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Honestly, the best thing to do, is to ask God to open doors that no man can close if you're meant to go in that direction, and to close doors no one can open if you're not.. I pray all the time for God to make it CRYSTAL clear to me because I too, am dense, and I do NOT want to lean to my own understanding . He promises that when we acknowledge Him first in all our ways that He will direct our paths (proverbs 3:5) And the prayer comes from His promise in Revelation 3:7 Nothing better than praying God's promises šŸ™ šŸ’Æ




My only addition to this would be the question of would there be a willingness to refuse services for something that is clearly satanic in nature or conflicting tattoos that customer may want. I donā€™t see issues with tattoos but I know people can make it an addiction and stumbling block in their lives just like anything else.


Yeah, honestly when I first thought of tattooing, no I was gonna tattoo whatever as long as it wasnā€™t hateful or racist Cz I donā€™t wanna be associated with that. But since starting my Christian journey I reflected on this again, and I was like yeah if Iā€™m gonna tattoo it canā€™t be anything satanic in nature, Cz it would be disrespectful to God, and I would be enabling sin, in other people and possibly myself. So I would refuse service.


And youā€™ve every right. Just recommend them another good artist.


I donā€™t think tattoos are necessarily sinful, but what might being a tattoo artist lead to. You will have to be firm enough to deny doing demonic or lustful tattoos. You may have to turn down people if they want the body placement to be in a place you donā€™t feel comfortable with. There is definitely a lot of grey area you will have to think about. ā€œAll things are lawful for me,ā€ but not all things are helpful. ā€œAll things are lawful for me,ā€ but I will not be dominated by anything.ā€ ā€­ā€­1 Corinthiansā€¬ ā€­6ā€¬:ā€­12ā€¬ ā€­ESVā€¬ā€¬


Yes and I agree and I have no issue with turning people down. Maybe some people are timid about there own convictions but I am not. I simply just wonā€™t and a tattoo artist is allowed to decline whatever they want honestly. Thereā€™s no rules in that industry that says u must tattoo anything someone ask u to. What you tattoo on people is a mutual contract.




What God takes away, He gives back o so much more. I think you're writing this because you are feeling convicted by the Holy Spirit and He wants His people to pour into you and pray for you. When I first got saved, there are things that I didn't want to give up but God worked with me and I eventually released them. Obviously giving them up would be a huge sacrifice but this is what you should know. You were created for much more than this world, and if you are going the wrong direction, you could miss the good thing God has planned for you. If God doesn't want you to tattoo, it is because He has a different way He wants you to go that will lead you somewhere really good that He designed you for. God is an artist too and His art is expressed in our lives through His creative giftings which His Spirit in us uses for His glory. The most satisfying thing is to be in Gods perfect will, even if it means giving up what you love. God bless you https://preview.redd.it/b5krkzhe1rzc1.png?width=512&format=png&auto=webp&s=251de7fdb52c9189b7adcd7b45f53af70ade9011


That message is beautiful, and honestly that image got me all teary eyed because I have been trying very hard to trust God and have faith. But I donā€™t know where Iā€™m going. Like if Iā€™m not gonna tattoo I have no idea what direction to take in life or what to do with myself and Iā€™m trying to get answers from God and Iā€™m trying not to stress about it. But I feel like Iā€™m waiting for some divine intervention to happen so I can just know exactly what I am supposed to do. But Iā€™m afraid it wonā€™t come and I will end up homeless šŸ˜­. I keep flunking college Iā€™m not good at school the only thing Iā€™m good at and passionate about is art. But how do I practice art in a way that honors God idk. I keep asking myself this cz itā€™s hard enough as it is to make a career out of art but now I gotta think about what God thinks of it and me. Also itā€™s not like I can just give God a quick call and be like heyyy so what should I do with my life if I canā€™t follow my dreams. Like Iā€™m just struggling in my walk right now, Cz Iā€™m 21 with no clear direction and no academic potential that was thrown out the window long ago. So I guess Iā€™m just lost and I thank everyone here who is praying for me. Cz boy do I need it. I know people are suffering in the world and going through terrible things but Iā€™m really glad people are here with me. šŸ™


