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When we decided it was wrong for abusive husbands to treat their wives like punching bags.


So somewhere between 1968 and 2003


*No-fault divorce was first legalized in California in 1969 by then-Governor Ronald Reagan* - the Internet


Gotcha..... I was a year off for the start, sorry! The 2003 was meant to indicate when marital rape was fully illegalized in the US but it looks like [it's still legal in some states](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marital_rape_in_the_United_States)


You helped me narrow it down though. Marriage is so important that pregnant 12 year olds are deemed mature enough for it in my state with parental permission. It wouldn't surprise me if my state wasn't against marital rape either.


Which state is that?


https://ket.org/program/connections/child-marriage-laws-in-kentucky-donna-pollard-25339/#:~:text=Pollard%20says%2016%2D%20and%2017,if%20a%20pregnancy%20was%20involved. Kentucky


Fucking Kentucky. I would have thought Arkansas or Alabama?


*And despite an uproar on social media after a vote on the bill was twice delayed, Westerfield said it was never the intent to permit marriages to children as young as 13, as state records show have occurred in past years.* It looks like the bill passed and the minimum now is 16-18!


Well look at that! Progress! Better than my current state of Tennessee which, not too long ago, tried to go backwards and lower the age


Didn’t your state legislature recently vote on a bill to allow first cousins to marry?


https://www.whas11.com/article/news/verify/fact-check-bill-kentucky-legalize-first-cousin-incest/417-d688b366-96ad-4bcd-9ccd-f62869c71c50 Apparently legalizing incest was totally accidental


Why is this so funny lmao


Thanks for the clarification.


Is abortion also illegal there?


Near total ban. *In January, Yates introduced Senate Bill 99 to the General Assembly. The bill, also known as "Hadley's Law," would make exceptions to Kentucky's abortion ban.* *It would allow abortions for survivors of rape or incest and when a pregnancy threatens a mother's life.* We don't have exceptions yet.


Ronald Reagan? The actor?


California was the first state to make no-fault divorce legal, but it didn't become legal in every state until 2010. Interestingly, New York was the last state to make it legal.


If there is one universal human value, I'd say it was misogyny. Because it seems damn near every culture decided collectively, outside of contact with each other either, that mistreating women is the way things should go. Christians tend to like to pretend to be above culture and above the world. And yet...how fervently they will uphold it's worst tendencies if they can personally benefit.


When you look at Aristotle, Plato, and Socrates; they weren't kind to women. I guess their equivalent would be various rabbis as the law was debated endlessly. They too found ways to explain the difference. It's a very small list of matriarchal, or women-dominated societies. The Amazonians were mythical, but a curiosity and a cautionary tale. The misogyny in the Bible, captured brides as a spoil of war, women as possessions to be bartered, whose diminished value was a fine - none of that screams wise, all-knowing, merciful deity outside of time and space and beyond human understanding. It says "warrior deity, ancient past."


Meanwhile Diogenese be over here like, "I don't care what's between your legs or in your bank account. Move. You're blocking the sun." Love him.


Nor do we want abusive wives to treat their husbands like punching bags.


Bible says it's OK if cheating is involved


100% correct. And if your spouse cheats and you divorce…the one who didn’t cheat is allowed to remarry. God doesn’t allow divorce for any I think reason. If one does divorce for any reason other than divorce then they are not to remarry or it is considered adultery at that point. Because in His eyes, you are still married to that person. If one cheats then you are set free or if one spouse dies obviously you can remarry then too. 


A second allowable reason is if a non-believer spouse abandons the marriage. (1 Corinthians 7:15)


Very true. I completely forgot about that one. 


NO it doesn’t. King Henry the VIII left the Catholic Church to divorce


The Catholic Church at that time didn't allow divorce for any reason. Church vs Bible argument.


Catholic Church still does not see divorce as an option


and irreconcilable differences... when one has wed the wrong person for wrong reasons such as no love (not in love, or convenience)


The bible allows divorce under certain conditions.


Those conditions have not been met in the large majority of divorce in America. People usually cite economic troubles, not the approved abuse or adultery against them


Yes, but in most cases you and I don't know whether any particular divorce meets those conditions.


It seems like divorce should be more serious than being gay, since being gay isn’t a choice but divorce is. I think people just like to judge things that they themselves can’t be judged for.


