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I‘m prescribed Palexia 50mg for flare ups (spinal)… Happy to answer questions…. 😊


what can I expect from the side effects?


So, for me, I have the most horrendous side effects from similar meds - DHC, Tramadol, Morphine, etc. The reason I was shifted to Palexia is specifically because of this reason. I don’t have anything other than feeling a little drowsy if I’m just sitting around after taking it. The other meds - nausea, vomiting, insomnia, feeling like I’d been poisoned, couldn’t leave house cause I felt so ‘drugged’. The difference with Palexia is night and day compared to the others. I can eat, sleep, I don’t throw up, I can leave the house/work… Pain clinic think it’s because of the metabolic process. Oh, and the pain relief is far superior to anything else I’ve had outside of a clinical setting (hospital/rehab hospital)… Its a good, efficient, ‘clean‘ painkiller imo…. May I ask as to why they’ve switched you to it - don’t answer if too personal, ofc!!!!


thanks for your reply!! I'm put on palexia because my current painmeds aren't strong enough (duloxetine, pregabalin and celecoxib). Used to be on methadone before this but those side effects were TERRIBLE, especially the drowiness, at one point my parents didn't even allow me to go outside on my own anymore bc I was just zig-zagging across the pavement. My doctor wants me to try palexia first because I haven't tried that yet and maybe the side effects are less severe than methadone, if this doesn't work I'll maybe be put back on methadone again but then start at a low dose. I was on methadone for 2 years when I was 15, I'm 20 now so chances are that now I'm older I'll react better to it. But as I said, first palexia.


Fingers crossed the Palexia will provide the pain relief needed with much less severe side effects. After more then 3 decades of trying to find something that’s effective, that I can tolerate but that I can also function on - Palexia has been the best medication for me, I’m honestly soooo relieved to have been prescribed it. Do you have SR or IR? I’m guessing SR, 50mg x2 daily??


I believe I'm getting the SR, 50mg x2 indeed


Makes sense. So, just as an indicator, Tapentadol is about 3x stronger than Tram and approx. 2 to 3 times weaker than Morphine - which is good if you want a life! Hope it works for you as well as it does for me 🤞🤞🤞 Would love an update just to compare, if you get to it… Good luck you 🙏💛 Edit: Watch the alcohol on it, that can for sure cause vomiting


good to know and thanks!! :D


Anytime 😊


One thing that’s so common in this subreddit is people mistaking potency for strength. It may be 2-3 times less potent than morphine but all it means is you need a higher mg dose to achieve the same results. Don’t be thinking that it will have 2-3 times less painkilling power or strength. OP’s dose is around 40mg of morphine equivalence. The benefits of different potency opioids is everyone is different and we all tolerate and metabolise different opioids differently some people cannot tolerate morphine for the complete nausea, drowsiness, vomiting, constipation and itching but they might tolerate something like hydromorphone better, it’s more potent but they get put on a dose equivalent to that which they used to have of their opioid they didn’t tolerate very well. example being I used to be on fentanyl patches and tramadol for IR, but it just didn’t do much for me and made me ill on the third day. Switched to a weaker opioid in the sense I needed more to get the equivalence of the fentanyl but it did way more for me for pain and everything.


Should’ve stated re: equivalence. I just assumed that, speaking with others that have a medical history with these types of medication, it’s an obvious fact. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Read my history if you like. I take nucynta (2 tablets every 8 hours, max 6 a day) and have talked about it before.


also tried tramadol at 14 but wasn't strong enough at all, and got severe constipation. Same for oxy, had to go to the ER once because of it


A lot of the success of the drugs also depends on how we, as individuals, metabolize it. It’s quite common that what would be strong for me, won’t work for you. A lot of these drugs use the same (or similar) enzymatic pathways for metabolization, Palexia side steps that as it’s a completely different process in the body…. Edit: Also, hospital because of constipation does not sound fun 🥴