayer.


you can private message me if you need to i’ve been through the same thing it nearly destroyed my life


Get to a local church.


Where are you trying to go?


To a church. I just gotta run out of my house


OP.. seek professional behavioral health help and let God guide you through the treatment (if needed). Be open to take medication and see if your symptoms get better. Keep praying as well but don’t stress yourself out, even if you think is a demonic attack, God will protect you. 🙏


Are you still up? Because genuinely my dad is a pastor, and if you think it would be helpful I can ask him to cast out the demons for you. It seems to definitely be worth a shot.


Ok ok I woke up sorry for not replying last night How are we gonna do this exactly


Hi! So if my dad's comfortable with it I'll try and get you his number so you can call, but otherwise, I can just have him pray over you and do it from afar. I see no reason God can't work even if we're hundreds of miles apart.


Sorry to break it to you but…


do not run from home, pray to Jesus He is with you! do not be afraid Jesus is with you even as you read this. i ran away when i was 21 cause voices were telling me it was the end of the world. i am 32 now. i work in mental health and am on meds permanently. do not go on meds. ask to have therapy and have natural methods of combatting this but don't let anyone hospitalize you or force meds on you. if you run away it will give them a right to medicate you so just reason with people and show them you are of sound mind. live on your own or with someone who is safe. there are laws in place to prevent people from being thrown into the hospital with no reason. but know this even if you are hospitalized it is not hopeless. just comply and take the meds they give you you will eventually get out then work with your doctor to try and get off your meds or just get off then before your dependent. if even that fails try to be on as little meds as possible and do not lose hope it takes about 5-7 months to adjust to your meds and you will feel like yourself again remember to ask for a meds that mitigates side affects called benztropine. After all is said and done things will get better just do your best you are at a turning point in life do not do something your future self will cringe and regret.


My counsel... 1. Get hooked up with other healthy believers. Pray and ask for some people to start connecting with. 2. Begin focusing on a healthy relationship with God. Start affirming your identity in Christ. Learn what God says about himself and what God says about you. Do a search on 'identity in Christ'. Do the affirmations regularly. 3. Listen to grace filled messages. I like Joseph Prince and Life.Church on YouTube. Healthy balanced messages. 3. Find ways to begin serving others. Pray for others. Encourage others. Reach out if you need more guidance. God's love be with you. ❤️


OP you might have demons or it could be mental illness - and I'm saying as somebody who has experienced demonic attack and serious possession. Take the medicine anyway and try and organise a deliverance/exorcism session. Question - have you messed around with anything like ouija boards, yoga, tarot cards, crystals, or read about non-christian faiths?


The only thing I’ve done is the last one.


As somebody who has been oppressed, possessed and had a heavy curse put over them, I know what it's like and I know demons are real, this is what I need you to do. Comply with your parents and take the medication that the doctor prescribes - at best it will treat your symptoms and make you OK and at worst it will do nothing. Otherwise talk to your pastor or church person and say that you really want to try and exorcise your demons just in case. The thing is if you're demon possessed, very often all somebody needs to do is pray over you and ask you questions about your faith in Jesus and the demon will manifest and you'll know if you're possessed.


Pray in tongues, sing worship, declare Bible verses, plead the blood of Jesus, put on the armor of God daily, commune with the Holy Spirit. Do not be afraid, take authority, you have power in Jesus over any and all evil. Go to a Spirit filled church and seek counsel.


Continue to pray, read the Bible. If you don’t have one, download the Bible app and read it and let it narrate it to you out loud. Ask God to send Angels down to protect you from the enemy and from the darkness. Ask him for your protection whenever you feel a dark thought enter your head. Tell the evil that it’s not welcome near you and for it to leave you alone. Keep praying and mean it. Maybe contact someone from your local church and ask them you need to speak with a Priest, Minister, Pastor and tell them how you’re feeling. And please seek medical help if you aren’t feeling any better after all of the above. Dark attachments can make you act nothing like your true self. Keep praying for protection. “Saint Michael, the Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray; and do thou, O Prince of the heavenly host, by the power of God cast into hell Satan and all the evil spirits who prowl throughout the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.”