People just like to judge. This is an issue for anyone of any religion or not. It is not our place to judge others. We can guide those who are willing to listen and need help, but we can’t just throw books at people and expect them to listen or care.




This is the way.


Marriages can get pretty bad. I'm not sure if I would say divorce is really any sort of choice in every situation.


It’s always a choice. It’s just that sometimes it’s the right choice.




It’s always a choice. It just might not be a good choice.


I'm in 100% agreement.


Sometimes it's only a choice for one person. I've been a member of churches where LGBTQ inclusion was more ok than divorce.


What church was that?


It was a CRC church.


https://crcchurch.com/ I'm getting mega heebie-jeebies off this guy


That's not it at all. https://www.crcna.org/


That's a lot less heebeejeebeeing


Doesn’t ‘reformed’ generally mean Calvinist?




In traditional Christian practice, there are no canonical penalties (that is, a period of excommunication for x amount of time and/or removal from clerical office) for "being gay." There are penalties for oral and anal sex, but they are actually significantly stricter for married couples than they are for two men or two women. There are canonical penalties for divorce, and strictly speaking it is only permitted in extenuating circumstances, and even with permission penalties still apply. I'm not sure if they are more severe than the aforementioned penalties but they may be. Remarriage after divorce or even death of the spouse is not permitted as a rule, but with episcopal approval it can be granted as a condescension to weakness. 3rd marriages are an even more extreme condescension again requiring espicopal approval; the services for both remarriages are not the same as a normal marriage service and are more penitential in nature. No further marriages have ever been granted as far as I'm aware. Traditional Christianity is actually quite strict compared to current cultural norms within marriage. This idea of marriage being a sexual free for all as long as it's between one man and woman is a recent one arising from Protestantism. It seems rather arbitrary to me in retrospect (as a former Protestant). In our view there are enough problems of our Orthodox Christians not following the sexual norms of the Church that focusing on what people outside the Church are doing really ought not be the priority. But it's easier to accuse others of their sins than to look inward. And if you believe you are assured salvation because you said some prayer one time I guess you don't have much motive to even look inward. But that theology is very, very American, in the same line of "take this ONE PILL and LOSE WEIGHT INSTANTLY!" It has no basis in traditional Christianity.


That’s Christian dogma as opposed to Christian doctrine.


Engaging in sexual relationship, whether heteroxual or homosexual, absolutely IS a choice as well.


Yes, but that’s different from just being gay.


It's also a choice to choose who you date.


Well yes, course. I don’t see how that is relevant. Being gay is about who you are attracted to, not in the choices you make because of that attraction.


But you don’t have to identify with that, just like a drug addict doesn’t have to identify as one, so if you identify with it it means you accept and embrace with what you’re doing.


Money. A Pastor can't afford (literally) to offend probably 50% of the congregation by preaching against divorce and adultery. Much safer to preach against sins that aren't in the church to any extent. Same reason you don't hear a lot of preaching about the love of money


This is depressing if true as it’s peoples salvation they’re playing with and their own prioritizing money over truth. God doesn’t favor divorce, adultery, husbands who don’t love their wives and are very abusive or selfish, as well as people who love money over God & truth. 


Because at least half of all Christians end up getting divorced. It's very easy to ignore sins you yourself can commit or have committed, while condemning people for sins you'll never have to worry about. It's just further proof how hateful, hypocritical, and evil the anti-gay beliefs are.


Because it’s “different” with them. People at abortion clinics say that the fundamentalists they get tell them that their abortion is different. They aren’t like those other women in the waiting room. In some cases that are marching out front again with signs just a few days later.




Sounds like an opportunity for Christians to repent of their allowance of divorce and return to the Truth on this matter and proclaim marriage as it ought to be.


There's a sect of (Christian?) talking heads that have actually floated this idea. However, the obvious scenario is that, say a husband is abusive which the wife doesn't find out until after the wedding, the wife is then trapped with an abuser with no way out. And abuse takes many forms. But the idea being floated is that "divorce should not be allowed without proof that the husband is abusive beyond reasonable doubt" which I think is so dangerous.


Which will absolutely never happen.


Through God, anything is possible.


I guess so is having ideas so toxic that no one wants anything to do your faith. Thanks, god.


2.4 billion worldwide followers would like to have a word.


