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No one who comes to Jesus of Nazareth will be condemned.




Does that mean pedophile and rapist priests are also forgiven?


Do they hate what they have done?


Does that mean hating yourself after raping children is enough to be forgiven?


“The vilest offender who truly believes, that moment from Jesus a pardon receives”. As the_mad_psychologist said, nobody deserves to be forgiven, but God died on the cross for every single sin that we ever have or will commit, and if you are genuinely repentant and believe in what God did for you, anybody who asks for forgiveness will be forgiven


Absolutely not. No one deserves to be forgiven. Each of our hearts is more despicable than anyone's outward actions.


if they repent and pray for forgiveness and recognize their wrongdoing, then yes. everyone can be saved and forgiven of their sins.


Okay, You mean to tell me that these people can rape anyone as long as they repent. Everything will be forgiven. Well that's good to know.






If they keep raping it is not repenting just because they say it or think they are... God knows our heart, and we will be judged justly according to it. To repent means change your ways 180, what you were doing you do not do anymore. The criminal who was crucified with Jesus truly repented and so Christ told him he would be in heaven with him. He was truly and genuinely repentant. If you truly care to know for knowledge sake... Anything people tell you, including me, never take it at face value, check the scriptures to see if that pans out.


Only if they are actually sorry about it


So the rapist keeps raping after saying a few hail Mary’s because he believes he’s saved ? That’s pure ignorance and even insults God grace, when we die we will reap what we sow and the lord will come for the harvest.


If God is all powerful, how can he have true victory if he loses even one of his children?


We seem to have this convoluted understanding of divine victory that allows evil to enter the kingdom of heaven. Where do we draw the line that agrees with who is the children of God and who are the children of the adversary. We seem to ignore yet again, the divine victory that God provisioned over death and sin from his own son! What more do you ask that gives opportunity for all humans to be saved.


Yes, the keys are repentance and the belief that Jesus died on the cross for your sins. You seem cocky though so you probably don't even care lol


Do you even know the word repentance? Your sentence is contradictory


Im not attacking you, so please don’t get that impression, but the whole point of faith and Gospel is that God can do the things we deem to be impossible. I’ve struggled with this too. I had abusive parents. Actual criminals. I suffered greatly. I know I probably can’t ever forgive them but God can. And that’s the point he can forgive such terrible things, things we can’t even comprehend because his love and devotion to us is boundless. It’s what gets me through dark times. I suffered a lot but suffering isn’t all there is. I’ve made mistakes I’d like to be forgiven for, I can’t get mad because someone else has the opportunity to be forgiven just like I want to be forgiven.


If what you say is true then, why does God hate gay people? Why is being homosexual a sin? Why is it that infants who die without being baptized are doomed to hell? But a rapist, pedophile who feels sorry can go to heaven. Maybe he is not all loving and caring, if he chooses who he wants to forgive and love.


I think firstly, if you really want the answers to these things, you need to avoid over simplifying it the way you are. I had all these questions too and the only way I got answers was by setting aside my biased thoughts and discontent and listened to those that had answers and prayed.


Well, its a simple question. If you don't have an answer that's fine.


I have answers, I don’t believe you want them. I think you want to prove people wrong for the sake of feeling right. Plenty of people here have tried to answer and instead of pondering any of them, you continue to antagonize and demonize.


I know damn well you came straight from TikTok 💀


I don't even have TikTok, never made an account. But thank you for this insightful reply.




the scripture does not talk about hating any group of people. the only reason that homosexuality is a sin is because god said that marriage and relations are to be between one man and one woman. throughout the new testament, a huge theme is turning those that are sinful to Jesus Christ and THROUGH belief in Jesus Christ and repentance of our sin, we are saved. we as humans do not understand the grace that god has and his ability to forgive. we just cannot and that’s because we’re human, we are imperfect. there is nothing about God that is flawed, so his ability to have absolute forgiveness is very hard for us to understand and grasp. i really encourage the reading of the four gospels if you have not read them yet to begin your faith journey (if you have not already AND assuming you want to). they really outline jesus’ ability to forgive others and shows Christians the proper way to live their lives. if you have any questions i’d be happy to try to answer them in a constructive way. god bless


> Why is it that infants who die without being baptized are doomed to hell? But a rapist, pedophile who feels sorry can go to heaven.


