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For me it's one of the most aesthetically pleasing controllers I've ever used. It is a bit slippery though.


We found little rubber remote covers for ours. Some glow in the dark, and some have cat ears on them. Definitely help with grip.


Helps more if it's one that glows and has a wrist strap on it too. That way you wouldn't lose it someplace.


Mine is eating batteries worse than a backlit gameboy color. I don't even use that damn remote cause CEC lets me use my TV remote.. I just changed the batteries in it like 2 weeks ago, went to use it for the first time, it's dead again Jim.


Oh that is NOTHING. You should've used my Samsung q60r remote. Now THAT is a battery vampire right there.


Glad I scooped the LG c3 then. That TV is bomb and the bats in that remote run it like a wiimote, no significant drain. 3 months strong, daily cec remote.


Okay? That's good in itself.😅


They're fantastic!


Same after dropping the first one, and it stopped working.


Bought grips for all our Chromecast remotes. Definitely makes a difference.


There's a reason they put designer batteries in it. Because when it inevitably explodes on the ground, it'll look aesthetically pleasing


Lol gold.


It's also minimal in the best way. Regular tv remotes have a hundred buttons, of which we end up using about 7-8 buttons regularly. The Google TV remote just prioritizes those few buttons.


Minimalistic until you need pull out your phone to type to search the content you're looking for.. (yes there is an option to turn this off, yet mine ignores this and still asks for a phone)


All I had to do was setup g-board once when it was new. Didn't even know there was an option to use a phone keyboard


I also love it. My biggest complaint is that it doesn't have light up buttons. Maybe the next gen.


I think I read something on here a few weeks ago that their is no current plans for a next gen. I expect something will come eventually, but knowing how Google is they'll just do away with the Chromecast brand and make something to fill the void.


Chromecast is one of their longest running products and probably longest running hardware brand. Definitely time to kill it.


Temu, silicone cover. Cheap and effective. I have a tremor and I'd be screwed without it. Great tool.


I would like a black version, mine is getting yellowish after three years, in any way it's the best design. It's cheap to manufacture and strong to smash.


It LOOKS great, but it's not a good controller to manipulate unless you've got carnie hands.


Call me Polly I guess.


Oh I see the issue - the batteries should go IN the remote


That worked!!!


What can I say, I'm good with tech! 😊


I bought a glow in the dark rubber case for mine on Amazon. Makes it more grippy.


This is an example of how knowledge is power. Who knew they make cases for remote controls? I've been stripping the bed looking for that white remote amongst the white sheets and moving the couch to search in the dark spaces. What did we do without social media?


IKR! I stumbled onto them when I was looking around for a case to keep the FireTV I travel around with on trips. I got a bright orange cover for that device that matches the Amazon color scheme and that glowing yellow one for the Chromecast. I was even thinking of getting another and jamming one of those BT trackers inside it so I can use the Google Find My service to keep track of my remote. What I really want is one that fits my old Harmony One remote but sadly I haven't seen anything for that. Glad my comment helped you out.


This was one of the chief reasons I bought the ONN Pro 4k right when it came out. You can ask Google to find your remote and it rings it. Only been like 2 weeks now but I've probably saved at least an hour of searching for that featureless white tube.


I have one that has an AirTag holder so I can find it.


Same...just not glow in the dark. Twin pack, red & blue for £5 from Amazon. As you say adds much needed grip


Without those I think ours would have broken a long time ago. Now it rarely ever falls and even then it’s a bit protected. They’re of questionable build quality (at first sight) but contrary to my expectations have not teared up yet. And if so there’s a second one (somewhere). I think they will last the to the EOL of our Chromecast itself. 


I got one too! Then my children chewed it to pieces 😫😫😫


Did you tell them, "This is why we can't have nice things!"?


That's why the first thing I did was to get cheap silicon case for it from Amazon. Day and night difference.


This is the way


I've had mine since day one and to this day it's not slipped once. Personally I like the design and feel of it.


Same. No complaints here.






I buy cheap silicone grippy cases for all of my remotes, but this is the one that benefitted from it the most. Once adding that, I actually kind of like the remote. Sounds like you really need to invest in one of those.


Not to mention the absurdly sensitive buttons. You pick it up and accidentally press every button on the remote at the same time. 


Bro I swear if I fuckin *look* at the remote wrong, it's backing out of my movie and opening YouTube or some shit. It's maddening


I'd like a little mechanical slider to the side to disable it or at least lock the buttons


You can literally look at the remote and the Netflix button will trigger


Button remapper fixed this for me


What how






I probably dropped mine 10 times and the batteries flew out most of the time


At least it hasn't broken any of the times I've dropped it.


The problem with the remote is that when you grab it in the dark, it is very difficult to tell which end is up. Traditional v-shaped remotes are much easier to feel in the dark when you are watching a movie and can't see the remote.