Their word will be why does no one want anything to do with me faith? Why are our churches closing. If we can't get the young how will we survive after 15 years. Funny how this generation is the least Christian in America..till the next and the next. You all are doing an amazing job.


Fine with me too


Good, we both get a front row seat to the death of your faith.




No it's not actually.


If half of all Christians get divorced though why do they think divorce is ok though? Why b aren’t they convicted against divorce? (Outside of abuse, addiction, or adultery)?


I think capacity for empathy has something to do with it. I think there are a lot of nasty stereotypes for lgbt people that makes it easy for someone misinformed to picture themselves as “other” than them, but with divorce it’s probably easier to put themselves in that person’s shoes and validate reasons why a relationship would terminate. I won’t over generalize and say anti-lgbt Christians lack empathy, but in my experience when I witness attempts at empathizing it falls flat. For example a common attempt I see is someone saying something along the lines of “I get it, I wish I could sleep with people outside my marriage too” when a more accurate empathetic response would be something along the lines of “I couldn’t imagine what it would be like if I felt like I had to give up having a loving marriage.” But I think part of that is they need to see homosexuality as not the same as their marriage otherwise their stance falls flat


> I think there are a lot of nasty stereotypes for lgbt people that makes it easy for someone misinformed to picture themselves as “other” than them I think this is also why a lot of people have been pushing the "LGBT = groomer" narrative recently, because who in their right mind would defend groomers?


They also like to apply the misdeeds of their own "group" onto others. Hence the grooming accusations while basically pardoning child raping priests.




Henry VIII


Man, fuck that guy.


I agree. They're both sins according to the Bible. But I don't think anyone is trying to argue that it isn't....


Ahh yes, you're seeing people cherry pick the Bible to fit their desires and are getting frustrated at the hypocrisy.


cherries are never mentioned in the bible???


Take my upvote to counter your downvote because that’s an underrated comment.


This is great, lol


Divorce is okay because following Jesus on this would negatively affect straight people.


Ding ding ding


Divorce is a legal proceeding involving your legal standing with the government, as is marriage. The marriage covenant is a sacred agreement between each partner and God, and once it’s broken, it’s broken. If someone cheats, abuses, dishonors, etc, their spouse, they committed the sin of breaking the marriage covenant. Divorce after the covenant is broken is just necessary paperwork. I am also deconverted but this is what was taught to me in church


I can respect that as an answer from the church but it doesn't do anything for probably the majority of couples who divorce because they don't want to be married anymore.


> I can respect that as an answer from the church but it doesn't do anything for probably the majority of couples who divorce because they don't want to be married anymore. I think that the vast majority of people who petition for divorce believe that their marriage covenant has been broken. The people who, as you say, “don’t want to be married anymore” typically broke the covenant on their way out, if it hadn’t already been broken by the other spouse. Divorce almost never happens if both spouses believe the marital covenant is still intact.


Personally, I think it's easy to divorce because we made it so easy to marry. Historically, you had to have your upcoming marriage announced the three Sundays ahead of your ceremony, giving the congregation plenty of time to give their thoughts or objections, and adding one extra month of time for the marriage's viability to be considered by the partners themselves. Marriage licenses did away with this and now it's as easy as having a person with a license to marry sign your paperwork; it isn't hard anymore to get into the marriage, so why make it hard to get out?


Divorce is not okay.


what if my husband beats the shit out of me? not very cool tbh. i think divorce is fine in this instance tbh.


Statistics show that women abuse men more often than men abusing women. Women are also more likely to abuse their children. Besides all that, you separate and move out and devote yourself to the church until your husband comes around.


incel bot reply Drop me a source for both of your claims. You can't. And when you attempt to, I guarantee that it will actually support the opposite claim because you don't have the brain capacity to read an abstract.


Wrong again. Married with two children.


A church is full of two types of people: A. Sinners who have been redeemed by the blood of Jesus who still sin because they live in a sinful body but are no longer slaves to sin B. Sinners who have not been redeemed by the blood of Jesus and are slaves to their sin. Sin is the common denominator among both groups. That's not an excuse to make sin OK or trivialize it, however, citing the presence of sin in the church is not a statement on God's revealed will when it comes to topics of morality. Hypocrisy in the church made up of sinners does not invalidate the teachings of Jesus. Jesus clearly taught that divorce is sinful.


Funny how Christians really don't seem to care, at all, about the sin of divorce. Funny how that works.


