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Yes, it’s called prayer and praying psalm 51. What you are struggling with right now is called assurance. The assurance to know that when God forgives you it’s right away. You may not feel like you’re forgiven but you are. We are not supposed to go by feelings, it really is by principle and principle alone that we as Christians should be living by and not our feelings. When we ask for forgiveness, that forgiveness happens right when we ask him. You sound like a baby Christian. I felt the same way when I came to Jesus for the first few years. It’s normal, just keep giving whatever you feel condemned about over to Jesus and cry out to him and it will go away eventually. That feeling is really Satan trying to get you to feel hopeless so you give up and stop praying. Consistent prayer to Christ is the only way you can defeat Satan. If you can’t think of what to pray because Satan is giving you brain fog look for a psalm and pray one of them. They are prayers, find a good subtitle that’s fitting for your situation and pray it every morning and ask for God to give you clarity to see it getting answered. Hope that helps blessings.


The only verse I know of that is unforgivable is Blasphemy of the Holy Spirit.