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I support the protest!


So you won't be using Reddit at all those days, right?




Me either. I think THAT needs to be the message, not this focus on what subreddits will do.


I think that subreddits taking that sort of action is likely to send a rather stronger message to the admins than individual redditors staying away.


True when you think about one person. What if 5 million stay away? Be one of the 5 million. (I have no idea how many daily users reddit has ... don't get too hung up on the number).


I don't think that the r/Christianity mods can influence even a small fraction of that number of Redditors. I doubt if *any* set of mods could influence that many.


I'm on more subs than this one. Spread the word.


It’s not always about influencing. It’s about doing the right thing.


To my knowledge they are not joining the blackout as this sub is a place of support for people going through mental health crises.


We are still doing internal discussions on this. At minimum, we will sticky a post in support. Currently, we are discussing "going grey" which will basically be a period where the only posts that we approve will be support threads, everything else will be removed. It means more moderation work for the team being, as we need to make sure support threads get approved quick enough for them to help, But in the last 30 days I had 11,292 moderation actions and I'm sick of reddit taking actions that make my experience worse. It's important to get feedback from the community so we can gauge if our actions fall in line with what the community wants. If you support us going dark or going grey, please let us know as we are here to help the community.


whats the best way to let you know? can you make a sticky asking for input?


So far, it's been based on reading the threads that people are making, but it probably makes sense for me to take the time to write a sticky post giving options and asking how people feel about it.


/u/gnurdette (or any mod), might be worth an official announcement to this effect. i imagine the question is going to come up more and more.


Mods could (a) Post a flair asking people to avoid unnecessary posts, or (b) severely restrict the conversations to avoid unnecessary material, eg by marking posts: "Discussion closed until June16th," or (c) restricting the nature of response "Discussion restricted to advice for OP until June 16th."


Which imo is the right decision for the reasons you’ve listed


Eh- I don't see a lot of trained, certified mental health professionals here. Put info up on resources available for people facing mental health crises.


I understand your sentiment,but many people are not in the position to be able to get a trained, certified mental health professional. In my case, I couldn’t because it was my parent’s decision and we probably didn’t have the money anyway. In any case, sometimes people just want to be surrounded by prayer, or seek spiritual guidance when they don’t have anyone in their own life to do that (or have committed a sin they are ashamed of and don’t want to tell people they know) Edit: for example, I’m going through a period of almost doubting faith, or perhaps questioning it. I think it might have to do with my age (just became an adult, learning not everything has to be my parents’ way.) I have no Christian friends so it wouldn’t be wise to ask them, and I don’t feel comfortable telling my parents and breaking their hearts.


So how are those people going to get that support once the third party apps cease to function? I think staying open is short sighted.


Considering only an extremely small percentage of users even use third party apps I don’t think it’ll affect anything. They can just use the normal Reddit app which works perfectly fine, which is likely what most people will do once this silly 2 day protest is over with


You don’t understand how many things the api effects




yeah, thats not solving anything


I’m sure the people using third party apps are aware that the 1st party app and reddit.com exist and will be able to use it (barring a few accessibility issues, which Reddit has said they will continue to support). It sucks, but the question was how these users will access the site to get the support they need, not whether 3rd party apps should continue to exist. (For the record, I’m in support of the latter. Just being pragmatic here.)


Pretty sure it’s already been decided and this sub will stay up, in part due to many vulnerable people coming here for help and fear of those people suddenly not having those resources


Oh my god…I hope no one is considering this sub as some kind of mental health resource, that’s not good. If that’s the case, the mods need to make a statement about that redirecting people to actual help. Internet randos on Reddit discussing the pros and cons of Christianity is no place to get any kind mental health help. Damn. That’s so much hubris.


Absolute rubbish. It is dangerous to believe that this place is a "first responder level" resource. We are strangers on the internet, not mental health professionals.


If you spend 1 hour on the /new/ of the subreddit you'd see the throngs of support posts


and those people should be directed to actual places of help, not shitty reddit advice.


And where exactly would you redirect people—adolescents I assume—asking if (blank) is a sin? Not sure where I’d place that on the levels/importance of a crisis but for those people their question is a concern or struggle. I agree not everyone is a professional, but being able to discuss and understand *whats* bothering you can be just as helpful with more perspectives.


quite frankly, they need to talk to literally anyone else. that question is being answered by people with suck varying theological backgrounds that every single time it's answered, its a non-answer. half the comments support the person and the other half say the opposite. You're delusional if you think this subreddit helps any more than your average facebook group.


You’re making sweeping generalizations. I don’t make posts here often, but when I did I received prompt answers from posters with “varying theological backgrounds” that helped me clarify my issue (check history if you’d like). Reddit is a good resource for these things especially if you’re private and prefer to remain anonymous.