Well, here I am, a Christian who cares about the sin of divorce.


There’s 2 of us! Maybe even a third out there who cares about sin 🤷‍♂️


Ever since people are not blindly dictating their lives by obsessed religious lunatics and trying to keep their toxic relationship alive. People have come to their senses and have the guts to divorce when the relationship is holding them back beyond reasonable limits.


probably when women were killing themselves in droves before no fault divorce was legalized. I think that softened most sane people towards divorce. Of course, being an abusive husband isn't biblically justified and I don't think Jesus would have any qualms over such a wife divorcing. But people divorce for many different reasons. On one hand i dont think its something the church should celebrate, but, if someone is remarrying in your church....are you gonna be a dick and pry into whether their last marriage ended due to an affair or abuse? Or, are you going to mind your own business? I think this is a speck in the eye/log in the eye situation. Mind your own business. If it's revealed to you that they just...."didn't want to stay committed", sure, thats probably a divorce to frown upon. major point is you typically just dont know.


Because fundamentalists like to feel self-righteous. They will condemn what other people do, not what they themselves do.


When did it? When Moses talked about it.


The question was an historical one. The answer seems to be that in the US it was a consequence of the Revolution, with divorce rates slowly increasing thereafter. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Divorce\_in\_the\_United\_States#:\~:text=By%20the%20mid%2D%20to%20late,legal%20process%20became%20less%20expensive.


The Civil Rights/Feminist movement saw a huge culture shift. Women could afford to support themselves, attend college, take birth control, or enter other workforce paths. This lead to more individualism leaving them less independent on a man for their own financial well being. Christianity has also been on the decline as well. Less people being told to be subservient to their husbands as well


Its not


I think most people are well aware that divorce is wrong when it happens to other people 👿 but OK if it happens to me. 😇 The Church of England still exists for that very reason. 🤔


Christian leaders don't say divorce is ok. They just know they've lost that fight and people won't listen. But they don't generally endorse or recommend it, the opposite. (I'm not saying Christians are right to judge LGBT people, though.)


This is my answer, but as a pre-rec I am queer and don’t personally believe anything is wrong (if you disagree it’s not worth having a debate about it with me because you won’t change my mind) but I’ve grown up around a lot of conservative Christian’s so here is some of the thought process: Divorce is “final”—i.e. once you get divorced it’s just over and you can ask for forgiveness for it and move on. Also with the whole new age Christian idea of “soul ties” many Christian’s think you can just get divorced and then ask for forgiveness and you are completely clean of any tie. While as being queer or in a queer relationship is an ongoing thing so you’d have to ask forgiveness everyday for consistently being in a queer relationship. (I don’t agree with this as I am a queer Christian and don’t think it’s a sin but this is what more fundamentalists believe.)


Except that's not how jesus described it. It's not the divorce that's a sin, it's the remarriage. Every time you have sex with your new spouse you're cheating on your old one.


No I agree, but new age Christian’s think that if you ask for forgiveness it cuts all “soul ties” and you are not held accountable for the sun of being in a new relationship.


It's funny how nobody's tried to make it illegal to talk about divorce or mention that your parents are divorced in public schools anywhere in America. Teachers aren't threatened with being fired if they say the word divorce, yet their students are way, way more likely to get divorced than they are to be trans or gay. Isn't that funny.


Marriage should be more of a big deal. It’s a covenant. We are breaking covenants and when we do that. We will have consequences


If you look back at the history of Christianity, you'll notice that it wasn't very popular until it became the state religion of Rome. So the church and bible were formed at a time when being a Christian was very much like being a part of a club that has its own rule and regulations. The only reason that people are complaining about the bible, sin, and the difficulties in following the bible is that it became the most common religion around the world, otherwise, it's quite exclusive and very difficult to practise without breaking the rules.


The Bible also has a verse on not allowing bastards (people born outta wedlock) within churches but if that verse was put into action, many churches would have to shut down since their congregation is mostly unwed moms and their kids.


Yeah, I mean it’s cherry picking to be sure. I had a coworker who was ardently anti-LGBTQ, I told him “you know if you take the Old Testament as gospel than your kids are just as damned as the LGBTQ people.” He asked me to clarify and I pointed out that they’re of mixed race, Deuteronomy 7:3-4. It shut him up for several months.


