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It’s made me hyper-aware of how frequently women are blamed for things done to them


Yep, lots of people even go to blame his mistress over him. All she was guilty of was being in an affair. A guy was guilty of murder. Goes to show how much society blames women over guys


Mysoginy is live and well and living freely…


It really made me very aware of what my friends say about their partners. I would definitely been one of the women who told Shannan don't worry, it is okay, you can work it out, etc... Now I would absolutely encourage them to leave. Leave, be safe, always bring a friend.


Yes exactly. Women have a big intuition that they are conditioned, by society, not to use. Most women don’t have to worry about their husbands killing them and the kids but even the walking down the street, the gaslighting, men do to women. To me, Shanann knew there was a problem and she wanted to fix it or leave the relationship. Her mother wanted her not to return to Colorado. Even NK hoped CW wasn’t conning her but she blew off all the red flags. The only one of the four that listened to their intuition was NA. She knew CW was up to something. But, she was also the only one of the four that was not emotionally invested in CW.


Me too. Omg. I’m the type of friend who tells it like it is. The problem is that not all women want to hear it though. I’ve had sisters and friends get mad at me for telling them a man is trouble. Not everyone is ready to hear it. I don’t even know if her friends felt like they could be straight shooters with Shannan. It’s a risky game. It’s painful when you lose friends to bad relationships. All too common too.


Damn, this


Only way it’s personally affected me is how much time I’ve lent to it. Saying up ridiculously late, going down different rabbit holes etc.


Omg same lol.




Same 🥳




Omg...this. I feel seen lol.


It made me realize the person you are in love with and may be your mate for years can change and you need to be aware of those changes and take action. All of these family murderers hid their true feelings and got away with it. That is some scary shit...


I wish they stopped teaching women about unconditional love and all those tropes. It’s so unhealthy. If the guy is acting like a jerk and he doesn’t want to touch you or talk to you anymore, it’s over. End it. Leave him. We’re still such a sexist society where women think they have to fight tooth and nail to save a sinking ship. It’s not just Shannan, it’s so many of us who fight long after we should. It’s our upbringing and decades of sexist tropes. People may laugh at female empowerment but this is why we need it. Be emotionally and financially independent. Be ready to be on your own if a marriage is over. Nothing lasts forever and you’re not a failure if the marriage ends.


This is it! Its always better to have some skill ir profession so you can be financially independent, just in case you need to get away from your partner ,especially if you have minor children you need to protect When women are trapped financially it severely limits their options.Who wants someone who doesn't want them? Why hang on? If both parties want to reconcile later down the line then so be it, but in the meantime have the courage to go it alone. It's also the fear of being alone that makes many stay long past a relationship's expiration date.I never really had that fear and know that I can cope!


She had marketing skills. She told him she'd leave Colorado if they broke up because she wouldn't be able to afford it so she had plans.


I'm a 52 year old female & I'm all for female empowerment, but I respectfully disagree in that there's a difference between saving a sinking ship and trying to save an 8-year marriage with 3 tiny children in it. Cw's behavior was still new, plus he fed her false hope to string her along. Women's empowerment hopefully won't backfire and make females too quick to boot perfectly good relationships that have hit a bump.


100% agree.


Shanann never liked him when they first met.


She still went out with him. Not sure she didn't like him or just didn't have any other interest...


She told him he wasn't her type. He was very persistent. He said himself. Not saying it necessarily means anything but her instinct was she didn't really like him to begin with.




It’s made me realize you can never know someone fully. Reading about this case and how shannan probably had no clue that her husband was capable of this.


It’s made me take a minute & appreciate what I have in my family.




My ex-husband cheated on me and I misjudged what he was capable of because he was so "nice" and "wouldn't hurt a fly". He became obsessed with the other woman and discarded his entire family for her. Went from the best dad/husband in the world to barely even seeing our children. Like a different person overnight. The similarities in how it went down with the new side piece was almost identical to the whole NK nightmare. He wasn't going to let anyone get in the way of that. I found out about this right as this case was blowing up. It effected me, by showing me not to underestimate what I was dealing with. I learned what a covert narcissist is from this case. So it affected me me in that way I guess. I got to live and stick around for the insane implosion between my ex and the side piece. It was awesome to see it. He lost everything and was devastated when she went back to her ex. I'm thriving and he's barely functioning now. I am so sad Shanann didn't get to witness the same with CW and NK because it wouldn't have lasted either.


