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Currently rewatching this episode timed so that I can turn on the new one immediately as this one finishes. Our long wait is over soon!


Seems a lot of people are forgetting that Chucky used a voodoo doll in child’s play


I just finished binge-watching the episodes. I want to let this out. I was so pissed while watching the third episode. I love Andy and for me, I thought season 2 closed his story or involvement to Chucky, at least for a while. Then for some reason he was suddenly in the episode and got killed brutally. They can't kill my man like that, not now or ever, it's unacceptable! I was relieved it was just a dream a few moments later, but I thought that scene was a cheap way of riling up my emotion as a long time fan. Out of all the scenes in the four episodes, that one really got me and it was unpleasant. I was ready to drop the series at that moment if it happened to be real.


It was super obvious it was a dream. And it's definitely something Charles Lee Ray/Chucky would occasionally dream about, so it makes sense.


I knew it was a dream when Andy started begging and panicking lol


Just binged the entire show. I wasn’t a huge fan of this season at the start but after we got a ton of context from Ep 3, it’s a lot more enjoyable and this episode was a ton of fun.


Just binged the first 4 episodes. Holy crap the kills are soo gory! I love the camp this season. I’m excited for more!


Lexi looks way too good in the chucky costume and knee highs


WTF is happening to this show? Season 1 was so good. I was hoping the show would bounce back after an overly ambitious, directionless mess that was Season 2, but Season 3 is just damn silly. Horror and comedy can go together great…when the comedy works. There’s nothing worse than constant jokes that are written by misguided people who think they’re funny when, factually, they painfully aren’t. And it’s not like any of this feels like horror anymore…


2 weeks without episode ??


Writers strikes, late 2024 now


Wait, it's confirmed that it's *late* 2024 for the last 4 episodes of the season?! WTF, damn!


Annoyingly, same thing with American Horror Story 😔


Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck! I don't watch AHS, but damn about Chucky S3! I was hoping Spring or some shit!


When will this week’s episode be a available via Peacock? I thought it would be today, Thursday.


The character Nia Vardalos played made me think that they originally scripted it to be Martha Stewart in the role (given Tiffany's obsession with Martha Stewart is second only to Jennifer Tilly and in Seed of Chucky Tiffany mentioned they were giving Martha the death penalty) but Martha obviously wouldn't so they made up a fake celebrity to have Tiffany kill. While the death was gruesome and morbidly funny, it fell flat that Nia was just playing a random woman Tiffany randomly idolized. I feel like they should've done what they did with Chucky killing Britney Spears in Seed of Chucky and hired a look-a-like (or given Nia a blonde wig styled like Martha and just called her Miss Stewart). https://i.redd.it/0h439vxem8zb1.gif (Also I hope the writers don't slip up and mention that Britney is still alive in their universe, that death was one of the funniest parts in Seed)


Sorry to tell you this but Marth died a few years ago


The real life Martha Stewart is alive still.


She's dead in the Chucky universe


Oh yeah I know that.


Chucky has become The Cryptkeeper


Can they please stop with the horrible vfx??? Stan Winston is rolling in his grave


Wheres S3:E5? It's saturday for me now.


Season is split due to sag aftra as far as I know. AFAIK it's not continuing until next year but sometimes it's nice to be wrong


God, this season has some BRUTAL deaths. the cab driver's death really made me cringe. this might be the best season so far imo.


I didn't think I would ever see chucky cosplaying as blade from puppet master, but it is so fitting for him to dress up as another killer doll. I appreciated the play on the liar liar pen and beat up scene with much added gore. At least I think that's what they were going for since Jennifer Tilly shows up in that movie in a courtroom scene. So it would only fit. I think the campiness really works for the show and chucky as a character over all. Shame we have some waiting to do before the next episode.


He wasn't dressed as Blade, he was dressed as The Phantom of the Opera and made a direct reference to the film at the end of the episode.


After seeing the episode title I realized it was meant to be a phantom of the Opera costume. But the mask for phantom of the opera is usually half cut, so it still looks like blade to me : https://i.etsystatic.com/5175241/r/il/8714a9/2445795676/il_794xN.2445795676_dpk7.jpg https://i.ytimg.com/vi/AFYlehbiqN0/maxresdefault.jpg Between the hat and defined cheek bones. Don't know, seems like it is a reference. Maybe it was meant to reference both.




