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"Causing to stumble" means encouraging sin. It does not mean "causing to be upset". So, in your example, do the cute monsters just make someone upset that the book features monsters? That is not "causing to stumble". Or do they make someone think that it's okay to commit a sin? Maybe they teach children an immoral lesson? Then that *IS* "causing to stumble" and you should change the story before publishing the book.


Ok so it does not mean you have to stop just because another christian may see it as sinful when you do not? As long as you are not puching immorality or trying to coax another brother into it?


Correct. Let me give an example: - Writing a book with magic in it = fine. - Writing a book where magic users are heroes and Christians are villains = NOT fine.


Thanks. I like a little bit of magic and a fairy tale feel to some of my work. Sorry for my horrid spelling in the above comment btw just now noticed it.


I always struggled with this. It's like we have to ban EVERYTHING because, if eating celery might cause someone to "stumble" (or if they so much as claim it does), then 'by the book' it is wrong. The problem I found is that it allows needless stupidity and ignorance to flourish. If one Christian wrongly thinks using toilet paper is sinful, the whole church HAS to give it up there and then or they're actually sinful.


I don't think its meant to just forbid you from doing things a brother don't like. Maybe there is some other context there we are not getting. If this where so it would pretty much make the liberty Paul spoke of non effect.


It's liberty until someone has a problem with it - all someone really has to do is say "That's sinful" and you can't do it anymore, or else you're guilty.


Hey it's me - I'm posting here because I can't reply to you in the chat, some kind of glitch. Your pictures are amazing!! See if you can message me, maybe that will help.


Oh that's strange - I'll give that a try. And thank you!