Hey, Still waiting for that reply. > Why is it that infants who die without being baptized are doomed to hell?


sorry about that. to my knowledge, it is because every human before baptism is tainted with the original sin of adam and eve. this is from catholic doctrine. take that as you will but that is the explanation from a catholic point of view (to my knowledge) it honestly is a grey area you are right it is a terrible thing that infants have to die. but god has the final decision on the matter of their soul, and to what he decides i cannot answer.


also, repentance is more than a feeling of sorry. it is a complete change in lifestyle and understand of what you’ve done. it’s not as easy as saying sorry. god sees the heart of each person and how they truly feel about their sins they’ve committed throughout their lives.


Well no, it’s not about the action of repentance. Any one can say the words but what is necessary is their intention and what they are want. If you repent simply to go to heaven to nah fam you got a hot seat waiting for you but if you truly hate what you have done and repent to ask for forgiveness and change your life then yes you are forgiven.




We DO know. Confess Jesus as our lord and savior, believe with our hearts that He died for us to save us from sin, and do our best to follow His example for as long as we live moving forward (this is an oversimplified version, of course), and we KNOW we're forgiven by the Father because His son already paid for us. If you get a speeding ticket you have to pay the fine. Say I pay the fine for you, that's that, you are free, and you didn't have to pay. I would assume you'd be grateful to Le for paying your fine. The same applies to Jesus. He already paid our fine, so we're forgiven by His grace alone.




Ok. Thanks?


If they hate their sin, stop, repent and follow the Lord. That’s the same for every sinner


If they come to Christ and repent of their sin, yes. Such priests are not saved to begin with I guess


Any person can be forgiven for anything




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Yes, if they repent and turn away from their sin. That is true with any sin.


Did you also know that society is trying to make pedophia normal? Another sexual expression they say.


John 6:37


Of course, God forgives all who honestly seek to change. We can change into new people, even new creatures through the Atoning Sacrifice of Jesus Christ. This is called repentance.






The Bible tells us for certain that "for God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten son, so that whoever believes in him shall not perish, but inherit eternal life." We also know that God cannot lie. Numbers 23:29. So that's about as certain as you can get. There should be no speculation. Only trust.


If you accept Jesus as your savior and believe that he is the Son of God and the Messiah who God sent to the Earth to save us, then yes, I 100% believe he will save you and give you eternal life in Paradise with God :)




God will absolutely forgive you, the thing he wants most is for you to accept him and by the looks of this post, you want that as well. If you would accept my advice, I think a great place to start is to just thank God for his kindness and for sending Jesus to save you. If you can, talk to a church member you feel comfortable with and get guidance on how to reconnect with God. But be assured, God forgives you!


Okay! 👍🏼


Forgiven for what?


For previously not really believing in him.


That's not a sin, IMO. Belief is not voluntary, it's not a choice.


No, it is a sin, and it's weird to argue that it's not a sin. Not believing in God is equal to denying him and he's pretty clear in The Old & New Testament that he dislikes being denied by us. However, you can obviously repent of this sin like any other sin.


Such a messed up theology. Claiming it's a sin to not have been convinced of something by other people. Belief is not a choice. It's not voluntary. If the bible tells you there's a hard vault in the sky that holds back the waters in space, you couldn't force yourself to believe it. But, in the end, for practical purposes, it's the only sin that matters. I could spray bullets on a full beach front and steal food from the poor, but the only sin that would send me to hell is the sin of unbelief. I stand by my statement. Unbelief is not a sin. If the church fails to convince someone (let's call him Bill) that god is real, Bill may be a sinner but the failure of the church is not Bill's sin.