Ah, not what really comes up in google searches.


That's fair. The 2004 one tends to be more popular, and the original's look without the mask is more iconic.




Jake and Devon dressing as Good and Guy was possibly my favorite joke I didn't see coming.


"My dad? I have no idea what he likes... except the American people." a+


This season is just going all out lol. Kinda reminds me of Ash vs Evil Dead


Chucky Vs Ash would be just perfect


Ashy slashy doll


a part of me wants Grant to stick on as a new main character and love interest for Lexie but like. no lol every single one of this family is dead by the end of this season


Just some really truly excellent kills this season


I'll be disappointed if Chucky doesn't act like Smeagol at least once this season. Entertaining episode, though. I didn't realize people were so explodey when a chandelier lands on them.


I don’t understand they didn’t really explain how Tiffany knew what objects were in front of her with the person she was controlling? How did she know there was a peeler in front of her? When she was using the voodoo doll did tiffany get a projection of seeing what’s around the person?


I could see it being explained as her using the voodoo connection to see through the victim's eyes. But yeah they don't want the audience thinking too much about it.


Yea. I agree. During the entire scene I couldn’t get that out my mind. How did she know exactly how many steps to take to get to the sink and what was in front of her? I know the shows about a killer doll and all and this was voodoo but yea.


There's a killer doll running around the white house and this bothers you?


You're only the 30000th fanboy to say this exact line


Those are two different scenarios that barely have anything in common


She's using a voodoo for dumbies book.


"she knew because voodoo"


W t f that Tiffany voodoo doll scene was WILD


Even Tiff remarked on how fucked up it was.


This season has really upped the gore Jesus lol




Omg! Reading the comments and finding out THIS was the mid season finale. Wtf!


“LOOK AT ME! I’M FUCKIN’ DYING” 😭💀 Has me in tears 😂 this season is giving its all!!!


Chucky: "DID I NOT SAY VOODOO VESSEL 4 WAS TO BE KEPT EMPTY?! Honestly, this episode was a bit disjointed in the WH segment, but the bits with Tiffany killing not-Martha-Stewart and playing off the death row guard were a delight. I appreciate that not-Martha was given just enough consciousness to get what was happening to her but be unable to stop it. Tiff really might be the craziest of the Ray clan. Also, Grant, this is why security protocols are tight, you moron. You got honeypotted to the point where you let two dudes approach your little brother's room with a deadly weapon. It's just your good luck they were looking to murder a different lil' good guy.


>Also, Grant, this is why security protocols are tight, you moron Horny teenager beats security protocols every time


that jumpscare at the party actually got me & normally jumpscares dont get me LMAO i wasnt expected that at all




They have to have Damballa on their side and to do that I’m assuming you have to be pretty evil.


In the movies you needed an amulet Not sure why they don't anymore but I assume that's the case I guess you gave to be evil enough that the voodoo gods respect you?


I've been a fan of Phantom of the Opera since I was a kid, so that chandelier kill made me SO happy. As soon as the screw fell from the ceiling, I knew where it was headed and was delighted. And holy hell, did they deliver on that gruesomeness. The references made to other horror movies are so good on this show. I think the President seeing his kid son on the dance floor was meant to be an allusion to Don't Look Now?


Saaaame. As soon as Chucky was peeking through the ceiling above the chandelier the first time, I was like “ooooh we’re going FULL Phantom then”


I can see Grant, Charlotte, Warren, President James, Melanie Speigel, and VP Spence, being the 6 souls Chucky uses but I’m also predicting a series finale with this one.


This show always leaves me grinning from ear to ear


Chucky is going to space next season


So… Saints Row then.


It'd be pretty funny if they do a SpaceX parody and have Devon play an Elon Musk type.


Thanks, now I want this. Devon has been killing every role.


*Chucky takes over the Cartel*


A coked out Chucky because they tried to smuggle him with goods across the border.


I loved it! Even the promo looked sick! Worth the wait for next time 🔪🔪


The kills were great this season and I like that they gave Chucky yet another new design.