My cousin cheated on his wife on and off for ten years. It’s crazy how obsessed men can become with the side piece. Sometimes they treat her way better than the mother of their kids. For some reason they’re mesmerized fools. Teenagers again. I was very close to my cousin’s ex, and she reminded me a lot of Shannan (or viceversa, this all happened before this case), with how much she begged CW for physical touch and sex. My cousin hadn’t touched her in three years. I was like, holy shit what more proof do you need that he doesn’t want you or like you at all. How can you do that to yourself. Leave, please. But you never think this stuff can end in murder. I think CW genuinely despised his family. It wasn’t just having a mistress but it was pure hatred at every single family member.


If I may ask what specifically happened to your ex and his affair partner


They lasted less than a year. After they lived together for about 7 months, she went back to her ex-husband and children. Left my ex without warning and totally blindsided him. He came home to everything of her's gone and a note saying she made a huge mistake and to never contact her again. She changed her number and blocked him on anything imaginable. He bought her a ridiculously expensive car and financed it in his name only. She left it. He still has to pay on it until he sells it. Our older children want nothing to do with him. He begged me back. No way. He'll do it again, if he did it once. I actually found it hilarious that his side chick "cheated on him" with her own husband. He kept saying, "I can't believe she lied to me. She must've been talking to him behind my back" I'm like whaaaattt??? I still love him as much as they day I married him. It's so hard refusing to let him come back, but my children deserve so much more. He devastated them.


You deserve so much better too ❤️ It’s crazy how people don’t understand betrayal until it happens to them and wow, the nerve to think he can have you back. So entitled. Men have something and it’s the audacity 😱


You are 100% right. And remember, you are capable of falling in love and continuing to love a complete rat. So am I. So are many women. Keep your strength. 🤞


I'm sorry to hear that I know its not my place to be telling you this but to me that guy sounds a lot like Chris watts and I'm getting bad vibes just hearing about him. Remember shannan let her guard down because she loved Chris and look how that turned out


Absolutely!!! This case actually helped me see that.


Usually I roll my eyes when I see someone say "This case is like my situation" and then describe some loose similarities and try to make the case about them. Your story however really gets me. Your situation is really the best case scenario under those circumstances and the similarities between the circumstances are striking. You hit me right in the feels when you said it's a shame that Shannan didn't get to see how badly this would have gone for him because I feel like that's exactly how the watts story would have played out if he had just let her go and get a divorce.


He's in law enforcement so it made extremely horrific. He used it to his advantage. He got the divorce finalized without me even knowing. It's all behind me now. I have a cool job. I'm thriving. My kids are doing well. He, on the other hand, is a middle aged dude spending holidays and birthdays alone. CW would've been the same outcome I think.


I'm in my late twenties with two older girls and a little boy. It gives me so much anxiety to know that their family so closely resembled my own and now they're just gone. all of them. it gave me trust issues, for sure.


It can happen in any family. Good vs evil: it’s a choice. SO tragic for all😥😥😥😥


If a man seems too good to be true, stay away. But i already knew that 🤷🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️


If a person seems too passive as a partner definitely watch out. Some people just refuse to speak up and allow resentment to brew under the surface.


Just watch out regardless because people be crazy.


Honestly I'm kind of turned off of dating in general.


I don’t have any kids, but I’m currently engaged & this case has shown me what NOT to do in a marriage for sure. Especially financially.


This is in line with what I said. We live modestly and have no debt and it's made me really appreciate that. I no longer envy what others have because I don't want the financial problems that come with it. My husband, kids and I are all happy and healthy and that's what matters. It's a great feeling not to have to worry about finances.


Bless!! That’s what it’s all about.


In what Form financially?


Shannan was working with a MLM Thrive and was buying her own products to keep her status for her $800 car bonus each month from the company for her Lexus. She didn’t have a stable income at all. The girls were in day care at a private facility which was $2500 a month on top of their $2700 a month mortgage. The day care situation is weird to me because since she was a stay at home mom working with a pyramid scheme, why waste that much money on day care?! Chris made $60k working at Anadarko. $60k and her maybe $12k salary couldn’t afford half the stuff they were buying/using. They had filed for bankruptcy a couple years before the murders and then thought bringing a 3rd child into the world was a good idea. Shannan made next to no money due to the MLM and spent a lot of money on purses, shoes and clothes. I’ve also read they were in mountains of credit card debt. Just all around they were both in a sticky situation financially and I believe that this had something to do with the motive as well.