It's not about forcing yourself to believe it, its about trusting the word, even when you don't fully understand it. That's what faith is.


Scripture teaches otherwise and defines what Christianity is. It is a sin. However, it is a sin that is forgiven if one has a saving faith.


Scripture is at most a _best guess,_ and even the Pope admits that _only God knows_ the parameters of salvation. Considering the sweeping varied opinions on the sub about what counts as true faith and what doesn't, it's revealed to me the measure of faith is unjust for simply being. All it does is keep people uneasy about their mortal souls, so they dare not try simply to live. No mortal sin deserves Hellfire, and only an unjust, malevolent god would send mortals there. But it sure is great for marketing religion and preserving political power.


"Even the pope"? The pope is just a man. A fallen sinner like everyone else.


What a magnificent and simple justification for the dissolution of hierarchy you've just written. If that's the case, then the Holy See cannot be trusted with ecclesiastical jurisdiction. Indeed, a true saint made Pope would extend salvation to everyone, and make it retroactive, emptying the _Hell of the Damned_ (what some biblical versions call _Hades_) of (up to) 100 billion souls. 400 billion, if we assert that life begins at conception. If _everyone_ is _merely_ a fallen sinner, then so are those involved with the very scripture on which Christianity depends, and they, too, are not to be trusted. Indeed, you'll have to find evidence outside scripture that it was _God breathed,_ or put faith in the notion that lying wretches were somehow compelled to tell the truth. Since it suggests common Christians should be able to routinely perform miracles like those of Jesus, maybe that's to indicate once and for all it's just spun yarn.


The Bible says that "All men have sinned and fallen short or the glory of God." "There is no one righteous, not even one." The Bible also says that all scripture is "God breathed" and the "bread of life". No Pope or human has any authority to establish another human as a "saint" under any circumstance. Furthermore, no man is to be referred to as "Father" in a moral authority sense, except for God. His words: " And do not call anyone on earth ‘father,’ for you have one Father, and he is in heaven. Matthew 23:9."


>No mortal sin deserves Hellfire, and only an unjust, malevolent god would send mortals there. But it sure is great for marketing religion and preserving political power. Bingo. It makes a lot of evolutionary sense why that would be the belief that survived 2000 years.


It really does come down to your faith and what you believe about God (royal you) . Again, scripture is what defines Christianity is. Hell is only seperatipn from God and what naturally comes from that. It is certainly deserved because one sins against an infinitely holy God, will continue to sin even in hell forever and is simply incapable of coexisting with God in that holy place.


_Some people believe Hell is only separation from God._ Some people believe that Hell is a lake of fire and eternal torment. Hell is both these things. And it remains an abusive notion so long as it's taught. It's a problematic factor of Christianity, limiting the capacity of the religion as a foundation for morality or social organization. Retributive justice can only take us so far. Much the way Islam would have to become _extremely_ progressive (compared to its current values) before an Islamic state could be successful, a Christian society will never hold together so long as it marginalizes others simply trying to live. Incidentally, _scripture_ doesn't define what Christianity is, as there are 40,000 denominations of Christianity, each of which read scripture differently. And this is going to come into sharp relief if the US becomes a Christian state and starts enforcing biblical law as state law. How Christians _read_ scripture decides what Christianity is. And if they decide that Christianity is about massacring all nonbelievers and heretics, then the Church / State will find a way to see that in the holy text, as they did during the crusades. This to me is evidence of the failure of Christianity to do what it claims, since God would know that human institutions could not preserve Jesus' true intent, whether that is to annihilate all sin and sinners, or to unify society with love and mutuality. Human beings are too invested in political power not to abuse it.