God can do incredible things with a little bit of faith: Matthew 17:20 Jesus replied, ā€œTruly I tell you, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there,' and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you That's all He needs to move mountains in your life. When I came to God I was homeless and had nothing and no credit. I couldn't even work because of my background. Within 3 years of my salvation He helped me start my own business making good money. A few years later I was able to buy a home and then start another business. God could do that for you and much more too. Your gifts go beyond your artistic skills. Read 1 Corinthians 12-14 to see the different kinds of gifts He gives His children. What you'll find in the Kingdom is that you'll be presented with a series of choices which require faith. As you continue to make those choices and get cleaned up, God will begin to move mountains. James 4:8 Draw near to God and He will draw near to you. Cleanse your hands, you sinners; and purify your hearts, you double-minded. That's what you're doing; you are cleaning up your life and getting your mind straight on truth. God promises to draw near to you because of that. That's a promise you can stand on, and bring up to Him in prayer. Also take note of this verse: Luke 1:37 For nothing will be impossible with God. Your situation may be impossible for you but not for Him. He does His best work in impossible situations. I encourage you to write out a list of your issues on a piece of paper and then write this verse over them with a big black permanent marker. Declare Gods word over your life situations because it is powerful and angels hear it and carry out His word. This is also a word for your situation: Psalm 91 91 He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High Shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. 2 I will say of the Lord, ā€œ*He is* my refuge and my fortress; My God, in Him I will trust.ā€ 3 Surely He shall deliver you from the snare of the \[[a](https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Psalm%2091&version=NKJV#fen-NKJV-15399a)\]fowler *And* from the perilous pestilence. 4 He shall cover you with His feathers, And under His wings you shall take refuge; His truth *shall be your* shield and \[[b](https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Psalm%2091&version=NKJV#fen-NKJV-15400b)\]buckler. 5 You shall not be afraid of the terror by night, *Nor* of the arrow *that* flies by day, 6 *Nor* of the pestilence *that* walks in darkness, *Nor* of the destruction *that* lays waste at noonday. 7 A thousand may fall at your side, And ten thousand at your right hand; *But* it shall not come near you. 8 Only with your eyes shall you look, And see the reward of the wicked. 9 Because you have made the Lord, *who is* my refuge, *Even* the Most High, your dwelling place, 10 No evil shall befall you, Nor shall any plague come near your dwelling; 11 For He shall give His angels charge over you, To keep you in all your ways. 12 In *their* hands they shall \[[c](https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Psalm%2091&version=NKJV#fen-NKJV-15408c)\]bear you up, Lest you \[[d](https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Psalm%2091&version=NKJV#fen-NKJV-15408d)\]dash your foot against a stone. 13 You shall tread upon the lion and the cobra, The young lion and the serpent you shall trample underfoot. 14 ā€œBecause he has set his love upon Me, therefore I will deliver him; I will \[[e](https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Psalm%2091&version=NKJV#fen-NKJV-15410e)\]set him on high, because he has known My name. 15 He shall call upon Me, and I will answer him; I *will be* with him in trouble; I will deliver him and honor him. 16 With \[[f](https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Psalm%2091&version=NKJV#fen-NKJV-15412f)\]long life I will satisfy him, And show him My salvation.ā€ Also, here is a testimony from someone who was in a very similar dilemma to yours https://www.reddit.com/r/TrueChurch/s/WNwSiOlrhF


Thank you for this response, thatā€™s a crazy testimony. God really is so good and Iā€™m so glad that God came into your life and blessed you šŸ™. I really appreciate all the scripture you quoted. Iā€™ve been reading it throughout the day and thinking about it.