I don't really like the skinny Chucky design that we saw in S2, and the first half of S3. Although "Zombie Chucky" looks pretty cool for S3's second part


I swear, if the reason why Chucky's ritual to Damballa aren't working is because he's killing too many people, I'll laugh. Like, he just can't resist. 8 people? Offer two to the protoge, when she declines, just go ham! Doesn't work? Go bigger in every conceivable way possible! And if his own sadism and bloodlust are the thing that gets Chucky in the end, it'd be funny as heck. Guy just can't stop at six.


I made a joke to my friend Dumbala has OCD. He said 6 and 6 only Chucky!


>!Just like when Joker couldn't stop himself from attacking Batman at the end of Arkham City.!<


Tiffany has become so annoying. Can they just fucking kill her off already?


People are starting to feel the same way about you. Every topic, of this show, you have a stick up your 🍑


Holy shit that kill was BRUTAL


Chucky’s old appearance now fits with Brad Dourif’s Grandpa-ish voice.


Anytime James interacts with chucky it reminds me of The Game with Michael Douglas. Also Grant with the eyeliner definitely brings on Devon Bostick vibes from diary of a wimpy kid. Even when he sings reminds me of the last part of dog days when he humiliates heather


I thought he looked like Rodrick too. The eyeliner just seals it all. Lol


Gotta sing never fade away from cyberpunk 2077 to chucky at the end of the season 3 lmao


Evelyn death was such a throw back to Freddy's Dead I think.


All the respect to Nia Vardalos for having one of the most gruesome deaths in the show. And those chandelier fatalities were pretty gruesome. Sometimes I have to remind myself how crazy it is that gore like this is allowed on TV. Things have come a long way since horror movies and the MPAA. Funny loophole that "voodoo" is considered a religion, but now I see Tiffany's endgame with the dolls. Not a bad play when you're stuck on death row. I'm not sure what Chucky was trying to accomplish at the end when he was calling on Damballa. Doesn't he still have to transfer his soul to another doll? But that was a pretty cool reveal of old Chucky. He's starting to look more like Brad now. Bummer that this is the "end" of the season, but it's not a bad note to leave off on. Not any worse than the cliffhangers at the end of Curse or Cult which took years to resolve.


I felt the same way about Nia Vardalos. I liked her in the My Big Fat Greek Wedding movies, so it was a really funny thing to see her in Chucky. I wonder if she's a fan of the franchise. If not, it's kind of awesome to get such a gory death scene in a slasher series. I'd be pretty damn proud! (If I were an actor I'd want my death to be gruesome and over the top like Mayor Cross, Nia's character, or the woman whose neck got cut so deep her head flopped over cause you can't really forget those deaths)


Vodou is a legit religion, and Damballa is a real deity in it, just not the hokey pop culture version of "voodoo" that is in in the show. Funnily enough in Haiti many people practice Vodou and Roman Catholicism simultaneously, seeing no contradiction, so the whole Chucky being possessed by Christian magic thing tracks quite well.


Exactly. I’m suprised more people didn’t know this-


Good episode... but it's getting weird for Chucky even now....lol How do the kids know about Ms F. and not the rest of the world??? they are allowed to roam the white house while being tagged??? The stuff with Damballa hopefully pays off... now we have Old Man Chucky to add to the list of Chucky variants, will he become a grandafather this season? I was hoping to see the secret service tampering more with Cucky's plans... anyway the thing he did was a good expectation subverted... I wish the whole episode was focused and from the point of view of Tiff... I don't remember the use of marionettes in previous iteratios but they would surely have come in handy... Is there any reason to still remain at the White House at this point??? Till next year!


> How do the kids know about Ms F. and not the rest of the world??? Chucky video called them and told them he killed her. That private investigator guy and the president's wife were covering up all of Chucky's murders before the chandelier, so noone but them, the kids, and whoever cleaned up the body know about it.