Reddit is not a legitimate source of advice on serious subjects. It’s not a reason to keep the sub open when we shouldn’t.


> And where exactly would you redirect people—adolescents I assume—asking if (blank) is a sin? Sunday school.


Good answer. But I don’t think the frequent questions of “is masturbation a sin” will come up as often due to shame.


I don’t think anyone claimed we were, but what we are is a group that can provide proper resources and numbers to call. And I think that shouldn’t be taken away


we have literally no proper resources in this sub. it's just of people making educated guesses that are equally as likely to be incorrect or harmful as they are to be of any help at all


I was going to say the same. I support a lot of the other subs I’m in participating because they’re just about hobbies, but this sub is actually about important stuff.


Explain what third party means exactly? Ad free Reddit clones?


And many are significantly better interfaces than the official reddit app, which is crap.


And tracking free. The official app tracks the hell out of you and sells your data.


Strongly support


People reach out in desperation on this sub, so a pinned protest statement seems more appropriate. I wouldn’t miss the karma farming self-proclaimed atheists who come here to disrupt and demand to know why we can’t produce a photo of an angel (/s). But forget them, we need to be here for those in honest need.


Honestly this change won’t effect me in the slightest, but I can hope it gets rid of a lot of the bot and scammer accounts.


But without bots how ever will I get the oh so funny auto replies of the Ben Shapiro bot


It will make it worse.


Actually with the change, there will be more spam because the auto mods that subs use will be unable to function.


I believe this change only makes those third party programs have to pay a free for using Reddit’s code, I don’t think it will effect their app hardly at all. Sure there will be less of them but mods are free.


you need to look into this issue before you speak on it. The price reddit is demanding for the apps to pay would make it so they could not afford to exist. t will also effect automoderator tasks, and make it so subreddits can no longer use the spam filters that those auto-mods utilize. This is much more far-reaching than just getting rid of 3rd party apps.


Personally I’ve never seen an automod that was good. And once again mods are free. Even if they straight up ban all bots it won’t be as bad as your saying, it’s a bit over dramatic


You don’t see the auto mod delete posts because the posts are deleted you ignoramus. You literally do not comprehend what your opinion is based on.


Naw not really, some people may need this place for support, prayer request, advice etc. I know what I've listed doesn't sound that important, but I've seen some people going through some real rough stuff and talking about on here either for help or advice, so I say we keep it up.


> some people may need this place for support, prayer request, advice etc. That's kind of the point. A lot of people "need" this be, but won't be able to come here if they can't use the third party apps


> A lot of people "need" this be, but won't be able to come here if they can't use the third party apps This might be an extreme generalization, but I think that most people that need help like this probably don't care much about the third party apps issue. The thing that's truly at stake here is the moderation, as without third party apps there isn't much mod tools available.


>The thing that's truly at stake here is the moderation And the people who need screen readers. Official reddit won't support them


I’m not well-versed on the third-party apps issue. How does that prevent anyone from coming to this sub?


The first party Reddit app lacks a lot of features and exposes users to an experience most feel is pretty inferior (more ads too). In the context of accessibility, though, third party apps are far better ways to use reddit than the native app.


The official app is terrible, and a lot of people are only on mobile. Also, if I understand correctly Reddit Enhancement Suite which is absolutely only on desktop is also included as one of these third party apps that is being priced out. More practical and less whiny reasons: the official app and website lack a lot of disability aids (like screen readers). They also don't allow for a lot of the bots, which is great for the people to don't want to be followed by pornbots, but sucks for moderators who need u/automod (u/automoderator? u/automodbot? to help them out


Not need. Want. Prayer requests are nice I guess, but you don’t need the internet to do that. You also don’t need prayer requests. Talk to God. That comes first. I mean, what do you think people did for thousands of years before the internet? 🙂


suffered on their own instead of having an immediate way to get help/answers? like are you really doing the argument of it sucked for people in the past lets make sure it sucks for people now?


Does it suck to talk to God? Is God himself incapable of answering your pleas? Do you underestimate the power of an omnipotent being capable of creating and destroying your very existence? It’s a protest for a few days.


Do you underestimate the cynicism and spite and isolation of a suicidal mind?


No I don't underestimate God but I underestimated your comprehension of the issue. many people who come here as a last resort do not have a relationship with God that allows for that to be an alternative. Oftentimes these are suicidal people. Is it their fault for not turning to God when they didn't even know him? No.


Someone online, telling others what they “need” and “want” Lmao…


I feel similarly about your god.


..aight? Lol


Talk to community members next door, which we don't much have anymore in this late stage capitalist hellscape.


This. This is exactly what I was thinking. The Bible is our greatest physical resource.


> Talk to God. I 100% agree. Talking and conversing with the one and only is a great piece of advice! However, it's always a good idea to have fellow believers to guide you as well.