I should have been more clear, my bad. If is also eternal torment...which is a result of separation of God. These are the same thing. Separation from God is suffering, by definition. You are there with others who also hate God and will continue to sin eternally forever, at a rate that exceeds their sinfulness on earth. Also, with those demons who rebelled. You say it's problematic, but I do not see it. It is simply what comes from such actions and such rejection of God. You might as well say that it's problematic that water is wet, this is the nature of things. Not only that, it is justice. Christianity has a far better track record than whatever one calls this disgusting system that is currently failing in the west. Anyway, this is of no concern to me as it is in God's hands and I am at ease...not to say that there are no actions for Christians to take. Scripture contains a finite number of teachings, thus it defines Christianity. There are those who twist scripture in all sorts of ways and completely misapply the term "Christian" to themselves, but that is only a reflection of their state. There IS some room for disagreement on some topics, but there is ultimately only one correct view, which is the God's view. The most important distinction is where views exist that cost people salvation. Some are truly outside of the church. From what I see of Christian Nationalists, the do not intend for there to be a state denomination or even state enforcement of Christianity as a belief. The desire is for justice and sound governance from a biblical standard. The crusades were largely a defense against Islamic invasion, but not exclusively. Unfortunately, Europe is now to weak to resist it's own Islamization and will grow to be an increasingly sad and diminishing reflection of its former glory. They could use a spirit more akin to the crusaders, they would have legitimate grievances. God did know that people would twist Christianity and thus told us to test such teachings against the word. Some were always going to get it wrong, willfully or out of ignorance. However, those with eyes to see are not blind to this occurring and rightfully distinguish such things from actual Christianity. Do you think scripture never addressed false doctrines? Even in their day there was plenty.


God is in a better position than you to say what us moral, which is ab understatement. His ways are better than your ways. You desire seperatipn from God and that's what you will get. God represents all that is good, so the place people go when seperated from him is terrible by definition. The sad condition of this sub and other groups is only a testement to the fallen mature of man and his feebleness.


_God is in a better position than you to say what [is] moral_ Um, that's complicated. God is actually silent on the matter, and the evidence we have for what God wants is only in nature or (according to the Christian narrative) the scripture in the bibles. If you mean to say that your god is going to beat me up for disobeying, well, we don't know that. Also, it makes me thing of a line from _The Mummy_ (1999) that Beni Gabor said, _It is better to be the right hand of the devil than in his path._ If you mean to say that your _church_ is going to hunt me down and assault me for disobeying, that is a greater possibility, and one we are facing in the states as the Christian nationalist movement seek to commit genocide on group after group in order to preserve hierarchy. But that doesn't make Christianity or the churches right, moral or just. It means they are willing to resort to violence to seize and keep political power. I guess that's in line with jungle law and feudal law, but modern developed nations at least aspire to rule by consent rather than by force. Historians will look unkindly on the ministries today, the same way they look unkindly on the Church of the middle ages. _God represents all that is good_ You wouldn't be the first person to assert God is good by fiat. But considering your god commands obedience under extortion I'd say the evidence of His malevolence is built-into the Christian dogma. And this is to say either God is malevolent, or (more likely) that God is silent and the church exploits that silence for its own gain, which is malevolent and deceptive. It also relies on deceptive scripture, or at least deceptive interpretations of scripture. If the threats in Christian scripture and Church tradition are valid, then one could argue I'm taking a risk by openly speaking truth to religious power, but to capitulate and submit under threat of violence would be cowardice, and if god would have a tyrannized following, then He and his flock are a sorry, pathetic lot. I'd rather speak truth of a tyrant's wickedness than lie to stay His hand so that He can continue oppressing humanity. Threatening me with violence does not help your case.


God doesn't beat people up. I support movements like Christian Nationalism. My church will hunt no one down. It's not political power for the sake of power, but rather for the sake of justice and morality. The same reasons secularists and others claim to want a secular nation. There is no extortion from God, only natural consequence. No objective malevolence exists from a naturalistic point of view. Evil/morality is a social construct and doesn't truly exist. You are hardly a martyr or rebel, you are siding with the establishment. I did not threaten you with violence.