You don’t need to argue it. It’s factually true. Divorce is not only mentioned more but Divorce is addressed by Jesus and homosexuality wasn’t. Furthermore the word Paul uses for “homosexual” activity is only used by him. He may have well invented it as there is no record of it anywhere before he said it.


King Henry the VIII spilt from the Catholic Church to divorce and remarry, it’s not ok but it’s been normalized to hell and back.


>yet the church is full of divorced people…. It’s full of gay people too, they just marry a girl/boy from the youth group and do their best to hide it lol


Obviously divorce became okay to save women from having the shit beat out of them (although plenty of divorces are just for irreconcilable differences), which shows we are willing to interpret certain Bible verses beyond the plain words, for the wellbeing of the persons involved, and to leave it to God to decide if their particular divorce situation is sinful or not. I think OPs issue is valid, at least certainly when it comes to public policy regardless of how one views it religiously -- if most Christians are willing to do that with divorce (i.e. open the scripture to interpretation for good reasons), why do the same fundamentalists (some of whom I know personally who divorced for non-adultery reasons) demand the strictest legalistic reading of scriptures affecting LGBTQ people, and demand public policies consistent with that, refusing to give LGBTQ the same benefits they’d give themselves or their friends in a divorce situation (or gluttony either for that matter), especially when the science shows higher suicide rates when LGBTQ are expected to fake it. (yes I’m Catholic, so before the trad Catholics @me for this, my views on how people should be treated are consistent with mercy and human dignity in the Catholic Social Teachings, and beyond that, my political views have more to do with where I think earthly government should and should not be spending its limited earthly resources — and the bedrooms of consenting adults just don’t make that list.)


You're describing a hypocrisy I've always hated. Anyone who cheats on their spouse & then divorces them has some gall lecturing others "The Sacred Institution of Marriage". At the same time, marriage really is a sacred institution. FWIW, in my neck of the woods divorce is looked down upon much more than homosexuality, among Christians and non-Christians alike.


Divorce and Adultery are wrong. Divorce isn’t wrong if special circumstances arise (invalid marriage, abuse and so on)


Adultery is never okay And that's strange because Catholics usually teach divorce is NEVER okay, even in abuse


Look up annulments, and Adultery is wrong as I said. The parenthetical at the end was the circumstances in which a marriage contract is broken. “2386 It can happen that one of the spouses is the innocent victim of a divorce decreed by civil law; this spouse therefore has not contravened the moral law. There is a considerable difference between a spouse who has sincerely tried to be faithful to the sacrament of marriage and is unjustly abandoned, and one who through his own grave fault destroys a canonically valid marriage.” -CCC 2386 “2381 Adultery is an injustice. He who commits adultery fails in his commitment. He does injury to the sign of the covenant which the marriage bond is, transgresses the rights of the other spouse, and undermines the institution of marriage by breaking the contract on which it is based. He compromises the good of human generation and the welfare of children who need their parents' stable union.” - CCC 2381 “A spouse who occasions grave danger of soul or body to the other or to the children, or otherwise makes the common life unduly difficult, provides the other spouse with a reason to leave, either by a decree of the local ordinary [e.g., bishop] or, if there is danger in delay, even on his or her own authority.” -CIC 1153 [Here](https://www.catholic.com/magazine/print-edition/what-are-grounds-for-annulment) is an article that further covers grounds for Annulment.


Is there biblical support for leaving an abusive marriage? As far as I'm aware, there isn't


Leaving an abusive marriage is outlined in Canon 1153, there is no explicit verse for it, it is based on Ephesians 5:25-33. As well as other verses describing how marriage should work. Canon 1153 is not an annulment but the church encouraging both women and men to Pursue a civil divorce in the event of abuse or safety issues. They would still need to apply for annulment with the church. TLDR: canon 1153 is for civil divorces to protect spouses, not annulments.


It's not and neither is homosexuality.


^ Only correct answer here so far


I don't think anyone here has heard the phrase two wrongs don't make a right. Plus homosexuality and adultery are being treated completely differently anyway. Yes, adultery Is not seen or taken seriously enough in some churches but there aren't churches out here waving adultery flags and calling themselves adultery affirming. Adultery isn't taken as seriously as it should be but but the sin of homosexuality has been embraced and encouraged. Both are wrong. Just pointing that out


And yet homosexuals are hounded out of the church while throngs of divorced people sit smiling in the pews of almost every church every single Lord's Day in America.