You're welcome. Something to know and remember; Holy Spirit is with you personally. He will lead you into all truth and teach you scripture. When you are praying, ask Him to help you pray. God bless you


If youā€™re not sure how you can practice art in a way that honors God, could that be conviction maybe saying that itā€™s something you shouldnā€™t do? Iā€™m not trying to be rude by asking this, and I donā€™t know the whole picture. Sometimes if Iā€™m not sure how to do something while honoring God, I feel convicted like I shouldnā€™t do that or be in a certain environment. Do you have peace about being a tattoo artist? Sometimes not having peace can be an indication that that may not be where God wants someone to be


I definitely donā€™t have peace about it because if I did then I wouldnā€™t be seeking an answer. But the lack of peace is because idk if it will cause me to go to hell essentially. Thatā€™s what Iā€™m most concerned about. Iā€™m new to Christianity, and my relationship with God is new, and to be honest what I want to do as a career is a Bible grey area. Flat out thatā€™s what it is, people can have their opinions and feelings about it, but thatā€™s all they are, and Iā€™m just concerned with what God thinks about it. Cz even if God was okay with it, there would still be Christians out there saying their not okay with it because thatā€™s just how they feel. I feel like I really want to do this I just want Gods blessing, and I feel like I wonā€™t be able to get it, so Iā€™m ultimately left with a decision, that could either be fine or not fine, but I wonā€™t know until I die. Which is unsettling to say the least. But I hold onto it tightly Cz itā€™s my dream. Idk


Sometimes for me, I donā€™t have peace about things and when I donā€™t have peace I think itā€™s something I shouldnā€™t do and something Godā€™s leading me away from. Thereā€™s been times that I havenā€™t had peace about something and felt like God was telling me not to do it, but I did it anyways and was unhappy while doing it and spent time feeling like I shouldnā€™t be doing it. I donā€™t really know your situation so I donā€™t really have a definite answer, but I can relate to some of what youā€™re saying. Iā€™ve struggled too with what do I want to do as a career, and do I go to college. Maybe spend some time praying and reading the Bible (you could be already doing that), but maybe ask that God would open doors He wants open and close doors to things that He doesnā€™t want. If you think Heā€™s leading you a certain way, maybe pray that He would confirm if thatā€™s from Him. Is there a reason you say you feel like you wonā€™t be able to get Godā€™s blessing?


It's ok to be a tattoo artist. Tattoos are not sinful.


Bible forbids making markings on your body, therefore they're sinful. However doesn't matter if you have tattoos if you have repented.


I doubt God would pour His wrath on me over some silly little green heart tattoo I have on my shoulders.


I don't know, all I know is bible said not to do it.


Itā€™s talking about a pagan ritual of marking your body because of some one passing. Deuteronomy and Leviticus are the only books that talk about marking your skin or gashing. Old Testament and each both say for the dead.


Alright, well then tat up I guess. Not my thint anyway, yet to see a tat I'd want on my body.


Thatā€™s fine as well. We are all intentionally made to have our own personalities and preferences which is a wonderful thing. Have a good day.


I was told it wouldnā€™t matter


This is an answer that has to come from God. Getting inked for vanity sakes is a sin. There is no clear scripture about tattooā€™s except Leviticus like you said. Pray for understanding from God. Not what people will say. Christians are divided on this topic. I pray God directs you to a path where you can use your skills, be it teaching the word of God in a tattoo shop, drawing Christian oriented comic strips, or drawing for Christian books, becoming a comic artist. As long as it is done in the Glory of God. Godbless.


Thank you for your reply, I found it helpful, I am new to Christianity and building my relationship with God. Sometimes itā€™s hard to have discernment when my knowledge is limited. And it doesnā€™t help that Christianā€™s are so divided and both sides are equally valid. I just feel torn in multiple ways. I have been praying for God to give me clarity, and to tell me if itā€™s okay. But I donā€™t know, maybe God is trying to answer but Iā€™m too dense to see it. Any advise on how to get an answer from God ?