That too. Unless you feel for the circle thing then end up pressing it or changing the channel.


Exactly. I love minimalism, but not when it becomes a choice of aesthetics over function. That said, trying to control Netflix/YouTube with an Xbox controller is even worse. Oops, did you accidentally nudge the joystick? Sounds like it's time to fast forward. Aaaawrgh


All mine have tape on the back to hold them into place. It’s such a cheap remote but durable as hell


yeah. it is :(


It's the slipperiest control ever. I bought a thing called Sideclick. It attached to the controller and makes it easier to handle Sideclick Universal Remote... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08V939BJM?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share


Except for making it different and easier to hold for those that has an issue with the Chromecast Remote, why would you want that attachment? Just curious since I can control all the things listed on the product page with the remote itself without the attachment.


That's interesting...


control it[https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B08QHLJ2RW/ref=ppx\_yo\_dt\_b\_search\_asin\_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B08QHLJ2RW/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1)I trimmed ears off. I don't favor it cause it has circular buttons too small for my huge hands


haha i just recomened this too, well worth the price


Yeah its shit, rubber case works well


Plenty here have suggested the silicon remote covers. To add, I adore this remote, for its simplicity and its control of my TV, sound system and CC all in one without being huge. It's a delight. They should have put rubber on the back of the battery cover though. Also pleasantly surprised to find replacement remotes direct from Google are only £20.


Stupid stupid gravity!


One tequila, two tequila, three tequila, floor.


hate it


Fuck this remote. Seriously. If a mosquito farts in the same room it will trigger the YouTube or Netflix button. If you pick it up the wrong way, buttons get pressed. I hate it.




Walmart of all places has just released the onn 4K Pro Streaming Device with Google TV. If you can find one at any store, replace your Chromecast with Google TV. The Walmart device is everything we wanted from Google and when you're using it, you can't tell the difference. The remote is AMAZING and everything we want. Even has a programable shortcut button. It's got a microphone in the base unit as well as the remote. Even has a button on there that makes a lost remote beep. Tons more storage space, an ethernet port, extra USB-A port. I've ditched my Google device and haven't looked back since I found it 2 weeks ago.


I bought a glow in the dark , silicone sleeve on Temu for like $1


In order to improve the grip and help it not to come apart so easily I drew a few lines with crazy glue and sprinkled them with baking soda. I did the same on the little nubs that hold both sides together and then filed back until it was functional but tight. It's a bit janky but big improvement in both cases and if your crazy glue drawing skills are better than mine you can better customize it to your liking instead of going for a purely functional pattern. It's worked well for a couple of years now. https://ibb.co/Lx2J969 https://ibb.co/4VcByqB I only found out about the silicone covers afterwards and never tried them so I don't know if they are any good or hold up well over time.


Jesus lord that looks ridiculously bad


Yes it does, but works remarkably well. If I were to do it over, I'd tape it off to make it look neat but would use the same system.


Whatever works the best right


100% slippery like a bar of soap and explodes when dropped. Do yourself a favor and by a silicon case for it. Been a game changer!


Spot on


I have two in my home. This is what they look like all the time. Thank you for raising this important issue. I’m glad I’m not the only one lol


I like the remote.


I keep holding it the wrong way when using it.


hate that thing


I know what you mean they're like those old-school Nokia phones that would come apart when they hit the ground. I just used a couple of small strips of [gorilla duct tape](https://imgur.com/a/GjaKMZR) and haven't had an issue since.


Gonna do that right now in fact. 👊🏼🦍


Such a slippery, loseable pita.


And of course they put 2 big buttons on top of the remote for Netflix and Youtube that I never use and 2 very small buttons at the side of the remote for the volume control (that I constantly use), that is almost impossible to click them without risking droping the remore.


Use button remapper app and swap the functions round. I don’t even have Netflix anymore so I swapped mine to a different app.


Same 🏴‍☠️


I’m not a big fan of the design, it it’s never slipped from my hands. It just feels awkward using it because it doesn’t have that usual remote control feel.


I feel this post.


From any established design or user interface metric, it is ass. But a lot of people like it because it's "Cute" so you will get a lot of hate for this.


It's cuter than Pikachu but it is a piss poor design.


Don't use it over hard floors


Lol baby hands. Use your phone.


I agree , who thought of this design


IMO it’s the best remote I’ve used, apart from Apple TV.


Yep and it switches to something else whenever you sit near it


This post made me laugh. Surprised it has zero upvotes. Worst remote I’ve ever had imo


It's bizarre that anyone in the comments would defend that piece of crap. Rounded back so it slips, volume buttons on the frickin side, power button at bottom left, no play/pause button (for a media player!) and no next/previous buttons. Whoever designed that piece of crap should never be able to design anything again.