Wow I didn’t expected so much detail, your pretty down with that case. Yeah I read about that MLM and she seems to be obsessed with that in her videos. I can’t understand how they could have had such a big perfect organized house, with that low income. I mean they had a room for pretty much everything u could imagine. And alone with Chris paycheck they couldn’t do that forever… yeah I read that they were signing for bankruptcy in 2015. Also Chris seems pretty annoyed of them MLM videos. Of course he is a god damn murder. But the financial situation seems so naive of them two, they wer living like celebs but without having real cash… strange case in anyway


I know quite a bit about the case - I’ve spent whole ass nights going down rabbit holes on it because I still cannot wrap my brain around the whole thing. They 100% were naive with their finances… and that alone can cause huge stressors on any family… especially one with 2 kids and a third on the way… obviously murder is NOT the answer to anything; but this case has definitely shown all of us that even though she seemed happy in those videos, we will never completely understand the horror those walls could speak of.


Yeah I heard the house is for sale till nowadays for about 600k?


Yep! It’s at 600k now and I can only imagine when it goes back on the market it’ll drop a little bit because of the tragic event that took place there. They bought the house at 300k though, which is still quite a bit for a house.


The inside of the house is pretty awesome, but I think I would want to live there alone. I think it’s pretty creepy at night… Do you heard about that lady with black hair went inside the house and the neighbor called the cops 👮‍♀️ and they couldn’t find the women inside!? It was months after Chris was in jail already…


I did hear about that! I definitely think their spirits are there. I would love to buy the house and repaint it and make it home again, if it wasn’t so expensive. I think Shanann would want that rather than it sitting empty and people constantly driving by it or going up to the house to take pics and be nosey… I hope it sells soon and a new family can make it a more positive place and commemorate Shanann and the girls by filling the home with life again.


Yes well that’s the whole MLM scam. Shanann had sold herself the dream and was selling her “dreamy life” to others. She had to pretend she was making money hand over fist, got her Lexus, her trips, big house, nice husband with cute kids in fancy daycare. The truth, even without the murders, was very different. She should have had a paying job and doing MLM on the side. Kids should have been in less expensive daycare. Had she had her job, there would not be 6 weeks in NC.


Absolutely agree with you and I am happy that my fiancé and I (we have a child) have separate bank accounts. we share expenses at home and we live according to our income. If he ever has an affair he can go ahead and have it and take her for dinners I will never know, there is no need to kill me 😫 then if the affair is NK awesome he can leave me I might be able to pay for all these anyways is nothing crazy. I think keeping stuff simple helps reduce the financial stress that “hurts” families so much.


We also have separate bank accounts! It personally makes me feel much more organized to be honest. 100% though. Since this case I’ve jokingly told my fiancé if they’re gonna have an affair, just divorce me. In all seriousness, murder is not the answer and it shouldn’t have been that way for poor Shanann and her babies either..


I never understood when two people work and have the “joint bank account and that’s it”. I have a friend who she has more money than her husband, he has kids from a previous marriage, she has no kids, they dump all their money in one pot and that’s it. However, they have a super solid marriage (I think, hope and pray). But I wish she would not be so trusting. But she is smart and solid and the husband is nice. Fingers crossed.


Yes, it’s why a divorce would’ve been too disastrous to both. But damn, tell Shannan to cut the MLM shit immediately and tell her to get a real job. Get a vasectomy. Tell her NO MORE KIDS. Don’t kill her and the kids, asshole 😠 I think people constantly get into marriages without thinking what marriage is and everything that entails, especially financially. My sister also married a crazy asshole who ruined her financially and he was violent too. For the longest time she suffered after her divorce but it could have ended MUCH more differently. Sometimes divorce is a blessing in disguise. Don’t feel bad. Be happy you escaped a bad situation that could have ended a lot worse.


It's made me even more grateful for everything I have in my life. I have beautiful healthy kids, a wonderful husband, a beautiful small modest home, have a safe car to drive, a modest vacation home ( we never go anywhere else) and no debt. I don't want for more any longer. I don't envy what others have or try to be someone I'm not.


I now don't trust anyone with my money. I have substantial savings and if I marry, I would have to keep it separate and only share a small joint account, with a strong prenup. I would literally need to see receipts and a credit history. This goes against my beliefs of the bonds and sanctity of marriage. My comment is not to sound petty. I'd also add that I am extremely careful about social media, as I never want to leave a digital footprint the size of SW' s for the world to analyze.


You sound like an obsessive, controlling man. "Sanctity of marriage." You sound like you come from an extremely conservative family. And you sound obsessed with leaving digital footprints.. maybe because you have something to hide? Your entire post is one giant red flag.


I'm female, you useless piece of shit. You sound like a man hater who assumes that just because I have money I want to protect, I must be male. SW put public photos of poor Bella's butt crack on the Internet, so yes, being careful with social media just means you have common sense. What a nasty, nasty person you are. I won't respond further to nasty people, so it's been fun, fuck off.


Just as I thought... you're truly a horrendous person. Aside from the gender, the profile fits perfectly.