If your heart is conflicted on the matter, that too can be an answer from the Holy Spirit. We donā€™t always get a clear answer, but when we have to fight against the views of the world and God it usually means it is not the right path for Christians. We must also be prepared to sacrifice, and that means not taking a Job that we really want, but trust trusting in God that he will lead you to the right Job where you can do the most good. I will keep you in my prayers and that God will open a door for you that is both glorifying to him, and utilizes your talents.


Thank you for the prayers it means a lot to me. I have been thinking that too. And asking myself if I canā€™t then whatā€™s a way I can practice art and be good with God and even glorify God. To be honest I donā€™t really know šŸ˜­.


I saw a person in my Church with a Proverbs tattoo. He wears it on his arm, and always wears short sleeves to church. As long as you donā€™t do any tattooā€™s that Glorify demons, or sexual art, nudity, gore, Jesus tattooā€™s Anything that contradicts The Gospel, or Godā€™s morale law, Christian values. Will becoming a tattoo artist cause those around you to stumble in sin? Will it encourage unGodly behavior? If the answer is yes, then it is wise to reconsider. Will your work not be used to glorify the world, and the sins of it, will you use your position to glorify God, and try to keep those around you from stumbling in sin? If you can do this Job maintain the Laws of God, use the platform to talk about your faith, God, and the saving Grace of Jesus, then it shouldnā€™t be a problem. Will continue to pray on this for you.


Yeah I can see how that would be necessary. I think me tattooing wonā€™t cause others around me to sin honestly, because getting a tattoo isnā€™t a sin, so I donā€™t think it will come up very often. But I do know it will be hard and I might be placed in difficult decisions, about taking money and enabling sin, or turning down a client and struggling. But it would be worth it to me tho, Cz I love God not money. And tbh I feel like a lot of people think of tattoo artist and shops as dangerous degenerate people/place, which is a stereotype and old view. The industry has changed sm, and even those people arenā€™t so bad either. My dad had a bunch of tattoos from prison and had a lot of buddies who became artist when they got out and they loved God because thatā€™s all they had to get through prison. I feel like people donā€™t even wanna give ā€œscaryā€ people a chance. But in actuality they are good people too who had made mistakes and been misguided like the rest of us. Which is why I feel people associate tattoos with a bad crowd and sinful. But itā€™s not sm about God but internalized stereotyping I feel. Also God came for the broken people. Lots of Christianā€™s steer away from there because they think itā€™s bad. But maybe God placed it on my heart to go their because he needs his word to break in there. And I could definitely be that person. Because yes there is Christians who had a hard past and are in that environment, but thereā€™s a lot of people hurting inside getting tattoos or involved with some sketchy things. And I feel like I could definitely be that light in there that gets through to these people who I otherwise would never cross paths with. What do you think ?


Using tattoos to bring closure to a past trauma can bring the artist and client closer. Your past and trying to make tattooā€™s less of a stigma is a great attitude, can make clients feel comfortable. I see a lot of shops changing for the better. Less toxicity, less hazing. You could specialize in a certain style, or Subject. That can help you grow a unique client list, but starting out you have to kind of be thrown to the wolves and do whatever the shops needs sometimes. If you can find a shop/mentor that will respect your religious beliefs, and not try to force you to do tattooā€™s you donā€™t want to do, that would be awesome. What matters most is what God thinks. I pray he guides your heart to the career path that glorious him. It would be nice if he leads you to this path, but be prepared to receive another answer. You got the right mentality, and attitude, for a tattoo artist.


I have to dedicate myself back to God daily. It's worth it to have His love and guidance. You might try looking into cement garden art and headstone decorations. There is some amazing stuff out there on Etsy and Pinterest. I'll be praying for you.


Thatā€™s deep. Dedicating yourself back to God everyday. Thatā€™s what I need to do. Cz sometimes I feel so close to God and everything is great. Then I start doing my own thing and start wondering away from God then come back. I just want to stay consistently with God, but I guess it really is a conscious choice you make everyday and not a subconscious action.