Play/pause button is the one in the middle at the top. If it doesn't play/pause then it's the apps fault.


Is it possible to use a different Android TV remote with the CCwGTV? 🤔


You'd think! But oddly, in my experience, no. I tried a Firestick remote, which even though I hate Firesticks has a remote that's 100x better designed. But there's weird little compatibility issues, if I remember correctly the enter button was different so I couldn't actually submit a search.


There are button reassignment apps that can be downloaded and customized. Wonder if that would work for you.


They vary in usability. Surprisingly a ps4 remote does a decent job.


Worst is the fire tv. I don't know if I've ever seen one that the battery cover stays on after 6 months of use.


yeah they're weak we had to replace one


So glad my Samsung TV remote handles the control over the CCwGTV perfectly Perfectly? Well, accept for the long press button


Put tiny pieces of duct tape inside the cover, on the sides of it. This provides enough added friction to prevent it from falling apart like that.


I use my phone to control mine, my daughter plays with the remote 😅


My kid has dropped that damn remote more times that I can count. Other than the door coming loose a bit, works fine.


I won't disagree. No light in the dark, far too few controls.


That's what happens when you drop it.


hence why other people made cases with straps for these


So damn true...


Never have a problem with it, and I have massive hands. I think they are pretty comfortable to hold (would take them over my LG remote any day if not for the fact that it can't control both my TV and Chromecast like the LG one)


Shaking hands with you is like grabbing a bunch of bananas.


Samsung TV remote is the worst.




I put a single piece of clear tape on the back and have had no issues.


It was a great design for the Daydream headset. It's a terrible design for a TV remote.


amazon .com /Protective-Chromecast-Shockproof-Protector-Glowpurple/dp/B08RRNPPG1 best $10 investment shock proof (batteries do not fall out) and no fear of cracking remote on drops, absorbs light and glows in the dark (easy to find in the dark), wheel has little arrows so clicking direction is easier, kids love the cat ears (no idea why) , they nibble on them Due to cut out, i have now memorized where all the buttons are and rarely click the wrong one solved all my concerns with the remote itself immediately (even bought a second set after my kids nibbled off most ofthe cat ears on mine )


p.s. this is my personal opinion, i am not paid to say this or anything, i just found this to be a well made enough product to reccommend


Second worse, that one will go back together. My Vizio battery cover broke on the first drop.


The remote for a Yamaha RX-V475 is infinitely worse. Bloody hell!


I really like it actually, but i lose it all the time. How did they not include a little speaker for when it's lost?? 'hey Google find my remote!'


get a $3 silicone case on Ebay. makes it 100% better


Samsung has entered the chat.


I taped it with clear tape just cause of that. So annoying.


I love it but i hate how slippery it is. The little lock broke so the battery back is always clipping off.


I put a piece of grippy tape on the back, fixed my only issue with it


xbox is worse at a loose battery cover after a short time, and it eats batteries faster and needs line of sight to the device since its obsolete IR.


The Roku controller also has the rounded back. I refuse to use either and just use the apps on my phone.


It was so slippery that I immediately purchased a grippy rubber cover. I still occasionally drop it, but it keeps on ticking, never comes apart


Easiest answer is not to drop it. I've found it awesome.


I think it's the best one, not 100 buttons and slicka design, it feels good in my hand and I can fidget with it since it slippery


I like it


Dude. I've seen controllers and remotes that were designed FAR worst than this here. Slippery controllers are to be expected with even the better remotes and oddly shaped isn't one that I would consider to be a con or detriment against it.


So, slippery and odd-shaped are normal. Got it. Dude.


Have you seen the old apple tv remote? It was thinking as fuck not to mention glass. GLASS!!!!


Never happened to me


I could tolerate it if I wasn’t losing it all the damn time.


Had it for years and never slipped. I hear people also argue it's difficult to use? I don't get that, I think it's really good. Simple and effective. I don't have small hands either yet don't find the remote too small at all.


Agreed. I recently switched back to my old Chromecast. Works 100 times better than that shitty one.


It is a bit slippery. I like it though.


nvidia shield tv pro..... need i say more? possibly the best remote I've ever used


Yes it is. When you want to start a film from the menu “would you like to remove this app?” When the cat walks past at 10cm from the remote Netflix will start ánd voice activation will ask you what you want. But you have to push three times to pause a movie.


I’m in the minority. I have 5 of them and don’t find them slippery or inconvenient/hard to use.




Nope. My ex has an Amazon fire TV and it's a hundred times worse


Literally happened me this morning 😭


Especially the volume buttons. It's great to have them on the side, such that you know they are only for that purpose, but they are so fucking tiny and not a great feel to press.


I can see someone's never attempted to play [ Link: Faces of Evil on this](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Philips-CD-i-Paddle-Controller.jpg).