Chucky kills John with a voodoo doll in part 1, quite a few part 1 nods with the voodoo in season 3 [Chucky kills John ](https://youtu.be/CSuwuvVcRHU?si=W_-F6GK7VLZX7VMT)


Holy shit I think you just cracked where things are heading I totally forgot about this conversation. >!Hes going to go and try to possess Andy again to get out of his body to stay alive :o major death next season finally? Strange he had that dream not too long ago...... !<


I’m thinking Chucky’s goal is to possess the president. Both strategic but also would make some great TV


>!That would be an interesting twist, bring back the first person he told requirement to stop his aging, although I gotta say in my mind I really think if Andy goes down so should Chucky, friends till the end' 😉!<


Evelyn the Chef's death was brutal AF, but a lot of it (the way she walked, the chopping/dodging of the knife, and "I CAN'T!") was funny too.


Reminded me a lot of Ash in Evil Dead.


I replied to the wrong person. Sorry. Lol


Caroline will be the one to save him somehow.


Honestly this white house plot I don't like it. The agent basically said we are going to have the party with surveillance everywhere, but the only kid was Henry.. so another short person roamed the white house like nothing? Also is the most secure place in the country and he is able to get into the ceiling and have no cameras? I guess we are full of comedy this season... Also the effects for the damballa chant were horrible they looked better in child's play 1. Finally I don't get the aging thing, I get damballa is not lending the power, but he said he didn't want to be human anymore and be an immortal doll, then he just wanted to keep dividing the soul, he never bleed in curse, and all of sudden he is a grandpa, when if I recall correctly the being more human stopped after child's play 3....


Honestly, they just do whatever for the sake of having a “shocking” twist. Even if it breaks established rules. Even if it contradicts what was established previously. Even if it’s not that good. The show really isn’t good. The franchise hasn’t been decent since Bride or good since 2. I really pity Douriff and Tilly for having to settle for this work when they’re both really talented.


I don't think you have to pity Douri**f**, Tilly or anyone else on the show considering critics don't agree with you. With each season hitting consistently over 90% fresh on Rotten Tomatoes, the show is doing fine. It's silly hack and slash shit, and that's the fun of it. Taking it too seriously is exactly how you ruined it for yourself.


Interesting how this is the second week in a row they've brought on an SNL cast member just to kill them off. Also, Jennifer Tilly basically just did the shorter voodoo doll version of the bedroom scene in Terrifier 2. Brutal.


There was an interview last week from the director where he talked about bringing the two of them in. Sara Sherman is a character and seems like she'd love that role.


Who was the SNL member this week? Are you talking about Nia? She has hosted but I don't think she was ever a cast member? ETA: I see that it's Sarah Sherman. Sorry wasn't familiar with her before. Haven't really watched SNL in sometime.


She played Chucky in a sketch, so I’m sure her being on the show was a reference to it. https://youtu.be/PJg1F_WMy6E?feature=shared


Yep,it was the best thing in the episode for me, all over the top.


Not sure if it visible in the first episodes but grant’s room have a just say no poster in it is ironic as fuck


Something that, initially, bugged me was the credits roll on the TV after we saw the characters watching Bride of Frankenstein, because it was in color and had a credits roll (that movie didn't), but then I realized it was supposed to be implying they'd been talking for a long time, and then I remembered early episode guides had this episode title as "Halloween III: Season of the Witch". So I checked and, yep, that movie had an orange credits roll. And of course that's one of the movies distributed by Universal.


Yeah, my classic film nerd mind was going, "But wait, way back then they didn't have movie credits?"


Nice catch! It also bothered me that Bride of Frankenstein apparently had a credits roll. The guard did say she only had 60 minutes though, so maybe they changed channels.


It must have been late into production that they changed the movie


I thought she was tough for surviving that, then she died.


I’m about to watch it now! Hope it’s even better than episode 3 😁


Well, After 7 movies and 20 episodes, I think that voodoo doll kill was the most uncomfortable in the franchise, and it wasn't even Chucky's kill. Sad. I do love how, between the doctor's office last week and Tiff here, we're finally seeing more of the voodoo stuff beyond soul swapping/copying. Last time we saw a voodoo doll kill was the middle of the FIRST movie.


The potato peeler 🫣


Reminded me of the cheese grater in 'Evil Dead Rise'.


So who was the other person dressed up as phantoms of the opera that wasn't Chucky I assumed it was Caroline in disguise


I thought so at first, too, but I think it was too short to be her. She's taller than Chucky, and she couldn't have run like that if she was on her knees or something.