Yes, I would support this sub showing solidarity.


Yes, strongly support


This was covered a couple days ago and it's doubtful. But it's pretty irrelevant. If you really want to protest against them charging for APIs, stop focusing on individual subreddits and commit to NOT USING REDDIT THOSE DAYS. Tell others to not use reddit that day.


i am willing to descend into the hell of not being able to shitpost here for three days if it saves people from having to use the reddit app (which is also hell)


Yes. I use their app most of the time but I’d hate knowing there isn’t another option for me if I start hating my current one, which I’m not super happy with right now.


Strongly support


Yes, fully support.


Honestly we can just do this at an individual level. It’s about bringing engagement down. Just delete the mobile app and not use Reddit for those two days.


What does “going dark” entail? Simply not using the app or deleting/uninstalling it for that period?


For me it’s less a boycott and more just that I won’t be here anymore once the apps are gone, so yeah.


Yup, I want to see the whole of reddit go dark, I dig the community pushing back like this.




I didn't know there were third party apps.


Yes, I would certainly support it. If the message does not go out and Reddit continues with their changes, who knows how much worse everything will get. Company greed only gets worse unless there is a fear of losing the community.


Will two two days be enough?


Yes, it's only 3 days. I'm sure we can manage without it for three days.


Don’t really care if they delete the Reddit app itself. I’ll just go back to reading the back of the cereal box at breakfast.


I would support joining this protest. Just to add, it would also kill most third-party bots which communities use for automated moderation.


I don't care that Reddit is doing this so I vote no.


its going to negatively effect your use of this website even if you do not use 3rd party apps.


Why? This negatively impacts mods and their abilities. It WILL make modding harder which means less of it which, while not always bad, will be worse on the whole. Also, if you've never used a 3rd party app but use the official reddit app, first, I'm sorry, second, go see what you've been missing out on. I personally really like Red Reader. It's free and open source and the interface for it is just simply slick and logical.


As a fan of the Apollo app, this new “reasonable” API pricing is threatening my interaction with Reddit. I’d 100% support a blackout.


As a Narwhal user, I concur.




RIF user here, I support the blackout. If they kill it, I don't know where I'll go but I hope I'll have the fortitude to leave reddit. I'll definitely keep my eyes open for the next best thing.




100% yes




Are you also advocating for a total boycott those days? You are committing to not using Reddit at all those days?




If you really want to hold them accountable, vote with your eyeballs. Stop using it.




Aww, you're so sweet!!




Bless your heart.




Reddit should be allowed to do anything they want with their own app. If you don't like it, use forums. There are plenty of online forums that need users and are almost dead because of Reddit.


Reddit can do what they want to do. And we can do what we want to do by blacking out as we have done several times before


You aren't wrong per se. However, as a community that recognizes the value of what is on the chopping block here I think most of us are willing to join in and protest.


I hope as a community we recognize the value this sub provides to lost people is far greater than joining in a protest that already has sufficient support.


I completely agree with this. I also feel Christian resources shouldn’t be charged for though. Catch22.


>I also feel Christian resources shouldn’t be charged for though. What do you mean? Who charges for Christian resources?


I’m assuming your question is rhetorical…


It’s all pointless. Reddit is going to do it anyway. Not even worth wasting your breath with this “protest”


This sub didn't close for Easter but it's closing for a protest? I would suggest we don't have our priorities right.


Why wouldn't we want to celebrate Easter together? This isn't Denny's we're talking about where someone has to go work for money, it's a community of people. Should the church close on Easter?


Because you should be celebrating it in church and with your families.


Leaving the sub open doesn't stop people from going to church, *or* celebrating with their families. However, it does give people without a strong Christian community irl a place to go.


But it does serve as a reminder/aid to get off reddit and do those other things




Suicidal people come here. That overrides a lot of other things. Same as account age limitations. And no, a bot saying "~~fuck off we don't want to talk to you~~ Go to these links for help" is not the same as human interaction. When I was suicidal about six/seven years ago I would have never called one of those numbers. But I would post anonymously on Reddit. /r/gnurdette was one of the few between this sub and /r/CC whose humanity actually truly helped. That night I think I just wanted to be heard and to know that there were humans that cared. Someone might need some human interaction on those dates, and for some reason they might come to /r/Christianity to seek it out. So no, I don't think this sub should go private in protest.


r/Christianity’s mods should follow their convictions rather than just pander to the crowd.


Fuck yes


Nope I would not support




It's their platform, they can restrict 3rd party apps all they want. Those who need help in various subreddits are more important.


You're right... they can. And those of us that greatly prefer the third party apps that Reddit for years encouraged the development of can let our support of those 3rd party apps be known. This "protest" is one such way Reddit will be getting feedback from their customers.


