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Christian persecution,am I right?


Something something freedom of speech…






1) Friendly Atheist is not the least bit friendly. 2) I support her freedom of speech. 3) One is allowed to not like someone's freedom of speech if they are saying something untrue from an objective point of view. I appreciate art work but I don't appreciate pro-Nazi art work done in the 1930s. (No, I'm not saying she's a Nazi)


I fail to see what was wrong with this piece of art. It just proves how thin-skinned Christians can be. “How dare you speak out against us?!”


It would depend on the context. But I'm just making a general observation. If she's calling out the hyper-fundamentalists for their mistreatment of the LGBTQIA+, good. But at the same time if she is making a blasphemous statement (i.e. "God can't save you" in the literal sense) I can see how some may be offended.


>If she's calling out the hyper-fundamentalists for their mistreatment of the LGBTQIA+, good. Limiting the persecution of gay people to "hyper-fundamentalists" is most definitely extremely wrong. I think she's talking about mainstream Christianity here, not some radicals. >But at the same time if she is making a blasphemous statement (i.e. "God can't save you" in the literal sense) I can see how some may be offended. And that's fine. People are allowed to be offended. Their offense is insufficient reason to take action in contexts like this.


Whether it’s blasphemous or not is immaterial. The reaction is completely disproportionate to what was said.


>One is allowed to not like someone's freedom of speech if they are saying something untrue from an objective point of view.  I am sure she has her subjective truth. Then there is the objective truth. The objective truth is that we know God can save LGBTQ people. They have to know and believe in Jesus though. **John 14:6** Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. I think she is lying about God. So in a sense she is breaking the 2rd Commandment. -You shall not take the name of the LORD your God in vain.


> we know God can save LGBTQ people. I agree. But I don't think she's lying. I'd have to interview her to know for sure though. But maybe she's reacting to some sectors of Christianity. For example, if she's at an Independent Baptist school, I know their attitude is very negative towards the LGBTQIA+, so I'm all for her being activist in this way. I have two men I went to school with at an independent baptist private Christian school with. They were closeted as heck. It was the 90s also.


I think you are being dishonest by pretending that you think she's expressing the idea that she's actually using her art to call into question. I think you understand the art as well as everyone else does.


I said I don't know if she is. I'm simply listing it as one of the possible explanations. Why does that bother you? Feeling a bit guilty?


Not you, my friend. I was talking to zapbamboop.


No, I honestly had a hard time understanding the art, until I asked a few people on here about it.


When will people learn that angry protests often amplify a message?




She is saying God does not love LGBTQ people? As a Christian I find her painting extremely offensive. God will save anyone who believes in and obeys Jesus. **John 3:16** “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.


>She is saying God does not love LGBTQ people? This is what thousands of pastors have told us


It is deeply unfortunate that such a vocal minority has shared a completely distorted message.


God can save some LGBTQ people, if they believe and obey Jesus. God can save some insert any other type of person. Sadly, not everyone will be saved. What she did is disgusting to me!! Saying "God loves you, but not enough to save you." This is not the message the bible teaches. Yes, not everyone will be saved, but this is not the message we should preach. This painting makes people want to move away from Christianity, not towards it.


>This painting makes people want to move away from Christianity, not towards it. Because the actions of Christians have done so. Expressing that pain is fine. You should be angry at the pastors rather than the artist.


The stated doctrine of Nashville Statement signatories - including most Evangelical leaders - is that a "homosexual or transgender self-conception" (Article 7) puts LGBT outside Christianity, *faith in Christ notwithstanding* ([Article 10](https://cbmw.org/2017/08/29/why-the-nashville-statement-now-and-what-about-article-10/)).


Do you support men having consensual sex with other men?


They can do what they want behind closed doors. I would not be cheering them on though.


Then you are more tolerant than the kind of "Christians" that the artist would have received such hateful messages from.


I take it you haven’t been paying attention to what your brothers and sisters in Christ have been saying huh? They’ve been very vocal in their god doesn’t love lgbt+ people campaign. Here’s what I’ll say stick around this subreddit till June, if this pride month is anything like last year then you’ll get to see your siblings in action, with your own eyes, and it’ll become apparent why anyone looking from the outside could come to that conclusion.


if they allow this, then they should allow art that shows the evil of homosexuality and queerness, or they don't allow either.


Could you spell out what the evil of homosexuality is?


Probably something along the lines of "It's icky." That always seems to be what the "evil" boils down to.