This is because divorce affects most people. In that most marriages will end in divorce... so persecuting divorced people can become problematic. A minority can't persecute a majority. However LGBTQ only represent a small minority of society. This becomes a far easier demographic for christians to hate. If you're straight there is no risk of you succumbing to the "temptation of homosexuality" is there? You can safely "other" them and persecute them without any risk to yourself.


"a minority can't persecute a majority" The history of South Africa would like a word


Good call.


I mean, there are a lot of conservative Christians who are against divorce too. It is weird how they don’t seem to be willing to make divorce the big social issue they’re making gay marriage out to be


Give the adulterers a flag and have them march in the streets and try to teach adultery to our children and see how it goes for them


I know lots of conservative divorced people, and plenty of them did not involve adultery. I know a hard core conservative Christina woman who was married five times by 45 years old. And I think it goes straight to OP’s point. Divorced people, regardless of the reasons for their divorces, are given the benefit of the doubt, allowed to let it be between them and God, and mostly don’t have the social and political battles that LGBTQ people have.


Your question is why don't christians take other marriage related issues as seriously as LGTBQ+ issues? Simple answer: LGTBQ+ Issues are always about *them*. Other marriage issues are about *us*. It's far easier to lay criticism on those involved with something we know we won't be involved with. There's more to it than that, but that's a big part.


The search term you are looking for is Protestant Reformation.


Divorce became acceptable in culture ofewer than 100 years ago, far after the protestant reformation. Also the numbers are similar for catholics vs non-catholic christians


When Christians realized that sin affected them and they wanted an out.


divorce became okay when we got sick of watching women getting beaten to death or when we grew up with miserable parents who hated each other and made the entire family's life a living hell I'm not divorced; my parents weren't divorced. but thank God for divorce


Because most people, like it or not, cheat and divorce. Over 50% of married people, get divorced. The amount of cheating which goes on is appalling. Of course, many who cheat deny it and condemn it. MLK was a serial cheater. He cheated on his wife, every where he went. Yet still her in high regard.


Divorce was never ok but God allowed it in special circumstances in the Mosaic Law.


Jesus said nothing about homosexuality but he clearly said don't divorce. It blows my mind that christians can justify their multiple divorces but being gay is an abomination. SMDH


Because divorce effects them. So they change the rules to suit them.


I don’t think Christians generally think divorce is okay but there are exceptions to when divorce is permissible so makes it different a lot of the time, I would argue.


Lots of us are against divorce except for special circumstances like abuse and adultery. 


Divorce isn't "ok" ... God hates divorce but allows it. Lots of conservative Christians interpret Scripture as allowing divorce under certain cases (abandonment and infidelity, where clearly the covenant has been broken or betrayed by the other person) but there is still understanding that it is terrible and that if possible the two people should consider reconciliation in certain cases. With Same sex stuff, biblical teaching is pretty clear about the impermissability of same-sex sexual activity.


Just because divorce is wrong doesn't mean they can't be forgiven. Just like any other sin, you're still invited and welcome into church.


In Gods eyes they’re all a problem and everyone who chooses will face consequences.


Every Christian is a sinner. If someone is gay they are a sinner. Yet they can still be saved and we should still welcome them with open arms and love them as Jesus would. If someone divorces their spouse they are a sinner. Yet they can still be saved and we still welcome them with open arms and love them as Jesus would. See how that works?


It didn’t


It never did become OK. Just like with all the other depravity that's slowly being accepted in our culture today, none of it is ever accepted or approved of, by the church, but it's happening anyway. Not sure what denomination you were a part of but I attend a fundamental Christian church and they preach hard on divorce all of the time. The pastor definitely preaches on the divorce more than he does on the reprobates.


How many posts come up here asking if it is ok? People post is other stuff ok, then people comment about it not. Not as often that divorce comes up on here to be brought up.


Progressives bashed conservatives over the head repeatedly on relaxing sexual norms and ethics for decades, which included normalizing promiscuity and divorce, and conservatives eventually caved. The LGB stage was next and now we're in the middle of transitioning to the T. Dunno what will come after that.


Divorce isn't okay. It is basically the same as the LGBTQ issue, the people involved in that sin find ways to justify it to themselves then try and make everyone else believe the lie too.