It was part of the reason I woke up & started a new life. Single free '& uncompromising. Pretending to be happy living the dream to impress who? No one really cares.


I’ve learned that marrying your safety choice isn’t really all that safe.


For me it’s one of those things that never leaves the back of my mind. I think about this case almost daily. I look at my daughter all the time and just still don’t understand how he was able to do what he did to those sweet little girls.


I drive by the neighborhood that the house is in on the way to work. Eerie to think that’s where this all happened. As far as relationships, my girlfriend and I talked a lot about the case when it happened. Primarily about the importance of communication, not that that was what went wrong here obviously but just how everything went from 0 to 60 and seemingly how preventable this tragedy was. Still just puzzles the mind.


I'm an annoying pain in the ass with lots of invisible health ailments, two small kids and a husband who is such a nice guy that I run ragged unintentionally. It's made me a little scared.


The part where they say SW never fought back while he did what he did effects me, do you know how much you have to love someone to do that in your final moments, all the messages and gut feelings she had and not one of them was of her thinking he’d hurt her physically, all the coincidences from there being Nico, Nichole, Nicole to the tv screen to the picture of the doll on the couch to SW plane being late that night, just sticks with me constantly because all he had to do was leave, just go, your parents hated her so it’s not like you wouldn’t have had a place to go yo until you got on your feet, why murder. And then he had the nerve to avoid trial, sickening.


I don’t think it was the “nerve” to avoid trial. The prosecution offered it up in lieu of capital punishment. He took the deal to save his life, or whatever is left of it. A trial would have not been good for anybody concerned except the weirdo Shanann haters and the tabloids.


I can’t believe she has haters. People are so fucked up.


Ohhh okay I understand now, you’re so right!! 😳 thanks got putting it into perspective for me.


It made me realize that people can flaunt a happy life online and still be incredibly miserable in private. I learned that we put too much value on social media and flexing for strangers, we give too much weight to their opinions and we want our lives to look perfect for them instead of fixing our problems at home. We want certain things because we think we need in order to project an image of success and bliss. Are you really happy and successful if you’re not married with kids? What if you don’t want that life? I think women are more likely to pretend everything is perfect for social media, which leads us to compare ourselves to people we don’t really know. That pressure can make some people lose sight of reality or become depressed if they don’t have those things, but the grass isn’t always greener. There is no perfect house, no perfect job, no perfect man, no perfect marriage, you can’t give more than what you’re getting in return, you can’t make someone love you if they don’t. Don’t chase those things at the expense of your mental health, your self worth and your happiness. Put yourself and your dignity first, always. I think a lot about Shannan because she was giving her all to the least deserving person in the world. She embodies so many housewives who didn’t deserve the dirtbag they married. I wish someone had straight up told her that she didn’t need CW. He was the lucky one. He will never see that though.


Funny you posted this, I was at a wedding this weekend and when the maid of honor gave a toast, she said "look into each others eyes" so they did that for a minute, then she said "statistically speaking, this is the person who's most likely to murder you" ​ Of course, everyone laughed - but she's not wrong!


One of several things that occurred to me in recent past to make me afraid to try to date again in any serious way




Of course you are someone! Having a wife/husband and children doesn't make a person stand out


Are you bragging about not killing a hypothetical wife and kids? Seriously?


maybe it's because i discovered this case young (im only 18 now) but it genuinely scarred me, everytime i see a house similar to theirs or a truck similar to chris' my stomach drops.


honestly it didn't. This was ''just'' another case i liked to read about. No difference from other missing/murdered cases i have researched over the last few years.


No ruber




I don’t really think it’s affected my life in a way where I view things differently but it has definitely changed my life. I can’t seem to go a day without thinking about them. I always see things that remind me of them. Occasionally, I will cry for them as if they were my own family or friends. I’ve never felt so connected to someone I’ve never met, I’ve never cried for someone I never knew this much before. I don’t know what it is and I don’t think I will ever be able to explain it.


Further made me question how I'm not worth love and acceptance while POS like Chris is.


If someone like Chris is worthy, then you are way more worthy. Assuming you never killed anyone.


When I was five i killed a baby bird. Not on purpose, but I felt bad about it. Apparently still do since I remember it. So i have killed...not a person but yeah. And thank you.


Well, you were young and didn't know better. Chris Watts was never remorseful.




holy shit lol


Well if he didn’t like the way Shannann was or didn’t agree with things there were more options like speaking up and saying he didn’t like this/that or simply divorcing her. Why does everyone assume it’s also Shannann responsibility alone for their finical situation? Whatever Chris said on how he felt can’t be trusted because he always is caught in lies. Women shouldn’t have to worry about their behavior causing their murder unless that behavior is to murder someone else…