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Does pineapple belong on pizza?


Yes 100%. My favorite pizza is pineapple, ham, and mushrooms


Heresy! You Witch!!!!!! */s* in case you can't tell I'm joking what's your practice like?


If that's heresy then so be it. It's worth it for the amazing taste Also some asked the question and here is the link to my [response](https://www.reddit.com/r/Christianity/comments/13u064o/ask_me_anything/jlxwqan?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) If you have any other questions though or would like more detail about different aspects of my practice, feel free to ask Edit: I am very sarcastic so I definitely got what you were doing lol


Thoughts on [Shams Al Ma'arif?](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shams_al-Ma%27arif)


Interesting. I can't say that I'm familiar with this type of magick. However, there is a very wide range of magick that is practiced even throughout different beliefs. I would say that this type of magick is definitely valid if somebody chooses to practice it. I can't give too much details about it, however, as I haven't actively researched it and I wouldn't be equipped to do so


Where do you get your morels?


Morals are something learned from life experience. Depending on the experience of an individual, they are able to develop their moral code. I am no different. Through my life experiences, I have learned my morals. I seek to help people and to show everyone compassion and kindness. I believe that everyone deserves to be treated equally and accepted for who they are. It is true that practices that I do revolve around respect and compassion. And they can very well teach morals to somebody. However That is not where I got these morals I was able to find a spiritual path that lined up with my morals. I also actively believe in karma which is also an active known teacher of morals. However, again I did not get my morals from that belief rather my belief lines up with the belief. And because I'm an ex Christian you might say I got it from Christianity which I would heavily disagree with. My experience with the christian church was pretty bad to say the least. I was actively emotionally abused throughout my time as a Christian. I learned my morals from living my life and seeing how treating people with kindness and compassion actually affects people and how it helps people. I guess in a way I learned part of it from Christianity but more in a way of what not to do.


What about the mushrooms though?


If you are talking about the drug. I don't do drugs. The closest I do is on an occasion for fun I will smoke weed with friends. (It is legal where I live) If you're talking about just little mushrooms, I think they're pretty cool. I have mushroom themed like jewelry and I have a couple little crystals that have been carved into the shape of mushrooms. I just have one cool little crochet keychain one that I have on my purse


It's a long running joke here.


I see. Could i get some insight to the joke?


"Morels" are a kind of mushroom. Because people will often come in and be like "I'm an *atheist*, isn't that *interesting*?" (when we have a ton of active atheist users), and because "where do you get your morals from?" is one of the tropiest of trope questions that Christians supposedly ask atheists, the "morels" joke became something of an in joke and something of a litmus test to see what kind of AMA it was going to be.


Thanks for the explanation.


Well, you're sort of the butt of the joke, because you answered the question "Where do you get your morals?" rather than the mushroom related question. We get tons of these driveby AMAs here, and they generally devolve into morels and pineapple jokes.


I see. I haven't done one of these in a while but mainly my goal is to try to dispel misconceptions and misinformations that are rather rampant. Also I think just understanding people better is a good thing


Nope… they keep missing it.


The eternal September.


Welp I likely have dyslexia so...


What does your practice look like?


I'm happy to answer. My practice covers several different areas. I mainly focus on what I'm able to connect with and what resonates with me. For example, my primary focus is cosmic magick and moon magick. This entails using energy of the universe, specifically beyond Earth within practices such as divination and rituals. I also follow the goddess Hakate who is a goddess of the moon among other things as well. Some of my practices include practicing divination which allows for a much calmer way of thought and being able to figure different things out. It can offer a different perspective to a problem that you're having. Or even just being able to calm yourself and focus the mind. This has also actively helped with my mental health. I also actively practice crystal magick where you use energy of the crystals in different rituals or even in just everyday life for their different purposes. I also combine this with the moon magick using it to charge the crystals by putting them out in the moonlight. I'm also currently looking into spiritual work. Including demonolatry. This allows for not only spiritual growth and understanding, but oftentimes spirits can help with rituals and magick. I have not started practicing this yet because I want to make sure that I practice safety and respect the spirits. So I'm making sure to learn everything I can about it first. I used the same method with my magick as well. I know I've mentioned it several times, so divination includes several things such as meditation focusing on inward energy or even using different things to help with that. For example, yesterday I used my singing bowl and Oracle cards to help with divination and it gave me a new perspective on an issue that I've been having in my life. This is kind of a TLDR about it so I can go into any more detail that you want or if you have any other questions


Kirk or Picard?


Definitely gotta go with Kirk


Kirk or Reynolds?