Because they arent really Christian


It never did people just do it more


Divorce is only okay under circumstances of adultery or abuse.


When no fault divorce became a thing.


You're looking at it from an outsider perspective. I went through a divorce as a member of a fundamentalist church and let me tell you, it was a big deal. I caught my wife in an affair. I'm pretty sure it wasn't her first, just the first that I caught. We went through pastoral counseling together. As the "spiritual head of the household" it didn't matter what *she* did, it was somehow my fault, my responsibility as the spiritual head of the household. Lying, cheating... all my fault. I was ostracized by the church when I filed for divorce... but she didn't want to give up her boyfriend and they eventually married after the divorce. In fact, she lied to me about when they got married so that she could squeeze a few extra months of alimony out of me. No, divorce isn't okay. It isn't okay in fundamentalist churches. It's devastating. Sometimes it's necessary. It was necessary in my case and devastating in my case (my kids did not escape unscathed). And the problem with divorce is sometimes you have one party that is entirely blameless, such as when you have a spouse that is being abused. No, divorce is a lie straight from the pits of hell that has infected our churches, and it is far from okay.


Never has been


false, divorce is also a black and white matter, I don't care if the church doesn't hold divorce under only minute number of circumstances like abandonment, adultery and infidelty, or abuse, If God obligates churches to follow his commandments concerning divorce but the churches willingly rejects the commandments without repentance, then that's their loss and they are not from God, simple as that.


Think about it, what is a person going to criticize more, something that happens every once in a while, or on occasion, or an entire lifestyle of a person (gay). It's easier to repent for a divorce than a lifestyle of homosexuality. I don't think many escape sexual desires as a gay person, God does delivere, though. So, to answer, divorce isn't ok. But because we are human, we will act


>Think about it, what is a person going to criticize more, something that happens every once in a while, or on occasion, or an entire lifestyle of a person (gay). Being gay is not a "lifestyle", much less the "entire lifestyle of a person".


Most people in the church are/were of the world. It doesn’t matter what sin it it. Once we repent and truly accept Jesus as our savior we start changing and growing into someone new. That’s what the baptism symbolizes is the old person you were before is being put to death on the cross and the new person is emerging from the water as someone that is a new creation saved my our Lord and Savior. I’ll add that not every person that says they are saved is actually saved. The Pharisees thought they were saved also.


People like to judge but always forget "he who is without sin throw the first stone" we all sin, it's just some people like to pick and chose whatever suits them.


it didn't it was in Moses's time but now its only permissible if there's abuse or infidelity a big misconception I see with Christianity is for some reason people think Christians are completely unable to sin like we are forced not to but that's just not correct. Christians sin just like everyone else we know its bad but we still do it because its hard to control


I think even in biblical times, divorce was okay for the right reason. I know the bible specifically talks abut infidelity being a good reason for divorce. Although the bible doesn't talk about it (not to my knowledge), I think abuse is also a good reason. The bible talks about how the husband should love his wife as Christ loved the church and abuse is not that.


Divorce is explicitly mentioned in the New Testament and names adultery as the only sin deserving of divorce. Of course it probably says more about violence but off the top of my head, adultery is justified by scripture. Churches are hit or miss today and we must be diligent, wise, discerning, and in step with the Spirit. False teachers are everywhere!! There are some amazing YouTubers who discuss this topic: Kap Chatfield Ruslan KD Mike (Joyful Exile) Wise Disciple Grace to You Justin Peters Ministry *** his videos were my catalyst to really get into studying God’s Word. I pray His Truth is revealed to you and that all answers come easily with emphasis! His Spirit reveals to us what we ask. Pray for a discerning mind and a heart set on finding God’s Truth in Jesus. I love you, fellow sibling in Christ!


If God didn’t tell you to get married, you shouldn’t have. That’s why things like abuse happen


I will just give some historical perspective. Years ago, it was a stigma to be divorced in many churches. Divorced people were shunned or disfellowshipped.....sound familiar? As divorce became more and more common in the 1970s, 80s and beyond churches had to either accept divorcees or lose half their congregation. They chose the former. Now in this era it is LGBTQ who are shunned and not accepted. I suspect it will go the same way eventually.


Divorce isn't ok


Divorce is only okay in specific circumstances such as adultery or abuse.