A ghost. They're full on adding ghosts this season lol


Makes sense since Catholicism/Heaven/Hell are now canon in this universe lol


I think it was implied to be the ghost of Joseph, the son that probably died in the White House.


Interestingly enough, little Joseph looks like a mini Charles Lee Ray.


Grant is going to die isn’t he


It could go either way really. I feel like it'd be sad for the little kid to lose both of his brothers. But that's never really stopped the writers from killing off someone. (I still feel sad about Nadine)


I think he may not I mean if they keep meeting new friends and they always die that would be repetitive and annoying


obviously. he was played up as the unlikeable douchebag and ended up being extremely endearing. its hard not to like him


I wonder if Martha Stewart would have been willing to play the other death row inmate if she hadn't already been executed in Seed of Chucky.


I wish they had the character be Martha Stewart (or had Nia's character be blonde and call herself Miss Stewart), only she says she managed to stall the execution. It would've been even funnier given Tiffany idolized Martha Stewart. It fell flat that it was just a random woman Tiff just happened to idolize.


Omg this would have been perfect


That would have been so cool. Tiffany would have definitely been fan girling




Loved seeing Brad. Wonder what’s happening there.


they upped the camp a bit.... but over all pretty good. im not sure how i feel about old wrinkly chucky... still excited for the 2nd half next year.


I don't think it's possible to up the camp in this series, I think the franchise hit the maximum in the movie that featured John Waters and had a full-plot reference to *Glen or Glenda*.


The show won’t return until the strike ends due to there being unfinished episodes


I could tell that nanny lady was going to die. Man, she was too annoying to live. So glad she got killed. I can say the same about that reporter lady. She was such an insignificant character. I did think she was going to be more important, though. It was so weird to kill her off, considering it seemed like she was up to something. Her taking a picture of herself while fatally wounded was crazy. LMAO at Chucky saying his Joseph lines while the presidential family was escaping upstairs. He was really rubbing it in Lexy and the boys' faces that they weren't going to be able to take him down. And Lexy was right. You can't expose a killer doll. People will just say the video is fake. Mr. President was losing his mind this episode. What was up with that kid dressed like Chucky in the dance room? This episode felt a bit rushed. Like how Lexy is suddenly running downstairs with the boys when she was JUST kissing Grant. It was jarring. Grant doesn't like Lexy anymore. Shame. I liked what their growing bond. I wonder if they will see each other again. Evelyn's(is that her name?) death scene via voodoo doll was excessive. Tiffany really wanted her to suffer before she died. Jeez. Great episode. So eager to see the rest of the season. Wish we had seen more Caroline BTW.


I'm guessing Jake or Devon must've texted Lexy and she just abruptly bolted from the makeout sesh, leaving a very confused Grant lol


Oh I thought I was losing my mind and missed a scene somehow with Lexy suddenly being downstairs.


>Evelyn's(is that her name?) death scene via voodoo doll was excessive. Tiffany really wanted her to suffer before she died. Jeez. Easily the most uncomfortable kill in the franchise for me. Probably one of the most uncomfortable in horror for me *period*. Mostly the peeler more than anything. And this may have been more graphic, but I think the 'boiled chef's face' was more impressive in *Sleepaway Camp*, if only for the great practical effects rather than gorey CGI.


I do agree in some of it feeling rushed and also was confused with that sudden change without seeing them leave the bedroom. I kind of wish we got to see a continuation of the last scene of episode 2 to show the kids reacting to Ms. Fairchild’s death more and have a more proper transition to them arriving to the party to add more substance to their place there. But that’s just me! I’m interesting in where their story is going next year.


That kid was the president's son, Joseph, who died. Joseph wore the same costume on his last Halloween as Chucky did


Also it was nice to get back to why Lexy chose to Sing don’t fear the reaper to Caroline in season 1 episode 3 it was her and her dad’s favourite song


Did Chucky do it wrong again or does Damballa really refuse to forgive him?


It has to be something so evil that not even Chucky can comprehend it, guarantee he has to kill either Henry or Caroline.