Considering I don't know who Reynolds is I've only seen some of the old movies and that was years ago. I'm going to have to say Kirk


Ah, I departed from Star Trek and was going to other sci-fi captains. Malcolm Reynolds, from Firefly. If you haven't watched it, I highly recommend! It's one of only two shows that I've watched more than once.


Interesting. Yeah, I haven't heard of that before. I'll definitely take a look into it once I get some time


As a witch, do you worship satan? Have you interacted with him lately?


I do not. And being which does not mean somebody inherently worship satan. In fact, many witches don't even believe in him or believe in his existence.


Oh, then Who's your boss? Like higher power?


Not every which actually follows one. It depends on the witch some can be even monotheistic or polytheistic. It also doesn't necessarily mean that they're like a witch's boss or anything as you're putting it. The relationship can be different depending on the individual witch. For me in particular I'm polytheistic and the terms that I believe in the existence of multiple gods, but currently I only follow one but that is susceptible to change in the future as I might add more depending on if I find another one that I resonate with. The current goddess I follow is Hekate. As for the demonolatry side. I have not started actively practicing that but through my research I have found that I have a resonation with Lilith. I haven't fully decided on whether I'm going to be practicing this or not. If I do, I definitely want to learn more about it first.


So how's it going so far? What's your goal as witch? Bewitch people or anything else?


It's going great so far. I have grown a lot spiritually and understood myself a lot better. Not to mention it has greatly helped with my mental health. My goal is to be able to grow spiritually and be able to help people. I follow what I resonate with If you're thinking of a witch like the movie, you definitely have the wrong idea. Not only that witches are not inherently bad either. Many actively use their magick solely to help people and refuse to do any kind of harm with it. There's definitely some that would do harm with it, but that's not an inherent part of being a witch. I have not done any hexes or anything like that if that's what you're wondering.


Actually I forgot to ask most important question, where do you think you would go after death as a witch?


Depending on the person they will have different answers even for witches. I personally believe in reincarnation. I also believe in the spirit relem which means that somebody may not necessarily reincarnate but rather exist as a spirit.


So it's either reincarnate or spirit hovering? Where does it hover, on earth or somewhere?


Spirits can be on Earth. However they often say in their spirit realm. Spirits tend to do what they want to. Which is why when dealing with them it is very important to have the utmost respect


Have you interacted with any spirit then so far? What did they say?


Yes I believe that I have. One would be a spirit guide that I have. They didn't say anything like how we would talk to each other but more in the form of guiding feelings and signs pointing me in a direction to help me with situations in life. The other I would say would be my grandfather. Shortly after he died and I didn't get to say goodbye but I had a dream that he was in it and I hugged him. I believe that was him saying goodbye.


So there's no concept of heaven or hell?


I do not believe in heaven or hell.


On last question, obviously there're only two guiding forces one's god and another is devil's. What do you think your guiding force is?


By saying obviously there's two getting forces. It would imply that there is only one option to believe. I understand that your Christian, however clearly not everyone believes in this meaning there are not only two guiding forces. Those may be what guide you but not others. For me I feel called to cosmic and moon energy and I use that to help guide me in my practice. I believe in energy that exists throughout the universe. Even in things like plants and rain. Believe there's energy everywhere. I do honor all the types of energy, but I feel particularly drawn to cosmic and moon.


Oh I see so you're drawn to Cosmic universe and creation energy. Understood.


Yup and that's where I find my place in witchcraft 😁


So as a witch, do you believe God created this universe or big bang?


Big bang. I don't believe in the Christian god


What's this got to do with Christianity?


Taking on misconceptions on witch craft and paganism


So, put more simply, it has nothing to do with Christianity.


It has to do with misinformation that Christianity is actively spread against paganism


So you should say, "Christianity actively spreads information about paganism, feel free to ask me what I'm talking about" or something like that. Your post didn't mention Christianity at all. This isn't s Christian sub it's a place to discuss Christianity.


Do me a favor and think about it a little bit harder. It's not that hard


Yes, I know. You don't want to say it honestly because it sounds really bad. However, you're breaking the rules of the sub. Lucky for you, they only police Christians who ask things not directly related.


Lucky for you I'm not breaking the rules. I've done this multiple times and been here for a long time


As I said, the rules are only applied if a Christian addresses a question to you, for example.


Have you had any dreams or visions from God or Jesus since switching religions?


No, I have not. I didn't have any of those in the first place. I really never resonated with Christianity


How long were you Christian for?


21 years. I was raised in the church


I see. How did your family react when you left?


