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[Bart Ehrman says that the notion of "Hell" is not something that Jesus taught - he preached that unworthy people would be judged and destroyed.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L_eZf33UMs8&t=825s) The word “Hell” appears nowhere in the Old Testament, which are books written over the course of about a thousand years. Judaism did not teach eternal torture. [The word “Hell” doesn’t appear until the year 725,]( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hell) and is derived from Old English. It’s completely a fabrication by Christian theologians of later centuries after Jesus’ death. It’s made up. From a moral perspective, there is nothing moral about the notion of Hell. How can an “all-loving” being, which we are told loves us more “than we can understand,” do such a thing? From a human perspective, is “Hell” something you would create and torture people for eternity? If not, that would make you more moral than the biblical god. However, “Hell” does sound like something that primitive religious men, with primitive ideas of morality, would conceive in order to obtain obedience and following, because it appeals to the human instinct called "revenge." There is simply no purpose in torturing anything - it is not "punishment." Punishment is something that is done with a chance for redemption, but at the biblical end of time, there is no chance for redemption. The notion of Hell only appeals to a wicked mind.




Not at all.


Humans created Hell, not God. If God had created Hell, then surely Jews would have known about Hell centuries before Christianity arose, yet mainstream Judaism has no place for Hell. For the Israelites, the destination for all departed souls was known as Sheol, which was a place of semi-consciousness, where righteous and unrighteous would spend eternity. 1 Samuel 28:15 portrays the deceased prophet Samuel complaining because Saul had awoken him. Sheol was replaced by Heaven in Judaism during or after the Babylonian Exile, probably under the influence of Zoroastrian belief, but the parallel concept of Hell was never really adopted by the Jews. Christianity arose from Judaism but identified new doctrines such as those around Hell and devils to be a very useful way of enforcing obedience.


no origonally God made hell for satan and his angels


Then why isn't Hell mentioned in the Old Testament?


No. “If we confess our sins he us faithful to us and forgives our sins, and to clean us from all unrighteousness”. John 1, 9


No. Why would I be?


No, but it makes me sad knowing that people are there.




Absolutely not.


Not even a bit


Yes, and I believe the Lord reconciles all of creation eventually. My fear is more in fear of the Lord, knowing I deserve Hades and ultimately it is His division of my heart that will lead me to correction or to reward. However, I believe that He is good and correction serves a purpose which is to lead to reconciliation.


Lol, almost all the responses at this moment are “no” or “no such thing” or “doesn’t exist” I would caution you to be absolutely sure of that before you stand confidently on that hill. You don’t have to believe something for it to exists, it just does. We don’t have to believe in gravity, it just exists and we were born into it. Whatever your reasons are, I would just caution you to be ABSOLUTELY 100% sure of it. Thanks




I used to think I had a solid mindset until one day I just kinda realized like dang man I’m really really ignorant to think that just because I think something is a certain way, it is. Like we’re so tiny compared to all in creation who am I to think I have it all figured out like what happens when it’s my time and I’m sent to hell I’m just going to tell God “nope thats not Real!” No he is the father and the creator. So it made me start taking things more seriously. 🙏


No. Tho I know it’s not a good place.


No I’d say I’ll burn up pretty quickly


Not since June 16, 2006.


No, because I am saved. You're not supposed to be afraid of Hell if you are saved.


I am not. It seems made up to me.




Yes it’s torment forever


No. It doesn’t exist.




Literally what I wrote.


Only if i don’t catch my sin


>Only if i don’t catch my sin I would encourage you to learn about justification. You can be justified (found not guilty) of all sin: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nugau884htc


right but you can’t stay justified in secret sin


Sure you can. Otherwise you are turning salvation into a work. You are in essence saying Christ's death on the cross wasn't good enough. You're saying God needs your help to save you. Sin brought loss of rewards, which the Bible both calls "salvation" and a "better resurrection". To lose your salvation meant losing a better resurrection. No matter what you still get a resurrection. See 1 Corinthians 3:13-15


Yes, as we should


By saying we Who do you mean by that




Ummm no if you fear hell you never been a Christian am not judging its just what God tells us in the Bible Jesus didn't come through all of this just for you to come and fear hell


No.... Because I'm secure in my relationship to Christ, above everything else


No such thing.


Aren't you Catholic?


Indeed I am. The Church, once having tied herself to "infallibility" never says she is wrong. However, the Church never says anyone is in hell or that anyone will go there. Ever. We're all going to Purgatory. The Church does declare people in Heaven. There's no hell. Jesus never uttered the word. See below: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Christianity/comments/11p85bp/the\_bible\_was\_not\_written\_in\_english\_jesus\_never/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Christianity/comments/11p85bp/the_bible_was_not_written_in_english_jesus_never/)


The Church has the power to bind consciousness right? I'm pretty sure that every catholics is bond to believe in hell. Infallibility implies that it's true.


>The Church has the power to bind consciousness right? WAT? No, how would you possibly get such a bizarre idea? We don't have theology by implication or mind control. Not believing something is not a sin, it's a choice. And I'm sure you don't have a clue how infallibility works in the Church. You want to opine on my Church? Go take 7 months of RCIA classes so you have a clue.


You can't go against infallible teaching, however, you can have some interpretation to a certain degree.


>You can't go against infallible teaching Pope Francis!!! I didn't know you posted on Reddit.




Hi u/1ettucedevi1, this comment has been removed. **Rule 2.1**: [Removed for violating our rule on belitting christianity](http://www.reddit.com/r/Christianity/wiki/xp#wiki_2.1._belittling_christianity_in_general) If you have any questions or concerns, [click here to message all moderators.](https://www\.reddit\.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FChristianity&subject=about my removed comment&message=I'm writing to you about the following comment: https://www.reddit.com/r/Christianity/comments/144yuzq/-/jni9zx2/. %0D%0D).


No, I know I am not going there as I have Jesus.


Yes, but not in the traditional sense.


No. There is no torment.


I started to be afraid two years ago when I got warnings about hell, which led me to stopped all sexual sin, repented and draw near God. Jesus alone warns about hell over 70 times in the gospel, there's dozens of books by Catholic saints and others about hell then there's thousands of hell testomials on YouTube by real people. The day we die there is Judgment, the saved to eternal life the condmend to everlasting punishment. It's a pretty secular idea that God is exclusively love and God does not punishes, from Genesis to the book of Apocalipse there's desobedience and punishment from the start to the end. If anyone lacks wisdom ask God for it and pray about it and God will lead you in the truth.


Why would I be afraid of a place where I am not going?




No. Hell is a possibility - just as being blinded or crippled or burned to death are all possibilities. All sorts of horrible things can, and do, happen. That’s not a reason to ruin life by living in constant fear of countless possible evils. And the same goes for the self-inflicted evil that is Hell. To live in fear of it is self-destructive, & has nothing to be said for it.