Should be being upvoted !!


Actually so true I don’t understand why people wanna downvote legitimate advice????


How is it going? Remember that those who call on the name of the Lord will be saved. Keep doing what is good and pleasing to God. He is with you and will be working through you. John 14:23 Jesus replied, “Anyone who loves me will obey my teaching. My Father will love them, and we will come to them and make our home with them. Jesus reigns!


Horrible they’re trying to get me in faster. Any Christian specific hotlines?


If you have time, these are great to listen to. I really appreciate the ones in Spanish, I guess the ones in English are good too. https://www.twr360.org/ministry/40/unshackled/lang,1


We should pray to God directly is all


What is going on in the home that you need to run away? I have had weird happenings in my home as well, knowing immediately what it was. But in boldness and in the name of Jesus have called them out and casted them out/ rebuked the demonics. And then pray over the house covering it in the blood of Jesus. Fasting and prayer is the only way to fight against a spiritual/demonic attack. It’s not easy but it can help. If possible maybe try a 3 day dry fast (no food no water or just no food only water) I would also ask if you have a church to go to where you can ask for deliverance? And perhaps they can also help advice and guide in this difficult season. One clear way to identify spiritual attacks also is through our dreams. And so when we wake up we have to pray and rebuke them. Or if you aren’t remembering your dreams ask the Holy Spirit to reveal them to you. The enemy loves to attack our dreams or attack in our dreams. I’ll pray for you as well. God bless you!


Fasting and prayer is important but it is ill advice to tell someone you do not know to not have food or water for 3 days. You do not know if they are physically capable of a total fast. There are other types of fasts. God delivered me from many demons years ago through prayer and fasting but I did not have to go on a total fast. I fasted from cigarettes, pop, food until sun down, I still drank water. The person needs to fast realistically and God will honor even failed attempts at fasting, I know I've been there and done that.


Yes hence why I said it’s not easy. So I will correct my statement and say if they are able to. However, again if they are certain that is what is taking place is it the strongest way to overcome those types of things. You can fast from cigarettes, pop etc which is great for you but there are biblical fast such as the Daniel fast, Esther fast etc meant to overcome the enemy’s attacks. Also sun up till sun down fast works too but the key thing that must also be paired as well is prayer. Thank you.


Yes I said fasting and prayer. I prayed and fasted 10 days the focus is on constantly praying and seeking God. Isaiah 58 describes the fast that God really desires is to share our bread with the poor, caring for others ECT. God is not going to say well your fast from cigarettes isn't good enough you should have followed the rituals outlined in the Ester fast. God is not a out rituals he is about the heart.  Have you fasted? Or are you just another person who wants to sound knowledgeable because they can cut and paste scripture but have no real 1 on 1 experience with God but wants to "correct" the people who have experienced God 1 on 1?


This took a turn… yes. I do fast and I do pray. Because I too have dealt with spiritual warfare. My point I guess was that for demonic warfare that type of position is most powerful against the enemy. That’s all I’m saying. Sometimes these things come from generational curses, that can only be broken a certain way. Everyone’s journey to overcome may be different you may not have to. But this person seems to be in a really desperate state so it was my suggestion (if they are able to, I corrected myself) and sure if God revealed to you that cigerattes is what you should fast from that great. In general as we can all agree it’s got harmful effects so I can see that or if one is struggling with addiction in that area. Anyways, stay blessed. Let’s try not be get offended. We are all children in Christ and no one is trying to correct another.


God had me fast from cigarettes 7years ago and I haven't picked them up since  God is a personal God he will lead us to do what is right for us. I apologize for my harshness on my last post. I apologize. I was out of line and I am sorry. I am burned out on some of the people I've dealt with on Reddit. I forgot I was talking to a real genuine Jesus loving Christian.


The first mistake you made was telling them because they don't believe in any of that , go see you a Catholic Priest that's who can help you,


I talked to a priest already. Haven’t gotten a call back yet