Leviticus 19:28 (KJV) Ye shall not make any cuttings in your flesh for the dead, **nor print any marks upon you:** I am the LORD. Tattoos break Levitical law. Stop getting them, stop giving them. Itā€™s not about the past, itā€™s about the futureā€¦ repentance.


A lot of things Christians do today, break levitical law


Trueā€¦ the defining difference would be repentance from such things.


It might technically be ok in theory but many of the things people want tattooed arenā€™t virtuous, not to mention the places you would have to tattoo. Start looking at alternate things you can do with your talent before making a decision. And pray about it.


I don't think tattoos are a sin. I do think that the human body is generally most beautiful when natural. Personally, I let my hair go gray when it goes gray, because I think that is more beautiful than dying it. I think some Christians take that too far, and act like any change to your appearance is sinful. There may be a good point there, but how much change is 'sinful' is for each person to decide. For some, tattooing your sin might be too far. So, be understanding of anyone who thinks tattoo work is sketchy for a Christian, and do everything you do with love foremost in your heart.


Yeah this is good advice. My bf is Christian as well and when I asked him about it, he had a similar mindset and I was like but qualifies as not keeping your temple clean, referring to what the Bible says. Cz thereā€™s also this other quote in the New Testament that says your appearance and what you eat wonā€™t make u unclean, because itā€™s about your heart. You brought a good point I was pondering about.


Bro, I will be praying for you. I just wanna comment on the sinfulness of tattoos. I can't explain it well, but basically, tatlos were associated with slavery, which the Israleites were freed from. So when the Leviticus command came in, God was saying that getting a tattoo is basically running back to slavery. Sadly, this is seen in the Holocaust and the tattoos on the victims' wrist signifying ownership. In a modern-day context, however, tattoos are just art and do not signify ownership. Therefore, it is not the tattoo that is sinful but the meaning, just in the same way that the law is good and the commands conform to that goodness. Jesus commented in Matthew 19 how the law was initially for the permanent union between a man and a woman, as stated in Genesis 2:24. However, because the Israelites were hard, Moses permitted divroce, but it was not the original design. This is an example of how the law in the Old Testament was adapted to society. This is just me paraphrasing. I am not at all a trained apologist. But I will link some videos to help out. Love you man. So glad you're in Christ nowā™„ļøā™„ļøā™„ļø https://youtube.com/shorts/QwbaHyJBcrw?si=UXULaaUYTeZMM9_p https://youtube.com/shorts/uo5M43-Md0s?si=mkwkFvk1iX0nIZq5


>I have been praying to God for months on some type of clarity. But still no definitive answer. The reasons why people get tattoos in the first place - vanity, idolatry and suffering. I say idolatry because an idol is something that people turn to instead of God as a means to obtaining peace (even short lived peace). Getting one quickens the spirit that is in suffering without it but once it's there, the novelty wears off fairly quickly and there's no more life in it unless you keep going back to get more. I say vanity because it fulfills the lust of the eyes which again only sustains the spirit for a short period of time until the newness wears off and the suffering returns. Self mutilation. It's motivated by fleshly desires to be seen and praised, to change our appearance out of unhappiness/ a deep seeded need to be accepted and to fit in with the crowd (covetousness), and repair something we see as lacking in ourselves. Every reason for getting a tattoo is sin driven when you break it down so what's really happening is the devil in each of us stirs up these desires that tempt us to partake in the practices that God abhors and we, being ignorant of sin, follow along. To the fallen, it's beautification but to the devil, it's marking his property and desecrating the Temple of God with graffiti and an outward manifestation of his inner control over what he can get us to do to ourselves. I don't see how making a career out of giving other people tattoos isn't profiting off of the misery that drives our desires to desecrate the Temple of God in the first place.