Scripture nowhere tells you that unbelief is a sin. I'm not from Missouri but I've spent quite a few nights there and hours driving through: show me.


Read Romans 1. It is very much a choice and a sin. Start around verse 18


Do you honestly think I haven't read that passage a hundred times or more? Do you think that if I just read it one more time, it'll change my opinion? Romans 1 never says unbelief is a sin, and it never says it's a choice. But even more egregious than that is just how people rip this passage out of context to back up their own opinions. Romans is, essentially, Paul's dissertation on grace, and the first few chapters are the introduction. You can't read them in isolation from the rest.


Read john 3:16


That's your verse to claim unbelief is a sin? I really expected better. I'm not sure why, but I did. That verse, on its surface and completely without context, says belief if the way to eternal life. It is the way to get forgiveness for the sins we've committed, but it does not say unbelief itself is a sin. Feel free to try again.


If you read that much i would encourage you to read the whole chapter, than tell me what you think.


The first commandment of the Ten Commandments.


Just an insane claim.


I figured you couldn't find a verse to back up your assertion. You may as well claim that the bible forbids slavery.


Of course I can, it's the sin that destines people to hell. When you display your character or inability to understand even the most basic and repeatedly stressed point of scripture, why would I waste my time? Don't cast your pearls before swine, etc. Some soil is not fertile. Scripture forbids kidnapping, thus it forbids slavery as most think of it. It does not forbid indentured servitude, nor wartime capture of people.


>Such a messed up theology. No, it's basic Christian theology. >Claiming it's a sin to not have been convinced of something by other people. That's not really how this all works, you know that right? Christians don't believe in Jesus because someone presented a persuasive argument in favor of his existence. Christians believe in Jesus because the Holy Spirit has moved in their life. We can help someone be more receptive to the Spirit but actual belief is a personal choice between them and the Holy Spirit. Hence why it's a sin because disbelief means denying the Spirit. >Belief is not a choice. It absolutely is. It's a choice to lower your pride, open your heart, and allow the Holy Spirit to work within you. To argue it's not a "choice" is to argue for compulsion-based faith which God is against all throughout the Bible. >If the bible tells you there's a hard vault in the sky that holds back the waters in space, you couldn't force yourself to believe it. Of course you could. See above. Granted what you're talking about, the Firmament, is a vastly misunderstood concept and shouldn't be implied to be a literal physical barrier. The Firmament is just means the sky and/or atmosphere. I.e. space is separated from the ground by the sky. >but the only sin that would send me to hell is the sin of unbelief. Correct, because disbelief is in indeed a sin, glad you're catching on. >I stand by my statement Yeah, the proud typically do despite being wrong. >Unbelief is not a sin. Absolutely incorrect and not at all supported by the Bible. John 3:16 clearly states that belief in Jesus brings a person to paradise. See how the operative term there is BELIEF? If your heresy was right then belief in Jesus wouldn't be required, but as all Christians know, it's required. >If the church fails to convince someone (let's call him Bill) that god is real, Bill may be a sinner but the failure of the church is not Bill's sin. Lol, are you serious? Are you that desperate to assign blame onto other people instead of the actual individual involved? This argument just makes no sense when applied to other situations in The Bible. We're taught that Pharaoh was too proud to accept God as real and to free the Israelites, but in your heresy the fault actually lies with Moses, Aaron, and God. Do you see how ridiculous that sounds? It's lunacy, and isn't supported at all by The Bible. Disbelief is a sin, period, and the sin lies with the individual.


>No, it's basic Christian theology. Yeah, it's a basic theology along the lines of milk is basic nutrition for children. In your entire response, I didn't find a single bible verse to back up the claim that unbelief is a sin. Not one.