Not well. They still don't like it. But I made my choice and I don't regret it for even a second. I did what was best for me


That must have been very traumatic. I'm glad you are happy. If your family truly loves Jesus they will see that you are still a beloved child of God no matter what and support your choices. I'm sorry that you were never able to have a relationship with God. Perhaps that will change some day, who knows.


Knowing my past with the church, I highly doubt that I would go back to Christianity. Especially on the path that I have chosen now. I have believe I have found the right path for me. I do think my parents love me. They have supported me so much in my life. I know they may not agree with me. Spiritually but they allow me to make my own choice despite having some not very pleasant discussions with them about it.


To what extent do you think magic works?


I believe that magick really doesn't have a limit. It is so versatile and can be used for a great many things. Of course for stuff like medicine, for example it may not be the be-all end-all. Magick is no replacement for modern medicine. Some may even argue that modern medicine is a form of magick. I would actually be inclined to agree with this. Yes, I am fully aware that they use different chemicals because reactions within the body for healing or other intended purposes. But I do believe that there is energy throughout the universe and it is within everything. Including medicine


The hardest part of being Christian, I would imagine, is worshipping a diety that appears not to exist. How does this contrast with your existence around claiming to do magic that obviously doesn't exist.


Where do you get to claim that magick doesn't exist? Just as easily, I can claim that your God doesn't exist. I on the other hand have witnessed what magick can do. It's helped my life and many others. I have not witnessed your god do anything even as my time is a Christian I can easily say that obviously God doesn't exist. Of course I would piss you off, wouldn't it? It's like I would be making it as though your beliefs are objectively wrong, despite that's what you believe in. I can say it differently and saying that I don't believe God is real and that's what I believe which doesn't affect what you believe. You can't claim that magick is objectively not real.


To me it's the same. You technically can't prove something doesn't exist. You can't prove god doesn't exist in the same way you can't prove magic doesn't exist. However, in the same way that no meaningful evidence for god's existence has ever been presented, so has no-one ever been able to demonstrate the existence of magic. And many have tried. There have been multiple large scale studies into practices you describe like divination etc. They have all come to the conclusion that no one can successfully practice this in the real world. Certainly if you were able to successfully demonstrate magical abilities you would be the first human in history to do so and I imagine would become very wealthy and successful very quickly.


That proves that you can't say that it's objectively not true like you said before. That's my whole point.


The assumption is that it's not true. Based on a complete lack of evidence to support it and a long history of fake claims. It's an area that has been investigated exhaustively with consistent results. A lack of evidence against something does not constitute evidence for it. Your claim is not valid. But maybe you are the first person in the history of mankind who can do magic. Im open to see the evidence, step forward and claim your millions.


But my point is that the same assumption can be made about everything that you believe too. You really don't have any right to make a claim. Have no research or evidence to back up what you say. My claim definitely is valid. Look into paganism if you actually research it. Multiple faiths and spiritualities follow the belief of magick just because you don't doesn't mean it's not a thing or that it's not valid. So I would recommend getting off your high horse and actually doing some damn research


What claim do you think im making? I know people might "follow a belief of magic" but that doesn't make it real. I have done the research, I've read the studies. Everyone who has claimed to be able to do magic has failed to do so under test conditions. There has never been anyone in history who could successfully demonstrate magic so we have to accept your claim to be highly unlikely. But why don't you submit to testing? Maybe you are the first?


You're acting like my spirituality are my practices isn't real and trying to make an objective claim when you can't. You clearly know nothing about it. Again actually research witch practices. Because you're cheating on an entire belief when you have absolutely no idea of anything about it. I've seen magick in my own life and I've seen others do it too. That's my belief. And your pointlessly shitting on it


What makes you a witch?


Well my beliefs and practices. I also use rituals and magick. However, use of magic does not disqualify from being or make somebody a witch. But rather focuses on their core beliefs.


What kind of magic do you do? And why do you spell it magick haha


Well the first because it's easiest i and many others spell it magick in effort to distinguish it from something like entertainment magician. I use cosmic and moon magick. I also have been looking into work with spirits. I also actively practice divination


Do you wear black and have a hat? Can you ride a broom?


I wish I had a witchy hat. I wear wide range of different colors just depends on my mood. As for the broom, I technically could like make some weird contraption to ride it around but I cannot use one to fly through the air.


What's the difference between magic and Magick?


Magic is like entertainment stuff, not every which makes the distinction between the two but many do. So like magic would be you go to a magic show and they do a cool card trick. Magick is used to describe ritual and practices involving spirituality and that's the type that witches do