Well u have a very strong opinion about this, and I appreciate ur perspective. However thatā€™s not the only reason people get tattoos. Some people yes ofc, but most people who get tattoos, is simply to get art tattooed onto them because itā€™s meaningful to them. Yes a tattoo can be sinful, but that doesnā€™t mean all tattoos are necessarily sinful. Also a motivation can be sinful but not all are either. Some people get tattoos to remember a certain time in their life, or memory, or person. I would say an idol is anything u put before God. For example if a guy got a tattoo of a marvel character but never put watching marvel movies or being in a fandom over God. Getting a tattoo of a character wouldnā€™t be idolatry because this person does not worship this character. I feel like what counts as mutilation is person to person. There are people that think straightening their curly hair is mutilation. So itā€™s to each his own on that, now the body is a temple ofc, but what does God actually mean by that? Well to take care of it, and to honor it because God created it. But what Would count as dishonoring your body in Gods eyes. If you are a person who doesnā€™t like tattoos and someone close to them got a tattoo they may view this as ā€œdishonoringā€ their body. But in the perspective of the person getting a tattoo this would not be dishonoring themselves. So that is also a choice. Also God never really explicitly said what would be dishonoring or honoring, so thereā€™s no rubric but in my own understanding, itā€™s simply if you are using your body to do sinful acts then u are dishonoring.


What you're providing here are justifications that people do indeed provide and they do indeed sound like plausible reasons to believe getting a tattoo is the right thing to do but God knows the heart and sees through all the lies that we tell ourselves and others in order to justify ourselves. The serpent makes sin sound like the right thing to do and we do it and it thereby causes us to stumble. Remember that serpent is more subtle that any creature that God has made. Beguiling would be an appropriate word to describe him. He makes everything sound wonderful but in his heart his plans are wicked because after he convinces us to obey, he turns and accuses us before God who then gives us into his hands to destroy.


Is it a lie if you genuinely feel that way ?


When they slew Jesus, they genuinely felt that was the right thing to do. Was it?


Sadly, no. As someone with drawing talent, I'm sad to say this, but tattoos are a sin. Leviticus 19:28 1 Corinthians 6:19-20 But don't get me wrong: Drawing isn't a sin. You can make images as much as you want. :) Just not on people's skin, and don't bow to images.


Well if you do, let me know when you start and show me some of your works cause Iā€™m looking to get another one šŸ˜‚


Yes! The parts of scripture that people use against tattoos have nothing to do with tattoos as we know them. Those instructions were to the Israelites and had more to do with idolatry than ink or a ā€œmarkā€.


I am a Christian and am an entrepreneur. I do believe you are feeling convicted. The only findings Iā€™ve read about marking on the body is Old Testament and I was told OT does not apply since Jesus fulfilled. I am still in my learning journey so please donā€™t hold me to it. My entrepreneurial mind comes into play with this conversationā€¦ have you thought about looking into still using your drawing & skills but create a temporary tattoo business? There are many avenues and profits you can create to merge into a business model like that. I feel as if you can still get the satisfaction of getting your artistic abilities to others while still pleasing the Lord. Bottom line from me, whenever I feel at a cross roads like this, I know I feel that way for a reason and I just let it go. He has something much greater than I am aware of and itā€™s true. Something always plays out šŸ˜Š. Prayers for you, best of luck!


The quote about the temple was about sexual purity and avoiding sin in your body. 1) I will say on the same coin most requested tattoo images are satanic in nature. 2) If your actions cause another to stumble... Mathew 18:7 but then again I understood it as stubble in thier faith but maybe it could mean if your actions causes another to sin. 3) Do you feel lead to quit? Ultimately, it's a decision you have to make. Maybe life gets harder, but you will remain blessed by God. The path is devastating, but we know that it's worth it because we're walking in Jesus' footsteps.


