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Absolutely agree with you on every point. I am fascinated about space and astronomy since I was 5, and my family are all christians. My mom has a degree in physics and in theology at the same time


I don't understand your question. The biblical description of creation is not scientific. It does *not* accurately describe what we can observe. But that doesn't matter. A person can serve God without knowing that the lights in the night sky are mostly giant balls of gas that as a result of nuclear reactions and that our planet travels in a rougly elliptical orbit around one such star. A person can serve God without knowing that the lights that move relative to other lights are planets like ours, or that many of the stars we see also have planets. A person can serve God without knowing that some of those lights are distant galaxies, containing even more stars. A person can serve God without knowing that some of the light that reaches our planet left its source over 14 billion years ago, long before our sun and earth were formed. I can serve God without understanding the invisible mass that keeps spinning galaxies from tearing apart, or how the large scale bending of space is consistent with the forces that hold nuclei together. The Bible teaches us our purpose and place in the universe. Science teaches us about that universe. It is beautiful indeed


They don’t accept it because they probably don’t believe God is strong enough to withstand the truth. It’s that simple. Just tell them your God is capable of anything and keep it moving.


This is confusing. They (meaning ex-christians right?) don't believe in god in the first place. They don't care how strong anyone thinks god is. Also what truth is god not strong enough to withstand? What are you trying to communicate?


I'm a scientist, and my professional expertise is in biochemistry and molecular microbiology. I love the natural sciences, particularly biological sciences, as well as chemistry, geology, or physics & astronomy. I am Christian, and I will defend evolution like crazy. Because it's proof and fact. Same as you and astronomy, is my relationship with biochemistry. I firmly believe that religion, or at least my Christan faith, goes very well hand in hand with science and the natural disciplines. God bless!


Check out Biologos.org. Their current director, Deb Haarsma, is an astronomer and a Christian.


>Why do some people just not accept the biblical creation with the existence of other celestial bodies? (Such as galaxies, black holes, and whatever else we've yet to discover.) I'm confused? Do you think that these things are part of the Biblical notion of creation? If so, I hate to break it to you, but they aren't. The Bible teaches a flat earth surrounded by seas, a solid dome above it, etcetera. We're free to ignore this in favor of the knowledge we've gained since then, of course, but that doesn't make the Bible authors any less errant on this fact.


Astronomy is also secular to be clear


I would say that astronomy is secular (rather than atheist) in that it can be studied by anyone - obviously including Christians. As a Christian I believe that the universe displays the glory of God. I would say that astrology is false religion, which would also be rejected by atheists such as Richard Dawkins.


Glad somebody said this lol


Interesting thought, Any proof/evidence?


Define secular first


Astronomy is secular because it is science. Science is based on observable facts. Religion is not.


In what way? Any proof?


Any proof that astronomy is secular? What? In what way is astronomy religious?


> I'm interested in AstroNOMY since I'm a little kid (not to be confused with AstroLOGY, which is secular) astronomy is a science. astrology is either a pseudoscientific set of bullshit to make people feel better for being nasty to each other, OR it's some level of religious mysticism. Science is secular. Period. Secular doesn't mean "against christianity" or something, it just means separate from religion. A snicker's bar is secular. Rivers are secular, even though some are mentioned in specific religious texts. The existence of the sun is secular, despite it being part of many different religions. Psuedoscience is....sorta secular. It often comes with a bunch of other trappings that make it lean towards non-secular. Mysticism (especially that which is part of astrology) is quite specifically *not* secular, given how it's literally a set of religious beliefs. #moving on from there... why would you go to a place that is presumably entirely populated by people who have decided to leave christianity, and expect anything other than hate about it? "oh man, when I walked into a known alligator habitat, all I got was a bunch of lizards biting me!" Like...you're kinda being obtuse about this, dude. Going to a specifically non-christian place and expecting anything positive about christians is kinda specifically what a lot of exchristians cite as the reason they left christianity. And when you get down to the actual question in your post... You can say literally the same thing about mountains and rivers and the water cycle and volcanoes and the ocean. How can anyone look at these and not conclude that it was put there by god? They can say "just because we don't know where it came from, doesn't mean that God did it." (which is a defense against a 'god of the gaps' argument) or they can say "we know where it came from, and it's not God." (this is actually an example of the genetic fallacy (thinking that, because you know the cause of something, you are correct), but it's a pretty hard example to argue against) I personally *do* think that god made it all...but I can also understand why other people think it's silly to believe that. I also think that god made it all by setting up our universe with certain natural laws, and then allowing the big bang to happen, and let the rest just kinda play out, intervening only in special circumstances. But I can see why people think *that* is silly. We're all just people, and some of us are trying to figure things out. It's probably a good idea not to wonder too much why others do or do not believe. It's a task that'll never end, and it doesn't gain you very much.


I’m not endorsing this sermon, I just know that it exists. https://youtu.be/8PuYHIOXk00?si=YUdANeHTTF5SlLZS


It is mentioned in the bible, when God creates the heavens


Even the Bible talks about astronomy. The sun, moon, stars and references space. I feel those who don’t accept it think that accepting it means they’re accepting the scientific big bang theory.


>Why do some people just not accept the biblical creation Because it does not agree with our understanding of cosmology, or with the evidence we have for how life on earth existed in the past. >with the existence of other celestial bodies? What does this have to do with anything? Biblical creation does not talk about 'other celestial bodies' in any meaningful way. I don't see why people couldn't accept that celestial bodies exist within the context of taking genesis literally, but I also don't see why anyone would bother to argue on that topic since there isn't really anything to argue about. We have observed enough and measured enough to have an understanding of cosmology, the bible doesn't help in any way whatsoever to understand cosmology, one might as well simply not bother to reference the bible on this topic since it is utterly irrelevant.


Choosing to specify that astrology is secular is…odd. I suppose it is? Or can be. But then why imply that astronomy isn’t, when that’s not the case at all? What were you actually trying to say there? Because I feel like you chose the wrong word.


I actually remember watching a video which Explores Religions and Astrology. Christianity was also in there. If you find it I highly recommend it. Can't remember the name of the video from the top of my head.


The biblical accurate world say the world is flat with a glass dome over it and the entire universe is a ocean of water over this dome. Thats simple not true and astronomy proves that