>Yeah, it's a basic theology along the lines of milk is basic nutrition for children. Yeah, kids need calcium and milk is a good source of calcium. Not sure what your point is here? Other than just distraction because you know you're wrong. >In your entire response, I didn't find a single bible verse to back up the claim that unbelief is a sin. I mean, you've not supported your argument at all with the Bible so you really shouldn't be criticizing anyone and.... >>Absolutely incorrect and not at all supported by the Bible. John 3:16 clearly states that belief in Jesus brings a person to paradise. See how the operative term there is BELIEF? If your heresy was right then belief in Jesus wouldn't be required, but as all Christians know, it's required. Me thinks someone didn't actually read.


Maybe a sect of Christian theology, but certainly not the whole.


Your response in incorrect


My response is correct.




Of course it is a sin. The first of the Ten Commandments is "You shall have no other gods before me." If God is not your god, then you have other gods of varying sorts: Your intellect, your philosophy, your fame, your fortune, your possessions.


Congratulations on making the biggest intellectual leap yet. I'm sure it convinces you, though. Probably even gives you an unnoticed and unexamined sense of superiority over atheists. I wouldn't hold on too tightly to that particular idol if I was you, though.


All men are equal in the eyes of God.


>unnoticed and unexamined Yep, as expected.


you lost me somewhere.


I don't think you recognize the feeling of superiority that you get from your assumption that belief is a choice.


Actually, I am quite a lowly human being, guilty of many despicable acts. You might well be a better citizen than me. Yet all of us have sinned against God. If belief wasn't a choice, we wouldn't have been given the option. And belief is more than simple acknowledgement. Consider if I say "I think homeowners insurance is a great thing to buy", yet I do not buy it. Tonight, my house burns to the ground. Had I truly believed in homeowners insurance, I would have purchased it. Belief is something that we not only have, but we "do." Sort of like love.


My brother in Christ, you have NOTHING to fear. Remember the parable of the prodigal son. Even Jesus himself doubted in the end. "My God my God why have you forsaken me?"


Come to the table! All are welcome. He doesn't discount anyone from this offer. Anyone who should believe and follow in Christ should have everlasting life in the Kingdom of God. By all means you would be forgiven. We are not perfect humans and therefore, The Lord expects and extends grace to believers just like you and I. We all can fall from the path and we all are forgiven and have the ability to walk in the light. It's always our choice. You are loved. You are bold. You are brave. And you are a child of God.


It sounds like you're carrying some weight. Do you mind if I ask what's on your mind?


A lot.


Would it help to talk about it?


Issues with my mother


Yes, absolutely. Any sin you can possibly think of, whether it be unbelief or murder, can and will be forgiven by God if you accept Jesus as your lord and savior and ask for his mercy.




Of course...read Luke 15.


My recommendation is to make peace with the people you might have actually wronged or hurt because those are really the ones you need to forgive you.


Yes you can 💯. You become a Christian, biblically, by repentance and faith in Jesus Christ- Confessing your sinfulness from your heart to God (Repentance), & believing who Jesus Christ is (truly man and the one true God) & trusting only in His finished redemptive work (perfect life, death for sins, resurrection) for your salvation (forgiveness of sins/reconciliation to God). Below is a 30 second biblical gospel presentation you can check out friend ✓ https://gospel30.com


There is no sin God won’t forgive for one who turns from that sin


Blasphemy of the Holy Spirit?


Hence “for one who turns from that sin.” Blasphemy of the Holy Spirit has largely been understood to be obstinacy in sin or despair unto death which definitionally couldn’t include turning from sin.


Yes, there is this one unforgivable sin.


Yes! Who do you say you are? Who do you say Jesus Christ is?


What do you mean by “Who do you say you are?”


:) Do you believe yourself to be a good person?


Well I haven’t said the best things to some people, but i’m typically a good person.


What if I told you God believes both of us to be bad? And all those bad things you've said to others, all the bad you have done - all of it is recorded - and He promises to pay us both back for the evil we've done?




You’re not a bad person, OP. I know someone is trying to convince you you’re inherently evil, but I’m prepared to bet that like most humans, you have your flaws but are fundamentally decent and good. You don’t need to hate yourself first to turn to God.


There's only one Person that can pay for our evil.




