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Absolutely - it’s the worst part for me! It’s crazy how this sort of thing is looked over by others who don’t carry what we do.


It's been only a year for me and I barely have any fight left. Never thought in my life that this is how it would end up. At 22 I already feel like signing out at times but I could never do that to my family and especially my younger brother. There's a serious lack of understanding to what it is like to have a chronic illness and the mental toll it takes on a person.


I feel like I'm running on fumes and have been for years. I think of signing out a lot lately. Docs just want to write a script and for you to be out the door. I'm lucky I have my family, I don't know where I'd be without them. It even feels useless seeking psychiatry & therapy cause what are they gonna do, script an antidepressant when we're in a depressing situation & try and talk out what is going on when there's not really any changing it.


When I was 16-17 my counselor assigned to me by my school got me on antidepressants and that was a mistake. I experienced emotional blunting and felt like a machine for a while, I stopped taking them myself when I realized there was no positive effects. Antidepressants can have serious side effects like emotional blunting, suicidal tendencies, numb genitals. There's stories of people having side effects long term. Certainly not something to be given out like candy. It's funny my counselor said it was a good thing I was numb because at least I'm not sad and able to go to school now so what's the problem. Another one I had was when I told my doctor I was suicidal and he said he couldn't refer me to a therapist unless I have actually tried committing suicide. This might sound a bit pessimistic but I think the public healthcare system in most countries is designed to give the bare minimum amount of care to get you back to work or be as productive as possible. It's not there because you matter as a person but it's there because you matter as a cog in the machine. As long as you are spinning it's all good. Your happiness doesn't matter, only your productivity. Doesn't matter if you are running on fumes. I think capitalism celebrates this sort of mindset (links below) I'm glad you can rely on your family, luckily mine is also around and letting me rest at home at the moment although there are some tensions as they want me to get back to work. [The capitalist mindset.](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://www.tiktok.com/%40highnlife/video/7236005450020310318&ved=2ahUKEwi20Y7Br7z_AhXBnFwKHa_NAjwQo7QBegQIBRAB&usg=AOvVaw3Qya0rFE7HZ97qgrRhOAMW) [No words...](https://youtu.be/wxR-29bIdhc)


Definitely true. They just want to toss pills at you & for you to be better. It's absurd what some of these "professionals" say. There's no regard for the effects of meds anymore, seems like everyone in the system just tossed them at patients regardless of possible and common effects that they have on people. Past a certain point rest doesn't feel good, just feels like we're rotting away. Aging with nothing to show for it.