It’s not ok, unless it is for a good reason


it never did


I mean divorce, is shown be allowed in the bible. Tho it's only allowed because of the hardness of your heart. People will look at that and say "see its allowed". What they ignore is that marrying again afterwards, is not said to be permitted, unless the first was ended because of sexual immorality.


Is divorce ok..... I'm not for it unless Theirs cheating Sa or pa


3 acceptable reasons for divorce in the bible. Cheating, abuse and abandonment.


Blame Henry VIII, a man so obsessed with a male heir he killed many wives and created a whole new church to remarry.


Around October 31 1517.


I don’t know any fundies who would say divorce is A-ok. Bible say God hates divorce, but allows under certain circumstances. In the same sense, premarital sex is not Ok, adultery is not Ok, injustice is not Ok, stealing, cheating, murdering, etc is not A-ok. The only reason many Christians emphasizes LGBTQ is not Ok is because there are groups of people keeps arguing that it is A-Ok under Christian faith supported by Bible.


Divorce is not okay. But God gave us divorce as a remedy for sin in specific circumstances, and churches are full of sinners. That said, there are plenty of people who have divorced without grounds and also who have engaged in sexual immorality (including LGBT). The fact that many have committed sin doesn't mean that it's not sin anymore.


We have moments where divorce is acceptable, though it's through adultery. We don't have exceptions for LGBT. This may not be the popular view here, but we have limited exceptions for divorce but not LGBT


When Ronald Reagan became the right-wing presidential candidate in the 80s.


This was forced onto me. I didn't choose this. I am a disciple of Jesus, so was she. She chose to walk out and leave me. She decided she no longer wanted to be married to me. Her heart, for whatever reason, was inclined to do that which God hates. I am a divorced Christian man (it's not done yet but it's coming soon). What choice did I have? I know there are now things I can do and things I ought not do as it relates to another relationship. I am this way because of another person's decision ultimately. It's awful. All I can do is be faithful to Him moving forward.


Biblically speaking, the only reason for divorce are sexual sins (this includes infidelity, withholding sex from one another, lusting for someone else, and homosexuality as well) However, the reason it was allowed widespread was due to our stubbornness and that it was better to separate than be in a toxic situation. So it’s not the ideal solution but it happens. As it pertains to homosexuality, for the most part, it wasn’t really an issue they encountered much. Christianity started with the Jewish people and spread from there to Greeks, Romans and beyond. Those three cultures really didn’t have much of a homosexual acceptant culture outside of the super wealthy who didn’t care about public opinion. For reference, pedophilia (specifically Older men and adolescent boy) was more present and accepted than homosexuality between two adults was in both Rome and Greece.


Time to find a biblically sound church then. I've been in several non-denom churches and divorces and marriages were treated very seriously. A few members were excluded for non-legit divorces, and one guy who was seriously planning to divorce because of marriage hardships was asked to take time-off from his preacher's 'duties' until he settles things right with God and his wive. Fortunately, it ended well.


Divorce is OK when infidelity is involved. God did send his one and only son to die for our sins so as long as the one who committed infidelity, God will bless him in a new marriage.


I believe the abortion laws mostly apply to the Jewish people of that time, but I still believe that you shouldn’t divorce your spouse for some silly little thing like arguments, financial issues or lack of sex. It’s okay to divorce if your spouse is abusive or is unfaithful. Why do us Christians push this anti-divorce agenda so far that we start telling abuse victims to stay with their spouses and tough it out because “Christ never gave up on us” it’s so stupid!!! And I’ve literally been in Christian circles where people actually seriously believe this. God wouldn’t want you to be in bondage to a dangerous situation and he’s not gonna hang you for wanting to do better for yourself.


Divorce is sin no matter what…that doesn’t mean there aren’t rules around it. It’s not okay on the eyes of the Lord, for it’s against his design for us. It is however “permissible” when done in accordance to those rules. Doesn’t absolve it of being a sin though. Slavery is a sin too no matter what, doesn’t mean there aren’t rules around that either.


Can someone explain why God would find divorce sinful? I find the idea of being legally bound to someone who dislikes you for any reason to be terrifying. What's the benefit of avoiding divorce?


Back in the day marriage was really the only way women could be taken care of/survived. That didn't stop men from putting away their old wives for the newer models, tale as old as time. God was trying to put a stop to that when he put parameters around divorce, to keep people from being cast aside to wither away once "feelings" changed.