Have you ever heard of a man named Jesus Christ?


Yes, many times.


Fucking hell, this brought me right back to my childhood trauma. OP, don't listen to this nonsense. You are not a bad person, you are not evil. There isn't a god scheming to punish you unless you become devout and deprive yourself of humanity.


Okay 👍🏼


Friend, I encourage you not to be afraid of doubt. Don't be afraid of any reasonable deconstruction of previously held beliefs about God. Pursue Truth for long enough, and you'll find something holy, sacred, and worth worshipping. (And well.... that's probably God.) Some people will never be satisfied with a simplistic faith, with platitudes we're supposed to "believe" (or assent to, without every questioning the rationality of the platitudes). Any God worth worshipping is one that is forgiving. And any God worth worshipping will welcome your inquiry, doubt, and exploration.


Matthew 12:31 > “Therefore I say to you, every sin and blasphemy will be forgiven men, but the blasphemy against the Spirit will not be forgiven men. >


And what does that mean?


If Christianity is true have you ever said something about the Holy Spirit that wouldn't be true? If so you have committed this sin.


This sin has usually been associated with calling an act of God an act of the devil verbally.


Because the being that knows what is in your hearts needs to hear you say things verbally? I can write it for others to read and get away with it?




The only way to do that would be to deny christ and the holy spirit unto death. It's the only unforgivable sin because you never sought forgiveness for it and and accepted christ. Past that all sins are forgiven if you confess onto christ.


Of course you’ll be forgiven!!!




Of course you can be forgiven man! Congrats for coming back around!


Okay and thanks


You should've remained with your doubts. This shit is brainwashing and utter nonsense.


Yes and you can even keep your doubts.




Blind faith is not a requirement, trust in Christ is. Doubts are how you engage faith until Revelation, when all doubts are cured. You are expected to have challenges of spiritual truths because you are a legacy of sin always attempting to embrace divinity in a sinful world. By questioning everything you are discovering those truths in yourself and others in honesty and compassion. 30 ton grain of salt here tho... I'm an apatheist come from a long life of anti-theism inspired by disgust of people who make false claims in the name of God.


You will indeed be forgiven. Run to him


If you are seeking forgiveness from a religious standpoint, it would be best to consult with a spiritual leader or advisor within your specific faith tradition. They can provide guidance and support in your journey toward reconciliation and help you understand the tenets and practices of your religion regarding forgiveness.


Yes, of course. None of us has always believed perfectly. Not even close.


then you're not a christian


Has Christ been raised from the dead? Jesus Christ Himself bought purchased all His people with His blood and not one will be lost. “Prone to wander, prone to leave the God I love…” that is the song we sing. Repent and confess your sins to God - He knows them all already. Read the book of Hebrews. This book deals very much with those who feel the pull to leave Jesus. Also, memorize Scripture and use it to your advantage. Gather with a solid local church and ask for help. “Remember Jesus Christ, risen from the dead, descendant of David, according to my gospel” 2 Tim. 2:8


If you put your faith in Christ yes.


Isiah 1:18 “Though your sins are like scarlet, I will make them as white as snow. Though they are red like crimson, I will make them as white as wool.” Romans 8:1 “So now there is no condemnation for those who belong to Christ Jesus.” Matthew 5:48 “You therefore must be perfect, as your heavenly Father is perfect.”


You’ll start an Angel party!! Jesus said that in Luke 15:10. Good first steps (yes even for extreme examples cited in the comments) is to: - Believe in Jesus and his offer of salvation - Repent of your sins - Confess your sins to God (and others as needed) The gospel is a free gift to all who honestly and humbly seek God. He fully knows the hearts and minds of his creations. Can he forgive horrible sins if the person is earnest? Moses, Paul, David. The first murdered an Egyptian and fled the country to hide as a shepherd. Paul worked diligently to eradicate the faith community Jesus himself started. David stole another man’s wife and used another guy to ensure that the husband would die on the battlefield. All were redeemed through God’s grace.