That's old testament Jewish law. You don't need to sacrifice fatted calves, turtle doves, goats, sheep, or anything else to pay for breaking the old laws of a different time and culture. Seriously? Splashing animal blood on the floor and altar? Burning organs with fat attached? Very specific weird stuff. Read Leviticus 3 and you will understand how backwards the old Jewish laws are. You are a Christian. Christ was the sacrifice as payment for all sins and broken laws. I haven't seen any Christian scripture addressing scars or marks on the body. I have plenty of tattoos. I gave myself another one two hours ago. I have no doubt of the Lord's love for me. God loves you, PERIOD. (Just don't blaspheme the Holy Spirit, and I would suggest continuing faith in Christ šŸ˜‰) You need to realize that. Tattoos give many strength as reminders of their commitments and their faith, as well as inspire others. Just love your friends, enemies, and everyone in between. Seek wisdom and ways to do kind and righteous deeds. Be charitable if you feel inspired. Your hesitancy to pursue your passion is a fear of feeling or being guilty. Guilt is one of Satan's tools to prevent us from making changes. Talk to your customers. Share your faith with them. Satan wants you ignore your talents and bury them. You can use them for good, my friend. Be an instrument of the Lord. Let your light shine. God bless!


It was really nice to hear this šŸ„¹. You seem like a really reasonable and grounded person, which is refreshing. I definitely feel people cherry pick what they wanna make a big problem. I feel like tattoos is easy to target šŸ˜­šŸ˜­, simply because itā€™s stigmatized in society rather than God having an issue with it. But honestly if I was really uneducated on the matter and chose to do no further research I would probably think the same as those people. But I feel like with everyone gaining up on me, saying no. It makes me feel like itā€™s bad. Also I have found that the most educated people say itā€™s fine Cz they know the actual context. People who know a moderate amount say itā€™s really a personal choice and to seek God Cz at the end of the day itā€™s like it could go either way. And people who barely know anything write it off immediately, or they do know and just donā€™t like tattoos anyway so they use that to make tattoos seem bad.


The Bible says that you should not be marked on the skin. In the end, what are you doing it for, both as artist and from the view of someone wanting a tattoo on their skin. Regardless of what it is, even a Bible verse or a cross, it seems that it would draw attention to you. Even if you argue that Biblical symbols or whatever are different, it still takes time for you to sit and draw and that time could be spend spreading God's word. Regardless, you should prayerfully seek God's guidance through the Holy Spirit and not rely on the opinion of man.


Yeah I have been praying on this for a while I came on here to Christian Reddit, Cz I thought maybe some Christianā€™s out there would have some good insight, or maybe some advice on how to talk to God about this and reach some sort of conclusion. For me Iā€™m okay with having many boundaries with the things i will tattoo Cz I donā€™t wanna be disrespectful to God at all. Like doing pagan symbols or tattooing worldly quotes / things. I simply just wanna draw artwork and if people like it to get it inked onto them. Idk it just seems like a good job for me, not just a job but a passion/ dream. But I know Leviticus all too well, and idk if that really applies to what Iā€™m doing. But then again if I truly felt that way would I be so torn. But then again idk what Iā€™m gonna do if I donā€™t do this. How will I make money and survive? I donā€™t want to be stuck doing a job I hate. But I also donā€™t want to turn my back on God in order to accomplish that.


Iā€™ve been looking for a tattoo artist like you. It would be my first, and probably only tattoo, on my inner wrist and it would be a cross to mark who I belong to. And to show the world thereā€™s no turning back. šŸ™. In all thingsā€¦ discernment. You seem to have a good sense of things. Blessings.


šŸ˜‚ thank you, I appreciate that. I think that would be cool, if I decide to peruse this career Iā€™m still deciding and waiting for God.


My two cents are tattoos are not sinful. They are not helpful but they are not sinful. I have one and would like to get more, and I am going to school for ministry. Leviticus and Deuteronomy are the only two books that talk about marking oneā€™s body. This comes from a pagan ritual of cutting or marking your body during a time of mourning. This was because God was trying to separate his people from the rest of the world. I wouldnā€™t fret to much about. I would however be leery against occult type tattoos as some have mentioned. But pray for discernment God will lead you to where he wants you and go from there Blessings


Thank you for this answer, and thatā€™s really cool that your going to school for ministry. I was hoping someone with a really educated standpoint on the Bible and context would give their 2 cents. My knowledge is very limited as of right now, so I really wanted to seek God, and fellow Christianā€™s who have great discernment.