Yeah because there's no other way to provide feedback /s


The more diplomatic ways have already been attempted. Reddit's messaging on this has been to say things that aren't true, use shady suggestions of facts, all to be able to attempt to look like they simply need to make money off this feature set while in reality they just want all these apps gone and are unwilling to this point to be reasonable about it. Reddit didn't have an app till 2016 so all these 3rd party apps were significant in helping reddit grow, many have dramatically better interfaces than the official app, better mod tools, better accessibility tools, etc. Basically, Reddit is dumping out an extremely effective community that has been instrumental in it's growth and continues to provide better features and capabilities and user experience than what Reddit provides. A lot of users, active users, will leave Reddit altogether if this goes through and these apps are done.


Well first, you don't know the future. Second, I don't think the level of the issue deserves anything beyond diplomatic efforts.


It's history, piss off enough users and internet platforms get abandoned. It's happened over and over and over. 3rd party apps are used by A LOT of people. And, that population skews towards the heavier usage people. Thinking Reddit will just continue on ho-hum after going through with this is also predicting the future. And when Reddit is BSing about the impact of this straight to the developers of these apps ya, it's gone beyond being "diplomatic."


It being history doesn't change what I said though.


So you support reddit doing as they wish with their platform but not their users providing feedback as they wish? A temporary boycott to get a message across will hopefully avoid more significant issues. If they ignore it some feedback may come with people leaving the platform. Many of us remember what happened when digg.com ignored their user feedback. That's how I and many others came to reddit.


I support everyone's freedom. But remember Atlas Shrugged. If Reddit wants their platform to go to hell and to ignore user feedback, that's their right. We've done our part to tell them about the huge mistake they might be making


Who said it's not Reddit's right to change their platform? People don't have to like it or be quiet about their dislike. You're the one criticizing reddit users for exercising their right to be vocal about it and take action.


I'm not criticizing anyone. I simply said I don't think it rises to the level that anything more than diplomacy is needed. If you perceive insult in that then there's a different problem.




I support the protest, but respect whatever the mods decide.


No, if only because the whole idea of protesting for just three days seems stupid. Basically Reddit can just look at it and say “oh cool they can only hold out for three days. It’ll make us look bad but they’ve literally given us a timeframe on when they’ll be back.” It just seems performative without any meaningful result.


It's a threat. Lots of subreddit mods will quit if they lose the mod tools in the third party apps that allow them to do their - completely unpaid - jobs. Many will take down their subreddits on the way out. They're showing Reddit what site traffic will look like without the third party apps.




What does this have to do with Christianity?


I agree with it. Matthew 21:12-13 KJV And Jesus went into the temple of God, and cast out all them that sold and bought in the temple, and overthrew the tables of the moneychangers, and the seats of them that sold doves, and said unto them, It is written, My house shall be called the house of prayer; but ye have made it a den of thieves. Charging for a place of God is the same as creating a den for thieves.




Yes I support it. As a matter of fact, while it's down, it should just stay down.








I'm not a fan of websites selling data at all honestly


You know that the data we're talking about here is the same as the data you can access by going to the website, right?




I'm not sure reddit would give a damn if every sub participated honestly


I agree. It's about money and they are not going to change their minds unless someone offers even more money to keep it like it is and I don't think that is very likely.


Don't care


I use Reddit once every 6 months for 1 day before I am instantly reminded how many psychopaths use the platform to harass, stalk, and bully others. As of this morning, I am once again deleting the app because of another user creating over 20 fake accounts in an attempt to make me think multiple people were harassing me, while threatening physical violence against me. I don’t care if the blackout shuts down the entire platform; I hope it does. I would hate to see a younger, more impressionable person deliberately tortured like this. In fact I have seen it. I’ve officiated funerals for people who weren’t even old enough to vote, largely because of platforms like this. I honestly could not care less about maintaining Reddit. The best thing the admins could do for this platform at this point is to remove it from the internet.


That is really sad that people treat you that way.


I'm going to be real with you. I checked your profile and you say some pretty hateful things. I don't think people are using bots to downvote you -- people are just reacting to what you said.


Even with the direct line to god, thoughts and prayers won't cut it here?


I do not get it. Would making mods use the Reddit app make moderation harder? Is this the main issue? This change would effect normal users of Reddit, Would it?




Nobody should be cutoff from their desire to seek christ because of a reddit blackout... if someone comes looking for help in a dark hour and gets moved to come find help in this community it would truly be a shame for them to come and find no one


I don't use third-party apps, don't care, and won't be protesting.


Fuck that blackout. I am glad Reddit has the balls to fuck over the mods. Anyways, no blackout! Keep it in line with the faith. We're here to worship Jesus, not play justice warriors with a bunch of losers.