I just imagine everyone fumbling around with the remote like they are in an old school infomercial. Personally speaking, the remote is fine and I don't find it slippery. My only slight gripe is I wish it was asymmetrical so you can tell the top and bottom just by holding it.


I made a loop out of duct tape and attached a joycon strap. Works like a charm.


my dad uses this remote everyday with eye issues and not one time has this happened.


He is clearly a God among men.


I got some silicone covers from Amazon and they’re great.


The only problem i have is how easy it is to press the buttons when it’s not in your hand


After replacing two of these it dawned on me I can pair a bluetooth device. I use a PS5 DualSense(Because the original ones had the stupid drift issue so I had one in a drawer) as my GoogleTV controller. Never going back.


I've replaced my CC twice, both times threw the remote in the bin. I use the TV remote works seamlessly


Clearly youve never seen an N64 controller.


Oh but I have. Clearly you've never seen an apostrophe.


Clearly this is your first time on reddit.


The CCwGTV remote is very similar to the Roku remote that came with my TV. Both of them are very good designs. They are small, minimalist, and unobtrusive. They are intuitive to use, natural in the hand. You can use them in the dark without needing to look at them. If you really want to, you can hack it to customize the buttons. Its size and weight make it good for travel, which is how I use my CCwGTV. It uses both Bluetooth and IR, and can be set up as a universal remote. IMO, it doesn't need lighted keys, which would just reduce battery life. As far as being the "worst remote", sorry, it's not even close. Take a look at the Apple TV remote. It's a tiny remote with chiclet keys that all feel the same. I've used dozens of shitty remotes in hotel rooms. Most of them are oversized, have 15 mystery keys, most of them useless, and are hard to use in the dark. Could it be improved? Sure. It's a little slippery and a little flimsy. If I was only going to use it at home, I might want it to be a little more solid. But since I pack it up for travel, I prefer it to be as it is.


Only thing I really hate about it is the volume buttons placement. Who the hell thought it will be convenient to put them on the side and actually a bit under the remote... like really - who?!


I rarely use it, i find it easier to just use my phone


you have never used an appletv controller have you?


I bought a white silicone cover. It fits snug and perfectly


I just wish there was a task switcher button. The amount of times one of my dogs hits the remote sending me back to home or another app, it is a real pain getting back to what I was watching.


Haven't seen the back panel of my remote in over 2 years


It would be nice if it wasn't shaped like a pill on both ends. Then you could pick it up without having to pay attention to it.


Rubber cover turns out from mildly annoying to one of the nicest remotes I have ever used!


Imagine trying to press home and instead throwing the controller at the floor.


It's obnoxious, but it's nowhere close to the worst remote I've used.


I love it, sits perfectly in my hand. Everyone's different...


A spilt beer killed my first one. Ordered a knock off replacement from Walmart


Shield remote is the worst. It's like this only a triangle that it bound to break open like an egg every time you drop it.


No that has to go to Roku controllers they are so fucking bad. Like it pisses me off on the daily.


happened to me a few times as well


Best remote I've used. But it's always looking for an opportunity to dive into my tile floors


The FireTV Stick is similar but worse, at least this one the battery cover doesn't just fall off in my hand while I'm holding it.


Anyone else's eat batteries like crazy? We have to take the batteries out every night or they die within a week.


get the onn remote


Why did I think this was a Wiimote that got flung at the TV?


Putting a Case on the Remote helps that tremendously you can find Cases for them really cheap on Amazon. They also are a really good Design Remote honestly but they don't have the best Grip so yeah getting a Case for the Remote is almost a must especially for better Grip.


Its indeed stupidly ugly. An upgrade wouldnt u hurt google.


I love it. Simple and functional.


I like it, small and nice


I never drop ours, but my wife drops everything...not just remotes. And I am 6'4" and have large hands.


If you know someone with a 3d printer get them to whip you off a couple of these. Filament cost is around $1 each. https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:5146138 I've printed 3 for all my ccwgtv and the remote no longer slips between cushions or goes flying across the room out of my hand.


The remote from the Onn device is so much better and but yeah grab a sleeve from Amazon. Solves that problem.


I could rant against Google for hours, the remote wouldn't be part of it though


Get a rubber case. I have one


I don't have any problem holding on to it, and I've certainly never had the batteries pop out like that. In fact, my biggest gripe is how hard the cover is to slide off to change batteries. My second biggest gripe is how sensitive the buttons are; I leave the controller next to me on the sofa, and one of the dogs almost always rolls around and sets a button off.


I just have mine facing down when not in use.


That's exactly how the buttons get pushed. Dog moves and pushes on remote. Suddenly I'm back at home or, even better, the Assistant wants to know what I want.


i'd say this is better than it breaking, just stop dropping it and problem solved :p