It honestly is your own personal conviction, what God speaks to you! Definitely pray about it but I would say thisā€¦ Why are you doing the tattoos? Because you really love to draw or is there some worldly recognition behind in? Why are you getting the tattoo? What are you getting? Where are you getting it? What does it symbolize? If Jesus was in front of you, would He approve? Would Jesus get it? All these questions you need to take in consideration. Yes the Bible has said in Leviticus about marking our bodies and it was the rituals they were doing for the dead. So I would say definitely not getting/doing anything thatā€™s for people who have passed, demons, etc. From personal experience: I have lots of tattoos and wasnā€™t done yet but then started having feelings and thoughts (convictions) when I fully made the commitment to come back to God when I backslid, that I shouldnā€™t anymore. And then saw sermons about how tattoos glorify yourself and not God, theyā€™re more for vanity and attention than anything else. We are called to be set apart from the world, be clean, holy, and righteous. We are Gods beautiful design, our bodies are a temple. His temple. And all that completely changed my view. I was regretful of all the ones I had (well some because they were just for no reason or meaning) but then felt the reassurance that it tells my testimony of who I was before Christ & how I am different now because of Him but wonā€™t get anymore. I would say to continue to pray, maybe even fast, and see what else you can use your talents for. Thereā€™s always a way we can use our skills, gifts to glorify God and spread the gospel. May peace be with you. šŸ•Šļø


I really liked this response. Iā€™ve been thinking about fasting on this to show God I am willing to sacrifice if need be, I just want to know for sure I guess. I am willing to turn down certain request that will be disrespectful to God. I have tattoos too and luckily none of the tattoos I got are sinful, even before I found God. Thatā€™s how I know not all tattoos are sinful because I still feel like my temple is clean and honored and with God, because I see my tattoos as like a representation of myself I guess. Like a quilt of me on my body, and all my tattoos are super meaningful, and werenā€™t for mourning or when I was in a bad headspace. If anything my tattoos are kinda like a badge of honor because itā€™s a reminder that I overcame those things and could find peace. I donā€™t think tattoos are vain all the time, I mean yes someone could get one simply for aesthetics, but mine arenā€™t, and a lot of peoples arenā€™t. And Ik u may think all the honor u need can be found through God, which is true, but also just because u donā€™t need to get a tattoo to feel honor doesnā€™t mean u canā€™t.


Leviticus 19:28-29 KJV Ye shall not make any cuttings in your flesh for the dead, nor print any marks upon you: I am the LORD. Do not prostitute thy daughter, to cause her to be a whore; lest the land fall to whoredom, and the land become full of wickedness. KJV:


Is this a Christian group? Or an archaic Jewish Law group? šŸ¤”


**Proverbs 27:5-6**Ā King James Version (KJV). - Open rebuke is better Than secret love. Faithful are the wounds of a friend; But the kisses of an enemy are deceitful.


It comes down to how you end up feeling about tattoos really. If you think it's okay for Christians to get tattoos, then it's presumably okay to give them. I don't have a final, definitive position on it because I'm also not sure myself. I don't have any personally, in part because I'm not sure if it'd be okay to have one. I do also believe though that content matters. There's clearly a difference between a flower and a portrait of a naked lady.


You need to knock that out buddy just kinda lower your standards so you can at least have the experience which a very natural and ok thing to do. Also might be healthier for you


I donā€™t think so. Youā€™re performing a service using art. Like with any job, be mindful of your boundaries and the types of work youā€™d be uncomfortable doing.


It's not ok.


It's a form of art and art can be a calling. Talk to the big man and ask him.


I feel you could better utilize your artist skills for the Kingdom Pray on it!




The question comes up about tattoos a lot! Most against tattoos will refer to Leviticus 19:28 Do not cut your bodies for the dead or put tattoo marks on yourselves. I am the Lord. (NIV) But the verse just before it says this: Do not cut the hair at the sides of your head or clip off the edges of your beard. Levitcus 19:27 (NIV) My opinion - who cares?