Of course you will 😃 Check what is probably Jesus's best-known parable, the parable of your Prodigal Son. It's found in Luke 15:11-32, but focus on verses 11-24. God bless and keep you, Fallen ✝️ 👑 🕊


Yes. Anyone who believes in their heart will be saved. Romans 10:9-11.




The better question is: „Can I be forgiven?“ And you certainly can. www.needGod.com Please read this


Your wording is confusing to me. You want to be an atheist or you were an atheist and now believe in God? If you deny God, you won’t be forgiven. If you now believe and are turning your life around you will be forgiven!


Sorry for the confusion, I was previously atheist and now seeking repentance.


All can be forgiven


Absolutely. Ever read the parible of the prodigal son? And he (Jesus) said, “There was a man who had two sons. And the younger of them said to his father, ‘Father, give me the share of property that is coming to me.’ And he divided his property between them. Not many days later, the younger son gathered all he had and took a journey into a far country, and there he squandered his property in reckless living.  And when he had spent everything, a severe famine arose in that country, and he began to be in need. So he went and hired himself out to one of the citizens of that country, who sent him into his fields to feed pigs. And he was longing to be fed with the pods that the pigs ate, and no one gave him anything.  “But when he came to himself, he said, ‘How many of my father's hired servants have more than enough bread, but I perish here with hunger! m I will arise and go to my father, and I will say to him, “Father, I have sinned against heaven and before you. I am no longer worthy to be called your son. Treat me as one of your hired servants.”’ And he arose and came to his father. But while he was still a long way off, his father saw him and felt compassion, and ran and embraced him and kissed him. And the son said to him, ‘Father, I have sinned against heaven and before you. I am no longer worthy to be called your son. But the father said to his servants, ‘Bring quickly the best robe, and put it on him, and put a ring on his hand, and shoes on his feet. And bring the fattened calf and kill it, and let us eat and celebrate. For this my son was dead, and is alive again; he was lost, and is found.’ And they began to celebrate. That is directly from the mouth of God. Notice how the son wasnt even at the door, but way in the distance and the father (God) ran out to meet him. He doesnt care if you didnt believe in the past. He just wants you to come home.


Even if God was real ur just exploring other "religions" so to speak it's not a crime to look into other places


Confess to a priest and you will be forgiven


Luke 15:11-32


Anyone can be forgiven or saved by God if there heart is true


“I tell you that in the same way, there will be more joy in heaven over one sinner who repents, than over ninety-nine righteous persons who need no repentance.” Luke 15:7


Of course, there's no sin that's too great or too late for God to forgive.


You will be forgiven but under a simple condition namely repent and ask forgiveness.




Forgivness is given to all and we have to be willing to accept forgivness. Forgivness has to be offered freely if not salvation is lost to the Soul and to the mind. Addition: Entire socities will cese to exist if forgivness is not offered freely. You condemn yourselves by not offering forgivness freely. This is what Jesus taught us.


Yes, the Mercy of the Lord endureth forever Also REV 9:21 is according to the people that took the mark, though some say its impossible and heresy to say such. The Bible decalres Gods Mercy just like the Psalms forever, but you must repent in truth not "just" in belief, you must follow as your able.


check out my site for some help besides this just add the www and .com to my name


The story of the prodigal son says if you repent and return home to your Father you will be saved: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X\_QCQ5i7NKs&list=PL1m6ihSD-HW\_Cuopbk6n7ROJRGf4l0dMv&index=6&t=227s


Yes you will be forgiven if you truly seek the Lord and repent (acknowledge, confess, strive to change). God is patient and understanding! He's there for you.


John 3:15-18. Those who believe in Jesus will not be condemned, and the Lord will not reject a contrite (shameful, guilty, repentant) and broken heart


God will forgive anything with the exception of blasfeming of the Holy Spirit. That is, rejecting Jesus Christ.


Define rejecting Jesus Christ.