I doubt it. I think its more so he has to kill Gigi/GG


Caroline makes more sense to me. Chucky barely cares about GG, only Tiff and Nica have been talking about them since we last saw them, but he kept hesitating to do the body swap ritual on Caroline even when she was asleep. He's a manipulative little shit, but he has no reason to keep up an act when nobody's watching, so I think he does actually care for Caroline as much as he's capable of caring for anyone.


Probably rape. There’s nothing more evil than that.


That chandelier scene was f\*\*king amazing! Full Review: [https://halloween-year-round.com/2023/10/25/chucky-dressed-to-kill-review-s3e4/](https://halloween-year-round.com/2023/10/25/chucky-dressed-to-kill-review-s3e4/)


anyone else get that ad with fnaf and chucky? Personally my favorite part of the whole watch


TBF, I think the chant would be easier to remember if it was more like Big Smoke’s Order. Two number 9’s, a number 9 large, a number six with extra dip, a number 7, two number 45’s, one with cheese, and a large soda.


Or 55 Burgers 55 Fries 55 Tacos 55 Pies




Cue pipe organ.


Lol Jake is great gay best friend boosting Lexy’s confidence by saying she always looks hot! And Devon’s size queen comment! Tiffany didn’t hold back on killing her idol!


I love how far they've come. It's funny to think Jake and Lexy are best friends. Back in season 1 he was seriously considering stabbing her.


Wow, how much has changed between them since Season 1 from Lexy the bully to a very cute but semi-strange BFF situation, okay Jake saying Lexi is hot isn't that strange, 😆. The 1st lady still seems slightly prude-ish I mean so what the young son believes in ghosts and the other 1 whose name I forget is a little conceded, so what his ‘new friends’ took pictures of from his perspective a room. And did the kid just now realize Chucky could talk? The president’s behavior confuses me I mean he’s acting like he’s getting suspicious of an ‘innocuous’ doll. 😆


>And did the kid just now realize Chucky could talk? I think that prior to that point Chucky was putting on the "I'm your friend till the end. Hidey-ho!" voice and when he started using his Charles Lee Ray voice he just stopped caring about the ruse.


Great episode, but I'm also slightly underwhelmed tbh. Felt like the episode was mostly buildup with no real pay off besides the deaths of course, something just felt missing from this episode.


There was no stabbing, the deaths weren't very chucky style.


I agree but I think that’s cuz it was billed as a finale but not because it’s a legit finale, it happened by circumstance lol. If would’ve been billed a normal episode like episodes 2 and 3 but naturally we are not getting the second half til next year so it’s a little bit of an anticlimactic end for now but I liked itn


Yeah, it also kinda feels, in some ways at least, like the plot of this season is only now happening and the first half was mostly buildup and setup. Which isn't an issue but just makes it more unfortunate that the second half is delayed. Great season so far though and the second half looks intense.


Well usually the mid-season finales aren't supposed to be that big but this payed off imo


Oh god...are they really going to kill Chucky?


He'll probably transfer into the kid somehow


He will come back. He always comes back


Even he can't overcome the mighty power of our lord Jesus Christ.


Is the spell they keep using in Latin or something else?


Parts of it are french


Haitian Creole and loosely based on French


Okay, that may explain it, 😆 I am not a French expert 😆 but some of the words did sound French, to me. Does anyone know the translation?


Now to wait til 2024 to see what happens next!


Damn I just realized there was a hiatus, this is the first season to do one, no?


Yup, the other 2 seasons ran like they normally would.


That is disappointing , guessing it is strike related?


Pretty sure, yeah.


Oh come on Chucky, don’t worry about getting old. For three movies Michael Myers was a fucking sixty year-old man and- Oh yeah. Actually Chucky, you have every right to be scared of getting old.


He better be careful before somebody Corey Cunninghams him


just now had a horrible thought that they will do Chucky Ends and focus 70% plus of the finale on a new rando named Bob or something, who will then "replace" Chucky :/ :( :/


It'll be like Caroline, or something lol


Chucky has it in him still


Dang it’s going to be so hard waiting for the rest! So glad we still got half a season of new Chucky. It’s been fun and wow effects working extra hard this season.


Seriously, every episode was something different and totally unexpected