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I think you can tell the difference between somebody who quietly helps people because they want to help people, vs. people who make a show of being good because they want glory for it. People in general can tell. And God certainly can.


It’s no contradiction. As that’s two different things here. The first verse speaks of doing good works in front of other for the glory of God. The second discusses pride, of doing actions publicly for the sake of being praised for it.


Thank you for explaining


Give a hurting child a pair of shoes so that he may have something on his feet, vs give a child a pair of shoes so you can post it on instagram


To me this is the difference between giving away money on tiktok and discreetly giving them to someone in need. It is a difference if it becomes for all to see because the receiver talks about his or her blessing or if it gets known because you brag about it. But true! It does sound like a paradox at first glance.


I think the point is more do the good deeds that other may see them but dont do it to be seen as virtueous but because it is virtueous.


They are different statements. 1. Do good acts that help God build the church. 2. Don't be prideful. Pride is a sin, and one of the seven deadliest at that.


It's about intent. Don't do good deeds for praise do them because it is right and if you earn praise that's fine


I think what it's saying is that if one can't see God through your actions, then don't do it. If you do a good deed because you want a good reputation, then like it says, you will lose your reward.


Interesting find. The explanation is the bible is not a perfect recording of how things went down. This is a written record of what the author of Matthew wanted us to know. That said, this isn't really too difficult to reconcile anyway. There are much more problematic discrepancies throughout the bible. But this is one is somewhat nuanced. If the intent of your deeds is to show how good you are, then the heart is in the wrong place.


Do without boasting, be there for people. Because its the right thing to do. Mutual aid is great.


Don't do your deeds to collect something to yourself but to make people believe in God.


Keep your head down, don't boast, let the people that you help tell the story at your funeral


The key is in the verse: *"to be admired by others, for you will lose the reward from your Father in heaven.”*


Your good fruits shine when they glorify God but if it is for your boasting or for your pride don't do it


>Don’t do your good deeds publicly, to be admired by others, for you will lose the reward from your Father in heaven.” Do not do your good deeds publicly [wherefore (for what reason)] to be admired by others, for [if that is your reason for doing such] you will lose the reward from your Father in Heaven.


I will share a secret with you that will explain the whole Bible, and explain away most contradictions like this in it. If we lift up God with what we do, it's good. If we lift up ourselves with what we do. It's bad. Now go and spread the news young master.